The Joker, The Priceless Gem, The Sparkling Wit, The Watchful Protector, but all of these titles are pretty ridiculous

This seems to be a golden nugget or gem

While life may sometimes be hard, it is important to keep a sense of humor and always welcome opportunities for laughter and delight. Communities are forged through the cooperation and communal spirit of a group of individuals who work and play together. The strength of a community is the cooperation that binds individuals into more than the sum of their contributions. A great prank can help to lighten hard times and make good ones shine- Those who are in authority should never take themselves too seriously, or they lose touch with those they direct and care for. Teach and preserve the tales and traditions of the Forgotten Folk, so that they are never forgotten among their own kind. Do not fear change or the unorthodox, for therein lies the future. Finally, in all things, do what works.

(You need to abide by these as clergy, not as a worshiper. Obviously.)
Be a Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Paladin, Thief, Witch, or Wizard please
Be a Gnome. Or, maybe a really convincing approximation of one, like a 4 ft. tall Elf with green hair.
"It's Not My Trick... ...It's My Illusion!!!"—you need it. Especially if you're a wizard. Snort.
You must make someone laugh once a day... or week, whatever.
You must sacrifice a handful of gold dust when the sun rises, and when the sun sets... Hah! Just kidding. Unless, y'know... you want to.
Oh, and don't harm the innocent.
Oh, and torture. Don't do that. Come on, guys.
If you're not a Cleric or Paladin, do this first: Sacrifice a handful of gold dust. Seriously, this time.

(You need to abide by these as clergy, not as a worshiper. See above. Then see below.)
Level 5 spell: Animate dead
Pranks involving the animation of otherwise inanimate objects? Cool. But Undead? Nope.
Level 5 Spell: Revelation
No spoilers!
Level 7 spell: Sever
Making someone's arm fall off would be a good joke, but the requisite pain... not so much
(If you wish to become clergy of this god, take three of these as your vows—if you violate them you lose any moves, spells, and any other benefits granted by this god until you atone.)
Love of Art (Forbidden: permanently destroying fine craftsmanship (making it only appear destroyed as a joke is fine), unless it is magically evil; this even includes things like doors, gates)
Love of Mirth (Forbidden: taking lethal revenge upon someone, causing anyone undue pain, holding a grudge—come on, don't be like that)
Love of Humor (Forbidden: willingly speaking in any manner other than rhyme, limericks, and/or in strange unnaturally high-pitched voices at all times... the weirder, the better)
Love of Imagination (Forbidden: refusing to accept (and then immediately act upon or obey) an idea or suggestion that sounds crazy, if you cannot articulate an argument against it... you think I'm joking?)

