No matter who or what you are, you will always gain access to the following on this page.
Your Turn is determined either by post order or initiative order. You get one turn per Round.
A Round is the time it takes for a full round of posts and rolls from all participants. You can use one Standard Move and one Interrupt Move per round.
This dice system nearly always uses abilities called "Moves". A move can either be Standard, Interrupt, or Free.
Move Format
The general format for all moves is to roll a 2d6:
10+ is a success.
7 - 9 is a success with a cost; or choice between cost and failure.
6 and below is a failure with a cost.
If a move does not include a 6 or below assume the penalty of 7 - 9 without any desirable effect. Always assume a 6 or lower is worse.
Standard moves
Standard Moves can be rolled only on your turn in the round.
Interrupt Moves
Interrupt Moves can be rolled to affect a single Standard Move. A standard move can only be interrupted once. You can only interrupt during another person's turn. An interrupt cannot be used to interrupt another interrupt (with the single exception of Help From Beyond).
Saving Throw Moves
A Saving Throw is rolled after anyone casts a spell upon you which allows for a saving throw (see Basic Daring Moves).
Free Moves
Free Moves consume neither your Standard nor Interrupt move, and can be used whenever necessary, however each Free Move can only be used once per encounter unless stated otherwise.
Rituals either require RPing and handing your RP in for approval, or act as a bridge to DMed encounters. See Advanced Moves under Quests and Dungeons (Advanced Play Guides tab at the top of the page) for more.
Basic Combat Moves:
These are the bread and butter of combat, and what you will be using most of the time
After you've made at least one post introducing yourself to a scene (or after having posted within an existing scene) you can initiate combat. When you attack you can not outnumber your opponent(s) by more than a 2 to 1 ratio; if you do outnumber them by more than a 2 to 1 ratio, they get to use Run Away on their first turn with an automatic 10+ result; they don't need to roll. There may not be more than 5 people on any side of a given fight, and PvP groups looking for an enemy should not be larger than this number.
Initiative Stone
Initiative is required as soon as someone has used ATTAAAAACK!. While that person rolls for their attack & damage, anyone involved can place down the Initiative Stone. This is accessed from the cogwheel in the HUD, by choosing the "Initiative" button.
For 1v1 fights:
Both click the Obelisk, the controller clicks the sword and hits SHUFFLE, then LOCK to prevent others from joining.
For XvY fights:
Controller clicks the sword and chooses TEAM SETUP. Characters of the opposing groups join one obelisk each. Once every side is complete, the fight controller LOCKS it up and shuffles.
Shuffle as long as both teams are alternating and there are no doubles (two people of one group having their turns one after the other).
The person who initiated combat (hit first in roleplay and rolled their attack) will be LAST in the order. To guarantee that, he waits until the teams are shuffled, then the TEAM SETUP will be opened again and he joins the right side. LOCK after wards and the fight can begin.
There may not be more than 5 people on any side of a given fight, although others may use Join The Fray -after- the fight starts.
All players involved will be listed by name by the Initiative Stone. Initiative order goes from top to bottom.
Join The Fray
When you approach a scene already in combat; add yourself to the end of the initiative list.
Your allies must not outnumber or equal the number of the enemy. Allies who have run away still count toward this total until combat is concluded. If it's less than a 2 to 1 ratio, you can back up the smaller side. But a 2 to 1 or 1 to 1 fight must always remain unmolested.
You must have been in the zone (sim level-area) BEFORE the first attack was rolled. (Crag, Farmland, etc.)
You may not join the fray IF:
Your side outnumbers the enemy team 2-to-1, including opponents and allies who have already fled the battle.
The enemy team has 5 or more individuals on it.
Your team has 5 or more individuals on it.
You arrived on the scene after the initiative stone was thrown down.
If unable to join the combat scene, you may NOT:
Remain in the area, observe, or participate in the fight. You must leave the scene until combat is concluded.
Be a witness to the fight, kidnapping, murders, aftermath or anything.
Stick around to 'heal people afterward', etc.
Exceptions allowing you to join anyways:
You are a member of the Mhirdrun or Crag guard, or the Ruler of Mhirdrun or The Crag, while your domain is attacked.
The fight is inside, behind or out front of /your/ rental or your faction's rental; i.e. you can read posts of it going on from 10 or less meters away from inside your house.
You have been there from the start of the battle and are a hanger-on of the defending faction; I.E. an inn is under attack and you stay or live there.
Run Away! (Rickon's Run)
Standard Move
You attempt to escape a fight; roll 2d6. (If you or your associates have not yet been engaged in combat, take +2 to this roll)
On a 10+ You escape successfully. Your character must leave the area, or they may be re-engaged immediately.
