Gods only grant their greatest powers to their clergy: their servants in Orben. Clergy, for being granted these powers, are held to higher standards than worshipers, and must abide by certain requirements and vows, and may be forbidden from certain spells their god finds distasteful.
Domains are optional, and are only afforded to clergy of a god; not simply to anyone who worships them. You must perform a god's initiation to be eligible for their domains. Initiations must be done with a DM. Choosing a domain is a level-up move, and you do not gain it automatically. Min-maxing by using domain abilities is frowned upon, and will lead to a revocation of your powers
Cleric Spells
All Cleric spells must come from a god. By this pact as a Cleric you gain access to all Cleric spells from the Cleric spell list except those forbidden by your god, however if you change gods you can gain spells from the new god as well (abiding by new forbidden spells).
Clerics and Paladins
Any Cleric or Paladin must choose a god to serve (if they do not invent a lesser one via the Cleric or Paladin "making a god" checklists); their class revolves around the powers offered by that god, and they can only serve one god at a time. A Cleric or Paladin is automatically inducted into a deity's order upon completing their training and are considered clergy (they are not required to pass an initiation; it's all part of the job), so long as the god's clergy accepts their class.
Entering the clergy as a non-Cleric or non-Paladin
Additionally, if you are not trained as a Cleric or Paladin, you are understood to have spent significant time training in your initial class. Some gods may favor the class you've chosen, and accept you and others like you into their clergy; others will have very strict guidelines regarding who they permit. However, as a non-Cleric non-Paladin, you will usually need to prove yourself through an act of tremendous sacrifice or devotion before you can access a god's spells and abilities or join their clergy. For these situations, a god will dictate an initiation: you must complete it to join their clergy.
Choosing a Deity
When you make a Cleric or Paladin, you need to choose a deity to get your powers from. There are 42 existing deities to choose from, and some of them have their own demi-gods to select. Each of them are tied to a specific realm of experience or existence, like Air, or Peace, and even Love, or Corruption: these are called portfolios. You are encouraged to choose a god with a portfolio that fits your character.
That's Me In the Corner, Losing My Religion
If you lose faith in your chosen deity, the move is not wasted. You cannot change your Domain choice out for a Class Move, but after a week (OOC) of forsaking your deity, you may turn your heart to another deity of your choice and substitute its domain for the old one. You lose access to the Domain moves/spell list of the god you have forsaken, obviously, in exchange for gaining access to the new one.
However, because these gods have priorities and agendas, there are ways you can anger or disappoint them, or even be rejected by them outright.
All gods mandate certain requirements of their servants. These can be difficult and strict or relatively loose, depending upon the god, but they must be followed if a member of the clergy is to receive any spells, moves, or other abilities from that god until you atone.
Forbidden Spells
Most gods will forbid certain spells. If you cast one of a god's forbidden spells, it automatically fails, and you lose all spells, moves, or other abilities granted by that god until you atone.
Everyone who serves a god must abide by one or more vows (usually 3, but the gods of nature usually require fewer, and Ilmater requires more). Breaking your vows has the same consequence as violating your requirements or casting a forbidden spell: you lose everything from your god until you atone.
Atoning for Violated Requirements, Spells, and Vows
Atoning for a violation is no small act. You must commit an act of great sacrifice. Contact a DM if your character wishes to atone for sinning against their god.
Once between levels 2-5, all clergy can choose a Domain: an additional list of spells they can cast normally. This is considered a Level-Up move, and so replaces the ability to take another move at that level. Each Domain has a Primary Domain Move. If the domain you've chosen matches the portfolio of your deity, it will be called the Primary Domain. You gain the Primary Domain Move when you select the Primary Domain for your diety. From levels 6-10 you can choose a second domain.
Domains for Clerics and Wizards
Clerics and Wizards gain access to all of a domain's spells from level 1-7, provided they meet the mana requirements. However, you can only cast Level 9 spells from a domain if it is your god's Primary Domain.
Domains for Non-Clerics and Non-Wizards
Upon selecting a domain, Non-Clerics and Non-Wizards (NC/Ws) gain the Cast a Spell move (if they don't already have it). They cannot cast spells from the Cleric or Wizard spell list, and can only use it to cast domain spells up to level 3. To cast a Domain spell, non-Cleric/Wizards roll+Wis. You cannot cast a spell unless you have mana equal to the spell's level.
On a 10+, the spell is successfully cast and your deity does not revoke the spell, so you may cast it again.
On a 7–9, the spell is cast, but Choose One Penalty.
On a miss, your spell fails. Take two penalties.
The spell and mana equal to the spell's level are revoked by your deity until you rest.
You are locked in a spell-casting trance, you are vulnerable to attack until your next turn.
Take -1 Ongoing to Cast a spell until you rest.
Secondary Domain Moves
When NC/Ws gain a domain, they also gain a Secondary Domain Move. This is locked to the domain, but for the primary domain of their god, NC/Ws get a choice of one out of two secondary moves; this is gained in addition to the domain's Primary Domain Move.
Other abilities
All domain spells and moves, in addition to a Paladin's My God Will Protect Me and the Cleric Spell list, is dependent upon service to a particular deity. If a clergy members changes gods, they may still retain only their own Starting Moves and Class Moves (and the new god must permit their class as clergy). All additional, domain spells and moves gained from the previous godare lost if you change to serving a new god.
Choosing a Sub-Deity
Some gods have other gods serving them. These will have their own requirements, vows, and domains, independent of their "overgod." If you worship a Sub-Diety of a greater god, you may select their prime domain normally, and can select domains from their overgod but cannot then treat their overgod's domain as a prime domain. For example, if you serve Valkur, a sub-deity of Tempus, you can treat Adventure as your prime domain, and then can treat any of Tempus's domains, including his Prime Domain of War, as a secondary domain.
| At'ar/Amaunator - God of Sun
| Chauntea - God of Agriculture
| Gargauth - God of Corruption

Every god provides access to multiple Domains. Domains provide additional spells at each level clergy can cast (1-7 for Cleric/Wizards, 1-3 for everyone else). Every god also has a primary domain; when you select your god's primary domain you gain access to their their Primary Domain Move (if any class) and 9th level spell (if a Cleric/Wizard). When clergy of a god cast spells from that primary domain, they take +1 to cast those spells. They get no such bonus for a domain which is not the Primary Domain of their god, nor can they gain the domain's Primary Domain Moves or 9th level spells.
Agriculture Domain
Primary God: Chauntea
Primary Domain Move: Control Plants
Control Plants acts as Turn Undead, but against plants. On a 10+ you can instead choose to control affected plants. A mindless plant will treat you as an ally, following your orders and joining your side.
They are still limited by being plants.
Domain Spells
Plant Growth | Level 1
A single plant of your choosing grows from sprout to maturity within the span of one post.
Entangle | Level 3 | Control (+DEX)
Vines grow out of the ground and ensnare a single target of your choice. They cannot do anything but speak for a full turn. This effect ends immediately if the target takes damage from any source, but they are otherwise held. The target is considered helpless.
Helpless: "The target becomes vulnerable. If broken by damage, the target takes +1d4 damage and its attacker treats any result of 6 or lower as 7-9"
Barkskin | Level 5 | Ongoing
You gain +2 armor against magical damage.
Nature Sight | Level 7 Ongoing (+INT if applicable)
You can telepathically link to a single plant or small animal and see, hear, and smell the world from its position for 10 minutes. Only sentient animals get a saving throw.
Wall of Thorns | Level 9 Ongoing (+DEX | +CON)
You craft a circular wall or dome out of thorny vines to protect an area up to 20 meters wide that you control at will. Those who wish to enter without your permission must succeed at a saving throw (+DEX) to get through the vines. Those who make it through must make an additional saving throw (+CON). Those who fail the second saving throw take 2 damage every round until you or an ally heals them, or they leave the Wall of Thorns. Wall of thorns lasts until you dismiss the spell.
Air Domain
Primary God: Akadi
Primary Domain Move: Turn Earth, Control Air
If you have Turn Undead, it is replaced by Turn Earth. It acts exactly as before, except it can only be used against earth elementals.
