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Bumped down to 2d6 on Hex

Combat Healing potions removed



Bumped to 2d8+2 on Hex


Whoops! Lost a couple of secondary moves. They're replaced now. One is STR for saving throws, one is +1 to LG.

1.3 8/1

General updates to consistency, spelling, grammar, etc. have been undertaken. If you have any notecarded collections of such foibles, send them to Ultea.

"Supernatural Effect/Ability"

  • Some magic-looking moves are now described as "supernatural effect." This just means things that dispel or counter magic, like Dispel Magic, can't work against them.

Basic Moves

  • Brawl was further further clarified. You can absolutely never gain additional damage to Brawl from any source other than monk. Ever. Period.

  • Rituals were added as a move type.

Combat Basics

  • You can no longer stack damage mitigation or damage negating moves (e.g., armor mastery, desperate stunt). Only one per encounter!


  • Some tags have been adjusted, and new ones have been added for melee. Some new ineffective weapons have been added, too. I wonder what all this is about!

General Rules

  • The general rules page has been changed. Take a look and get acquainted!

Quests and Dungeons

  • This has replaced Advanced Moves under Advanced Play. This has the new guidelines for the quests and dungeons we plan to roll out over the next week. It also has guidelines for...


  • Rituals have been added as a subtype to moves. Rituals must be done with a DM—check the Quests and Dungeons page under Advanced Play for more.


  • Due to intended incoming spell changes, Humans have had Divine Diversity changed; it now only extends to cantrips, bringing it in line with Gnomes.


  • Classes with some considerable peak damage have had their capability lowered. To compensate, max armor is also being lowered. This is a bandaid as we work on more considered changes to improve each class's sense of identity and balance. All +damage moves have been locked to their native class—no more multiclassing for +2d4 damage.


  • +Armor locked to class.


  • Smash! is now locked to Barbarian. Many will no doubt consider this change smashing, in the British sense.

  • Appetites clarified: on a successful roll you still succeed, +WIS ST applies immediately afterward.

  • Samson can only be used without existing debilities.


  • Cleric has had Guardian Spirit removed.

  • Word of recall and Skyrim's Soul Gems were removed; many powerful spells were made into rituals.


  • No One of Importance has been given important clarification.


  • Merciless has been removed—but gently.

  • The signature weapon upgrade moves now both give you "glows near X creature." I expect glowing reviews for this change.


  • Smite has been smote.


  • Tricks of the Trade now requires tools of the trade.

  • Escape route has been made less abuseable.


  • Hex has been altered.

  • Healing Hex as well.

  • Third Eye removed.


  • All that armor from Class/Advanced moves was reduced.

  • Clone and Skyrim's Soul Gems were removed here too; many powerful spells were made into rituals. No more enchanting 10000 iron daggers to raise your skill.

Compendium Classes

  • Just a couple of tweaks!


  • -1 ongoing from negating an attack now applies to everything. There's no such thing as a free dodge.


  • Biting tags removed from Monk's fists, max armor capped. You can still employ literal biting if you want, but your teeth don't do damage.


  • A lot of vestigial moves have been updated; OP moves have been changed.


  • Updated to reflect loss of old Turn Undead.


  • Updated to reflect loss of old Turn Undead.


  • Alternate Primary changed to Compassionate Conservation: save a friend from a bad ST. That's ST as in Saving Throws, not Street as in Wall Street. It's Compassionate Conservation, not Bernificial Brotherliness.


  • You Didn't Hear That: Evil-I Am the Law replaced with even more dickish version of Charming.


  • Shadowsight: More thematically appropriate Primary alternate, immunity to blindness. This also grants immunity to the Darkness spell; no need to attack it.


  • Updated to reflect loss of old Turn Undead.

  • Death's Touch now ignores armor as a buff.


  • Updated to reflect loss of old Turn Undead.


  • Updated to reflect loss of old Turn Undead.


  • Updated to reflect loss of old man Turn Undead.


  • Super Smash: It had a good long run, now it's +1 forward to H&S. If you feel this nerf makes it too wimpy, you are encouraged to list it as Thuper Thmash on your hud.


  • Animate Undead Lite loses Cause Fear, gains some stat buffs.


  • Updated now that I Am the Law is no lawnger.