Garl Glittergold is the god of Gnomes, as well as jokes, pranks, and general humor. As may be expected he is almost always bearing a secret smirk if he is not laughing, and maintains a charming, if slippery personality. He is exceedingly intelligent despite his frivolous demeanor, and is considered one of the most cunning of all gods.
Although his military prowess is almost always used defensively, when Glittergold's people are physically threatened, the god is a grim and determined war leader who out-thinks as well as out-fights his opponents.
Home Plane
Twin Paradises of Bytopia
Gnomes, humor, gemcutting, harmless trickery, "good" rogues and illusionists
Favored Weapon
Arumdina (Battleaxe)
Destroying the Kobold home city
During the Dragonswar, he crushed the Kobolds' first city, almost destroying the entire Kobold race. When questioned by the other gods about his motives, he claimed it was "for the Lols." This has led to a great debate over the meaning of his riddle. Some have concluded that Glittergold divined some connection between the Kobolds and Drow which he wished to pre-empt, and have taken to guarding against such an alliance zealously.
Discovering Gnomes
Glittergold is said to have discovered the first Gnomes while exploring a cavern. The Gnomes were being chased by dark beasts and had gotten lost. Without revealing himself, he left a trail of bright and luminous gems, one at a time, to guide them through the darkness in such a random path that the beasts lost sight and scent of them. After they were safe, he led them in circles for a year before finally leading them into the light, introducing himself with a joke.
It is believed Glittergold provided protection to the first Gnomes during their dark early years, where they were driven underground by Elves and then constantly threatened by the fell beasts of the Underdark. He alternated affectionate care with pranks, which is said to have developed the Gnomes into a highly adaptable people, simultaneously suspicious of everything they also find curious, and relieved when it turns out well.
Glittergold's church has expanded considerably since the fall of Aer Arnad, as his unique brand of worship is often seen as harmless while appealing to many other races.
Relationship with other gods and churches
Aside from the other non-evil members of the Gnome Pantheon, Garl is allied with Yondalla, Corellon Larethian and Moradin. The Joker is often found in the company of other powers of other pantheons of similar perspective, including Brandobaris, Erevan Ilesere, Tymora, and Vergadain. The various powers worshiped by humanoids and creatures of the Under-dark are often the target of Garl’s jests, and he usually leaves them helpless and humbled, a victim of self-inflicted folly. As a result, despite his ever-optimistic hope that they might learn a lesson about overweening pride and pomposity, the Joker has garnered many enemies from among their ranks, particularly among the kobold pantheon. Notable among the Joker’s exploits are the story of how he pretended to be caught by Kurtulmak before escaping as he collapsed the kobold god’s cavern on top of Kurtulmak, and the story of how Garl dressed up as a deer to lure Grankhul, the bugbear hunter god, out into the open before trapping him with an illusion and leaving him trussed up like a turkey.
Associated lesser deities
Baervan Wildwanderer, god of forests, travel, nature
Baravar Cloakshadow, god of illusions, deception, traps
Callarduran Smoothhands, god of the svirneblin, stone, mining, the Underdark
Flandal Steelskin, god of metalworking, strength and fitness
Gaerdal Ironhand, god of vigilance, combat, defense
Segojan Earthcaller, god of the earth, nature, death
Urdlen, god of greed, bloodlust, hatred

Garl Glittergold is the most popular of the Gnomish deities, and honored, in one way or another, by nearly all Gnomes.