You also gain Control Air. Control Air acts as Turn Undead, but against air elementals, and on a 10+ you can instead choose to control air elementals. A mindless air elementals will treat you as an ally, following your orders and joining your side.
Domain Spells
Obscuring Mist | Level 1 | Ongoing
Fog surrounds your person and moves with you. Anyone who attempts to hit you with a thrown or ranged weapon takes -1 on their combat roll against you. You can dispel this at will.
Wind Wall | Level 3 | Ongoing
You create a wall of wind on your position, facing a chosen direction, that prevents the use of Volley in or out of the wall. You can dispel this at will.
Gaseous Form | Level 5
You can float slowly for up to 20 meters in any direction. If the distance ends midair, you drop from the sky. This can not be used in combat.
Chain Lightning | Level 7
Strike an enemy with a bolt of lightning for 2d6 damage which ignores armor. You can then select a second enemy adjacent to the first; that one takes 2d6 damage ignoring armor. If there is no additional enemy, the lightning bounces back and does damage to an ally of your choice (or yourself if you have no allies).
Control Weather | Level 9 Ongoing
By choosing a high, natural position, you can meditate there and select a 20 meter-wide area you can see. While you maintain your meditative trance you can control the weather in that area.
Compassion Domain
Primary God: Ilmater
Primary Domain Move:
Palm of the Penitent
You gain the Monk move Fistmaster General. If you already have Fistmaster General you may take another Monk move instead. When you are the storyteller for the Last Gasp taken by a Standard race, you must always render them unconscious (not dead), unless they are undead or Clergy of Loviatar. If you ever kill someone not listed above or wield a weapon other than your fists in battle you lose this move permanently.
Note: You only get access to Fistmaster General, for every other monk move, you still need to fulfill the requirement of the compendium class.
OR (choose one)
Compassionate Conservation
When an ally near to you fails a Saving Throw, you may negate the consequence of that failure.
Domain Spells
Shield Other | Level 1 | Ongoing
Designate a single person in combat—you can’t Shield Other with more than one person. When that person takes damage (after armor), you each take half of that damage. If the damage is uneven, you take the larger half. This ends when you or the chosen person reach 0HP, or when you dismiss the spell.
Prayer | Level 3 | Ongoing
You and allies near to you gain +1 to Last Gasp rolls. You can dispel this at will.
Greater Status | Level 5 | Ongoing
You create a telepathic link between yourself and up to three other willing persons. You can share feelings across any distance, and up to 5 word thoughts within sight of one another. You can dispel this at will. By this means you can instantly deduce the HP, mana, and any and all negative effects (debilities, curses, hexes) of a single person. If you use a Cure Wounds spell on subjects of your Greater Status when acting on this knowledge, treat a 6 or lower as a 7-9.
Endurance of the Martyr| Level 7 | Ongoing
Whenever you take a debility, heal 2 damage on yourself. This spell ends when you have gained all 6 debilities, or dismiss it at will.
Prayer of the Martyr | Level 9 | Ongoing
When nearby allies take a debility, control effect, disease, or poison, you absorb it from them. You must have allies nearby in order to use this spell. You can only absorb one debility, disease, and poison per round. You can be attacked but you cannot be controlled while this spell is active. You cannot use this spell if you have already used Last Gasp. If you take damage in excess of your HP you do not Last Gasp so long as you maintain this spell, however when the spell ends you must immediately Last Gasp if you were reduced to 0HP while using it. Otherwise this spell ends when you have no allies remaining, if you make another move, or if you dismiss it at will.
Corruption Domain
Primary God: Gargauth
Primary Domain Move: You Didn't Hear That
When you have angered someone by something you've said, so long as it was technically lawful, you can attempt to obfuscate your meaning. Make a lengthy "clarification" and roll +INT.
On a 10+ they are not only sated, but open to you—for now. Take +1 forward to convince or sway them.
On a 7-9 they are sated but don't necessarily agree with you.
On a miss they stay angry, and are now annoyed. They take +1 forward against you.
This can only be used once per person.
Domain Spells
Dissonant Whispers | Level 1 (+CHA)
You whisper a phrase with as many words as your level into the mind of a single target; the whispered phrase is repeated over and over in their head for as long as you remain within 10 meters of them. You can dispel this at will.
Incite discord | Level 3 Control (+WIS)
This spell assaults the mind of a single target, spawning anger, irritation, paranoia, mistrust, and hatred. The afflicted targets loses any sort of tethering with its allied targets. (Includes 'Til Death Do Us Part, Bond of Sensation, Dynamic Duo, etc.)
Suggestion | Level 5 Control (+INT)
You can suggest a course of action to someone not in combat which they must seriously consider. The suggestion must be said in as many words as your level, and it must be reasonable, without causing any suffering or harm to anyone. They must perform your suggestion until you leave their presence or dismiss the spell.
Confusion | Level 7 (+INT)
A target you touch rolls 1d3 the next time they do damage, after first rolling their damage. If they roll a 1 they do their damage to a person of your choice.
Dominate Person | Level 9 Control (+CHA)
Your touch pushes your mind into someone else’s. You disrupt their thoughts in a short burst. You control the target for one turn and make them execute one of these actions:
Speak a few words of your choice
Give you something they hold
Make a concerted attack on a target of your choice other than themselves.
Truthfully answer one question
This effect ends immediately if the target takes damage from any source. The target is considered helpless.
Helpless: "The target becomes vulnerable. If broken by damage, the target takes +1d4 damage and its attacker treats any result of 6 or lower as 7-9"
Creation Domain
Primary God: Gond
Primary Domain Move: Arts & Crafts
Choose one of the following professions; you get +1 to all attempts to utilize the skill of that profession.
Domain Spells
Animate Rope | Level 1 | Ongoing
You can command a rope with a single order as you would a trained animal. The possible commands are “coil” (form a neat, coiled stack), “coil and knot,” “loop,” “loop and knot,” “tie and knot,” and the opposites of all of the above (“uncoil,” and so forth). This can be used to securely tie someone in rope only if they are unconscious. When you dismiss this spell, the rope returns to normal.
Wood Shape | Level 3
You form one existing piece of wood you own (or have been permitted access to) into any shape that suits your purpose. While it is possible to make crude coffers, doors, and so forth, fine detail isn’t possible. Roll 1d3. On a 1 any moving parts or other complexities do not function and it simply doesn’t work.
Stone Shape | Level 7
You form one existing piece of stone you own (or have been permitted access to) into any shape that suits your purpose. While it is possible to make crude coffers, doors, and so forth, fine detail isn’t possible. Roll 1d3. On a 1 or 2 any moving parts or other complexities do not function and it simply doesn’t work.
Creation | Level 9
You create a nonmagical, unattended object of nonliving, vegetable or metal matter. The volume of the item created cannot exceed 9 meters. Attempting to use any created object as a material component in a ritual or other magical procedure causes the spell to fail. The object can be as complex as you wish, but it can have only moving parts: no furnaces, steam, lasers, or anything technologically more advanced than cranks, pins, sails, hinges, and joints.
Darkness Domain
Primary God: Shar
Primary Domain Move:
Black Eye Distributor
You gain the Monk move Fistmaster General. If you already have Fistmaster General you may take another Monk move instead. If you ever wield a weapon other than your fists in battle you lose this move permanently.
Note: You only get access to Fistmaster General, for every other monk move, you still need to fulfil the requirement of the compendium class.
OR (choose one)
You can see in total darkness. You are immune to Blindness, and to the effects of the Darkness spell.
Domain Spells
Shadow Servant | Level 1 | Ongoing
You summon a servant from the shadow plane. It functions just as an unseen servant, except it is vaguely visible as a shadowy outline. You can dispel it at will.
Blindness | Level 3 | Ongoing (+CON)
A target you select takes -1 ongoing to Hack&Slash and Volley. This can affect only one person at a time. You can dispel this at will.
Shadow Bolt | Level 5
You fire a bolt of pure Shadow Weave energy at a single target of your choosing, inflicting 2d6 damage.