  • Updated to reflect loss of old cat lady Turn Undead.


  • Moonglade now ignores armor rather than +1d8. It cuts Deep In the Pale Moonlight. Or any light.


  • Now +1 damage to Murder spells rather than +1 to cast. Murder harder, less often.


  • Benevolent properly noted as Free. If it's not free, it's hardly benevolent is it?


  • Claws now give a grit of 8, "Choosing" page's Level 9 spell now reflects "God" page.


  • Speaking of good long runs, Hurts So Good now buffs +CON STs, no more free damage negation.


  • Updated to reflect loss of old Turn Undead.

1.24 7/25


Second Wind now reflects the change to Hex.

Armor Mastery can only be used to negate physical attacks


Indestructible Hunger can only be used against physical attacks

Healthy Distrust changed


Hospitallier & Perfect Hospitallier now affect Lay on Hands



Secondary Move updated


Discern Lies turned into Greater Cloak of Dark Power

Lolth's Sight given limitations in line of other scrying effects

1.23 7/24

Combat Basics:

Reverted the changes to self-casting & healing. It was an attempt, but the change did nothing but drag fights out  and increased the already stocked arsenal of utility of Wizards and Clerics needlessly.


First revision of racial move changes to make them more impactful.



Killing Curse turned into the baseline curse
Removed: Harmful Curse & Heart Stealer
Changed how Hex (formerly Harming Hex) works to make it a lot less complicated and easier to keep track of.
Changed how Healing Hex works (in accordance to Hex)
Third Eye added


Aegis of the Templar added.


Changed Resurrection from Spell level 3 to 7.
Removed True Resurrection
Word of Recall (Changes pending)


Added Dimensional Lock
Changed Know it all to be a Free Action.
Adjusted Clone
Shadow Walk (Changes pending)


Fixed some requirements
Changed how Simpleton works


Changed Arcane Art to last until the ally's next attack, rather than their next turn.
Changed Charming to be more open.


1.22 7/17


I Am the Law clarified.  Language was messy.  Now, it's not so messy.  Because now, it's In, You Dogs and is the functional taunt it always should have been.

1.21 7/15

Combat Basics

Pre-Casting Spells/Bringing Magical Effects into Combat

You can gain the benefits of ONE magical effect (Shaman's Til Death Do Us Part/Help From Beyond, Wizard's Mirror Image spell, Druid's Harmony, or any Ongoing spell are examples) before fights start.  If you had more effects active, you will have to decide which one you keep active.

This is a big one, folks.  People coming into combat with ten spell effects active on themselves was becoming a bit of a problem.  There are a few exceptions, which will be noted in spell descriptions (Cleric's Magic Weapon, for example).


You can now cast spells on yourself!  This includes healing!  Wizards can now make themselves Invisible, and so on and so forth.



Second Wind clarified.

Merciless made more open (no longer requires a Debility).


On My Marksman simplified, works with Volley and Hack and Slash now.  So, if you want to hit stuff with melee as a Ranger, knock yourself out.  It's more viable now.


Added Spirit Guardian to mirror Animate Dead, an option for goodly clerics to use a spell with basically the same effect.  Good guys can hit stuff, too.

Devoted Healer nerfed a bit.  You have to roll for your bonus now, a 1d4.

You'll notice a trend in this update: healing has been reduced, but you can also heal yourself now.  With the right multiclassing, healing could easily start outpacing damage which is something we did not want.

Sanctuary changed, took out the 1d4 to rein in healing.

Guidance rote removed.  I don't know how we missed this one, to be honest.  A 0 mana cantrip that could be used in a way that was just as effective as Ranger's Sniff 'Em Out.  There was no call for this.  It was far too strong for what it was.  Replaced with Mending, a rote that can have some interesting RP utility, particularly for tinkering.

Magic Weapon will NOT cost against the new rule for pre-casting.

Darkness was given a Saving Throw (no idea why it didn't have one) and can no longer entirely take wizards and other ranged casters entirely out of a fight, which was way too powerful for a level 3 spell with no chance to fail.  It now prevents interrupts, still useful.


Paladin gets a nice rework here!

Hospitaller and Perfect Hospitaller clarified to only work with Cure Wounds spells.  There was too much synergy with effects that should not have been compatible with the move.