On a 7-9: You have not escaped, but the enemy can only use ranged attacks against you until your next turn! You also gain a cumulative +1 Ongoing to your next 'Run Away!' until you succeed, or take any other standard or interrupt move.
On a Miss, You Fail to escape and must take a debility or drop your weapon or shield.
Note: If you use Run Away! as a result of a Last Gasp roll 9 or lower, you can only ever work towards fleeing, not re-engaging, as you're considered helpless otherwise.
Last Gasp
Free Move
Free Action
When you’re dying you catch a glimpse of what lies beyond the Black Gates of Death’s Kingdom. Roll 2d6+CON.
On a 10+ You end up with 1HP, can keep fighting, and be healed as normal, but take a debility. You can choose to attempt to flee with Run Away as a free move and a bonus to it of +2.
On a 7–9 you’ve cheated death— you’re at 1HP and in a bad spot but you’re still alive -- you are helpless until you've rested. You cannot be healed or further retaliate until you've rested. You can however attempt immediately roll for Run Away as another free move!
On a miss, your fate is sealed. You are Helpless, and the storyteller (the person responsible for reducing you to 0 HP) will decide either right now or after the battle whether you are unconscious or dead.
Note: Consider the guidelines for a death through Last Gasp (see orange text to the right) when you make that decision as a storyteller! Deaths that are truly arbitrary have a chance of being voided.
Hack and Slash (Combat Only)
Standard Move
When you make a concerted effort to attack an enemy using an effective melee weapon, roll+Str. Using Hack&Slash makes you vulnerable to counter-attacks.
On a 7 - 9, Choose One.
On a 10+ Choose Two.
You deal your grit damage
The attack does not leave you vulnerable.
The attack opens your opponent up, making them vulnerable after your turn!
You cause a debility of your choice.
Note: When you attack a vulnerable target you take +1 to hit them. Once you apply this bonus, they lose their vulnerability.
Interrupt Move
When you defend an object, a location or stand close and in defense of a person under attack, roll+Con.
On a 10+, you redirect damage meant for the person you defend onto yourself.
On a 7–9, you become vulnerable, but intercept the attack (the attack ignores your armor, then removes the vulnerability)
On a miss, you become Vulnerable until your next turn.
Note: Cannot be used while you're vulnerable or against spells.
Standard Move
When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+Dex.
On a 10+ you have a clear shot—deal your damage.
On a 7–9, choose one (whichever you choose you deal your damage):
You take too long to get a shot, making you vulnerable!
You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage
You waste shots trying to hit them; subtract 1 ammo
On a miss, you do no damage and expend 1 ammo.
Standard Move
If you do not have an effective weapon in hand (from the "Real" Weapons list), you can try to take a melee swing while unarmed or with an improvised weapon. Roll+STR or DEX. Using Brawl makes you vulnerable.
On 10+ Do 1d8 non-lethal damage to a single opponent and do not become vulnerable.
On 7-9 You do 1d6 non-lethal damage to a single opponent, but they take +1 forward against you until your next turn.
On a 6 You miss. Your opponent takes +1 forward against you until your next turn.
Aside from the moves provided by Monk, no additional damage of any kind may be applied to or modify the damage from brawl.
Switch It Up
Standard OR Interrupt Move
Switch from one weapon to another. You can do this if your current weapon is destroyed or if you want to switch from a melee weapon to a ranged weapon. If your weapon is dropped or otherwise removed from you, you must do this to retrieve it. Changes to your damage or armor do not take effect until the start of your next turn.
You may interrupt right "after" the previous player's turn and "before" your own, in order to have your weapon prepared.
Call Guard
Interrupt Move
When you fight in defense of a location guarded by statted NPCs (these reveal their stats when clicked and are owned by Phiona Mercy or Ultea) roll the NPC's damage dice. You can apply that damage to a vulnerable opponent attacking the location. Statted NPCs will not intervene if the location itself is not under attack.
Skin of the Teeth
Free Move
If you are reduced to 0HP before making any move in an encounter (including interrupts and other free moves), you just barely hang on by force of will and maintain 1HP. You can't be reduced to 0HP until after you have made a move. You must, however, make a move on your next turn or Last Gasp.
Storyteller Guidelines for Last Gasp
When you have control over a character's fate (you've reduced them to 0 HP and they have failed their Last Gasp) consider the following questions. If you answer "no" to one or more of these (especially more) you should take a really hard look at whether "unconscious" should be invoked instead of "dead."
Did they attack me first?
Did I give them a chance to flee?