Armor of Darkness | Level 7 | Ongoing
You shroud yourself in darkness, a peculiar disguise by which you can be seen but not recognized, except by people who already know you. People who already know you must roll +WIS, and can recognize you only on a 10+. While you go unrecognized, take +1 armor. This spell lasts until you are recognized, or you choose to end it. You take -1 ongoing to cast a spell while this spell is active.
Summon Shadow | Level 9 | Ongoing
You summon a powerful creature from the plane of Shadow which is immune to control effects. The creature adds +1 magical damage to your Hack&Slash while you are not under a control effect. If you are afflicted by a control effect, the shadow creature can fight in your place. It has 1d4 grit (magical damage) and 2 STR/2DEX/0CON/1INT/0WIS/0CHA and 10 HP, and it can only be harmed by magical damage. The spell ends when it is killed, or you choose to dismiss it.
Death Domain
Primary God: Kelemvor
Primary Domain Move: Pirouette Undead
You gain Turn Undead as a cleric. If you already have Turn Undead, you gain Greater Turn Undead. When you use Greater Turn Undead, you can't faill: a miss counts as a 7-9.
Domain Spells
Death Ward | Level 1 | Ongoing (+CON)
You create a hallowed space 10 meters wide and centered upon you. Undead cannot enter without making a saving throw, unless they gain your permission. If they do enter without your permission, they take -1 ongoing inside the circle. Additionally, allies within the circle take +1 to Last Gasp. You can dispel this at will.
Death’s Touch | Level 3 | Ongoing
A bastard weapon you touch ignores the armor of undead. You can dispel this at will.
Note: This spell does not count towards your pre-cast limit.
Gentle Repose | Level 5 | Ongoing
Choose 1:
All recently deceased within 10 meters of you cannot be raised as undead, even if they leave your presence.
A single volunteer of your choice appears dead. They can not be awakened until you dismiss the spell. While in this state they do not age, nor can they be afflicted by any damage or debilities.
A single dead creature of your choice does not decay. Doing so effectively extends the time limit on raising that creature from the dead. Days spent under the influence of this spell don’t count against the time limit. The spell also works on severed body parts and the like. You can dispel this at will.
Deathwatch | Level 7 | Ongoing
You gain +1 to all CHA, WIS, and CON saving throws.
Note: This spell does not count towards your pre-cast limit.
Undeath to Death | Level 9
Do 8 damage to an undead creature. An undead creature with 7HP or less is instantly destroyed, and its remains turned to dust. It can never return as undead. Gain HP equal to the HP lost by the undead creature before it died. Non-undead are unaffected by this spell.
Disease Domain
Primary God: Talona
Primary Domain Move: Iocane Schmiocane
You are immune to poisons and diseases; handling them is never dangerous to you.
Domain Spells
Chill Touch | Level 1 | Ongoing (+CON)
A single target of your choice is grasped by a cold, invisible hand. Any healing they receive is reduced by 1d6. You can dispel this at will.
Summon Swarm | Level 3 | Ongoing (+CON)
You summon a swarm of infected rodents you can direct to attack one person or infest one location. A person bitten by one of the creatures suffers a disease of your choice. The spell ends after 3 people have been bitten, or you dismiss the spell.
Contagious Contagion | Level 5 | Ongoing (+CON)
Choose a creature you can see. Until you end this spell, the target suffers from a disease of your choice and cannot recover from it until the spell ends. Anyone they touch must make a saving throw or become diseased until the spell ends as well. You can dispel this at will.
Poison | Level 7
Apply a single poison of your choice to a weapon you wield as an Interrupt move. You don't need to have this poison prepared already: it's magical.
Insect Plague | Level 9
You summon a swarm of insects that harasses your enemy. Add one debility of your choice to any single creature you attack while you are not under a channeled or control effect. If you are incapacitated, the swarm can fight in your place. It has 2 grit (ignoring armor) and 2 STR/2DEX/0CON/0INT/0WIS/0CHA and 10 HP, and it can only be harmed by magical damage. The spell ends when it is completely destroyed, or you choose to dismiss it.
Dragons Domain
Primary God: Asgorath
Primary Domain Move: I Am the Elements
You are unaffected by nonmagical extremes in temperature.
Domain Spells
Magic Fang | Level 1 | Ongoing
You grow long fangs with a range of hand. You can do 1 damage to a single target, ignoring armor, as an Interrupt Move. You can dispel this at will.
Resist Dragon Energy | Level 3 | Ongoing
You gain +1 armor against magical damage. If the magical damage is taken from a dragon, you gain +2 armor instead.
Note: This spell does not count towards your pre-cast limit.
Greater Magic Fang | Level 5 | Ongoing
You grow long fangs with a range of hand. You can do 2 damage to a single target, ignoring armor, as an Interrupt Move. This is a separate move from Magic Fang. You can dispel this at will.
Voice of the Dragon | Level 7 (Control) (Saving Throw+INT)
When you cast this spell through touching someone, choose one of the following based on your Cast a Spell roll.
On a 10+ the target rolls Hack&Slash (or Brawl if a Monk) against an enemy of your choice (an ally of theirs). Damage is 1dGrit, or Brawl's damage options for Monk. Do not add additional damage dice from moves. This move occurs on the target's next turn and occupies their Standard action. Once the Saving Throw has been failed, the effect cannot be negated.
On a 7-9 take the 10+ effect but your character also becomes Vulnerable.
On a miss the target is not charmed, does not attack an ally. You become Vulnerable and you cannot use this move again until you rest.
Dragonbreath| Level 9
You spew dragonbreath from your mouth, dealing 2d6 damage to up to 3 people standing in a rough line in front of you.
Drow Domain
Primary God: Lolth
Primary Domain Move: Quick Reflexes
You gain +1 on all DEX rolls for Defy Danger and Saving Throws.
Domain Spells
Cloak of Dark Power | Level 1 | Ongoing
You create a dusky haze around the subject (this can be yourself). The haze does not interfere with vision, but the subject and anything it wears or carries is protected from the effects of full sunlight, even under the open, daytime sky of the surface world. A Drow subject suffers no blindness or bright-illumination combat penalties while under the effect of cloak of dark power. You can dispel this at will.
Lolth's Sight | Level 3 (+WIS)
You can spy magically upon someone you have met, who has slighted you. You can observe them from afar for 10 minutes. You can see them and their conversational partners, but you cannot see their location. You may only do this once per target, per day.
Suggestion | Level 5 (Control) (+INT)
You can suggest a course of action to someone not in combat. The suggestion must be said in as many words as your level, and it must be reasonable, without causing any suffering or harm to anyone. They must perform your suggestion for three post rounds. This may not be used as a way to get someone to break their vows.
Greater Cloak of Dark Power| Level 7 | Ongoing
You create a dusky haze around yourself and two other allies. The haze does not interfere with vision, but the subject and anything it wears or carries is protected from the effects of full sunlight, even under the open, daytime sky of the surface world. A Drow subject suffers no blindness or bright-illumination combat penalties while under the effect of cloak of dark power. You can dispel this at will.
Spiderform | Level 8 | Ongoing
You transform into a giant spider. You have claws and fangs with a range of reach, Grit 10, 1 armor, and immunity to poison, but can't use melee or ranged weapons or cast spells. You can inflict a debility on someone you attack, whether you have enough points from Hack&Slash or not (you can only inflict one debility per turn). This is dispelled when you Last Gasp, or when you dismiss it willingly.
Duty Domain
Primary God: Torm
Primary Domain Move: Turning Torment
When you use Turn Undead, on a 12+ you may choose to control animated undead. They will treat you as an ally for as long as you keep your Holy Symbol/focus raised. They will, however, take 1 magical damage each round for as long as they ally with you.
Disrupt Undead | Level 1
You shoot a beam of positive energy from your finger, doing 1d6 damage to a single Undead creature.
Searing Light | level 3
You call a beam of light down upon your enemies. Undead take 1d6 damage; the living are unaffected.
Holy Smite | level 5
You call down a hammer of holy might upon your enemies. You deal 1d8 damage to Devils, demons, and other evil outsiders, as well as the clergy of Bane, Beshaba, Cyric, Gargauth, Gruumsh, Laduguer, Lolth, Loviatar, Malar, Mask, Shar, Talona, and Velsharoon.