Divine Favor moved from 6-10 to 2-5.  You can also cast with CHA instead of WIS now!

Aura of Protection added!  An iteration of a classic and familiar paladin move.  Your allies will take +3 to their first Saving Throw attempts in combat!

Crushing Morale added as a Starter Move.  Pretty neat utility here.  Roll+CHA for holds and use them to give opponents -1 Forward 1 for 1.

My God is my Rock and my Bulwark added!  A 6-10 move that buffs up Staunch Defender.


Til Death Do Us Part and Help From Beyond do now consider your Honored Ancestor choices properly.


Connections was vague.  It is now not vague.

Compendium Classes


Out of Mind, Out of Body clarified.

Lucky Duck:

This One Amuses Me cut.


Though as far as I am aware, it was not explicitly stated before or given any guidelines, you CAN now switch Domains if you decide to abandon worship of your chosen deity.  So that your move is not entirely wasted in this case, you may seek to find new religion.  After a week (OOC), you can choose a Domain to replace the one you've abandoned.


Benevolent changed to a Free action, offering +1 Forward to your next Cure Wounds spell.  A flat +1 to all Cure Wounds was a bit much and was worded in a way that it stacked with +1 Forward and +1 Ongoing, which was way too good for what it was.

Mass Cure Wounds capped at 3 potential allies, not an unlimited number.  The average healing that was possible with this was a bit much.

Renew added as a level 5 spell.

Remove Curse moved to level 3.

Life's Foe added so those who worship peace might smite undead interlopers that sew discord.

Perfect Cure Moderate Wounds and Perfect Cure Critical Wounds cut.  Again, healing was out of control.  Sorry!


Added Martyr as an option for the primary domain move for those that don't want to be monks.


Added Walk Through the Darkest Valley as an option for the primary domain move for those that don't want to be monks but still worship this deity.


Death's Touch and Deathwatch clarified for the new rules to not count against your pre-casting limit.


Resist Dragon Energy does not count towards your pre-cast limit.


Perfect Magic Weapon and Bear's Endurance do not count towards your pre-casting limit.


Resist Energy does not count towards your pre-casting limit.


One Eye Always Open and Prayer do not count towards your pre-casting limit.


Cat's Grace and Freedom of movement do not count towards your pre-casting limit.


Cat's Grace count towards your pre-casting limit.


Incite Discord can now sever any sort of tethering between allies targets!

1.20 7/13



Changed Backstab's 'vulnerable until the next turn' option to be in line with other definitions of vulnerable in the system.  A minor correction on our part.

Medusa's Gaze changed to Balm of Lethargy, now imposing vulnerable with Second Fang as a free action instead of helpless.  The ability to frontload damage and then make someone Helpless as a free action was too strong, as you could deal a ton of damage without their even having a chance to roll.

Slight clarification to Poisoner to prevent people going into combat with Serpent's Tear on both weapons.


Poppet's vulnerable definition clarified in the same way as Backstab's.


Clarified Prodigy/Master and Chosen One/Anointed, as the descriptions did not meet the intent that was behind them during the last change.  My apologies on that. - Arena

1.19 7/8



Knight's Move altered and clarified.


Rage changed to buff Hack and Slash damage.

1.18 7/7



Soul Trap changed a bit and clarified.

1.17 7/5



A Little Extra Kick changed.  The cleave kicks in on 12+ instead of 10+ and instead of making a separate damage roll, you now take half of the initial damage (rounded up).


Clarified requirements of Alchemist (thanks to Whrek Nirvana for catching it) and Escape Plan.

1.16 7/3

No class changes this time around. We're getting closer to what we want in terms of class balance; we'll see if they hold up. If you notice any wonky mechanics, or frequently get in disagreements about the exact text of a move, feel free to contact a moderator or member of the staff so we can look at clarification of the move in the future. As the primary classes level out, we get closer to being able to start adding more fun stuff, including upcoming Uncommon and Rare character classes - these will likely be phased in slowly, with 1 or 2 active players getting temporary access to them as we adjust their balance.


Basic Moves:

  • Removed 'Lets Get It On': Fights are capped at 5v5 unless at a rental, because staff cannot continue to support large-scale PvP events. They tend to be disruptive to individuals not even involved in them, given the strict rules on when and why someone can join them. A side can only be larger than 5 members if they are the defending faction or group (by location; i.e. home turf).

