Beyond Basic Moves, there are a few other things in combat to keep in mind:
Starter Moves
Starter moves are moves you gain for choosing your class. Many have little to do with combat, but some provide additional benefits to you in combat.
Damage Mitigation
Some moves will let you reduce the damage coming to your character, or even negate it entirely as a free action. You can only use one such move per encounter. You can not "stack" damage mitigation or negation moves. Armor of course is exempt from this.
A few classes can gain spells, either as the Cleric or Wizard's Cast a Spell move. Spells function like normal moves, but you must have mana equal to a spell's level in order to cast that spell. You can only cast spells explicitly provided to you by your class spell list or by additional appropriate moves.
All spells have a somatic (hand-waving) and verbal component: that means if you are bound and/or gagged you can't cast.
This extends to all possible magical effects, such as shapeshifting, Til Death Do Us Part, and Curse
Damage spells always ignore armor
Ongoing spells always always end when you Last Gasp or dismiss them at will (no need to wait for your turn).
If a spell says Ongoing it applies a -1 ongoing penalty to cast spells, unless a spell or move explicitly states otherwise
Control spells lock someone in place, dictate their actions, or otherwise inhibit their ability to act or perform. Control moves always allow for their target to make a saving throw to resist it, using the stat dictated (DEX, CON, WIS, etc). You get one saving throw in the turn you are first hit with the move, and another one in every subsequent turn you suffer from the effect. If you are affected by a control move you can't be affected by any other control moves.
Some Control spells make you Lose a Turn. This allows you a saving throw only once, but it also ends on your next turn.
Some Control spells make you Helpless: The target becomes vulnerable. If broken by damage, the target takes +1d4 damage and its attacker treats any result of 6 or lower as 7-9
Self-Casting, which means casting spells on yourself is not allowed, unless stated differently in the spell.
Pre-Casting Spells/Bringing Magical Effects into Combat
You can gain the benefits of ONE magical effect (Shaman's Til Death Do Us Part/Help From Beyond, Wizard's Mirror Image spell, Druid's Harmony, or any Ongoing spell are examples) before fights start. If you had more effects active, you will have to decide which one you keep active.
Level-Up Moves
Level-Up Moves include Class Moves, Advanced Moves, Compendium Class Moves, and Domains. These can only be chosen when you leveled up and can sometimes augment your Basic Moves, Starter Moves, and Spells. You can choose only one move upon leveling up.
Multiclass: Some Level-Up Moves are Multiclass moves, allowing you to select a move from another class. You can only ever choose a move from a standard class, and it can never be a Starter Move or another Multiclass Move, nor can it ever be taken from a list higher than your level (if you are level 5, you can't multiclass to take a 6-10 move).
Any and Every Level-Up move can only be taken once (1 time)—this includes multiclassing moves!
Bonuses are added to your dice rolls, as specified by the move that provides them. Bonuses generally come in four varieties:
+n Forward: A bonus that reads something like "take +1 Forward" or "take +1 to Hack&Slash" means you can apply the bonus to a 2d6 dice roll as you please, but only as the move which provides it allows (for example, if something provides +1 forward to Last Gasp rolls, you can only apply it to a Last Gasp). These bonuses never stack with each other, nor accrue; a new +n Forward bonus overrides and replaces the previous one.
Exceptions to stacking: if something provides +n to damage or healing it stacks with other damage or healing; if a move explicitly states a +n is added "in addition" or "on top of," then it can also be stacked.
+n Equipment Bonus: A bonus from equipment lasts as long as you hold or wear that equipment. These bonuses do stack.
+n Ongoing: A bonus that reads something like "+1 ongoing" means you take that bonus to every 2d6 roll you make (unless a move specifies a different kind of roll) until the conditions which provide the bonus end. These bonuses never stack with each other, nor accrue; a new +n ongoing bonus overrides and replaces the previous one.
+Xdn: A bonus that reads something like "+1d4" means you roll a 1d4 die (using the dice button on your HUD) and add the result as a bonus, but only as the move which provides it allows (for example, if something provides +1d4 damage with a weapon, you add the result of a 1d4 roll to your total damage). These bonuses do stack.
Penalties are subtracted from your dice rolls, as specified by the move which penalizes them. These generally come in two varieties:
Debilities: There's a Debility for each stat (STR, DEX, CON, etc) and each debility applies a -1 penalty to its stat. Debilities do not stack.
-n Forward: A bonus that reads something like "-1 to your next..." means you must apply the penalty to a single 2d6 dice roll as required, but only as the move which provides it allows (for example, if something gives you -1 to your next Run Away!, you only apply it to a single Run Away! roll). These bonuses never stack with each other, nor accrue; a new -n Forward bonus overrides and replaces the previous one.
