These character types are standard fantasy fare. While there are loose standards regarding height and common hair colors for most of them, the majority of these are fairly straight forward. The requirements for playing these are as follows:
Before you begin playing a character, read the lore on the Human page as well as the lore of the race you've chosen (if not human).
Your character must fit into the lore, which means:
A character must be one of the Standard Races below
A character can not have physical attributes unrealistically geared towards your OOC sexual appetites. (This is not a "sex sim.")
A character can not be from another universe or time period
A character can not be from outside of the Thradhel, Sundering Isles, Linothor, or Sulgate
A character can not be related to royalty or any of the characters in lore (you cannot be the king's lost grandson)
A character can not have intimate and exclusive knowledge of great mysteries within the lore
A character can not have any legitimate claims to nobility or royalty
A character can not have great political, economic, social, magical, or an otherwise uncommon power or ability from off-sim backstory or circumstances(Mhirdrun is the boonies; it's not a place for the most powerful to gather)
A character can not have an appearance which can be described as being an "Anime" or "Dickgirl" character

A Medieval Dark-Elf Avatar Less Than 1.8288 meters / Less than 6 feet tall.
Drow have long pointed ears (like Elves) which are capable of movement.
Must Not Be "Good"
Non-Anime Appearance.

Drow are shorter than other Elves
Possibly a side-effect of their magical experimentation with hair growth; Drow grow body hair similar to Humans
Drow characters get one of the following moves for free as a Starting Move upon character creation, and may take an additional Drow racial instead of a Class or Advanced move when they level up.
Drow Racial: Infravision
Requires: Drow or Half-Drow
You are adapted to living without ever seeing the sun, and are not blind even in total darkness, sensing both heat sources and colorless silhouettes of creatures and objects. Light as bright as a torch plays havoc with infravision, making it useless, while daylight makes you all but blind. While blind you are unable to use Interrupt moves - though most enemies are similarly blind against you in the dark.
Lolth's Meat
Requires: Drow or Half-Drow
Whenever you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points or fewer, you gain a +1 Ongoing.
Drow Racial: Betrayal By the Fittest
Requires: Drow, Half-Drow, Duergar, Goblin, or Tiefling
Betrayal By the Fittest
When you become someone's close friend, you may use the Thief move "Backstab" against them, but only once per "friend".

A Medieval Dwarven Avatar Less Than 1.7 meters / Less than 5.5 feet tall.
Non-Anime Appearance.

Female Duergar do not grow beards.
Duergar characters get one of the following moves for free upon creation of their character, and may select another whenever they level up instead of a class or advanced move:
Duergar Racial: Stalwart
Requires: Dwarf, Duergar
Ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear
Duergar Racial: Betrayal By the Fittest
Requires: Drow, Duergar, Goblin, or Tiefling
When you become someone's close friend, you may use the Thief move "Backstab" against them, but only once per "friend".
Duergar Racial: Blood of the Mountain
Requires: Dwarf, Duergar
You can add your base STR bonus (the +n chosen on character creation) to your HP.

A Medieval Dwarf Avatar Less Than 1.6764 meters / Less than 5.5 feet tall.
Body Thickness, short legs, wide skull, broad shoulders and hips.
A character with the ability to grow a beard.
Non-Anime Appearance.

Females may shave the beard, but mutton chops are still a common fashion choice.
Dwarven characters get one of the following moves upon creation of their character, and may select another whenever they level up instead of a class or advanced move:
Dwarven Racial: Crafty
Requires: Dwarf
You are trained in the time-honored traditions of Dwarven smithing. By spending several days at a forge, you can add the Dwarf-Made tag to a weapon.
Dwarven Racial: Stalwart
Requires: Dwarf, Duergar
Ignore the clumsy tag on armor you wear
Dwarf Racial: Blood of the Mountain
Requires: Dwarf, Duergar
You can add your base STR bonus (the +n chosen on character creation) to your HP.

A Medieval Humanoid Avatar Less Than 1.9812 meters / Less than 6.5 feet tall.
Elves are often much lighter, more slender, and less powerfully built than humans, with long arms, legs and necks.
Natural human skin tones and hair colors, although white, gray, and silver hair are possible at birth.
Human eye colors, preferably with hints or flecks of gold.
Large Pointed Elf-Style Ears.
Non-Anime Appearance.

