Standard classes and Compendium Classes are classes that people may freely take levels in, in any order, so long as they meet the prerequisites of that class. Standard Classes and Compendium Classes do not require approval, nor the lease of advanced character slots.
The Maximum Level for any Standard character is 8. (Subject to change)
Any Standard Race may be applied to any Standard Class.
Incoming Rework Proposed Changes
Note: Subject to change
New basic moves:
Skin of the Teeth: Added to prevent ganking. If you're reduced to 0 HP before your turn, you get 1HP until you make a move.
Bend Bars, Lift Gates: Now a basic move and requires a weapon. Forceful weapons with 3 in STR guarantee an 8+ result.
Status conditions are being unified, and separated into "control" conditions and "impairment" conditions (names not finalized). This is opposed to some conditions having numerous independent descriptors (sleep, fear, stun, hold, polymorph, etc.)
Control conditions are anything that restrict your move economy:
Incapacitated- You can make no move for one round; each following round on your turn you may make a saving throw to end the effect. Taking damage ends this effect.
Inhibited- You can't make standard moves.
Slowed- You can't make interrupt moves.
Stunned- You can make no move for 1 round and become helpless. Taking damage ends this effect.
Impairment conditions are anything that incur penalties on yourself, or buff your enemies against you:
Deafeness: You get -1 to any bonus applied to you by an ally and can't be healed.
Debilities: Debilities are now -2, instead of -1, to the stat they modify. You can only have one debility of any kind at a time. They end after the encounter in which they are inflicted.
Diseases: Diseases are now Debilities but at -1. You can only have one debility of any kind at a time. They do not end after the encounter.
Helpless: Your enemies do +1 damage against you, then your helplessness ends.
Vulnerability: Vulnerability is no longer "ignores armor." With casters getting armor nerfed, vuln was no longer a meaningful penalty for them. Vuln is now "The next enemy to attack you gets +1 to their roll."
^Still converting to the new unified language, some entries are still outdated. Bear with us.
Class Changes:
Classes with high armor ignoring damage can no longer wear armor without penalties.
High-Damage or high move-economy classes have had their potential max armor nerfed in a similar way to the above.
A hard cap of 18 personal (unassisted) first-round damage has been applied across the board, with a general range of 14-18 between classes.
Interrupts are now a vital mechanic for many classes. Whether or not a class relies on interrupts has a significant impact on how each class plays.
Healing has been reduced significantly. Clerics now properly have the highest possible healing output both in and out of combat.
Self healing is only enjoyed by one class: Barbarian, at up to 2HP per turn while raging.
Recommended stats are now listed on each class page, and figuring out personal stats (like how to apply CON to HP) has been made more clear.
Essential damage moves or their equivalents for all classes except casters have been moved to the starters. Casters will gain their main damage moves at level 2 from spells (but still get some damage as a 1st level spell with unique use). Caster damage moves no longer get essentially more powerful with each level as before, which made prior levels useless.
Most classes have gained starter moves, so that they each average around 5-6 starters per class, making them more useful "out of the box."
Barbarian has gained Like a Truck: a rage mechanic. After taking 10 damage you can rage, gaining +4 damage, immunity to debilities, and regenerating 1 HP per round. You can only rage against one target, and the rage ends when your target Last Gasps, or you do.
Bard has gained Cast a Spell as a starter move. There are minor changes to Arcane Art, and Bard now incurs a penalty if wearing medium or heavy armor (penalty stacks with clumsy). Bard has a unique spell list up to level 7, exclusively specializing in the Enchantment, Illusion, and Transmutation schools. Most importantly, it gains Haste at level 3, allowing it to make two standard moves in one round (one being used as if an interrupt). It has a number of build possibilities by way of what magic school or melee specialization you wish to focus in.
Cleric has had Hand Free changed into Divine Intervention. If you roll a 10+ on H&S or Cast a Spell, you can use Divine Intervention as an interrupt to do Cure Wounds (heal 1d6 on an ally) or Inflict Wounds (6 damage on an enemy, ignoring armor). Cleric now has a full new suite of spells to choose from, in addition to "disciplines," similar to Wizard "schools." Your disciplines are permitted or forbidden according to your deity. Only dieties which forbid two or more schools will offer additional 1-9 spells.
Commoner has gained crafting; still working on it, though.
Druid has had few real changes, but has had several "essential" moves rolled into its starters, allowing for more build diversity.
Fighter got some major changes, significantly the addition of "stances." You can adopt one stance when combat begins. Each stance pertains to particular type of opponent, allowing for great versatility in battle. Fighter is now a "wizard of physical combat," adapting on the fly to the battle at hand with an equal balance of offense and defense.
Paladin has gained Magic and Miracles, a low-grade Cast a Spell, as well as "Zeal," similar to Aura of Courage but applying to control effects. Additional abilities make it strong against control and debuffs, as well as magical damage, though its own damage is now on the low side. Paladin is now a magic-resistant tank with some minor utility.
Ranger when wearing light or no armor can use interrupts as additional attacks using the bow, melee, thrown weapons, or its pet. The pet now acts similarly to other summoned creatures, with more traditional stats, and can protect you if you suffer a control effect. Ranger is now a persistent, heavy offense class specializing in shredding multiple, unarmored opponents at once with physical damage from multiple sources.
Shaman now collects spirits rather than choosing a single one, and switches its abilities depending upon the spirit tethered to it. Soul Forged now makes the Shaman's attacks armor- ignoring, and Shaman can't wear armor in order to invoke its spirits. Rituals have been moved from the level-up list to the Shaman's own scaling rituals list, similar to clerics and wizards. Shaman is now a jack-of-all trades that focuses on its spirits' moves to frustrate opponents and catch them off guard.
Thief is largely unchanged, except by the addition of an official poisons list and some balancing of poison mechanics. Poisoner was changed into an interrupt move. Thief is now a squishy damage dealer that specializes in stripping armor and using its poisons for utility.
Witch has had sweeping changes, gaining Cast a Spell and rituals, along with Dread Aura (old Paladin's crushing morale). Witch is now a squishy damage-dealer with debuffs and high utility.
Wizard has had its spell list fleshed and evened out; rather than having 10 spells at level 7 and a handful at level 3, every spell level has the same number of spells or rituals, with one from each and every possible school, along with a new school, abjuration. Wizard now has build paths into pure casting, or as a spellblade.
Any character of any standard race may take one of these classes.
Barbarian | Bard | Cleric | Commoner | Druid | Fighter | Paladin | Ranger | Shaman | Thief | Witch | Wizard

Any character of standard, uncommon, or rare classification may freely take moves from these classes so long as they meet the prerequisites of the Compendium Class.
Acrobat | Dynamic Duo | Lucky Duck | Monk