-n Ongoing: A penalty that reads something like "-1 ongoing" means you take that penalty to every 2d6 roll you make until the conditions which provide the penalty end. These penalties do stack with each other, with no limit to how many can be stacked.
-Xdn: A bonus that reads something like "-1d4" means you roll a 1d4 die (using the dice button on your HUD) and subtract the result as a penalty, but only as the move which provides it allows (for example, if something requires -1d4 damage with a weapon, you subtract the result of a 1d4 roll from your total damage). These penalties do stack with each other, with no limit to how many can be stacked.
Hold is a floating inventory, somewhat like ammunition, provided by certain moves. Hold can be gained or expended as the move which provides it demands. Hold from different moves doesn't stack.
Combat Inventory
When you enter a combat encounter, you always start with the following:
5xAmmunition: a single ammunition type for the Volley move.
You can expend one or all of these during combat, but no matter whether you do or not, you start with the same Combat Inventory every encounter.
Optional Combat Inventory
When you enter a combat encounter, you may start with the following if you have prepared them first. Save a log of your preparation; if you have no logs as proof of having prepared these, your opponent may ignore it:
2xPoisons (Thieves only): You can have up to two poisons per encounter, but you must declare which ones you intend to use.
Ongoing spells/Holds/etc.: You can have ongoing spells and holds cast before a fight, but you must cast them within chat range of the people you're about to fight, and no earlier than 15 minutes before the fight starts.
If you expend one or all of these during combat, you must actively prepare them to gain them again.
Here's a flowchart for how combat goes. Start at the top and work your way down. (A more reader-friendly version will be added soon.)
Combat Walkthrough 1:
Here's an example of a 1v1 combat between two characters using only Hack&Slash.
Hack and Slash
Standard Move
When you make a concerted effort to attack an enemy, roll+Str. Attacking makes you vulnerable to counter-attacks.
On a 7 - 9, Choose One.
On a 10+ Choose Two.
You deal your combat damage ... if you have a weapon in your hand. (1dGrit)
The attack does not leave you vulnerable.
The attack opens your opponent up, making them vulnerable after your turn!
You cause a debility of your choice.
Note: Attacking a vulnerable target ignores armor. Dealing damage to them removes this vulnerability unless the individual is also Helpless.
Felix is a Fighter with 22HP and Full Plate armor (3 armor points) and a one-handed sword with the Messy tag (applying a debility on hit).
Mia is a Bard with 18HP and Leather armor (1 armor point) and a rapier with the Precise tag (using DEX instead of STR for Hack&Slash).
Felix gets into an argument with Mia about politics. Colorful words are exchanged. Mothers' behaviors and professions are invoked. Empty ale steins are thrown to the floor in anger. They come to blows.
Felix and Mia roll initiative.
Felix rolls a 6.
Mia rolls a 4.
Felix got the higher initiative roll so he goes first.
Felix the Fighter chooses to attack Mia the Mesmerizing Bard using the Hack & Slash move.
Hack and Slash requires to roll 2d6+STR.
Felix rolls a 12 total and compares his result with the [Hack & Slash] move.
Felix chooses two of the outcomes, because he’s rolled a 10 or higher.
He chooses to deal his damage and to put a debility on Mia.
Felix rolls 1d10 (1dGRIT - Fighters have a Grit of 10) for damage, he has neither damage modifiers from Moves nor from his weapon aside from its Messy tag
Felix rolls a 7.
Mia takes 7 damage -1 armor point (from her Leather Armor) resulting in 6 damage.
Mia lowers her Health Points from 18 to 12.
Mia also takes a Debility from Felix.
Felix chooses the Shakey debility which gives a -1 penalty on all ongoing Dexterity rolls until combat ends.
Felix’s turn is concluded.
Felix has become Vulnerable.
Mia’s turn.
Mia the Bard chooses to retaliate against Felix using the Hack & Slash move.
Mia uses a weapon with the precise tag, which allows her to roll Hack and Slash as 2d6+DEX.
Mia rolls a 9 total (after subtracting -1 from Shakey) and compares her result with the Hack & Slash move.
Mia chooses one outcome, because she rolled a 7-9.
She chooses to do her grit in damage.
Mia rolls 1d6 (1dGRIT - Bards have a Grit of 6) for damage.
Mia rolls a 5
Felix takes 5 damage and does not subtract his armor points from the damage because he is still vulnerable from using Hack&Slash.
Felix lowers his health points from 22 to 17. After taking this damage, he is no longer vulnerable.
Mia’s turn is concluded.
Felix’s turn. Rise and repeat.
