Every place, no matter how small, has always some manner of identity. Local legends, foods, stories, famous people and places: these are the stuff of culture that no old town is without.
Mhirdrun is an old town, even if it's not terribly important, and with its age have come many such features, innumerable in their diversity. A few of those can be found here.
((Some players who are familiar with the sim Lore have taken it upon themselves to fill in gaps in that lore, or embellish brief descriptions and single lines into entire stories. These contributions are listed here on this page, and considered widely available IC knowledge or resources.))
((By Morsmordre Furman and Wild Cote))
The Legend of the Lonely Dragon
((By Wild Cote and Ultea))
((By Ultea))
((By Wild Cote))
((Creator name lost: please message us!))
((By Stirling Warblood))