  • Clarified Attaaaaack, Initiative Stone, and Join The Fray to support the changes above.

  • Brawl clarified as being a melee attack; not designed as a method for bypassing the melee protection on 'Run Away!' .. the intent being to force strength based characters to use other statistics in a fight on occassion, rather than min-maxing.

  • Switch It Up changed to an Interrupt or Standard move, allowing you to change weapons without skipping your turn in the event you need to shoot an arrow, or throw a rock at someone running away.


1.15 6/28



Counterspell changed to a Free action, so it can only be used once per encounter.  The reasoning here is that there are simply too many options to negate/silence spells compared to the potential of negating non-spell damage.  Some classes, not even all classes, typically have only one way to negate any damage already (spell damage included, like Armor Mastery) which cannot be multiclassed into.  Stacking this on top of Counterspell, Elder Power, or Azuth's Nope! just gives too many options to take a caster entirely out of a fight.


Silence, You Fool now requires Counterspell as a prerequisite and has been clarified.



Elder Power changed to a Free action.  Reasons listed above under the Counterspell change.



Barista clarified.



Simpleton made Commoner only.  Apprentice, Journeyman, and Be Somebody clarified.


Basic Moves:

Saving Throw clarified.


1.14 6/26



Added some higher level spells!  Project Image at level 5, Disintegrate at level 7, Meteor Storm, Clone and Seeming at level 9.  True Seeing clarified.  Soul Gem cut.



Cut and reworked some level 7 and 9 spells.  Revelation moved to level 7 (because it was a more broad and somewhat better version of True Seeing which was already available at that level).  True Seeing clarified.  True Resurrection added (BALLIN'), Harm moved to level 9 and made a strong source of single target damage without any downside.  Flame Strike added as a level 9 spell (you wanted Lightning Bolt back for Clerics and well, you got it.  +1.  But at level 9.)  Greater Restoration added for all of your medicinal needs (use responsibly and under appropriate adult supervision).



Added DM oversight to Thaumaturgy to allow for cooler items that can also be used by other people!  Made the move similar to Wizard's Ritual.



Vulnerable clarified a little.



Azuth's Command Magic changed to Greater Dispel Magic.  Gruumsh's Produce Flame made a little less ridiculous after much prodding from a DM that shall not be named.


1.13 6/25



Second Fang clarified.  A line added to Poisoner in reference to how many/which weapons can be poisoned before combat.  Oil of Tagit (conditions of Sleep clarified)



A new Starter Move, Second Wind, has been added.

Signature Weapon has been changed to Weapon Master, as losing a fight and having your Signature Weapon stolen was too punishing.



Dominate clarified.  Conditions of Sleep clarified.



It Goes to Eleven clarified and moved to the 6-8 bracket.  It was too strong for a move that could be taken at level 2, being an arguably better version of Dominate, a level 7 Wizard spell (no mana cost, cannot be negated by Counterspell, Azuth domain, or Silence, You Fool).



Biting tag clarified, as it formerly referred to only addings it damage to Hack&Slash.  Altered to also function with Brawl.



'Slept' added as a condition to the glossary and clarified.


1.12 6/22



Druids can no longer shapeshift into or out of forms while wearing or handling steel or cold-iron bindings of any kind. The +3 bonus to 'Run Away' has been reduced to +2. This is to provide a method of controling druids behavior when captured without being required to murder them to stop them from escaping and causing havoc later.



Samson move clarified.


Basic Moves:

Both Attaaaaaack! and Initiative Stone have been updated to reflect that PvP and combat events should not involve sides larger than 5 individuals per side.


1.11 6/21



Moves Second Fang to starter move list on this second pass


Compendium Classes:

Updated requirements to be more clear about what they require and how to "level up."



Darkness Domain

Don't Attack My Darkness replaced with Black Eye Distributor, an in to Monk with no restrictions on killing, although you still lose it for wielding a weapon.


Life Domain

New Hope replaced with Champion of the Sun, Master of Karate. You lose the move if you kill anyone other than undead, wield a weapon, or don't get the reference.



Added prohibition against torture and unnecessary injury to certain gods.