Holy Sword | Level 7 | Ongoing
You summon a holy weapon of pure positive energy to fight alongside you. It does +1d4 damage against Devils, demons, and other evil outsiders, as well as the clergy of Bane, Beshaba, Cyric, Gargauth, Gruumsh, Laduguer, Lolth, Loviatar, Malar, Mask, Shar, Talona, and Velsharoon. If you become controlled the holy sword can fight for you; it has 10HP and does 1d4 magical damage to members of that list; anyone else takes 1d4 physical damage.
Bolt of Glory | Level 9
You project a powerful beam of positive energy at a single creature. If they are a devil, demon, or other evil outsider, you do 3d6+3 damage. Clergy of Bane, Beshaba, Cyric, Gargauth, Gruumsh, Laduguer, Lolth, Loviatar, Malar, Mask, Shar, Talona, and Velsharoon take 2d6+2 damage. Any other creature is unaffected.
Dwarves Domain
Primary God: Moradin or Laduguer
Primary Domain Move: Sturdy
You gain +1 on all CON Defy Danger and Saving Throw rolls.
Perfect Magic Weapon| Level 1 | Ongoing
A weapon you wield gains +1 magical damage and you take -1 armor. You can provide this to only one weapon at a time. You can dispel this at will.
Note: This spell does not count towards your pre-cast limit.
Bear's Endurance | level 3 | Ongoing
A subject of your choice gains +1 to all CON rolls. You can dispel this at will.
Note: This spell does not count towards your pre-cast limit.
Glyph of Warding | level 5 | Ongoing
You create an invisible mark on the ground. Anyone who passes over it takes 2d6 damage. The spell ends when it is triggered, or when you dismiss it. You can have only one glyph of warding cast at a time.
Stone Shape | Level 7
You form one existing piece of stone you own or have been permitted access to into any shape that suits your purpose. While it is possible to make crude coffers, doors, and so forth, fine detail isn’t possible. Roll 1d3. On a 1 or 2 any moving parts or other complexities do not function and it simply doesn’t work.
Fabricate | Level 9
You transform raw materials into a finished product with as much detail and complexity as you desire. The raw materials are, of course, consumed.
Earth Domain
Primary God: Grumbar
Primary Domain Move: Turn Air, Control Earth
If you have Turn Undead it becomes Turn Air. It acts exactly as before, except it can only be used against air elementals.
You also gain Control Earth. Control Earth acts as Turn Undead, but against earth elementals, and on a 10+ you can instead choose to control earth elementals. A mindless earth elemental will treat you as an ally, following your orders and joining your side.
Magic Stones | Level 1
You throw a magical stone at any target in near or closer range, doing 1d6 damage.
Soften Earth | Level 3
You can turn a single stone, small enough to hold in your hand, into clay, and shape it as you like.
Stone Shape | Level 5
You form one existing piece of stone you own (or have been permitted access to) into any shape that suits your purpose. While it is possible to make crude coffers, doors, and so forth, fine detail isn’t possible. Roll 1d3. On a 1 or 2 any moving parts or other complexities do not function and it simply doesn’t work.
Spike Stones | Level 7 | Ongoing
As you cast this spell, you walk the perimeter of an area, consecrating it to your deity. Spiky stones grow from the ground, damaging anyone hostile to you. Anyone malicious who enters the circle takes 1d2 damage ignoring armor whenever they move within the circle. You can dispel this at will.
Wall of Stone | Level 9
You create a stone wall with a size of up to 9 cubic meters that can be shaped as you desire.
Elves Domain
Primary God: Corellon
Primary Domain Move: 300v10,000
So long as you are outnumbered by 2 to 1 or more, you never run out of arrows for your own bow.
True Strike | Level 1 | Ongoing
You take +1 to Volley. You can dispel this at will.
Cat's Grace | Level 3 | Ongoing
Another person of your choice gains +1 to all DEX Defy Danger and Saving Throw rolls. You can dispel this at will.
Note: This spell does not count towards your pre-cast limit.
Snare | Level 5 | Ongoing (Control) (+DEX)
You maintain a magical trap which is invisible if set outdoors (it will be clearly visible indoors or in caves). Anyone who springs the trap gets tugged into the air and suspended if they fail their Saving Throw. You can dispel this at will.
Tree Stride | Level 7
You can teleport from any tree you touch to any tree you can see within 90 meters. You can not use this in combat.
Find the Path | Level 9
You travel in the direction of a single person, place, or object you know the location of. You cannot be attacked or harmed until you reach your target. The spell ends when you reach your target, if you make any other move, or if you dismiss it.
Fire Domain
Primary God: Kossuth
Primary Domain Move: Turn Water, Control Fire
If you have Turn Undead it becomes Turn Water. It acts exactly as before, except it can only be used against water elementals.
You also gain Control Fire. Control Fire acts as Turn Undead, but against fire elementals, and on a 10+ you can instead choose to control fire elementals. A mindless fire elemental will treat you as an ally, following your orders and joining your side.
Resist Elements | Level 1 | Ongoing
You are unaffected by nonmagical extremes of cold or heat. You can dispel this at will.
Produce Flame | Level 3
Do 1d6 damage to a creature you touch.
Resist Energy | Level 5 | Ongoing
You gain +2 armor against magical attacks.
Note: This spell does not count towards your pre-cast limit.
Wall of Fire | Level 7
Choose up to 3 creatures standing in a line. A wall of fire erupts beneath them, doing 1d6 damage to each.
Fire Shield | Level 9 | Ongoing
Creatures who do damage to you also must take 1 damage, ignoring armor. You also gain the benefits of the Resist Elements and Resist Energy spell (but their benefits do not stack with this spell). You can dispel this at will.
Gnomes Domain
Primary God: Glittergold
Primary Domain Move: Slippery Mind
Gain +1 to all INT Saving Throw rolls.
Silent Image | Level 1 | Ongoing
You can create an illusion of anything you can imagine, with a size of 1 cubic meter per level. It can’t produce sounds, smells, or feel solid to the touch. You can move it with your mind so long as it is active. The image endures until you leave eyesight of it or you dismiss the spell.
Gem Bomb | Level 3
Throw an exploding gem at a target in range, doing 1d6 damage.
Minor Image| Level 5 | Ongoing
You can create an illusion of anything you can imagine, with a size of 1 cubic meter per level. It can produce sounds, but not smells, and it does not feel solid to the touch. You can move it with your mind so long as it is active. The image endures until you leave eyesight of it or you dismiss the spell.
Minor Creation | Level 7
You create a nonmagical, unattended object of nonliving vegetable matter. The volume of what you create cannot exceed 3 cubic meters. It can be as complex as you desire. You can only maintain one such object at a time. Attempting to use any created object as a material component in a ritual or other magical procedure causes it to collapse.
Hallucinatory Terrain | Level 9 (+INT)
You make an area as wide as 20meters appear to have completely different features. Anyone moving through the area must roll a Saving Throw (+INT) every time they move, or else trip and become vulnerable.
Goblinoids Domain
Primary God: Gruumsh
Primary Domain Move: Super Smash
Once per encounter, you may attempt to smite an opponent with one normal melee attack. Take +1 forward to Hack&Slash.
One Eye Always Open | Level 1 | Ongoing
You or a subject you choose become immune to Blindness and the Darkness spell.
Note: This spell does not count towards your pre-cast limit.
Produce Flame | Level 3
Blast an enemy with a stream of fire, doing 1d8 damage ignoring armor at range.
Prayer | Level 5 | Ongoing
You and allies near to you gain +1 to Last Gasp rolls. You can dispel this at will.
Note: This spell does not count towards your pre-cast limit.
Wrath of Gruumsh | Level 7 | Ongoing
A subject of your choice gains +1 damage with a melee weapon, and -1 armor.
Vengeance of Gruumsh | Level 9 | Ongoing
A subject of your choice gains +1 to Hack&Slash, but only when attacking non-Orcs and non-Goblinoids. They also get -1 armor.
Halflings Domain
Primary God: Yondalla
Primary Domain Move: Fiesty
You can use your CHA bonus in the place of your INT for Defy Danger and Saving Throw rolls.