The church of Garl is highly regarded throughout gnome society for its role in bringing the community together, and the Joker’s priests often serve as both the spiritual and temporal leaders of their communities. In the conscious emulation of the overlapping interests of the god and the other members of the pantheon, the church of Garl works closely with most other gnome churches, engendering a great deal of good will. A significant minority of the church clergy seeks to emulate the adventures of Garl, and it is this subgroup that is primarily visible to members of other races. As such, the other human and demihuman races commonly regard the Joker’s faithful as a loosely organized, ebullient, and friendly bunch, forever getting involved in shenanigans of one sort or the other and inveterate practical jokers. The mischievous exploits of both god and clergy are told and retold around the hearths of gnomes throughout the Realms.
Novice priests are known as the Uncut, while full priests are called Jewels. The ranks in Garl's hierarchy are, in ascending order, the Amethyst, Topaz, Opal, Jacinth, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire priests. High priestesses are called Star Rubies while male high priests are called Star Sapphires. Specialty priests are called glitterbrights. Priests of the Sparkling Wit serve as crafters, teachers, goldsmiths, miners, entertainers, mediators, councilors, and protectors.
The ceremonial garb of Garl’s priests includes a gold-plated war helm, a golden belt, and if possible, a suit of gold-plated chain mail or plate mail.
Garl’s clergy employ a wide variety of weapons, including battle axes, crossbows, darts, flails, hand axes, maces, short bows, short swords, slings, spears, picks, and war hammers. Although those who wish to exercise their rogue or illusionist skills often prefer lighter armor or none whatsoever, most priests of the Joker favor the heaviest defensive mail available.
Rites and Duties
Most of Garl Glittergold’s rituals involve the whole community, so his clerics have plenty of opportunities to recruit those who show a particular combination of duty to community and mischievous humor. An older cleric typically teaches three or four students by example, explaining Garl Glittergold’s ways as he attends to the needs of the gnomes in his care.
Ceremonies in honor of Garl are flashy, full of illusion and mystery. They extol Gnomish virtues such as cleverness and craftsmanship. Worship services are held on the 13th of each month in a holiday known as the Communion of Laughter. Lasting the whole day, the Communion of Laughter includes quiet contemplation, prayer, communal eating, dancing, storytelling, and joke-telling contests. During the Communion of Laughter, the faithful are expected to sacrifice a bit of gold or gold dust to the church, who use it for the good of the community. Prayers to Garl are typically composed in call-and-response style, with the priest asking a riddle and the flock calling out the answer.
Many of Garl Glittergold’s prayers are performed call-and-response style, with the leader posing a riddle and everyone answering it in unison. “Glittergold asks: What is our joy?/To delve for treasures and guard our hearth.”
Followers of Garl Glittergold find themselves guarding the welfare of gnome communities, delving deep for gems, and fighting the goblinoid enemies of the race. Typical quests include battling a tribe of kobold raiders, pulling a good-natured prank on an arrogant human king, and seeking the long-lost Ebondark Gem Mine on the Elemental Plane of Earth.
Clerics of Garl pray for their spells early in the morning, shortly after the sun rises. The Communion of Laughter is celebrated on the 13th of each month through a variety of activities that last the entire day. Although the ordering varies from temple to temple and there are many variations thereof, the Joker's rituals include a period of prayer and quiet contemplation, dancing atop the central dais, the sharing of communal meals, storytelling to the accompaniment of visual displays of magic, and joke-telling contests that last late into the night.
Garl’s clerics serve as guardians and teachers in gnome communities. They maintain careful vigilance against hostile races (particularly Orcs, Goblinoids, and Kobolds), and they instruct the young using a mixture of earthy practicality spiced with humor. This approach, they say, keeps the young entertained and makes their learning all the better. Garl’s clerics also keep extensive archives of illusion spells (usually in the form of spellbooks and scrolls), practical jokes, trap designs, and stories. The longer and more outlandish the tale, the better, say the clerics, though not everyone agrees. Like their patron, Garl’s clerics favor gold jewelry.
Affiliated Orders
Chimeric champions epitomize gnome ingenuity and trickery. They specialize in illusion and the art of item creation. Such gnomes are usually fun-loving tricksters with active imaginations. Believing that the world is only what you make of it, they spread their arts among the gnome community and to others they consider deserving.
The Companions of Arumdina are a military order of Garlian fighters, clerics, fighter/clerics, and specialty priests with strong links to the church of Gaerdal Ironhand. Dedicated to the defense of gnome communities across the face of Faerun, members of this order are unusually stern by the standards of the church. Justifiers, as members of this order are sometimes known, are skilled in defensive military tactics, particularly in the rolling hills and deep forests where most gnome communities may be found. Individual members often double as marshals, although their duties in this regard are usually light given the general law-abiding character of gnome society.
The Glittering Jesters are a loosely affiliated band of individuals who seek to relate and/or imitate their god’s most outrageous exploits. Many travel from community to community, acting as performers and pranksters to the delight of common folk at the expense of the pretentious and highbrow. An elite minority of Jesters become adventurers in the hopes that their exploits will make their way into the oral tradition of the Forgotten Folk, to be told and retold for generations thereafter. Participation in events worthy of relating as a tale is considered to be an offering to the god. In the gnome oral tradition, the better the tale, the more likely it is to be attributed to a great, legendary hero of the gnomes or even to one of the gnome gods themselves.

Temples of the Joker are typically located in worked caves just below the surface at the heart of gnome communities. The central sanctuary is usually circular with a domed ceiling divided into four quadrants by great soaring arches. Each arch is carved with depictions of gnomes from all walks of life engaged in all of life’s activities, a recurring theme in the church of Garl suggesting the contribution of each individual member of the community to the collective prosperity. The walls and ceilings of such temples are typically plated with gold leaf or studded with brightly polished gold nuggets that gleam in the light of flickering torches. Concentric circles of stone pews, split into four quadrants by narrow aisles that run beneath the arches, face inward to the central, slightly raised dais. The church of Glittergold encourages the use of the Joker’s temples for more than just worship services, for this advances the interests of the god. Entertainers of all types, particularly joke tellers and illusionists, hold many concerts and shows in the round that are open to all members of the community.