Gary Glittergold

Thieves have stolen a slot on the class requirements list



Wizards can now join Shar's clergy



1.10 6/20 : Update of Improved Fisting

A new compendium class has been added: Monk! This is component to a new Basic Move: Brawl! The weapon page has a new list: Improvised Weapons! This update has a new changelog entry:


Basic Moves:

  • Clarifications for Defend, Last Gasp, Hack&Slash, Run Away!, and Volley, or DLGH&SRA!V

  • New move: Brawl, for fighting when unarmed or using improvised weapons.


Coins and Equipment


  • Improvised Weapons list added for the new Brawl move

  • Awkward Tag added, +1 damage when awkwardly using Brawl

  • Biting Tag added, replaces Twins, but stacks with itself for some extra bite



  • Only 3 armor weights now: Light, Medium, and Heavy, and medium (2 armor) is no longer clumsy.


Combat Basics:

  • Clarification on stacking bonuses and new limits set for pre-casting ongoing spells

  • Spells now clarify the need for verbal and somatic components




  • What Are You Waiting For? has been adjusted, and answered: complaints. So now you finally know. There, happy?

  • Healthy Distrust made more trustworthy



  • Turn Undead has been turned into a useful move against undead minions as per Animate Undead

  • Directions to Combat Basics page added under Cast a Spell



  • Where to start!

  • Shapeshifter clarified. Also you can now specify the animal form to shapeshift into, based upon whether the animal is thicc (Juggernaut for +armor), Wow! Very hurt (Striker for +damage), or smol (Feather Weight for +Run Away! and Defy Danger)

  • Harmony added—it's basically Help From Beyond but for Druid

  • Shed moved to two to five, which looks like a planet name from Alien: SM2225

  • Hunter's Brother is now more brotherly with Shamans

  • Formshaper has been reformed into a more buff shape

  • Perfect Harmony added for gaining Harmony

  • Stalker's Sister is now more sisterly with Shamans

  • Balance and Blood and Thunder removed, but not before Thunder had a Balanced breakfast of Blood



  • Merciless now mercifully lets Barbarians in on the fun

  • Armor Mastery clarified due to all of the Armor Novicery going on

  • Armored Perfection now perfect, so... I'm not going to have to change it again—right guys?



  • Reduced from 10 to 8 grit.

  • Command now commands better clarity

  • Sniff 'Em Out has discovered a burrow full of clarity. Good boy!

  • Double Whammy removed. No joke required.

  • Faster Than His Shadow, starting move, you can switch weapons as a free move

  • Marksman added, provides +1d4 damage but only for real weapons, and real weapons have curves

  • Blot Out the Sun clarified... I think?



  • 'Til Death Do Us Part clarified secret message from beyond below

  • Help from Beyond clarified don't forget your Ovaltine™



  • Poisoner has ground up a bunch of the old class poison moves and distilled them into a single, deadly move

  • Tricks of the Trade now turns traps into tricks as well

  • Second Fang... not sure what's up with this one...

  • Cautious updated very carefully

  • Barista clarified, "coffee is an art!"

  • Multiclass Dabbler added

  • Poison Master, Trap Expert, Brewer, and Envenom removed, after being Envenomed by Expert Poisons Brewed by a Master Trap



  • Harming Hex is now more harmful with some added damage

  • Heart Stealer has stolen a page from the new Harming Hex

  • Killing Curse is now pretty killer



  • Silence added to Advanced Moves, a free action to keep someone from casting a spell; I don't want to hear about it

  • Directions to Combat Basics page added under Cast a Spell


Compendium Classes:

Monk added, with a fancy new picture

  • No spoilers! Go take a look at the bottom of the classes page.




  • Palm of the Penitent now allows a free ride on the fist train into pound town, giving access to the Monk's Fistmaster General move

  • Endurance of Ilmater, replacing level 7 spell refuge, now increases max HP ☺



  • Hurts So Good has been Nerfed So Good



  • Wraithform Spell clarified and slightly nerfed; please don't submit all complaints in wrath-form

  • Mine! All Mine! adjusted to suit Animate Undead spell properly.




  • Good Clean Fight now updated to allow for some good clean Monks



  • Lliira and Sharess's requirements, vows, and domains (Joy and Sensation) added to the bottom of Sune's god page

  • Information on how to play a pretty plant lady added below the new domains for those who want to cast Dryadshape




this one!