Magic Stone | Level 1
You throw a magical stone at any target in near or closer range, doing 1d6 damage.
Cat's Grace | Level 3 | Ongoing
A single target of your choice gains +1 to all DEX Defy Danger and Saving Throw rolls. You can dispel this at will.
Note: This spell does not count towards your pre-cast limit.
Magic Vestment| Level 5 | Ongoing
If a spell used against you doesn't allow a Saving Throw, you get a Saving Throw against that spell, using +CHA. If you succeed you halve its effects. You cannot cast spells while this is ongoing. If you had cast any ongoing spells, casting this spell dismisses them. You can dispel this spell at will.
Freedom of Movement | Level 7 | Ongoing
You and up to 3 people you select take +1 to Run Away. You can dispel this at will.
Note: This spell does not count towards your pre-cast limit.
Faithful Hound | Level 9 |Ongoing
You summon a loyal dog as your mount. When riding your mount do +2 damage using a weapon with the range of close or greater. Damage directed at your mount affects you instead. Take +1 to Run Away while riding your mount. You can dismiss this at will.
Hate Domain
Primary God: Bane
Primary Domain Move: Tyrannical
You gain the spell Cause Fear. If you already have Cause Fear, those who try to resist your Cause Fear spells take -1 on their saving throws.
Inflict Minor Wounds | Level 1
This does 1d6 damage to a single living creature, or heals 1d6 HP to a single undead creature.
Dread Aura| Level 3 | Ongoing
While this spell is ongoing take +1 to cast control spells. While you still take -1 ongoing to cast a spell while this spell is ongoing, control spells are exempt from the penalty of this spell. You can dispel it at will.
Summon Baneguard | Level 5 | Ongoing
You summon an undead skeleton warrior to serve you. It can understand and perform complex commands, and is immune to control effects, and if you are incapacitated by a control effect it can fight in your place, doing basic moves with 6HP, a Grit of 8, and +1 in each stat.
Mass Inflict Light Wounds | Level 7
Up to 3 enemies you choose take 1d6 damage. Undead are instead healed by this attack, for the same amount.
Great Command | Level 9 (Control) (+CHA)
You can give a single order to up to 3 people who can see and hear you simultaneously. Each of them must follow that command as if driven by their own minds. Each of them take +1 ongoing to fulfill that command until they complete it or fail; if they fail they take 2d6 damage. This spell ends when the command is completed or failed by all affected, or you dismiss the spell.
Humans Domain
Primary God: Siamorphe
Primary Domain Move: I Am Your Lord
You are an authority figure as far as the Commoner move "Yes M'Lord" is concerned.
Divine Favor | Level 1
Take +1 forward on a Daring or Non-Combat Move.
Enthrall | Level 3 (Control) (+WIS)
A single target of your spell becomes enthralled by you, perceiving you as irresistibly radiant. They will do any one thing you say, so long as it doesn't cause them suffering or harm.
Magic Vestment | Level 5 | Ongoing
If a spell used against you doesn't allow a Saving Throw, you get a Saving Throw against that spell, using +CHA. If you succeed you halve its effects. You cannot cast spells while this is ongoing. If you had cast any ongoing spells, casting this spell dismisses them. You can dispel this spell at will.
Discern Lies | Level 7 (Control) (+CHA)
A person you select must answer eight simple yes or no questions you pose truthfully. You can dispel this at will.
Great Command | Level 9 (Control) (+CHA)
You can give a single order to up to 3 people who can see and hear you simultaneously. Each of them must follow that command. Each of them take +1 ongoing to fulfill that command until they complete it or fail; if they fail they take 2d6 damage. This spell ends when the command is completed or failed by all affected, or you dismiss the spell.
Knowledge Domain
Primary God: Oghma
Primary Domain Move: Knowledgeable
Take an additional +1 to cast all spells in the Knowledge Domain.
Domain Spells
Detect Secret| Level 1 | Ongoing
You will know if there is a secret door, safe, cubbyhole, or other hidden room or hiding space within 20 meters of you. You won’t know its precise location, however. You can dispel this at will.
Detect Thoughts | Level 3 | Ongoing
When someone thought-posts, you can perceive it ICly. You can dispel this at will.
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance | Level 5 Ritual (+WIS)
You can observe a point distant from you for up to 10 minutes.
Divination | Level 7 Ritual
You can ask a DM for useful advice for specific proposed actions.
Discern Location | Level 9 Ritual (+INT)
Reveals the exact location of creature, item, or object.
Justice Domain
Primary God: Tyr
Primary Domain Move: No, I Am Literally the Law
When you give an someone an order related to the tenets of your god, or to local laws or traditions, roll+CHA.
On a 9 or lower, they take -1 to their next roll if they disobey that order in your presence—once they have left your presence, this effect ends.
On a 10+, as a 9 or lower, and you also take +1 forward against them.
Protection from Chaos | Level 1 | Ongoing
You enchant armor you wear to gain +1 armor against, and +1 to saving throws against, Demons, Devas, and other chaotic outsiders, as well as mindless undead, clergy of Beshaba, Cyric, Glittergold, Gruumsh, Lolth, Malar, Selune, Shaundakul, Sune, Talona and Tymora. You can dispel this at will.
Calm Emotions | Level 3 | Ongoing (Control) (+WIS)
You radiate a calming aura to everyone within near range of you (5 meter radius). Anyone who wishes to enter combat must make a saving throw, and may only roll once. Calm emotions ends if anyone succeeds in resisting it, and cannot be used upon people already in combat. Otherwise, you can dispel this at will.
Magic Circle against Chaos | Level 5 | Ongoing (+CON)
As Sanctuary, except Demons, Devas, and other chaotic outsiders, as well as mindless undead, clergy of Beshaba, Cyric, Glittergold, Gruumsh, Lolth, Malar, Selune, Shaundakul, Sune, Talona and Tymora, cannot enter without your permission. You can dispel this at will.
Order's Wrath | Level 7 (+WIS)
A single creature you select takes 2d6 damage. If it fails its saving throw it cannot attack for one turn and becomes vulnerable. Only Demons, Devas, and other chaotic outsiders, as well as mindless undead, clergy of Beshaba, Cyric, Glittergold, Gruumsh, Lolth, Malar, Selune, Shaundakul, Sune, Talona and Tymora can be affected.
Dispel Chaos | Level 9
You enchant a single weapon to do +1d6 damage against archons, Demons, Devas, and other chaotic outsiders, as well as mindless undead, clergy of Beshaba, Cyric, Glittergold, Gruumsh, Lolth, Malar, Selune, Shaundakul, Sune, Talona and Tymora. You can dispel this at will.
Life Domain
Primary God: Lathander
Primary Domain Move: I'm Not Dead Yet
Take +1 to Last Gasp rolls. This stacks with other Last Gasp bonuses.
Domain Spells
Healing Light | Level 1
By touching someone you can perform 1 of the following.
Heal 1d8 damage from another living person
Remove a debility from another living person
Deal 1d8 damage to an undead
Disrupting Weapon | Level 3 | Ongoing
You summon a longsword of pure light that ignores the armor of undead. The spell ends if you drop the weapon, or dismiss it at will
Remove Disease | Level 5
Any and all diseases, magical or mundane, are removed from a target of your choice.
Dawnguard | Level 7 (+CHA)
You create a hallowed space 10 meters wide and centered upon you (it moves with you). Undead cannot enter without making a saving throw, unless they gain your permission. If they do enter without your permission, they take -1 ongoing inside the circle. Additionally, allies within the circle take +1d4 healing. You can dispel this at will.
Meal of Atonement | Level 9
By sacrificing your own life energy, you can create a magical loaf of bread or bottle of wine. Take 2d10 damage once these are created. A person you select may eat or drink one of these items; if they worship At'ar/Amaunator, Chauntea, Eldath, Kelemvor, the Red Knight, Selune, Sune, or Valkur, they are redeemed for violating their own vows or requirements.
Love Domain
Primary God: Sune
Primary Domain Move: Cheek to Cheek
When you kiss someone and pray for their well-being , roll+CHA.
On a 10+ you heal 1d8 damage or remove one disease or debility.
On a 7 or lower, they are healed, but the damage, disease or debility is transferred to you.