Did I offer them a reasonable alternative to violence/death ('give me all your money is reasonable, 'let me rape your family' or 'give me your most cherished heirloom' is not reasonable)
Did they provoke me ~after~ I warned I would be happy to kill them?
Did they deliberately go out of their way to damage to my character?
Are there extenuating circumstances by which they have viciously wronged my character or my character's close allies?
Basic Daring Moves:
"Daring" moves can be used in or out of combat, and are generally used as a reaction to other characters trying to push you around like schoolyard bullies. Give me your lunch money!
Saving Throw
If something allows a Saving Throw it will say "Saving Throw" followed by a stat, such as DEX, INT, or WIS. Whenever someone uses such a move on you (Hold, Dominate, etc.) roll as the spell requires (+WIS, +INT, etc)
On a 11+ you resist the influence of the spell
On a 7-10 you fail to resist, but your mental struggle take its toll on the caster. He or she becomes vulnerable.
On a 6 and lower you fall prey to the spell’s effect(s).
If you fail a Saving Throw, you may retake it at the end of your character's next turn unless stated otherwise by the spell (this move can only be performed once per turn).
Long Drop, Sudden Stop!
When you are:
Shoved, Bumped or otherwise fall unintentionally from a height at least twice your size..
Are hurled against or into dangerous terrain features, spikes or traps.
Roll (just roll, +nothing—the ground doesn’t care how tough or cool you are).
On a 10+, you manage to absorb the impact relatively unharmed.
On a 7-9, you take your half your grit in non-lethal damage.
On a Miss, you take your Grit in damage and take a debility.
Non-Combat Moves:
These moves are only used outside of combat.
Defy Danger
Interrupt Move
When you try to change the conditions of a scene, acting despite or to counter a danger;
...by using brute force, roll +Str
...by using stealth or agility, roll +Dex
...by sheer physical endurance, +Con
...with intense thought or quick wit, +Int
...through willpower or personal experience, +Wis
...using charm, allure, a commanding presence, or social grace, +Cha
On a 10+, you do what you set out to, the threat doesn’t affect or harm.
On a 7–9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: You succeed.. but Choose One.
On a miss, you fail spectacularly. Choose two.
You drop your weapon (use your next turn’s Standard Move to pick it up again or draw another)
You are left vulnerable.
You take a debility.
Use the Long Drop, Sudden Stop move and end your turn. (If Applicable)
Note: Use this move for jumping across gaps, to keep yourself from being knocked off objects, to push people off of things, etc. This move is tilted toward failure because it is so open-ended. Any time you don't have access to a move for what you want to do; Defy Danger is what you use.
Bend Bars, Lift Gates
When you are armed with an effective weapon, you can use pure strength to destroy or "cirsumvent" an inanimate obstacle; roll+STR. You are unable to Bend Bars, Lift Gates when you have the 'weak' debility.
* On a 10+, choose 3.
* On a 7-9, choose 2.
* On a 6- gain the 'weak' debility.
You did it quietly; if you don't choose this option, you must shout in local chat that you have made a noise!
You don't gain the weak debility
You manage it in fewer than three posts
You can fix the thing again without a lot of effort.
R.I.P. Redshirt
Standard Move
When you attack a location guarded only by un-statted NPCs (and no players), Roll +DEX
On a 10+ They're all quietly assassinated, and there are no witnesses.
On a 7-9 they're all killed after letting out a cry for help. A neighbor will tell the occupant what happened.
On a 6 They viciously fight you off. You leave in a panic and can't return for 24 hours.
If you wish to attack a location with statted NPCs, you must call a DM to administer the roleplay.
Pillage and Plunder
Standard Move
When you attack an empty location, with no remaining NPCs, roll +DEX and then flee.
On a 10+ Choose 3 (you can choose the same option multiple times)
On a 7-9 choose 2 (you can choose the same option multiple times)
On a 6 choose 1
You leave no evidence before you flee
You destroy an item you wish before you flee
You steal an item before you flee
Recover an ally before you flee
If you wish to recover an ally from a lawful imprisonment before you flee, or imprisonment for a meaningful consequence (theft, murder, rape, etc.) you must call a DM to administer the roleplay.
Gain XP
Standard Move
Once a day you can gain 1XP for each living character you have. Click the cog icon on your HUD and click the button for giving XP
Level Up
Standard Move
When you have downtime (hours or days) and XP equal to (or greater than) your current level + 7, subtract your current level +7 from your XP, increase your level by 1, and choose a new move from your class or prestiege class you qualify for. Add one more mana to your total.
Standard Move
After combat, remove all debilities and any vulnerability. When you do nothing but rest in comfort and safety for a few hours recover all your HP and Mana.