1.072 6/15



My God Will Protect me clarified as usable only once per combat. (Because it is a 'Free Move')


Rental Rules: Clarified 50 prim rez limit.


1.072 6/15



What are You Waiting For clarified after a long wait



Hodor now properly requires balance. You're going to need it with all those white walkers pushing on you.



Bend Bars Lift Gates can now only be used if conditions favor movement.



Pet can't be targeted for dealing double-damage to the ranger. The double-whammiers shall not be double-whammees.


Coins and Equipment:


Parry Tag replacing Twin. Parry allows you to both defend and attack with an off-hand weapon simultaneously, so long as you're not using full plate.

Whips added, so you can strike it well.



Shields now only have one kind, and have the parry tag.




1.071 6/13

Combat Basics

  • Control Spells explanation has been consolidated and clarified




Garagos, Red Knight, and Valkur now each have their own vows, requirements, and domains. You must worship one of these subgods in order to gain their domain as a move.



The domains page has had some clarification added in its rules text, and some spells have been changed.



  • Lathander's Primary domain has received a major facelift with a new Primary Move and ALL NEW SPELLS

  • Primary Domain Move changed to I'm Not Dead Yet, for +1 on Last Gasp

  • Lesser Restoration is the new Level 1 spell which gives your choice of healing, removing a debility, or damaging an undead

  • Disrupting Weapon, Level 3 spell, is a summonable weapon that does more damage to Undead

  • Remove Disease is a Level 5 spell that does what its name implies

  • Dawnguard, Level 7 spell, is like Sanctuary but better

  • Last but not least as a Level 9 spell, Meal of Atonement that lets you absolve certain clergy from violating their vows, or trap other clergy in a bottle of wine! It's crazy, I know



  • New Level 3 spell Eagle's Splendor is like Cat's Grace but for CHA

  • New Level 7 spell Sending lets you send telepathic messages



A Lore from Mhirdrun page has been added, compiling lore created by players from the sim!

  • Cuisine, Both Fine and Common is about local foods

  • The Legend of the Lonely Dragon is two conflicting tales of the legend surrounding Lonely Dragon Pass

  • The Royal Game of Ur provides some insight into the social influences of a popular board game

  • The Saga of Merwig tells the epic tales of Merwig, father of the first Human king of Linothor

  • Shadowmarks is about symbols used by thieves and thieves' guilds


1.07 6/10

Basic Moves:

Some clarifications on the group PvP moves; no more 1AM zerg rushes without prior notice and coordination!


Combat Basics:

Errors in 1v1 example corrected.


Domains/God Moves:

Control spells and Ongoing spells across the board have been controlled



Palm of the Penitent updated for magic hands



Undeath to Death spell updated, other moves switched around to keep those pesky skellingtons on their toes



Perfect Magic Weapon now has an armor penalty #sorrynotsorry



Wrath and Vengeance of Gruumsh now have an armor penalty, too



Just my Luck updated to not give rise to a string of luck



Good Clean Fight updated for good touches



Switcharoo... raising intellidead is now level 9 with Unholy Pact, Wraithform is now gained at level 5



Battle Hardened now has stricter requirements, in keeping with other prime domain moves, still not sorry

Perfect Magic Weapon and Tempus's Wrath now have armor penalties


1.062 6/7

Basic Moves:

A spelling mistake under Gain XP that was cliggering someone in group chat has been corrected. May their recovery from this trauma be swift and painless!




The remaining  "less than half health" moves have been corrected to "under 15 health points." As a reminder, this is the only time anything on sim will allow something "under 15" to be legal.



Halflings can finally turn into other animals to experience what it's like to be tall.



Live Long and Prosper has been fixed. Live Long and Prosper no longer requires Logical—which is good news for humanity.


Compendium Classes:

Lucky Duck

How are You Still Alive is now Free. 100% off, this life only!


1.061 6/6




Superfluous moves removed from class/adv lists



Armor Mastery is now for Fighters only, no non-Fighters allowed!



