• Advanced Character: A character requiring an 'Advanced' character lease. Not playable by default. Ask mods for further information.
• Applied (equipment tag): It’s only useful when carefully applied to a person via something they eat or drink. Cannot be applied to weapons unless a Thief.
• n Armor (equipment tag): Armor with a base armor value represented by the 'n'. Subtract the 'n' value from damage done to you (unless Vulnerable). Base values do not overlap.
• +n Armor (bonus): Add 'n' to your total armor. (example: Metal Shield is +1 Armor, adding 1 armor on top of your armor's base value)
• Awkward (weapon tag): It's heavy or sharp enough to hurt, but not enough to be lethal; add +1 to nonlethal damage.
• Bastard (weapon tag): You can use it in one hand or in two hands. If you use it two-handed, gain +1 damage. Obviously, when using two hands for a weapon you can't use other items in your off-hand.
• Close (weapon range): It’s useful for attacking someone a foot or two beyond arm’s length.
• Clumsy (equipment tag): It’s tough to move around in. -1 ongoing while weaing it.
• n Coins (equipment tag): It costs 'n' coins to buy, usually. Prices may vary.
• Condition: A "debuff." A condition applies a penalty to your abilities in some way, or bonuses to your enemies. You can have multiple, different conditions upon you at one time, but conditions don't stack with themselves.
• Control: A "move-lock." Control prevents you from taking certain kinds of actions. You can only have one control upon you at once time.
• d4: A 4 sided dice. (1d4 refers to 1 roll of a 4 sided dice. The same applies for values below.)
• d6: A 6 sided dice.
• d8: An 8 sided dice.
• d10: A 10 sided dice.
• d12: A 12 sided dice.
• d20: A 20 sided dice.
• +n Damage (bonus): When you deal damage under the specified conditions, add 'n' to the damage you deal.
• Dangerous (equipment): When you try to apply these poisons, roll 2d6 without modifiers. On 6 or less, you accidentally poison yourself.
• Deaf/Deafened (Condition): You're oblivious to the noise around you and less able to coordinate with allies. You can't be healed by allies and must subtract -1 from all bonuses they provide you. If you are also incapacitated, you are not awoken by any means except damage.
• Debility (Condition): A status effect that causes a penalty on rolls. You may only have each debility once, but you can have all 6 debilities simultaneously. If a target already has a debility when attempting to apply that same debility, pick a different debility instead. If they already have all 6 debilities, you can apply a disease (see below).
"Weak" causes a -2 penalty to Strength rolls.
"Shakey" causes a -2 penalty to Dexterity rolls.
"Nauseous" causes a -2 penalty to Constitution rolls.
"Dazed" causes a -2 penalty to Intelligence rolls.
"Confused" causes a -2 penalty to Wisdom rolls.
"Disfigured" causes a -2 penalty to Charisma rolls.
• Disease (Condition): Diseases function similarly to a debility. However, unlike debilities, diseases do not conclude at the end of an encounter, and can't be healed except with specific moves or spells. You may only have one disease at a time; a new disease replaces a previous one.
"Fever" causes a -1 penalty to Strength rolls.
"Tremors" causes a -1 penalty to Dexterity rolls.
"Contamination" causes a -1 penalty to Constitution rolls.
"Concussion" causes a -1 penalty to Intelligence rolls.
"Insomnia" causes a -1 penalty to Wisdom rolls.
"Leprosy" causes a -1 penalty to Charisma rolls.
• Dwarf-made (weapon tag): Weapons with this tag are imbued with the secrets of Masterful Dwarf-Smiths, dwarf-made items do not suffer the ravages of time and cannot be damaged or destroyed by anything less then dragonfire. Consumable and non-metal items can never be Dwarf-made. Objects must be Dwarf-made through RP.
• Elf-made (weapon tag): Weapons with this tag are imbued with the secret arts of Masterful Elf-Smiths, Elf-made items do not suffer the ravages of time, cannot be corrupted by evil and are significantly lighter than normal (-1 weight). Clumsy items, and consumable items can never be Elf-made. Objects must be elf-made through RP.
• Experience Point: See XP.
• Far (weapon range): It’s useful for attacking someone within shouting distance (100 meters). You need a clear line of sight to your target.
• Forceful (weapon tag): Ignore 1 armor on your target when doing physical damage with a melee weapon. Additionally, you gain +3 to use Bend Bars, Lift Gates.
• +1 Forward (bonus): Gain a +1 Bonus to a future, singular dice-roll regarding a given subject.