Mia’s Health Points reach 0 after the last of Felix’s attacks and she is required to roll for [Last Gasp].
Last Gasp requires a roll of 2d6+CON.
Mia rolls a 2 and a 1 and adds her Constitution of 1 to the roll.
Mia rolls a 4 total and loses consciousness.
Mia is now considered Helpless, healing does not affect her any longer.
Felix drags Mia away by her ankles.
Felix wins and sells the Bard to the local circus.
Combat Walkthrough 2:
Here's a more sophisticated example of a 3v3 fight between 6 characters. The moves they use are shown on the right.
Mia gathers her friends to get revenge on Felix and his romantic life partners. Then there was a FANTASY FIGHT!
Green Group: Bart (Level 1 Barbarian), Felix (Level 1 Fighter), Ilyana (Level 1 Cleric).
Orange Group: Mia (Level 1 Bard), Hermoine (Level 1 Wizard), Duke (Level 1 Paladin).
They roll initiative.
Initiative: 19 Mia, 15 Bart, 14 Hermoine, 13 Ilyana, 12 Felix, 9 Duke
Mia has the highest initiative, so she goes first.
Mia decides to buff Duke using [Arcane Art] (Class Move), choosing +1d4 forward to damage
Arcane Art requires to roll 2d6+Cha.
Mia rolls a 11 total and compares her result.
Mia gives Duke +1d4 forward to damage until her next turn.
Mia’s turn ends.
Bart’s turn.
Bart chooses to attack Mia using the Hack & Slash move.
Hack & Slash requires to roll 2d6+STR.
Bart rolls a total of 13 and compares his result with the [Hack & Slash] move.
Bart chooses two of the outcomes, because he rolled higher than a 10.
He chooses to to deal his damage and to cause a Debility (Disfigured: -1 to ongoing Charisma rolls).
Bart rolls 1d10 (1dGRIT - Barbarians have a Grit of 10) for damage, he has neither damage modifiers from Moves nor from his weapon.
Bart rolls a 10.
Bart's weapon has the Messy tag. So he gets to choose another Debility (Sick: -1 to ongoing Con rolls). "Eat my shorts!" he says, to add insult to injury.
But wait!
Duke, being a chivalrous Paladin, uses his round’s Interrupt to use the Defend move for Mia.
Defend requires to roll 2d6+CON
Duke rolls a total of 13 and compares it to the [Defend] move.
Duke gains 1 Hold on [Defend]
Duke uses his [Defend] to redirect the damage upon himself.
Duke takes 10 damage from Bart’s Hack & Slash attack, subtracts 3 armor points from his Full Plate armor (7 total).
Duke lowers his HP from 24 to 17.
Duke also has to take the Debility from Bart’s attack (Disfigure: -1 going to Charisma rolls) AND another Debility , because Bart’s weapon has the Messy tag (Sick: -1 Ongoing Constitution rolls)
Bart’s turn ends. For choosing two offensive options on Hack&Slash, Bart becomes vulnerable.
Hermione’s turn.
Hermione chooses to attack Ilyana using her Cast a Spell move to cast Magic Missile.
Cast a Spell (Wizard) requires her to roll 2d6+INT.
Hermione rolls a total of 10 and compares her result with the [Cast a Spell] move.
Hermione successfully rolled a 10 even though she's a filthy mud-blood, so she can cast her chosen spell without negative consequences for herself.
Hermione successfully casts Magic Missile.
Hermoine rolls her spell’s damage (2d4 - see right).
Hermione rolls a total of 7 damage.
Direct Damage spells can neither be avoided by Saving Throws, now mitigated by armor.
Ilyana takes 7 damage
Ilyana lowers her Health Points from 22 to 15.
Hermione’s turn ends.
Ilyana’s turn.
Ilyana chooses to use her Cast a Spell move to cast Bless Weapon.
Cast a Spell (Cleric) requires her to roll 2d6+WIS
Ilyana rolls a 5 total and compares her result with the [Cast a Spell (Cleric)] move.
Ilyana failed and chooses her deity revoking the spell and mana equal to the spell level, and becoming vulnerable as a consequence.
Bless A Weapon is not available again for the remainder of this fight and its spell level worth of mana is deducted from Ilyana’s mana.
Ilyana lowers her mana from 2 to 1 and becomes vulnerable.
Ilyana’s turn ends.
Felix’s turn
Felix chooses to attack Duke with a Hack and Slash move using a sword from his magic bag of tricks.
Hack and Slash requires to roll 2d6+STR.
Felix rolls a total of 12 and compares his result with the [Hack and Slash] move
Felix chooses to deal damage and not to leave himself vulnerable.