Elves tend toward a somewhat androgynous appearance, though they may dress however they are most comfortable.
Elven characters get one of the following moves upon creation of their character, and may select another whenever they level up instead of a class or advanced move:
Elven Racial: Caraitë
Requires: Elf or Half-Elf
You are trained in the time-honored traditions of Elven smithing. By spending several days at a forge, you can add the Elf-Made tag to a weapon or piece of armor.
If you previously had the ability to make Dwarf-made items from taking this racial, you imagined it, you thought you were making Dwarf-made items, but then recall they are Elf-made items as you are in fact Elven. Just a brain fart, really. "Huh. that was weird," you may think to yourself.
Elven Racial: Know magic..
Requires: Elf or Half-Elf
Magic is as natural as breath to you. If you can cast spells, Detect Magic is a cantrip or rote for you.
Elven Racial: Once a Warrior..
Requires: Elf or Half-Elf
You were once a warrior. Regardless of what you are now, choose one weapon—you can always treat weapons of that type as if they had the precise tag, allowing you to roll Hack & Slash using your DEX.
Elven Racial: Songs of the Lowborn [Saving Throw+CHA]
Requires: Elf or Half-Elf
When you are held captive by a non-Elf for an arbitrary reason (you haven't broken a law, nor committed any violence, nor stolen something, etc.), you may sing the sad songs of your people's lost glory and roll +CHA. On a 10+ your captor is moved to pity and releases you. This move will always miss when used on Drow.

A Medieval Gnome Avatar Less Than 1.524 meters / Less than 5 feet tall.
Pointed ears
Non-Anime Appearance.

Gnomes can have hair and eyes of virtually any color, and their eyes may have no sclera ("whites").
Gnome characters get one of the following moves upon creation of their character, and may select another whenever they level up instead of a class or advanced move:
Gnome Racial: It's Not My Trick...
...It's My Illuuuusion!!!
Requires: Gnome
You may choose one cantrip from the Wizard spell list and treat it as a spell known, even if you aren't a wizard. This racial is pointless if you are a wizard. If you are already a wizard and you've taken this racial, then you've made a huge mistake
Gnome Racial: Undercompensating
Requires: Gnome, Goblin, Halfling
What's one-handed for others is two-handed for you. When you use a one-handed weapon—with a range of Close and the Twin tag—in both hands, you can treat it as if it had the Bastard tag.
Gnome Racial: Little Peck
Requires: Gnome, Goblin, Halfling
When someone swings at you with Hack & Slash or Brawl, they take -1 to their attack.

A Medieval Goblin Avatar Less Than 1.524 meters / Less than 5 feet tall.
Skin of a shade from green to brown
Large, Floppy Ears.
Scary teeth, fangs or incisors.
Non-Anime Appearance.

Goblins are tribal, and typically have little access to advanced technology such as steel, glass or even clean water.
Goblin characters get one of the following moves upon creation of their character, and may select another whenever they level up instead of a class or advanced move:
Goblin Racial: Retreat!
Requires: Goblin
When attempting to Run Away! from battle, take +1.
Goblin Racial: Little Peck
Requires: Gnome, Goblin, Halfling
When someone swings at you with Hack & Slash or Brawl, they take -1 to their attack.
Goblin Racial: Betrayal By the Fittest
Requires: Drow, Duergar, Goblin, Tiefling
When you become someone's close friend, you may use the Thief move "Backstab" against them, but only once per "friend".

A Medieval Half-Elf Avatar Less Than 2.286 meters / Less than 7.5 feet tall.
Small, Slightly Pointed Elf-Style Ears.
Half-Elves are required by lore to be sterile, incapable of having natural children—they can still adopt, of course.
Non-Anime Appearance.
Half-Elven characters can choose one move from the Human, OR Elf race upon character creation. Upon leveling up, they may choose another racial move from the human or elf list instead of a Class or Advanced move if they wish - but may only ever have two Racial Moves, one from each race.
NOTE: Half-Drow may be selected as a race instead of Half-Elf, substituting an Elven Racial for Drow.

A Medieval Halfling Avatar Less Than 1.524 meters / Less than 5 feet tall.
Proportions should be those of a small adult, rather than a child.
Ears ranging from Human-like to very slightly pointed
Non-Anime Appearance.

Mutton-chops are common among male Halflings
Halflingcharacters get one of the following moves upon creation of their character, and may select another whenever they level up instead of a class or advanced move:
Halfling Racial: Everyone's a Goliath
Requires: Halfling
You have honed your ability to use stones and other small missiles which would otherwise be [Awkward]. You can use your Grit score for damage when throwing improvised weapons—they remain [Clumsy], however.
Halfling Racial: Little Peck
Requires: Gnome, Goblin, Halfling
When someone swings at you with Hack & Slash or Brawl, they take -1 to their attack.