Domain Spells
Veil of Djalice | Level 1 | Ongoing
Veil of Djalice can be cast on yourself or any target you choose, but only one person at a time. It functions inversely to the Wizard spell invisibility, making someone stunningly beautiful while under its effect, to the extent that no one can ignore them when they pass by. This effect ends when that person takes damage; otherwise you can dispel this at will.
Enthrall | Level 3 (Control) (+WIS)
1d4 people of your choice become enthralled by you, perceiving you as irresistibly radiant. They can take no action while stupefied by your splendor. This effect ends if any aggressive move whatsoever is made against them or in their immediate presence.
Dryadshape | Level 5 | Ongoing
You can shapeshift into a beautiful Dryad, gaining all of the abilities and limitations of like creature. You gain +1 to all CHA Defy Danger and Saving Throw rolls, but can never harm someone unless they attempt to attack the forest itself, by fire or any other means. This spell ends at sundown, or when you dismiss it at will.
Dance of Death | Level 7 | Ongoing (+CON)
A target of your choosing begins dancing uncontrollably. Each round where they continue dancing, they gain a debility of your choice. You can end this spell at will.
Bond of Sensation | Level 9 | Ongoing
Select one person. When one of you experiences a pleasurable sensation, the other feels it as though it were happening directly to them: when one of you receives a bonus to rolls, or healing, or has a condition cured (a disease, debility), the other does as well in equal amounts, so long as one of you is conscious. You can only maintain a Bond of Sensation with one person at a time. You can end this spell at will.
Luck Domain
Primary God: Tymora
Primary Domain Move: Just My Luck
Once per encounter you can re-roll a single roll. You must accept the second roll regardless of its result. You can't use this in an encounter in which you use Born Lucky or any Lucky Duck moves.
Domain Spells
Entropic Shield | Level 1 | Ongoing
When someone uses Volley against you roll 1d5. On a 5 the attack misses even if they rolled a 7+. You cannot use Volley while this is active. You can dispel this at will.
Aid | Level 3 | Ongoing
You and up to 3 people you select take +1 to Defy Danger, Spout Lore, and Discern Realities. You can dispel this at will.
Protection from Energy | Level 5 | Ongoing
You gain +2 armor against magical damage. You can dispel this at will.
This does not count against your pre-casting.
Freedom of Movement | Level 7 | Ongoing
You and up to 3 people you select take +1 to Run Away. You can dispel this at will.
Break Enchantment | Level 9
You can remove any control effect from a single other person. When they are freed they can take +1 forward to Hack&Slash or Run Away! (their choice). This stacks with the bonus from Freedom of Movement.
Moon Domain
Primary God: Selune
Primary Domain Move: Turn of Phase
When you hold your holy symbol aloft and call on Selune for protection, roll+Wis.
On a 9 or lower, so long as you continue to pray and brandish your holy symbol, no were-beasts may attack you.
On a 10+, you also make a were-beast stunned; it can make no turns for one round and becomes helpless. Aggression breaks the effects and they are able to act as normal.
Domain Spells
Faerie Fire | Level 1 | Ongoing (+DEX)
Any invisible creatures or creatures hidden in darkness, within 20 meters of you, become outlined in a glow with a color of your choice.
Moonbeam | Level 3
You fire a beam of light at a single target that does 1d6 damage. A shapechanged creature or Were-Beast hit by the spell must make a Saving Throw (+CON) or be turned back to its original form.
Moon Blade | Level 5 | Ongoing
You gain a magical sword of moonlight. It ignore the armor of Were-Beasts, devils, demons, shadow creatures, Undead, and clergy of Shar.
Good Hope | Level 7 | Ongoing
Up to 3 people you select take +1 to all WIS Saving Throws.
Moon Path | Level 9 | Ongoing
At night, so long as the stars or moon are shining, you can create a bridge of moonlight between any two points up to 50 meters away from each other. The bridge automatically reroutes around obstacles. You and your allies cannot be knocked off while standing on the bridge; your enemies cannot follow you over the bridge. The spell ends at daybreak, if you do not dismiss it at will first.
Murder Domain
Primary God: Cyric
Primary Domain Move: Murderous
You gain +1 to damage for spells cast from the Murder Domain
Domain Spells
Protection from Law | Level 1 | Ongoing
You enchant the armor you wear to gain +1 armor against, and immunity to control effects by, archons, devils, and other “lawful” outsiders, as well as clergy of Asgorath, At’ar/Amaunator, Bane, Gargauth, Helm, Kelemvor, Siamorphe, Torm, Tyr, and Waukeen.
Inflict Critical Wounds | Level 3
A single target of your choice takes 1d8 damage. Undead are healed for 1d8 instead.
Magic Circle against Law | Level 5 | Ongoing
As Sanctuary, except archons, devils, and other “lawful” outsiders, as well as clergy of Asgorath, At’ar/Amaunator, Bane, Gargauth, Helm, Kelemvor, Siamorphe, Torm, Tyr, and Waukeen cannot enter. You can dispel this at will.
Mass Death | Level 7
You project an explosion of leaping, ricocheting energy that does 1d6 damage to enemies near to you, so long as they are archons, devils, or other “lawful” outsiders, or clergy of Asgorath, At’ar/Amaunator, Bane, Gargauth, Helm, Kelemvor, Siamorphe, Torm, Tyr, or Waukeen.
Unmade Sanctuary | Level 9
You dismiss Sanctuary and any other spells which allow protection to an area, or which forbid enemies, or require a Saving Throw to enter it.
Magic Domain
Primary God: Azuth
Primary Domain Move: Nope!
Once per encounter, you can negate a spell used against you.
Domain Spells
Hidden Aura | Level 1
You make a single magical or enchanted item or small space to appear as non-magical to those with the ability to detect magic.
Identify | Level 3
You can identify the stats, tags, value, and properties of a single item you touch.
Dispel Magic | Level 5
Choose a spell or magic effect in your presence; this spell rips it apart. Lesser spells are ended, powerful magic is just reduced or dampened so long as you are nearby.
Imbue with Spell Ability | Level 7 | Ongoing
You can transfer your spellcasting ability to another person. A person of your choosing gains the ability to cast two of your level 1 spells one time each, OR one of your level 2 spells once. They gain the Cast a Spell move using +WIS for the duration of this effect. While they have access to that spell, you cannot use it yourself. This spell ends after they cast all of their allotted spells. You can dismiss this at will.
Greater Dispel Magic| Level 9
Rip apart a spell effect in your presence, as long as that effect is static or in progress. They end immediately. (Control spells that are active during your turn, spells such as Mirror Image, and Ongoing spells such as Seeming or Project Image. This does not work on damage spells that go off instantaneously, as it takes a Standard action to cast this spell.)
Predation Domain
Primary God: Malar
Primary Domain Move: Claw
When unarmed, you can use your fingers and nails as deadly weapons, with a Grit of 8.
Domain Spells
Magic Fang | Level 1 | Ongoing
You grow long fangs with a range of hand. You can do 1 damage to a single target, ignoring armor, as an Interrupt Move. You can dispel this at will.
Animal Trance | Level 3 | Ongoing (+WIS)
You stare into a creature's eyes. It becomes frozen in place, unable to act or speak so long as you continue to stare. You can dispel this at will.
Greater Magic Fang | Level 5
You grow long fangs with a range of hand. You can do 2 damage to a single target, ignoring armor, as an Interrupt Move. This is a separate move from Magic Fang. You can dispel this at will.
Poison | Level 7
Apply a single poison of your choice to a weapon you wield as an Interrupt move. You don't need to have this poison prepared already: it's magical.
Animal Growth | Level 9
You grow to twice your size and your Claw increases to a grit of 10. You gain +10 health, +1 to all Damage rolls, and +1 to all STR and CON Defy Danger and Saving Throw rolls, however you are vulnerable to every opponent who is able to attack you, regardless of whether you take damage or not, and you cannot cast spells while this is ongoing. You cannot end this at will; it ends when you Last Gasp or at the next dawn.
Peace Domain
Primary God: Eldath
Primary Domain Move: Benevolent
Take +1 forward to your next casting of any Cure Wounds spell.
