Embarking on a Quest or Dungeon
Quests, events, and dungeon scenarios are offered at the whim of the Dungeon Master (DM) providing it. Multiple DMs may be required for or work on the same scenario. A scenario can include as few as one person, or as many as six. A scenario can be as simple as going to find an NPC, or as long and involved as a multi-week campaign.
Consequences within a Scenario
Your character's actions within a scenario will have consequences, and your character will be judged for their behavior. Violence is not always the path to success. Success is not guaranteed. Difficulty may exceed the ability of your character. Luck may not be on your side. Your character may die or otherwise suffer, and the consequences of the scenario may bleed out to have an effect upon the world—positive or negative. Approach no scenario lightly, and expect it to last as long as a few hours at a time.
Requesting a DM for your own Scenarios
There are only a few reasons to contact a DM regarding a scenario that they have not already prepared:
You have access to a class move that specifically requires a DM
You have an idea for a quest or dungeon for your party/faction
You have an idea for an event for the sim/an area of the sim
DMs of Mhirdrun serve several functions, and are rarely available to immediately respond to requests. If you wish to request a worthwhile scenario, expect several days of preparation. When you contact a DM for such a scenario, be prepared to give your availability and that of any who you wish to join you. You must conform to the circumstances the DM gives, not the other way around.
Embarking on a DM's Scenario
Periodically, DMs may offer scenarios that they themselves have built and prepared. Participation is first-come first-served, and you are not entitled to participate; a character's class, affiliations, service to a god, past actions, or simple OOC timing and constraints may bar you or your character from joining. If you have just participated in a scenario, don't expect to participate in another one before a week or more has passed. DM scenarios will be offered regularly but monopolizing them is frowned upon.
To improve your chances of participation in a DM-created scenario, make sure of the following:
Your character fulfills the requirements of the scenario: class, level, race, alignment
You can OOCly make it to the scheduled time
The above can be said for your party
Your DM and You
Your DM provides content for your enjoyment, by their own labor. Always treat your DM with respect and don't expect immediate answers to OOC questions (or acquiescence to demands). Do not expect a DM to conform to your schedule. Once a scenario starts, what your DM says, goes. Rules may be altered, and NPCs may do things you have never seen before and don't expect. Adapt, go with the flow, and have fun!
Advanced Moves:
For interacting with NPCs and the environment, there are additional moves that you may use or be required to use at your DM's discretion.
Perform a Ritual
A ritual is an arduous magical procedure used to harness magic and the divine in ways one ordinarily couldn’t. A ritual can only be led by someone who has access to the ritual; other participants may join in, with varying success depending upon their own classes, levels, or gods. When you wish to perform a ritual, contact a DM to set up a time; they may require you to go on a quest for the ingredients, artifacts, or divine favor needed to conduct the ritual. Once you have completed the ritual, you lose mana equal to its level until you rest for 8 hours.
Discern Realities
When you closely study a situation or person, you can attempt to take a wild stab in the dark and hope for a lucky guess. Roll+Wis.
On a 10+ ask a Storyteller three questions from the list below.
On a 7–9 ask only one. Take +1 forward when acting on the answers.
What happened here recently?
What is about to happen?
What should I be on the lookout for?
What here is useful or valuable to me?
Who’s really in control here?
What here is not what it appears to be?
Spout Lore
When you consult your accumulated knowledge about something you can't quite put your finger on, you can look to your intuition. Roll+Int.
On a 10+ the Storyteller will tell you something interesting and useful about the subject relevant to your situation.
On a 7–9 the Storyteller will only tell you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful. The Storyteller might ask you “How do you know this?” Tell them the truth, now.
When you make a move while carrying weight up to or equal to Load, you’re
fine. When you make a move while carrying weight equal to load+1 or load+2, you take -1. When you make a move while carrying weight greater than load+2, you have a choice: drop at least 1 weight and roll at -1, or automatically fail.
Make Camp
When you settle into rest consume a supply. If you’re somewhere dangerous, decide the watch order as well. If you have enough XP you may Level Up. When you wake from at least a few uninterrupted hours of sleep heal damage equal to half your max HP.
Keep an Eye Out
When you you’re on watch and something approaches the camp roll+Wis. On a 10+ you’re able to raise an alarm and prepare a response, the group takes +1 forward to whatever approaches. On a 7–9 you react just a moment too late; the group is alert but hasn’t had time to prepare. You have weapons and armor but little else and they know you're there. On a miss whatever is approaching has the drop on you.
Undertake a Perilous Journey
When you travel through hostile territory, choose one member of the party to act as trailblazer, one to scout ahead, and one to be quartermaster (the same character cannot have two jobs). If you don’t have enough party members or choose not to assign a job, treat that job as if it had rolled a 6. Each character with a job to do rolls+Wis.
On a 10+ the quartermaster reduces the number of rations required by one.
On a 10+ the trailblazer reduces the amount of time it takes to reach your destination (the storyteller will say by how much).
On a 10+ the scout will spot any trouble quick enough to let you get the drop on it.
On a 7–9 each roles performs their job as expected: the normal number of rations are consumed, the journey takes about as long as expected, no one gets the drop on you but you don’t get the drop on them either.
When you return triumphant and throw a big party, spend 100 coin and roll + extra 100s of coin spent. On a 10+ choose 3. On a 7–9 choose 1. On a miss, you
still choose one, but things get really out of hand.
• You befriend a useful NPC
• You hear rumors of an opportunity
• You gain useful information
• You are not entangled, ensorcelled, or tricked
When you go to buy something with gold on hand, if it’s something readily
available in the settlement you’re in, you can buy it at market price. If it’s something special, beyond what’s usually available here, or non-mundane, roll+Cha. On a 10+ you find what you’re looking for at a fair price. On a 7–9 you’ll have to pay more or settle for something similar.
When you put out word that you’re looking to hire NPC help, notify a GM and roll. If you make it known...
• ...that your pay is generous, take +1
• ...what you’re setting out to do, take +1
• ...that they’ll get a share of whatever you find, take +1
If you have a useful reputation around these parts take an additional +1.
On a 10+ you’ve got your pick of a number of skilled applicants, your choice who you hire, no penalty for not taking them along.
On a 7–9 you’ll have to settle for someone close or with an undesirable agenda or turn them away.
On a miss someone influential and ill-suited declares they’d like to come along (a foolhardy youth, a loose-cannon, or a veiled enemy, for example), bring them and take the consequences or turn them away. If you turn away applicants you take -1 forward to Recruit.
Outstanding Warrants
When you return to a civilized place in which you’ve caused trouble before,
roll+Cha. On a hit, word has spread of your deeds and everyone recognizes you.
On a 7–9, that, and, the GM chooses a complication:
• The local constabulary has a warrant out for your arrest
• Someone has put a price on your head
• Someone important to you has been put in a bad spot as a result of your actions