Dirty Fighter has been cut out with a rusty knife



CHA rolls changed to WIS rolls. It's hard to be charismatic with a carrot for a nose


Domains changes/updates coming as soon as I get time! Until then use the new rule: Lv3 or lower control spells, lose a turn, level 5+ control spells, lose a turn+helpless


1.06 6/6


  • Channeled state removed

  • Helpless state redefined




  • What are you Waiting For clarified

  • Smash! changed

  • Camel Punch added, unconditional +1d4 damage against camels, as well as other creatures such as: everything else

  • War Cry clarified



  • Arcane Art clarified

  • Healing Song buffed

  • Arcane Studies now requires being a spoony bard

  • Healing Chorus now just adds +1d4 healing

  • Vicious Cacophony moved to 6-10

  • Vicious Blast removed, no blasters!



  • Turn Undead clarified post-summon changes, made a Free Move

  • Multiclass Dabbler moved to 2-5

  • Cause Fear brought in line with new control/helpless changes, made level 3

  • Hold Person brought in line with new control/helpless changes, made Level 5 (in line with Polymorph)

  • Trap Your Soul in a Gem or Whatever It's Called was missing a saving throw (oops)

  • Resurrection made appropriately limited for a level 3 spell. No jokes about "resurrecting" it.



  • We Will Taste Manflesh clarified

  • Balance clarified

  • Formshaper moved to 2-5

  • Healthy Distrust moved to 2-5 while Dolly Parton moved to 9-5

  • Hold the Door clarified

  • There was another change—no telling!



  • Siggy Wiggy clarified

  • Taste of Blood BUFFED

  • Improved Weapon reduced requirements



  • Tandem Strike lowered to 2-5

  • Smite requires to be playing a Paladin now please

  • Multiclass Dabbler added, because everyone knows Paladins need more class

  • Divine Favor made Paladin-only, moved to 6-10 #sorrynotsorry

  • Aegis added at 6-10 for more armor



  • Companion and Command clarifications

  • Multiclass Dabbler added, I already used up the "classy" joke

  • God Amidst the Wastes removed entirely. Where is your damage now, Rangers? Mwahaha

  • Takedown was taken down



  • Help from Beyond clarified

  • 'Til Death do us Part has parted with some lack of clarity

  • Soul Forged added, +1d4 damage! Damage buffing class moves for EVERYBODY!whodidn'talreadyhaveany

  • Never Tell Me the Odds is now told more clearly regarding the odds of damage being done to your enemies

  • Possessive Ghost possesses more clarity now



  • Tricks of the Trade now clarified as illusions of the trade; tricks are what whores do for money

  • Backstab clarified

  • Poisoner brought in line

  • Barista and Mixologist added, for adding new poisons added to the Thief's additional poisons list

  • Second Fang added for more poison



  • Auspicina removed inauspiciously

  • Healing Hex separated from Hex, and both have clarified together in a very hexy way

  • Apothecary ready



  • Magic Prism Power magically clarified

  • Telepathy, Charm Person, Sleep spells brought in line

  • Polymorph and Dominate spells updated for new control rules



1.051 6/4

Basic Moves

  • Join the Fray clarified




  • Enthrall spell replaces level 3 granted spell

  • Dryadshape spell modified



  • Sadism spell changed to remove a debility for every 10 damage done in a single hit.


1.05 - Begun 6/2- Completed 6/3

Combat Basics

  • Control Moves clarified




  • Invisibility spell clarified

  • Telepathy spell clarified



  • Indestructible Hunter now requires Herculean Appetite



  • Darkness spell modified, now specifies two targets, prevents interrupts and volleys




  • Command is once again its own move




  • Friend of the Land and Child of the Earth Level-Up moves clarified, allowing for taking Ranger and Druid starters.



  • Hunter’s Brother and Stalker’s Sister Level-Up moves clarified, allowing for taking Ranger starters



  • Cheap Shot and Dirty Fighter now no longer require a vulnerable target to be applied


Gods and Domains:

  • Gods pages made to conform with Domains page.

  • Added "Cast a Spell" to Choosing Religion page for non-Clerics/Wizards.



  • Barkskin spell made level 5 (switched with Plant Growth), buffed by +1


Corruption Domain

  • Dominate Person spell brought in line with Wizard's Dominate



  • Pirouette Undead Primary Domain Move clarified for non-Cleric/Paladins



  • Turning Torment Primary Domain Move clarified for non-Cleric/Paladins

  • Holy Sword spell clarified



  • Find the Path spell clarified



  • Smash Primary Domain Move renamed to Super Smash!, reduced to +1d4, made once per encounter (rather than per day)



  • Tyrannical Primary Domain Move now adds the Cause Fear spell, or buffs it for those who already have it.