Domain Spells
Perfect Cure Light Wounds | Level 1
Heal 1d8 damage on a living creature, or do 1d8 damage to an undead creature.
Remove Curse | Level 3
You remove the effects of any Curse or Hex, or any other source of automatic ongoing damage, from yourself or another person.
Renew | Level 5 | Ongoing
Choose an ally; you can use a Renew upon them. Your Renew heals them for 4 each round
Life's Foe | Level 7
Inflict 2d4+3 damage to an undead creature.
Mass Cure Light Wounds | Level 9
On up to 3 living creatures of your choice near to you (including yourself) heal 1d8 damage; on all undead creatures of your choice, do 1d4 damage. This cannot be augmented by any other moves or other spells.
Protection Domain
Primary God: Helm
Primary Domain Move: Not On My Watch
You can't be surprised. You automatically go first in initiative order.
Domain Spells
Perfect Safety | Level 1 | Ongoing (+CHA)
Another ally you select cannot attack in any way, and they cannot be attacked in any way. This cannot be used in combat. This spell ends if they move out of your sight, or if you dispel it at will.
Shield Other | Level 3 | Ongoing
Designate a single person in combat—you can’t Shield Other with more than one person. When that person takes damage (after armor), you each take half of that damage. If the damage is uneven, you take the larger half. This ends when you or the chosen person reach 0HP. You can dispel this at will.
Protection from Energy | Level 5 | Ongoing
You gain +2 armor against magical damage. You can dispel this at will.
Spell Immunity | Level 7 | Ongoing
Another person you select is immune to spells of 3 or lower. While this spell is ongoing you can't cast more spells. You can dismiss this at will.
Spell Resistance | Level 9 | Ongoing
Another person you choose gains +1 to all saving throws. You can dismiss this at will.
Sun Domain
Primary God: At'ar /Amaunator
Primary Domain Move: The Light, it Turns!
Gain Turn Undead. If you already have Turn Undead, you gain The Light, it Turns! When you use The Light, it Turns!, on a 12+ do 1d6 damage, ignoring armor, to all undead in an encounter. You can only do this once per encounter
Domain Spells
Resist Elements | Level 1 | Ongoing
You are unaffected by nonmagical extremes of cold or heat. You can dispel this at will.
Heat Metal | Level 3 (+CON)
An item becomes so hot in someone's hand they're forced to drop it.
Searing Light | Level 5
You fire a white-hot ray of light at a single target, doing 1d6 damage to the living, or 2d6 damage to the undead.
Daylight | Level 7 | Ongoing
A bright light erupts around you, filling a 20 meter space centered upon you with supernatural daylight. This dispels and counters Darkness, illusions, magical disguises, all weather-controlling spells, and blinds creatures with darkvision. While in the affected area take +1 to Turn Undead, Greater Turn Undead, Torment Undead, and The Light, it Turns! rolls. You can dispel this at will.
Flamestrike | Level 9
All nearby living creatures of your choice take 1d6 damage; all nearby undead creatures of your choice take 2d6 damage.
Thievery Domain
Primary God: Mask
Primary Domain Move: Sticky Fingers
Free Action
If you are not vulnerable and an enemy is, you can steal an item from their combat inventory. Roll +DEX.
On a 10+ you got it!
On a 7-9 you got it, but are now vulnerable.
On a miss you don't got it, and you're now vulnerable.
After you use Sticky Fingers on someone they are no longer vulnerable.
Domain Spells
Disguise Self | Level 1 | Ongoing
You can completely and convincingly change your appearance into a person or creature of the same size as you.
Nondetection| Level 3 | Ongoing
While this spell is active, attempts to scry or use divination on you automatically fail. If someone scryes upon someone else in your scene, you will be a dark blur, unrecognizable. Any statements made by you will be heard as gibberish.
Greater Invisibility | Level 5 | Ongoing
You vanish without a trace. You become perfectly hidden -- your movements are silenced, you are entirely invisible, not even a scent is left behind. This ends if you attack, act aggressively, cast a spell, or dismiss the spell at will.
Confusion | Level 7 (+WIS)
A target you touch rolls 1d3 the next time they do damage, after first rolling their damage. If they roll a 1 they do their damage to a person of your choice.
Falsehood | Level 9 | Ongoing
While this spell is active, if someone successfully uses scrying or divination on you, you can make up fake posts to show to them. You cannot be compelled to answer truthfully, magically or otherwise.
Torture Domain
Primary God: Loviatar
Primary Domain Move: Hurts So Good
You've built up an intense level of physical resistance. Take +1 to all CON Saving Throws.
Domain Spells
Angry Ache | Level 1 | Ongoing (+CON)
You twist the muscles of a chosen target in ways they weren't meant to move. While this spell is ongoing, they take -1 to all Defy Danger rolls.
Sadism | Level 3 | Ongoing
For every 10 points of damage you deal, you can remove a single debility from yourself. This damage must be applied by a single attack for the debility to be removed. You can dispel this at will.
Wrack | Level 5 (Control) (+CON)
A target of your choosing is completely overwhelmed with mind-numbing pain all over their body, preventing them from acting for one turn. They take 1d4 damage and are then considered helpless.
Helpless: "The target becomes vulnerable. If broken by damage, the target takes +1d4 damage and its attacker treats any result of 6 or lower as 7-9"
Liquid Pain | Level 7
When someone is in great agony, you can capture that sensation of agony as a liquid potion. Anyone who drinks it must make a Saving Throw (+CON) or take -1 ongoing for 10 hours while suffering from excruciating pain.
Thousand Needles | Level 9
A target of your choosing is stabbed suddenly and simultaneously with a thousand tiny needles. They take 2d6 damage, a debility, and -1 to their next roll.
Trade Domain
Primary God: Waukeen
Primary Domain Move: Charming Chachkies
You gain the Bard move, Charming, and additional questions:
How much is the most you will buy this for?
What is the least you will sell that for?
Is this real or fake?
When asking these questions a 6 or lower counts as a 7-9.
Domain Spells
Animate Coin | Level 1 | Ongoing
You animate a single coin to serve you. It can perform simple—if tiny—tasks, using invisible legs, and is surprisingly strong. It acts as the Wizard spell Unseen Servant, except it travels by sliding along the ground and is visible as a coin. It can however move outside of your presence, and slip through cracks and other small spaces. The spell ends if someone picks the coin up and keeps it; however it will mysteriously disappear before they get a chance to use it. It also ends if you cast Animate Coin again, or dismiss it at will.
Eagle's Splendor | Level 3 | Ongoing
Another person of your choice gains +1 to all CHA Defy Danger and Saving Throw rolls. You can dispel this at will.
Suggestion | Level 5 (Control) (+INT)
You can suggest a course of action to someone not in combat which they must seriously consider. The suggestion must be said in as many words as your level, and it must be reasonable, without causing any suffering or harm to the suggestee. They must perform this suggestion once.
Sending | Level 7
You contact a particular creature with which you are familiar and send a short message of twenty-five words or less to the subject. The subject recognizes you if it knows you. It can answer in like manner immediately. Even non-sentient creatures with a nervous system can understand the sending, though the subject’s ability to react is limited as normal by its intelligence. Even if the sending is received, the subject is not obligated to act upon it in any manner.
Lock Lurker | Level 9 | Ongoing
You turn a coin into a Lock Lurker. Lock Lurkers are dangerous, semi-sentient creatures that look exactly like coins and can easily be hidden among them, but they have invisible stingers, legs, and teeth. It can speak and report back to you what it's seen, and if it or coins near to it are stolen it lets out a scream that can be heard from 50 meters away. A lock lurker has no stats and 1HP. As an interrupt you can direct it to attack someone; if they fail their Saving Throw (+DEX) it latches on and does 1 damage per round to them, ignoring armor. It can only be removed by spending a standard action to find and pull it off. They can do this without a roll, but become vulnerable upon pulling it off. Someone who attempts to destroy the Lock Lurker on their ally using a damage move does their damage to their friend on a miss. The Lock Lurker disappears when killed or after being pulled off of someone it has attached to. Otherwise the Lock Lurker lasts until it is destroyed or until you end the spell. You can only have one Lock Lurker at a time.
