Player Code of Conduct
Do not use multiple characters in combat simultaneously or toward the same goal or agenda.
Do not create avatars that don't fit established lore about races and classes; abide by the requirements at the top of the races page.
Avatars must be under a 300k Avatar Rendering Cost / 0.150ms run-time memory.
Do not dishonor "the fiction."
Do not provoke or insult other players. Be excellent to each other, even if someone isn't being excellent to you. If an OOC dispute relates to the conduct of roleplay, bring it to a moderator.
Do not bring personal disputes with another player to a moderator until you have first said the magic words to the other party: "please stop," and been ignored.
Do not grief people, spam sound bytes, lurk in RP zones, or wear laggy avatars.
Do not god-mode or power-game. Your character is constrained to abilities dictated by the rules system.
Do not meta-game unless EVERYONE involved in or affected by the RP is okay with it. "Let's go RP at the tavern." etc.
Do not use OOC manipulation, threats, or bullying to alter the course of RP.
Do not OOCly sell IC rentals or favors for IC gain, or offer IC favors for OOC gain.
OOC chat
Do not discuss IRL politics or religion in Mhirdrun OOC chat.
Do not consistently display toxic behavior.
Do not use obnoxious meme-reference or shock-value display names.
There is no official Mhirdrun public discord, teamspeak, or VOIP server. Anyone claiming to be running one is NOT supported officially by the staff. If this changes, it will be reflected here in the rules.
Regarding Conduct with Staff
Follow the instructions of staff in the performance of their duties.
Do not name-call or overtly insult staff engaged in their duties with you.
Do not contest issues with staff in local or group chat; take it to IMs.
Do not argue with staff in a way the staff member finds disrespectful. If you do, you will be given up to three strikes in a 30 day period; the third strike will result in punishment. Players will be notified of strikes one at a time.
Do not reject or ignore RP in or around your rental; all open zones are roleplay zones.
Do not ignore established fiction, lore, or racial tensions with regards to your rental. An ogre should not be renting a hightown apartment next to the keep in Mhirdrun.
Do not ask to have your rental's furniture, terrain, or foliage altered.
Rentals cost 1 linden per 8 days AND need to be refreshed at least every 8 days.
You may add subtenants, who may also pay the 1 Linden rent in the event of your absence. It is recommended you notify them of the rental day.
Rentals currently have a maximum of 50 prims allowed. This may be changed in the future for individual rentals.
If someone is a tenant or subtenant on multiple rentals, their prims count toward all rentals they are apart of.
Rentals can be extended for active communities or facilities upon the discretion of the owner.
What do we mean by "the fiction"?
➤The fiction is "The history of written content which the sim RP rests upon." The fiction is not just a character’s story, a group’s story, or your story; it is the sim’s story, and that of everyone collaborating in it. This is not just the "lore" of the sim itself, or the backgrounds used for geography, races, gods, and magic. It also refers to the total collaborative work of all writing undertaken in roleplay (RP), yours as well as everyone's.
➤For more information about the background fiction of the sim, use the WORLD LORE link above.
So what does it mean to "honor the fiction"?
➤Don't prioritize your agendas above or at the expense of, the fiction.
What do you mean by an “agenda at the expense of the fiction”?
➤Creating fiction-breaking characters and scenarios
Diverging from the setting’s lore, themes, sense of immersion, and standards of appearance for the sake of a personal desire on behalf of a player(s). This includes unapproved and/or anachronistic characters and objects.
➤God-Modding, Meta-Gaming, and Power-Gaming
Deliberately minimizing the setting’s realities, risks, or disadvantages for the sake of empowering a player’s character(s) or group, or disempowering another player’s character(s) or group, instead of for the sake of the fiction.
➤Rejecting character interactions and consequences
Ignoring RP, or refusing to RP-out consequences for character behavior (including injury and reasonable death), at the expense of the fiction. This means that what has been RPed or dice-rolled on, must be honored. Therefor things like 'Fade to Black' are 'Fast Forward' buttons; not 'Reset' buttons. You don't have the right to delete RP that other people have participated in or witnessed because they're inconvenient, undesirable, or embarrassing for you personally. That is something that as a character actor or character writer, you must find a way to work through, around, or past.
➤Using inter-player avenues to alter the fiction in your favor
Trying to use influence, argumentation, deception, or pressure through player (not character) interactions in order to make circumstances more favorable for a character or group, or unfavorable for others, rather than more favorable for the fiction. This includes harassment as well as exploiting scripted items, like the sim dice HUD, or supply and NPC mechanics.
With that in mind, the following must be agreed to and followed by any who wish to RP on the sim. Moderators and, if necessary, the sim owner, will enforce them with punishment as the situation demands.
Player Discipline in Mhirdrun
Any punishment may be waived due to good behavior or appeal. Punishments are listed below. You can appeal a punishment you feel was given unfairly, but you can not appeal if you do not waive the privacy of your IM logs when asked by staff.