Felix rolls 1d10 (1dGRIT - Fighters have a Grit of 10) for damage, he has neither damage modifiers from moves nor from his weapon.
Felix rolls a 3.
Duke wears a Full Plate armor that provides him with 3 armor points, so he shrugs the attack off.
Felix's’s turn ends.
Duke’s turn
Duke knows that Bart chose to deal damage and cause a debility when he attacked Mia with Hack and Slash, so the move made him Vulnerable.
Duke decides to act upon that and chooses the Hack and Slash move.
Hack and Slash requires to roll 2d7+STR
Duke rolls a total of 9 and compares his result with the [Hack and Slash] move.
Duke chooses to deal damage.
Duke rolls 1d8 (1dGrit, Paladins have 8 Grit) +1d4 from Mia’s Arcane Art.
Duke rolls a total of 9 damage.
Bart is vulnerable so he doesn't subtract his armor from the damage.
Bart lowers his Health Points from 24 to 16. Ay caramba!
Because he took damage, Bart is no longer vulnerable.
Duke’s turn ends
Combat Round 1 Ends
All remaining Interrupt Moves and Defend charges of this round are are nullified.
Combat Round 2, Standard and Interrupt moves restored.
Mia’s turn.
Arcane Art (Bard Starting Move)
Standard Move
When you weave a musical performance into a basic spell, choose an ally and one an effect:
+1d4 forward to damage until your next turn.
+1 Armor until your next turn.
Their mind is shaken clear of one enchantment or supernatural control.
Then roll+Cha.
On a 10+, the ally gets the selected effect.
On a 7-9, your spell still works, but (choose one):
you are left vulnerable
your magic reverberates to effect an opponent closest to your target as well.
you sacrifice one of the effects of Arcane Art to satisfy the muses you’ve scared off.
you take -1 Ongoing.
On a miss, choose two.
Hack&Slash (Basic Combat Move)
Standard Move
When you make a concerted effort to attack an enemy, roll+Str. Attacking makes you vulnerable to counter-attacks.
On a 7 - 9, Choose One.
On a 10+ Choose Two.
You deal your combat damage ... if you have a weapon. (1dGrit)
The attack does not leave you vulnerable.
The attack opens your opponent up, making them vulnerable after your turn!
You cause a debility of your choice.
Note:Attacking a vulnerable target ignores armor. Dealing damage to them removes this vulnerability unless the individual is also Helpless.
Defend (Basic Combat Move)
Interrupt Move
When you defend an object, a location or stand close and in defense of a person under attack, roll+Con.
On a 10+, you redirect damage meant for the person you defend onto yourself.
On a 7–9, you become vulnerable, but intercept the attack (the attack ignores your armor, then removes your vulnerability)
On a miss, you become Vulnerable until your next turn.
Magic Missile [Level 1 Evocation] (Wizard Spell)
Projectiles of pure magic spring from your fingers. Deal 2d4 damage to one target, ignoring armor.
Cast a Spell (Wizard Starting Move)
Standard Move
When you choose a spell to cast, roll+INT. You cannot cast a spell unless you have mana equal to the spell's level.
✴On a 10+ the the spell is successfully cast and you may cast the spell again later.
✴On a 7–9, the spell is cast, but Choose One Penalty.
✴On a miss, your spell fails. Take two penalties.
The spell and mana equal to the spell's level are lost and cannot be cast until you rest!
You are locked in a spell-casting trance, you become vulnerable.
Take -1 Ongoing to Cast a Spell until you rest.
Cast a Spell (Cleric Starting Move)
Standard Move
When you unleash a spell granted to you by your deity, roll+Wis. You cannot cast a spell unless you have mana equal to the spell's level. All spell levels (and therefore their potential mana requirements) are doubled if you are not a cleric.
✴On a 10+, the spell is successfully cast and your deity does not revoke the spell, so you may cast it again.
✴On a 7–9, the spell is cast, but Choose One Penalty.
✴On a miss, your spell fails. Take two penalties.
The spell and mana equal to the spell's level are revoked by your deity until you rest.
You are locked in a spell-casting trance, you become vulnerable.
Take -1 Ongoing to Cast a spell until you rest.
Hack&Slash (Basic Combat Move)
Standard Move
When you make a concerted effort to attack an enemy, roll+Str. Attacking makes you vulnerable to counter-attacks.
On a 7 - 9, Choose One.
On a 10+ Choose Two.
You deal your combat damage ... if you have a weapon. (1dGrit)
The attack does not leave you vulnerable.
The attack opens your opponent up, making them vulnerable after your turn!
You cause a debility of your choice.
Note:Attacking a vulnerable target ignores armor. Dealing damage to them removes this vulnerability unless the individual is also Helpless.