Travel Domain
Primary God: Shaundakul
Primary Domain Move: Can't Catch Me
You gain a +1 on all saving throws against control effects of level 3 and lower.
Domain Spells
Remove Fear | Level 1
Remove the effects of any fear move from a single other person.
Shadow Sword | Level 3 | Ongoing
You summon a sword of pure shadow into your hand. It does +1d4 damage against devils, archons, and other lawful outsiders, as well as Big Brutes, Cambions, and Undead. If the sword leaves your hands the spell ends. You can dispel this at will.
Remove Curse | Level 5
You remove the effects of any Curse or Hex, or any other source of automatic ongoing damage, from yourself or another person.
Freedom of Movement | Level 7 | Ongoing
You and up to 3 people you select take +1 to Run Away. You can dispel this at will.
Break Enchantment | Level 9
You can remove any control effect from a single other person. When they are freed they take +1 to Hack&Slash or Run Away! (their choice). This stacks with the bonus from Freedom of movement.
Undeath Domain
Primary God: Velsharoon
Primary Domain Move: Mine! All mine!
If you don't already have Turn Undead, you gain Turn Undead. When you roll a 10+ on Turn Undead, you can instead choose to control undead. A mindless undead will support you instead of their own master, until someone destroys or incapacitates it.
Domain Spells
Inflict Minor Wounds | Level 1
This does 1d6 damage to a single living creature, or heals 1d6 HP to a single undead creature.
Inflict Wounds | Level 3
This does 1d8 damage and inflicts a debility to a single living creature, or heals 1d8 HP and cures a debility on a single undead creature.
Wraithform | Level 5 | Ongoing
You set one foot into the plane of Undeath while the other remains in the mortal world; you become a wraith. While in Wraithform you are partially visible and can be heard as though from very far away, but you cannot use standard or interrupt moves aside from Run Away!, nor interact with the physical world, but undead must ignore your presence, and only magical damage will affect you (ignore physical damage, except where it's augmented by spells like "magic weapon"). You can move without touching the ground and can slip through cracks and small holes, but you cannot fly. You can dismiss this at will.
Death Knell | Level 7
Do 2d8 damage to a single living creature. If this reduces them to 0 HP you gain the HP they lost as healing to yourself. If they survive the attack, you take an amount equal to their remaining HP as damage to yourself.
Unholy Pact | Level 9
You can raise up to 3 people as an Intelligent Undead (see the bottom of the Velsharoon|Death god page). You can use this on yourself casting pre-emptively before you die, so that the following evening you will rise as undead, however this will take up one of your 3 slots.
Unluck Domain
Primary God: Beshaba
Primary Domain Move: All or Nothing
If you have a WIS of less than 3, you gain no benefit from this power. If you do have a WIS of 3, you subtract 3 from your WIS permanently (you cannot redistribute them; you lose 3 stat points). You then become immune to control effects, and anyone who uses a saving throw against your Unluck Domain spells gets -3 to their roll.
Domain Spells
Lesser Confusion | Level 1 (+WIS)
A target you touch rolls 1d4 the next time they do damage, after first rolling their damage. If they roll a 1 they do their damage to a person of your choice.
Touch of Madness | Level 3 (Control) (+WIS)
A person you select falls into a blank-minded stupor and can take no action for one turn. Damage to them ends this effect.
Rage | Level 5 | Ongoing
A single target of your choice in the middle of combat gains all debilities and becomes vulnerable. They then become immune to all control spells from the Cleric and Wizard list (e.g, cause fear, hold person, dominate). This lasts until you end the spell, or they taken out of combat.
Confusion | Level 7 (+WIS)
A target you touch rolls 1d3 the next time they do damage, after first rolling their damage. If they roll a 1 they do their damage to a person of your choice.
Bolts of Bedevilment | Level 9 (+WIS)
You render a single target helpless for one turn. They cannot make any move during that turn.
War Domain
Primary God: Tempus
Primary Domain Move: Battle Hardened
Ignore the Clumsy Tag on armor you wear. If you ever outnumber or outmatch your opponent, or cover your face in battle, you lose this move permanently.
Domain Spells
Perfect Magic Weapon | Level 1 | Ongoing
A melee weapon you hold does +1 damage, and you take -1 armor. This can only be applied to one weapon at a time. The weapon cannot otherwise be enchanted.
Reveal | Level 3
You can strip a single illusion, invisibility, camouflage, or other similar disguising effect from the immediate area, provided it is from a spell level 3 or lower.
Spiritual Weapon | Level 5 | Ongoing
A weapon upon which you've cast Perfect Magic Weapon can be animated to fight alongside you. You must use Switch It Up to use a different weapon to keep fighting.
Your animated weapon follows your orders and attacks whatever you attack. It has a +1 modifier for all stats, 1 HP, and gives you +1d4 damage. It also gets your choice of 1d2 of these traits:
It’s talented. Give one stat a +2 modifier.
It’s durable. It has +1 HP for each level you have.
It can complete complex tasks.
The weapon lasts until it is reduced to HP, or until you end the spell. When the spell ends it drops to the ground and returns to being a regular weapon.
The weapon is immune against any form of control. If you are afflicted by a control spell, you can assume control of the weapon instead and have Basic Moves at your disposal, rolling with its own stats and causing 1d4 damage upon a successful attack.
Wrath of Tempus | Level 7 | Ongoing (+STR)
A subject of your choice gains +1 damage with a melee weapon, and -1 armor.
Flame Strike | Level 9
All nearby living creatures of your choice take 1d6 damage; all nearby undead creatures of your choice take 2d6 damage.
Water Domain
Primary God: Istishia
Primary Domain Move: Turn Fire, Control Water
Your Turn Undead becomes Turn Fire. It acts exactly as before, except it can only be used against fire elementals. You also gain Control Water. Control Water acts as Turn Undead, but against water elementals, and on a 10+ you can instead choose to control water elementals. Mindless water elementals will will treat you as an ally, following your orders and joining your side.
Domain Spells
Obscuring Mist | Level 1 | Ongoing
Channeled (Saving Throw +CHA)
You can determine whether a single creature is living, dead, or undead.
Fog Cloud | Level 3 | Ongoing
The area is filled with thick clouds. Only you can see within it; everyone else becomes blinded, even if they have dark vision.
Control Water | Level 5 | Ongoing
You raise or lower a body of water by up to 10 meters, but only in a 20 meter radius. You can dispel the effect at will.
Sleet Storm | Level 7 | Ongoing (+DEX)
You summon an icy sleet storm that covers a 20 meter-wide area with treacherous terrain. Anyone who moves within the area of the storm must succeed at a Saving Throw (+DEX) or become vulnerable.
Ice Storm | Level 9
A storm of ice punishes the nearby area, doing 2d6 damage to your enemies.
Wilds Domain
Primary God: Silvanus
Primary Domain Move: Thornberry Tongue
You can speak to mundane, non-magical animals.
Domain Spells
Calm Animals | Level 1 (Control)
You can calm up to 2d6 wild animals. They do not serve you, but will not attack you either unless you attack them first.
Hold Animal | Level 3 (Control) (+INT)
You can hold an aimal in place, even if it is a person shapeshifted into an animal form. They lose one turn.
Dominate Animal | Level 5 (Control) (+INT)
You can command an animal, or a shapeshifted animal, to follow one order, using a number of words equal to your level.
Summon Nature's Ally | Level 7
You summon a mundane animal to serve you. This animal follows your orders and attacks whatever you attack. It has a +1 modifier for all stats, 1 HP and gives you +1d4 damage. It also gets your choice of 1d4 of these traits:
It has +2 instead of +1 to one stat
It’s not reckless
It does 1d6 damage
Its bond to your plane is strong: +1 HP for each level you have
It has some useful adaptation
If you are incapacitated by control effects (from a Hold, Charm, Sleep spell, etc) the animal can act in your place. It is immune to control effects. Treat it as your character, but with access to only the basic moves, rolling with its own stats and causing 1d4 damage upon a successful attack.
Shapechange | Level 9 | Ongoing
You transform you into any natural mundane creature you wish. You can dispel this at will.