For Cleric/Wizards
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose a single Domain. A full list of domain spells and moves is under Choosing a God in Advanced Play Guides.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose a second Domain.
If you choose the primary domain for your god, you also get the Primary Domain Move of that domain and take +1 to cast spells from the domain.
If you are a Cleric or Wizard (and your god permits your class), choose from the following domains. You add all spells of the chosen domain to your spell list, up to level 7 (once you meet the mana requirements) or up to level 9 (if it's the primary domain and once you meet the mana requirements).
Primary Domain
Gnomes (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells, this Primary Domain Move, and this level 9 spell)
Primary Domain Move
Slippery Mind
Gain +1 to all INT Saving Throw rolls.
Level 9 Spell
Hallucinatory Terrain | Level 9
Channeled (+INT)
You make an area as wide as 20meters appear to have completely different features. Anyone moving through the area must roll a Saving Throw (+INT) every time they move, or else trip and become vulnerable.
Secondary Domains
Creation (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Earth (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Knowledge (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Thievery (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Trade (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Wilds (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
For Non-Cleric/Wizards
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose a single Domain. A full list of domain spells and moves is under Choosing a God in Advanced Play Guides.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose a second Domain.
If you choose the primary domain for your god, you also get the Primary Domain Move of that domain and take +1 to cast spells from the domain.
If you are not a Cleric or Wizard, you gain access to all spells of your chosen domain up to level 3 and can cast them using the Cast a Spell Cleric move (you do not however gain any spells from the Cleric spell list). You can also gain a secondary domain move from that domain, in addition to the domain spells.
Primary Domain
Gnomes (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells, this Primary Domain Move, and a Secondary Domain Move)
Primary Domain Move:
Slippery Mind
Gain +1 to all INT Saving Throw rolls.
Secondary Domain Moves (choose 1):
Why So Serious?
When you commit a prank, joke, or other mildly irritating sleight against someone. If they take offense, so long as you didn’t cause serious harm, you can say, “It was just a joke!” If someone responds badly, you can attempt some magical persuasion: roll +CHA.
On a 10+ they become friendly, and must laugh along with you.
On a 7-9 they are calmed but still don’t find it humorous.
On a miss they are unaffected and detect that you are trying to manipulate them: you cannot use Why So Serious? on them ever again.
If you ever take revenge on someone for a grudge or slight, you lose this move permanently.
With These Hands
You can fix anything. No matter what something is you can repair it in as little as a day’s time; roll +INT. If you have used or fixed a similar item before add +1 to your roll.
On a 10+ choose 3
On a 7-9 choose 2
On a miss choose 1
It’s as good as new
It cost very little money or resources to fix it
It took less than a week to fix it
Secondary Domains
Creation (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
It’s a Miiiiiracle!
Select one item you’ve made; it can’t be a weapon or armor. It becomes unbreakable by anyone but yourself. This can be applied to only one item at a time.
Earth (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Immovable Object
So long as your feet are touching the ground, take +1 to all CON Defy Danger rolls.
Knowledge (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Knowtographic Memory
If you have read or heard something said before in play, you can recall it perfectly. You must have RPed reading or hearing it.
Thievery (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Gekko Vision
When you compare items, you can instantly tell which one is more valuable. Take +1 if you attempt to take or steal it. Take -1 on your next roll if you decline to take or steal it.
Trade (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Gold to Lead
If you spend several minutes studying an item of great alleged value, you will get a gut feeling if it's a fake. Ask a storyteller to confirm the validity of an item; you will know immediately if it’s counterfeit, though you may not be able to prove it.
Wilds (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Don’t Be Hasty
If you wait one round before acting upon a source of danger, take +1 to Defy Danger.