At the height of the Elven empire, when it spanned two continents and cowed even dragons into retreat, Avariels were its rulers, but High Elves were its custodians. Detached from the struggles of the least of all members of the empire, the High Elves held every major office from the ranks of generals to governors and judges, and were renowned for their utter lack of mercy. Even-voiced, severe, commanding: the High Elves radiated everything about their society that had dominated Orben for millennia. Now, they are vestigial: long-lived survivors hunted down and killed. They have few refuges and even fewer willing to provide them with refuge, for though their empire has long since fallen, they are still much feared. Elves did not rule only by violence, but by fear, and it is said the magic of High Elves could twist the heart of a Man to slay their own kin with the power of words alone.

Haughty, Supernatural, Fair-folk, Fey. Nobility with an otherworldly grace.

A Sun Elf or Moon Elf avatar fitting your race.
Read the lore for your character's race.
Grit is 8.
Your carry weight is equal to STR+Grit.
Your hitpoints are CONx4+Grit.

Elder Arts
When you draw upon the elven power that humans call magic, roll+Wis.
On a 10+, hold 3.
On a 7-9, hold 2.
On a miss, hold 1 anyway, but you'll have to pay a price later; ask a story-teller for ideas.
Either way, you cannot use this move again until after you have Made Camp. Spend your hold one-for-one to do the following:
Immediately know what is magical in nature within your immediate surroundings
Become invisible; this persists as long as you are in a natural environment or until you attack or dismiss the effect.
Draw everyone's attention to you and away from something else.
Touch the World Lightly
You can walk on top of snow, across thin tree branches or along precarious ledges, or stand on held weapons, all without Defying Danger - but only if you aren't wearing armor.
When you Discern Realities in a crowded place where you can see at least one other elf or an elven glyph, ask one additional question, even on a miss.
Old Soul
When you speak the old wisdom of the elves to those you Parley with, take +1.

When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose from amongst these moves:
When you Discern Realities, on a hit, you can choose to ask a non-elf's true feelings about you. [You may ask their players secretly; the player must answer honestly.]
When you Volley, on a 10+, instead of dealing damage, you may choose to knock the target unconscious - they are rendered helpless. They can still be awoken as normal.
When you gaze deeply into a person's eyes and they gaze back, roll+CHA.
*On a 10+, choose 2. *On a 7-9, choose 1:
They speak a few words of your choice.
They are paralyzed and vulnerable until you release their gaze.
They give you something they hold.
They truthfully answer one question.
Elven Dexterity
You are extremely agile, even for those of your kind. You can climb trees and
walk ropes as easily as others walk on the ground, never lose your balance and always land on your feet.
Fey Mysteries
When you draw upon the elven power that humans sometimes call magic, gain +1 hold. Additionally, add the following to your list of options for Elder Arts:
A spell or magic effect in your presence is greatly diminished. Lesser spells are ended, whereas powerful magic is merely reduced or dampened as long as you are nearby
You may mark a surface or a willing or helpless subject with arcane markings. Glyphs may communicate simple ideas, and anyone who views them instinctively understands their meaning. Choose a condition under which they may be seen:
In moonlight.
By the eyes of elves.
Detected by magic.
Requires: Glyphs
When you craft or repair weapons or armor, you may imbue them with the
secrets of the elves. If you do so, in addition to its usual properties, the item
gains the elf-made tag. Clumsy objects and consumable can never be Elf-made.
Silent But Deadly
When you Volley from a hidden position, on a 10+, you remain hidden from
your enemies' sight.
Songs of the Firstborn
When you sing the tales of the elves, roll+Cha.
On a 10+, choose two.
On a 7-9, choose one.
Either way, the experience is so intense that the same person cannot be affected by your songs more than once a day.
All those who hear you have their hearts calmed and are less likely to fight.
All those who hear you are overcome with sorrow or nostalgia and drop their guard.
One person who hears it becomes entranced and counts you as a friend until proven otherwise.

When you gain a level from 6–10, choose from these moves or the level 2–5 moves.
Beautiful and Terrible
When you rebuke someone and reveal the full power of your elven soul to your foes, roll+Cha. On a hit, they recoil from you and cannot look at you directly. On a 10+, the cowardly and wicked among them also flee in terror.
Whenever you enter a steading with the elven tag, you are recognized by others there as a figure of great importance and always treated with respect. Elves and those wearing Glyphs gain +1 Forward while executing commands in your presence.
Elven Supremacy
Requires and Replaces: Elven Dexterity
You are never hindered by any obstacle smaller than a man’s height and can cross any terrain effortlessly, dodging and weaving with perfect grace. Additionally, you ALWAYS win one-on-one contests of agility or speed.
Pride of the Highborn
If someone disobeys you, take +1 Forward against them.
Glyph Mastery
Requires: Glyphs
Those wearing elven Glyphs are magically compelled to obedience. Take +1 to any attempt to influence, command, or control someone wearing Glyphs by your hand.
Hand of Silver
Requires: Elfsmith
You can create magic items. It will be expensive and require exotic materials. Contact a GM before executing this move. It can be done so long as you fulfill some of the following conditions (choose two):
It will be the pinnacle of your craft, and you will never again have the heart to craft an item like it.
It will involve a great personal sacrifice, and your life will never be the same again.
It will remove something beautiful from the world, never to be witnessed again.
It will be doomed to never be used by mortal hands, lest great tragedy occurs.
Requires: Glyphs
You may form a bond with any Glyph you touch. You may only have one such bond at a time. Further, when you discern realities, you may do so from the location of the object or person you have bonded to. If your Glyph-bond is to a person, you may hold a conversation with them without words regardless of distance.
Silent Assassin
When you Volley from a hidden position, you always remain hidden from your enemies’ sight. You may instead choose to expose yourself to treat your roll as if you had rolled a 10+.
Multiclass Dabbler
Get one move from another class. Treat your level as one lower for choosing the move. This cannot be a starting move.