A Medieval Half-Orc Avatar Less Than 2.4384 meters / Less than 8 feet tall.
Small Tusks and a slight underbite.
Ears ranging from Human-like to slightly pointed
Non-Anime Appearance.
Half-Orc characters can choose one move from the Human OR Orc race upon character creation. Upon leveling up, they may choose another racial move from the Human or Orc list instead of a Class or Advanced move if they wish - but may only ever have two Racial Moves, one from each race.

A Medieval Human Avatar Less Than 2.286 meters / Less than 7.5 feet tall.
Non-Anime Appearance.
Human characters get one of the following moves upon creation of their character, and may select another whenever they level up instead of a class or advanced move:
Human Racial: Divine Diversity
Requires: Human, Half-Elf, or Half-Orc
If you can cast Cleric spells, you may choose one arcane cantrip to cast as a Cleric spell. Or vice-versa. Your choice is final.
Human Racial: Born Lucky
Requires: Human, Half-Elf, or Half-Orc
Once per day, you may choose to have someone re-roll their damage roll. Yours, or someone else's.

A Medieval Orc Avatar Less Than 2.4384 meters / Less than 8 feet tall.
An underbite and thick brow with a sloped forehead. (Think Caveman)
Shorter legs with longer arms and broad shoulders and thick bodies.
Non-Good, Non-Lawful Alignment. Advanced characters may be otherwise.
Non-Anime Appearance.

Orcs are tribal warriors. It is recommended that you avoid classes that support or lend themselves to lawful alignment (Barbarian is a class well-suited to Orc, as is Ranger, or Shaman).
Orc characters get one of the following moves upon creation of their character, and may select another whenever they level up instead of a class or advanced move:
Orc Racial: Smash Bars, Smash Gates
Requires: Orc or Half-Orc
You gain the Fighter move Bend Bars, Lift Gates, however you must choose 3 on a 10+ and all 4 on a 7-9.
Orc Racial: Just a Flesh Wound
Requires: Orc or Half-Orc
You can add your base STR bonus (the +n chosen on character creation) to your HP.
Kobold characters get one of the following moves upon creation of their character, and may select another whenever they level up instead of a class or advanced move:
Kobold Racial: Grovelin'
Requires: Kobold
When you supplicate yourself vulnerably at the feet of someone hostile, Roll+CHA. On a 10+ THEY Choose at least 2; on a 7-9 choose THEY choose at least one. On a miss you've made them angry and your groveling left you helpless against retaliation!
You won’t be hurt any more... for the moment.
You will not be chained or caged.
This transgression won't be noted in the future.
Kobold Racial: Yes, Master
Requires: Kobold
When an intelligent magical monster (e.g. a Dragon) orders you to do something, take +1 forward to fulfil that task.

A Medieval Kobold Avatar Less Than 1.524 meters / Less than 5 feet tall.
Non-"Good" Alignment. Advanced characters may be otherwise.
Non-Anime Appearance.

Hobgoblin characters get one of the following moves upon creation of their character, and may select another whenever they level up instead of a class or advanced move:
Hobgoblin Racial: Tactical Retreat
Requires: Hobgoblin
When you use Defend to protect an ally who is using Run Away!, you can't miss. A 6 or lower counts as a 7-9 for you.
Hobgoblin Racial: Contentious Camouflage
Requires: Hobgolin
In rough environments or weather conditions—snowy wastelands, barren caves, heavy rains, dense fog—take +1 to Defy Danger when you try to avoid being seen.

A Medieval Hobgoblin Avatar Less Than 2.59 meters / Less than 8.5 feet tall.
Red to orange skin, pointed ears, angular face, large, pointed nose
Non-"Good" Alignment. Advanced characters may be otherwise.
Non-Anime Appearance.

Tiefling characters get one of the following moves upon creation of their character, and may select another whenever they level up instead of a class or advanced move:
Tiefling Racial: Hidden Horns
Requires: Tiefling
Take +1 to all CHA Defy Danger rolls as long as no one involved in the encounter knows you're a Tiefling.
Tiefling Racial: Betrayal By the Fittest
Requires: Drow, Duergar, Goblin, Tiefling
When you become someone's close friend, you may use the Thief move "Backstab" against them, but only once per "friend".
Tiefling Racial: Born Damned
Requires: Tiefling
Gain +1 against all Saving Throws imposed on you by magic.
Tiefling Racial: Prideful Temper
Gain +1 to all attack rolls made against an opponent who has insulted you, until you have succeeded in dealing damage.

A Medieval Tiefling Avatar less Than 2.286 meters / Less than 7.5 feet tall.
A maximum of two of the following:
A small pair of mundane ram, gazelle, or steer horns (no larger than your own head)
Pointed teeth
Oddly-colored skin
Eyes without sclera (whites) or which are all one color
A prehensile rat or devil tail
Snake tongue
Non-Anime Appearance.