Removal from the sim, and exclusion from re-entry; length of time is variable
Being ejected from the sim space without a ban on returning
Exclusion from participation in a (usually OOC) position or privilege acquired, such as character slot or staff position
A “strike” of three before a higher punishment is levied
Being observed, shadowed, or checked-in-with by staff until the issue is resolved
Mhirdrun Discipline Card
Aside from obvious acts of disruption (such as griefing the sim), any form of serious discipline must be accompanied by a “Discipline Card,” written by the staff member who initiated the interaction and punishment. Discipline cards are strictly private, but you are always entitled to a copy of your own discipline card if you are punished. A discipline card will be titled:
" <SL Name of Discipline Recipient>-<MM/DD/YY>-Discipline Card "
...And should look like this:
Date: M/D/Y
Name of staff member writing the card: Display Name (SL Name)
Name of player(s) receiving discipline: Display Name (SL Name)
Offense committed: (From above list)
Description of offense: (Summary of details)
Evidence of offense: (Logs with permission)
Discipline given: (From above list)
Desire to appeal: (Yes/No)
Appealing Discipline in Mhirdrun
If you feel you have been subjected to discipline unfairly or in error, you may seek out another appropriate member of staff and submit an appeal card. The appeal card must be titled:
<Your SL Name>-Mhirdrun Appeal
...And should look like this:
Date: M/D/Y
Copy of discipline card:
Reason for appeal: (Describe argument)
An appeal of any Disciplinary action requires at least 24-hours to have passed before the process can be initiated.
Players, staff and witnesses will be required to give everyone else involved permission to share relevant chat or IM logs with staff of higher rank in order to go forward with the appeal process. If you are asked to provide logs for someone else's appeal, remember: no one is perfect, and at some point you may require the same waiver.
Any attempts to suppress evidence—especially by members of the staff, or by individuals agreeing to it publicly but threatening others in private—will not be looked on favorably by the sim owner and may result in an unfavorable judgment against your case.
Duplicitous complicity with or by staff members acting in an official capacity is not tolerated in Mhirdrun.
Staff Roles in Mhirdrun
Staff ranks are listed in reverse order of seniority.
The staff have their own set of rules. All members of the sim staff are answerable to staff members of a higher rank and the sim owner has the power of veto over all decisions made by staff in order to ensure maintenance of the sim's original vision of both player freedom and balance toward the fiction of Mhirdrun in order to maintain the immersion of the player base. Some of the rules governing each rank are shown for purposes of transparency, but others are hidden in order to prevent manipulation and to allow for some flexibility if unexpected circumstances arise. Barring special circumstances (such as the sim opening), members typically rise through the ranks.
Leaves of absence are permitted (within reason), as the job can be stressful. Accordingly, staff members may be required to create a humorous webpage blurb about themselves (this is a very serious responsibility).
Cannot become major faction leaders with personal characters (i.e. town steward, Crag warlord).
May not moderate for members of same faction or enemy faction unless all consent or moderation required by mandate and no one else will be available.
Cannot override existing mod calls.
If a staff member feels that they cannot remain impartial, they may resign and simply return to being a player without consequence.
They may not resign in order to become eligible for NPC-appointed leadership roles within a story-arc.
Ruling of Moderators should be considered final in the moment, because the show must go on. Moderators exist for expediency.
Interpret the spirit of the rules or DW moves: "You can't do that, that's overpowered-- if he can't use it now, when can he? Guess it's cool."
Dungeon Master:
Cannot become major faction leaders with personal characters (i.e. town steward, Crag warlord).
May not DM for members of same faction or enemy faction unless all consent or moderation required by mandate and no one else will be available.
May invent or name minor characters for story-arcs.
May control or emote for NPC's durring role-play so long as doing so does not benefit their own faction.
Cannot override existing mod calls.
Not for use as PvP moderator.
Senior Dungeon Master:
Same as Dungeon Masters above, plus:
Coordinates story-arcs.
Has seniority over other Dungeon Masters.
Has authority over story-arcs.
Cannot override existing mod calls.
Balance Team:
The balance team consists of Phiona Mercy and Ultea Resident, who are dedicated to keeping all elements of the sim "in balance."
Phiona Mercy
Pays for the sim project and keeps it in trust for the player base.
Directs and maintains the vision of the sim within the limitations and frame-work allowed by Second Life.
Determines what is, and is not in the best interest of the sim (economically and socially).
Staff of any rank may be dismissed at her decision.
Absolute veto power. Anything new or revolutionary needs to be run by the sim's owner before hand.
Can override existing mod calls. Prefers to avoid doing so except in areas of extreme power abuse resulting in a conflict of interest.
Ultea Resident
"First mate" to Phiona's "captain"
Directs sim lore for the website and among DMs
Directs the implementation of the dice system
Collects player feedback
Fills in "gaps" of other roles as needed