Acrobat | Dynamic Duo | Lucky Duck | Monk
"If you like falling, then gymnastics is the sport for you."

You must have a DEX of 3 and be a Bard, Commoner, Ranger, or Thief.
Artful Dodger
So long as you are wearing light or no armor and not using a shield, you are Dodgy. Whenever you are Dodgy you can use +DEX instead of STR or CON on all Saving Throw rolls.
Leap Chasms, Vault Walls
Requires: Artful Dodger
You're good at getting away, and you've learned well how to deal with being "what comes down" after being "what goes up." While you are Dodgy, add your DEX bonus to your roll when you Run Away! or Long Drop Sudden Stop; this doesn't stack with other bonuses.
Desperate Dodge
Requires: Artful Dodger
While you are Dodgy, if an enemy attacking you does physical damage, you can try to mitigate the damage; roll +DEX
On a 10+ you take half of the damage, after armor (if applicable) rounded up.
On a 7-9 as above, but you are no longer Dodgy for the rest of the encounter.
On a 6 or lower you fail miserably; take the full damage +1d4, and you are no longer Dodgy for the rest of the encounter.
Requires: Artful Dodger
While you are Dodgy, when someone would interrupt your move in a way that prevents you from acting at all (Help from Beyond, Counterspell, stunning), you're prepared to avoid it; negate their interruption. This can't be used upon interruptions which mitigate damage.
Poised Attack
Requires: Artful Dodger
You employ finesse when you attack; when wielding a precise weapon while Dodgy, you can ignore Messy and Forceful tags used against you.