• Grit (Statistic): A determination of how physically fit your character is. For standard attacks (Hack and Slash and Volley), you will roll your grit as damage. If your Grit is 10, when a move tells you to 'deal your damage', roll 1d10.
• Hand (weapon range): You can use it to attack someone at arm’s length or closer.
• Helpless (Condition): A Helpless target takes +1 damage when hit with an attack, even if that attack would not do damage. If the attack would not normally do damage, the 1 damage provided is armor-ignoring. This ends their helplessness.
• Incapacitated (control): You can make no actions of any kind. After the round in which you were incapacitated, you can make a saving throw to end the effect on your turn, every turn, until the effect ends. The effect otherwise ends if you take damage, or if an encounter ends.
• Inhibited (control): You can make no standard moves in a round.
• Interrupt (move type): A move that can interrupt, or take the place of another player's move if the interrupting move's conditions are met. An interrupt move can not be removed, with one exception: the Shaman's Help from Beyond move. (Example: Defend. Check the Basic Moves section of the website for more information).
• Load (carrying capacity): The amount of equipment you can carry at one time while capable of preforming other tasks. Determined by the value of STRx2+Grit.
• Mark XP: You gain one Experience Point. See XP.
• Messy (weapon tag): If the target struck by this weapon is vulnerable, they gain a Debility.
• Near (weapon range): It’s useful for attacking at range when you can see the whites of their eyes.
• Nonlethal damage: When someone is reduced to 0 HP by any amount of nonlethal damage, they cannot be killed by the storyteller of their Last Gasp, they can only be rendered unconscious
• Ongoing (spell): A spell who's effect remains in place after it is finished casting. Sometimes applies a cumulative penalty as long as the spell is maintained through concentration. Ongoing spells and effects may be dismissed at will to reduce this penalty. Ongoing effects (and their penalties) can stack.
• Ongoing (dice modifier): A bonus or penalty that continues until its conditions are removed. (Example: If you are wearing Heavy Armor without the starting move Armored, you will take a -1 Ongoing until you remove the Heavy Armor. If you are a Barbarian with the move A Good Day to Die, you will take a +1 Ongoing until you reach half health or above).
NOTE: Ongoing bonuses DO NOT stack, but ongoing penalties DO stack. If you are a wizard wearing plate armor, your -1 Ongoing from wearing the armor will stack with a -1 Ongoing selected as a failure from Cast a Spell. You will be at -2 Ongoing, subtracting 2 from every roll from every Cast a Spell attempt.
• Precise (weapon tag): You use Dex instead of Str to Hack&Slash when using this weapon.
• Ration (equipment): It’s edible, more or less. Eat it!
• Reach (weapon range): It’s useful for attack someone several feet away, maybe as far as 10 feet.
• Reload (equipment): +1 damage, but you cannot use a shield, nor use Interrupt moves.
• Slowed (control): You can make no interrupt moves in a round.
• Stunned (control): You can make no moves for one round. In other words, whomever's turn it was in initiative order when you were stunned, you can make no move until after their next turn in initiative order. If you take damage before that point, the stun effect ends, and you may make a standard move on your next turn in initiative order as normal.
• Thrown (equipment): It’s still dangerous when you throw it. You can toss your melee weapon up to 20 meters and roll your Grit as damage for it. Of course, you lose the weapon in the process.
• Touch (equipment): You use it by touching it to the target’s skin. The Thief class can apply Touch poisons to their own weapons. Not the weapons of others.
• Two-handed (equipment): It takes two hands to use it. A shield or other weapon cannot be used in your off-hand.
• n Uses (equipment): It can be used n times.
• Vulnerable (Status): An attacker may apply a +1 bonus to their attack against a vulnerable target. Vulnerability lasts until the vulnerable target is attacked (with the +1 to attack being applied). You cannot use the Defend move while Vulnerable. Other Interrupt moves can still be used. This ends when the Vulnerable target's turn comes in the turn order.
• n Weight (equipment): The item counts against your load. You can only carry total weight equal to your load without penalty.
• XP: Experience gained by your character. A character requires 7+Level XP to level up. When they level up, they may add a new move. A standard character may only level up to level 8.
• Your Combat Damage (Dice): See 'your damage.'
• Your Damage (Dice): When a successful roll gives you the chance to 'deal your damage', roll a damage dice as dictated by Grit of your class. If your class has 10 grit, roll a 1d10. If your class has 6 Grit, roll 1d6.