e don't care about money. We care about your attendance to the sim. If you are willing to RP on he sim every 4 - 7 days (depending on the individual rental and final decisions) then you can have prims to rent on the sim for as little as 1 Linden.
On the Mhirdrun sim; rentals are free (or 1 Linden where required—they'll pay you back). You can have an RP home, and generally, rez prims for one of your characters so long as you actually maintain the rental box for that home. OOC harassment of players who have rental boxes you desire will NEVER be tolerated on Mhirdrun.
So I bet you're thinking: "FREE?! What's the catch?"
1. To play on the sim with a standard characters without renting a space, there is no catch.
There is no application process for a Standard Character. As long as your character is one of the Standard races and classes, you can observe the lore, observe the character creation rules, follow the sim rules, and do it on your own relatively easily.
For more information on standard characters, see "Races" and "Classes" under CHARACTER CREATION above.
2. To play an Uncommon Character, you must:
Be granted access to the "Advanced Characters" group by an admin. Brief Open-book rules quiz will occur.
Have a Standard Character you maintain. The spirit of this rule implies that you will be playing your Standard character more often than your Uncommon character.
Lease an Uncommon Character slot in the OOC room.
Have no more than One Advanced Character slot leased at a time.
Follow the Requirements for all of your character races and classes.
3. To play a Rare Character, you must:
Be granted access to the "Advanced Characters" group by an admin. Brief Open-book rules quiz will occur.
Have a Standard Character you maintain. The spirit of this rule implies that you will be playing your Standard character more often than your Uncommon character.
Lease a or Rare Character slot in the OOC room.
Have no more than One Advanced Character slot leased at a time.
Follow the Requirements for all of your character classes and races.
4. To rent a house, you must:
Renew your lease, paying 1 Linden to the box every 7-8 days. (7 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds.)
Join the land group before rezzing your prims by clicking on your rental and asking it for a group invite via the menu.
Stay under your prim limit. (50 prims) Even going over the limit briefly may result in all of your prims being returned. You may replace them if this occurs.
Don't use OOCly locking doors... others players must be able to enter whether they're supposed to or not.
Some rentals are labeled. 'Brothel' / 'Tavern' / 'Inn' / 'Sheriff's Office'. These kinds of rentals must be utilized to their listed title, and not simply as a personal domocile. You are expected to run a business appropriate for the rental name.
Accept intrusions. If someone manages to break in, or even take over your rental? "Shit happens."
Prims that are remote or distant from the location of the actual rental, including in a different zone entirely may result in your prims being returned enmasse.
... not be ridiculous with your rentals; don't rent a house in the middle of Mhirdrun for an orc barbarian.
... not have an existing rental house on any of your characters (including alts).
Rentals left empty for more than a few days, or that have been marked as 'will not renew' may be cleared early to make way for new renters.
Rentals may not be sold or traded for Lindens or anything of real world or OOC value under any circumstances to other players.
Rentals and the objects inside, or terrain around them will not be altered to suit individual renters. We will remove the prims of previous tenates if asked (assuming we missed some!)
You may not rez structures that can be seen from roads, and any structure is subject to deletion at any time if Phiona believes that it interferes with or distracts from the sim build.
It is recommended that you NOT rez no-copy items on sim.
Subtenants may not the tenants or subtenants of multiple rentals, nor may subtenants have their own rentals. You may ONLY be apart of a SINGLE rental agreement at a time!
You may trade, or give away home rentals to RP partners for RP reasons. Coordinate this with Phiona Mercy.
Special Character 'Slots' Explained:
There are two types of character slots:
"Uncommon" Characters.
"Rare" Characters.
Neither requires applications. They require the above rules to be followed; so long as all of the above conditions are met, you may play the desired character. Both are found and can be rented in the OOC room.