In Mhirdrun, coin-for-coin Currency is not kept track of. We trust our players to be able to understand that even the Baron of Mhirdrun cannot afford most of these articles. When the below list says 'Coin' it is talking about Silver Coins.
10 Copper Pennies = 1 Silver Coin
10 Silver Coins = 1 Gold Crown
So? If paying in Copper, add a zero. If paying in gold? Remove a zero. When an item's cost is listed with it, it will have a tag like this somewhere:
n coins:
Where n is how much it costs to buy, normally. If the cost includes “(-CHA)” a little negotiation subtracts the haggler’s Charisma score (not modifier)
from the price.
Most characters, including the Town Guard, make as little as 30 coins a month, and many don't even work for coin, but rather work directly in exchange for food and clothing. The prices here are guidelines and in many cases may be higher, or lower as events, supply, and demand dictate.

Each piece of equipment will have a number of tags. These will tell you something about how the equipment affects the character
using it or suggest something about the way it is used. Like everything else in Dungeon World,these guide the fiction you’re creating in play.
General Equipment Tags
These are general tags that can apply to just about any piece of gear. You’ll see them on armor, weapons or general adventuring tools.
Applied: It’s only useful when carefully applied to a person or to something they eat or drink.
Awkward: It’s unwieldy and tough to use.
+Bonus: It modifies your effectiveness in a specified situation. It might be “+1 forward to spout lore” or “-1 ongoing to hack and slash.”
Dangerous: It’s easy to get in trouble with it. If you interact with it without proper precautions the Storyteller may freely invoke the consequences of your foolish actions.
Ration: It’s edible, more or less.
Requires: It’s only useful to certain people. If you don’t meet the requirements it works poorly, if at all.
Slow: It takes minutes or more to use.
Touch: It’s used by touching it to the target’s skin.
Two-handed: It takes two hands to use it effectively.
n weight: Count the listed amount against your load. Something with no listed weight isn’t designed to be carried. 100 coins in standard denominations is 1 weight. The same value in gems or fine art may be lighter or heavier.
Worn: To use it, you have to be wearing it.
n Uses: It can only be used n times.
Other Tags and Costs
Many, many items play a part in any adventure, and each of them may have a tag associated with it. This will normally be listed with its cost; a list of such items follows, but it is not entirely comprehensive.

The musty tombs and forgotten treasure troves of the world are filled with useful items. The fighter can find a sharp new sword or the thief might stumble across a deadly poison. Most items are mundane—not magical or intrinsically unique in any way. Any item that is magical or one-of- a-kind is not mundane for the purposes of moves. The fighter’s signature weapon is never mundane.