The purpose of Mhirdrun is to create a fantasy role-playing environment for you - the person reading this - to enjoy. However, because we cannot please everyone, or even a majority of the people all the time, we've chosen to focus on a few things that we feel help maintain the general sense of enjoyment of a person for the most sustained period. The primary features of Mhirdrun are:
"Shit Happens" play-style: Our RP is NOT based on consent or BDSM ideas; because it isn't intended to be BDSM ... it's based on improvised story-telling. Shit happens. Leave your good china plates on the shelf where they belong and come play rough with us. At the end of the day -- we're all playing a game with eachother. Tywin's actor doesn't get bitter because Tyrion killed his character.
An unbalanced rules system adapted from table-top rules, using table-top style Dice. Life isn't fair; but it is interesting.
An RP environment where OOC disruptions and OOC manipulations are frowned upon.
An RP environment where character creation and individual powers are controlled, but choices in play are improvised and free.
Where Game Masters and Admins are not appointed faction leaders.
Where Player Characters are allowed the freedom to win and lose.
Fully-realized role-playing environment where your choices have permanent consequences on your own, and other's characters.
A Classical "Swords & Sorcery" setting - that while not necessarily 'realistic' will feel enduring, natural and intuitive to play in.
Providing people space to get away from the crowd without dividing the sim traffic, or having to leave the sim for semi-privacy -- with a focus on scope and scale.
NOT providing OOC safe-zones or immunity faction headquarters; keeping ALL zones as open traffic for RP.
If playing something out makes you uncomfortable; it can happen off camera: "Fade to Black"; preserve other people's story.
Fade to Black as a "Fast Forward" button. Not a "Reset to Last Saved Game" button.
Dice based table-top themed RP that covers more than just combat.
Things that are only secondary ideas; while present, MUST take a back-seat to the above:
Allowing people to play a wide variety of fantasy races.
Providing rental homes for players and factions.
Allowing capture-RP or slavery scenarios.
Sexual roleplaying opportunities.
If the things you've read here appeal to you? Welcome to Mhirdrun: A Dungeon World Campaign Setting.
Please check the menus at the top of this page and make sure that you familiarize yourself with:
The Sim (under SIM RULES)
Frequently Asked Questions (under FAQS&GUIDES)
Your character's homeland and chosen deity (under WORLD LORE)
And remember! If you aren't pissing anyone off, you probably aren't doing anything important!