  • Great Command spell clarified



  • Protection from Chaos spell now gives +1 to Saving Throws instead of immunity to control.



  • Bond of Love spell clarified

  • Dryadshape spell clarified



  • Break Enchantment spell now buffs Freedom of Movement spell bonus when applied



  • Nope! Primary Domain Move transferred from Gods page to Domains page

  • Command Magic spell added



  • The Light, it Turns! Primary Domain Moveclarified for non-Cleric/Paladins



  • Nondetection and Greater Invisibility spells were switched in level, Greater Invisibility clarified



  • Hurts So Good Primary Domain Move clarified



  • Can't Catch Me Primary Domain move Saving Throw bonus made to apply only to level 3 spells and lower

  • Break Enchantment spell now buffs Freedom of Movement spell bonus when applied



  • All or Nothing Primary Domain Move clarified



  • Spiritual Weapon spell made level 5 in line with other summon spells

  • Reveal spell added for level 3, removes one illusion effect from play



Basic Moves

  • Added "Saving Throw" as its own kind of move, clarified it under "Daring"


Coins and Equipment

  • Weapons page updated. Daggers are now precise, vestigial tags have been removed, a couple of things have been clarified.

  • Some adjustments to gear have been made.

  • Poisons have been brought in line.


Combat Basics

  • Clarified potions and ongoing spells



  • Poison changes married to Thief Poisoner move



  • Removed superfluous (double) option on Help From Beyond



  • Added two new Advanced Moves



Combat Basics

  • Channeled and Ongoing spells are now better explained, vis-a-vis "channeled" and "ongoing."



  • Kobolds, Hobgoblins, and Tieflings now each have 2 racial moves.

    • Kobobs got Yes Master, which gives +1 forward to fulfil the task of an intelligent magical monster

    • Hobgobs got Contentious Camouflage, which gives them +1 to stealth Defy Danger in inclement weather/terrain

    • Teefs got Hidden Horns, which gives a CHA bonus so long as no one nearby knows they're a Tiefling!

  • Hobgobs and Teefs also had some requirements expanded upon.



  • The final phase of the religion/clergy/domain system has rolled out! Every god page lists their offered domains at the bottom of the page, along with detailed instructions on what you get from choosing them. Clerics and Wizards get up to 5 spells and up to 1 special move. Non-Cler/Wiz get up to 2 spells and up to 3 special moves. This system is a bit more wonky, but ultimately much less work to regulate than the previous one, while still affording great variety and individuality to each clergy member.


To Do: More cleanup, revise Poisons, continue to make changes based upon feedback




Changelog added :D


Basic Moves


  • Initiative Stone replacing Roll for Initiative

  • Interrupts specified as once per move

  • Run Away! clarified under Last Gasp conditions



  • I Always Keep a Hand Free now healing spells only

  • Empowered moved to 6-10, replacing Greater Empowered



  • Animal Companion, new and improved!

    • Stat arrangements rearranged, specific weaknesses required per point of instinct, and specialties per point of cunning. Damage and Armor are now tied to cunning specialties.

  • Sniff 'Em Out added, replacing the old Hunt & Track Starting Move and replacing the prerequisite for the new Hunt & Track Advanced Move

  • Called Shot was nixed. Sorry Rangers, +1 +2 +1d4 +1d4 on melee will have to be enough!



  • 'Til Death Do Us Part now ends on unconsciousness

  • Help From Beyond new option added

    • Fill one creature with unearthly lassitude, causing them to stumble or drop something they’re carrying. (Out of Combat only)



  • Level 9 domain spells restricted to primary domain (e.g. only Stinky, the God of Manure will be able to grant level 9 Manure Spells to Cleric/Wizard Clergy of Stinky who choose the Manure Domain)

  • Secondary domain moves added as an option for non-Cleric/Wizards taking domains

  • Finalized format for picking domains added to the first few racial gods; the rest are being added, but refer to Lolth/Drow (for example) for a finalized format on domains.



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