The world in which Mhirdrun is set contains a collection of various fantasy tropes featured in Dungeons & Dragons. While Mhirdrun itself utilizes a game-rules set called 'Dungeon World', most creatures in Mhirdrun are comparable to their counterparts in the Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition SRD. Their lore, themes and the inspirations for our choices on their general abilities remain for reference here: The Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition SRD
Any lore specific to various Dungeons & Dragons campaign settings (such as Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, Eberron, or other campaign settings) are NOT necessarily universal to Mhirdrun. (Example: On the Forgotten Realms wiki, the average Frost Giants have been listed as being 20 feet tall under their average-height statistic beneath their picture. In the SRD, they can be shown here as being fifteen feet tall -- although this oversight has been amended in the frost giant text it was missed beneath its picture as recent edits have shown). Any time there is a conflict between setting specific lore, and the SRD document, the SRD typically wins unless something has been ear-marked to set a flavor or tone. Any time there is not lore in the SRD? We're making it up in a way that fits the mood and lore of our setting which may or may not match what you know from other campaign settings.
Mhirdrun's various races -- in truth distinct species -- are divided into three categories:
Standard Races - These species are common in the vicinity of Mhirdrun and have relaxed regulation. Anyone can play these.
Uncommon Races - These characters are controlled and regulated, requiring a Level 1 Rental Box.
Rare Races - These characters are tightly controlled and regulated, requiring a Level 2 Rental Box.

These character types are standard fantasy fare. While there are loose standards regarding height and common hair colors for most of them, the majority of these are fairly straight forward. The requirements for playing these are as follows:
Before you begin playing a character, read the lore on the Human page as well as the lore of the race you've chosen (if not human).
Your character must fit into the lore, and they can not be any of the following:
A character not from the Standard Races below
A character with physical attributes unrealistically geared towards your OOC sexual appetites. (This is not a "sex sim.")
A character from another universe or time period
A character from outside of the Thradhel, Sundering Isles, Linothor, or Sulgate
A character related to any of the characters in lore (you cannot be the king's lost grandson)
A character with intimate and exclusive knowledge of great mysteries within the lore
A character with legitimate claims to nobility or royalty
A character with great political, economic, social, magical, or an otherwise uncommon power or ability (Mhirdrun is the boonies; it's not a place for the most powerful to gather)
A character whose appearance can be described as being an "Anime" or "Dickgirl" character
Any character who violates the above can only be played after getting admin approval first.
(Click one of the links below, or the corresponding picture for each race)
Drow | Duergar | Dwarves | Elves | Gnomes |Goblins | Half-Elves | Halflings | Half-Orcs | Humans | Orcs |Tieflings
Other Standard Races you may use:
Races that are NOT standard:
Moon-Elves, High-Elves, Avariel Elves
Half-Fiends / Half-Celestials
Planetouched beyond Tiefling.