"Mhirdrun" is a roleplaying sim project on SecondLife, which is attempting to create a positive environment for advanced roleplayers while indulging in the nostalgia of old-school RPGs and Tabletop.
Mhirdrun is paid for entirely out-of-pocket, and run entirely non-profit, by "Phiona.Mercy" (A.K.A. "Dominant Drowess" on AOL), who is best known for her work on "'The City of Llorkh' A Forgotten Realms role-playing sim" in 2011. Recently retired from military service Phiona has hand-chosen a group of volunteers known for level-headedness and their professional manner, and they are creating a roleplaying environment on Second Life.
First, Mhirdrun requires a few things from you:
You need to be a legal adult with a mature mentality.
You need to be willing to do an inordinate amount of reading.
The first time you participate in Mhirdrun, your viewer is going to ask you about some permissions. You need to say "Yes" to participating in the 'Mhirdrun: Table Top RP' experience.
You are all but "required" to play more than one character unless you plan to have your character lead a very safe life. Many things can take your character temporarily out of action, or at least prevent them from participating in dangerous adventures continuously. You are encouraged to do these "alts" on the same account, and the HUD is designed to support it.
Key Features currently planned for Mhirdrun:
Table-Top RP using a heavily modified Apocolypse World / Dungeon World rules system.
A system designed to forward the fiction quickly toward a conclusion: Typing takes 40 times longer than speaking while sitting around the gaming table, so we chose a system there a 'Miss' is not a wasted round with no effect on the story.
A flexible, in-game character sheet HUD that is secure, easy and fun to use, allowing you to keep information or statistics secret for added suspense, but also allowing you to share statistical information for purposes of peer or admin review—announcing changes to your character sheet in real time.
Six distinct zones linked by roads and transitions including the Urban environment of Mhirdrun, and the underground dungeon of The Crag.
A policy of "The Fiction Comes First" in a persistent world, protecting Player-Character agency over the desires of groups, OOC factions or cliques—no player, nor faction or group has any OOC authority over the behaviors of other characters within the fiction.
We are attempting to create an environment of "controlled chaos", "exploration," and "experimentation" and for your enjoyment. If you want to kick in that door, and RP killing a bunch of NPC's, but enemies aren't online in your time-zone? You are welcome to do so. Just be aware that while you are act freely - others are allowed to respond freely to your actions.