Centaurs are naturally territorial (often expecting tribute in their own territory), incredibly willful and generally short-sighted, often over-simplifying complex problems or ignoring fine details; usually loyal only to their own clan. They frequently quarrel with one another and often settle disputes physically; either through sporting competition or violence. They are usually considered to be less intelligent than the average human, and are almost universally illiterate, speaking only the common tongue. Centaurs are much shorter lived than humans, living only thirty years and far more impassioned and prone toward rash but decisive action.
Centaur herds tend to be strongly patriarchal and frequently feud with each other, raiding or stealing from each other and other race's settlements for supplies, slaves, or weapons, and rarely come together except to push humans out of their territory. Centaurs commonly wear tribal tattoos and piercings and though they sometimes wear armor they cannot craft it and they virtually never wear clothes - keeping warm due to their mass and physical activity - however, due to their size centaurs must eat and drink almost constantly.
Though centaurs are most often found as members of existing clans, some centaurs who are captured while raiding or wandering in the wild are taken as slaves for use as 'draft animals' by humans or even enemy centaur clans -- but occasionally, those banished from their clan will make their way among humans as mercenaries; though they are incredibly strong, centaurs make unreliable soldiers because of their fickle nature.
Interestingly? Many centaurs can sleep standing up; but are prone to doing this during guard duty when working as mercenaries.

Greek Centaurs, drunken raiders, rapcious beast-men.
An Avatar fitting your race.
Maintaining an Uncommon or Centaur rental slot.
Read the lore for your character's race.
Grit is 8.
Your carry weight is equal to STR+Grit.
Your hitpoints are CONx4+Grit.

Wild Thing
You are illiterate. Due to your size, when indoors or in an enclosed area where you cannot run freely, you take -1 Forward to any move that can cause damage or requires +DEX until you escape confinement. Any object or magic that works on a horse also works on you.
Four Extra Fists
You can use your hooves as weapons (close, 0 weight). Whenever you would make a damage roll while using your hooves you use a d6 instead of your regular damage dice.
Trample ( STR or CON)
When you create your character, choose either STR or CON to use for this move. When you want to charge an enemy smaller than yourself and knock them to the ground, trampling over them with your hooves, roll +STAT.
*On a 10+, you knock them off of their feet and stomp on them. Make two damage rolls, one using a weapon of your choice
and one using your hooves. If you are not using a weapon you can make a second damage roll with your hooves. While being trampled the enemy can damage you as an interrupt. Their damage ignores armor as they get a clear shot at your underbelly.
*On a 7-9, you knock the foe off of their feet and make a damage roll against them using your hooves.
The enemy can damages without an interrupt, trying frantically to escape from under your hooves.
Prideful Creature
Despite being a mysterious and majestic creature you are equally savage and vain. You cannot willingly do any of the following:
Let anyone ride you.
Carry the possessions of others.
Allow yourself to be saddled or to pull a cart or any other cumbersome device that would be used by a beast of burden.
Allow yourself to be captured.
Centaur Racial: Tribal Role
Choose one Tribal Role:
Tribal Role - Gatherer:
Whenever you spend several or more hours outside in the wilderness you get gathered food (rations, 5 uses, 1 weight).
Tribal Role - Healer:
Whenever you would use an item to heal damage from you or one of your companions, increase the amount healed by 1d6.
Tribal Role - Hunter:
You get the Hunt And Track Starting Move from the Ranger class.
Tribal Role - Slave:
You lose the Prideful Creature Starting Move.
Tribal Role - Warrior:
You get a +1 to all Trample rolls.

When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose from amongst these moves:
Lead The Herd
Whenever you lead one or more of your companions into battle you get a +1
forward to your next roll.
Crushing Hooves
Requires: Trample
Whenever you roll 10+ on Trample, the enemy doesn’t get to damage you
I’m Not A Horse!
Whenever someone mocks you with a horse-related insult you add a +1d4
forward to your next Hack And Slash or Volley roll made against them.
Act Natural
When you approach from a distance you are easily mistaken you for a mundane horse and those spotting you won’t pay you any mind. This can be considered stealth.
Tireless Beast
You have more endurance than either a horse or a man. You can tirelessly
run for a number of days straight equal to you CON, after which you
collapse from exhaustion and need a day to recover.
Ride By Kidnap (STR)
When you want to ride by and sweep someone away, roll +STR.
*On a 10+, you seize them and gallop away.
*On a 7-9, you manage to grab hold of them and take off, but they struggle and can deal their damage to you as an interrupt.
You can eat raw meat without consequence and you are immune to poisons.
Bone-Breaking Kick
Whenever you deal damage to someone with one of your hooves they get a
-1 to their Armor. A piece of armor or shield reduced to 0 armor is destroyed.

When you gain a level from 6–10, choose from these moves or the level 2–5 moves.
Requires: Savage
All torches you hold count as a weapon with the following tags (close, near, thrown, +1 damage, flaming, 1 weight).
Surprisingly Lethal
Your hooves now use a d8 for damage instead of a d6.
Never Yield To The Dark
Requires: Tireless Beast
Enemies that are an unnatural evil or that have the Construct tag can never exploit openings against you and their damage can never ignore your armor. You never count as vulnerable or helpless to them.
Smashed Underfoot
Whenever you damage someone using Trample you can break any one mundane object they have on their person.
Swift Stride
You get a +1 ongoing to all +DEX Defy Danger rolls when you are running at top speed to avoid obstacles or projectiles. Also, nothing on two legs can ever outrun you.
Caught Under The Hooves
Requires: Level 8 or higher.
You get to make four damage rolls with your hooves when you roll 10+ for Trample.
If A Human Can Do It, So Can I!
Get one move from a class that has a Human as an option for race. Treat your level as one lower for choosing the move. You may not choose a Starting move.