Bare belly? Blade bereft of bite? Too tired to tourney? Too hasty to hire a hitman? Slow down. Go get your gear fixed up, then lay your head down after a warm meal. The quest will still be there in the morning, and if you need some more manpower? Hire help; there's plenty of adventurers just like you looking for someone to make a legend with.
A hearty meal for one: 1 coin
A poor meal for a family: 1 coin
A feast: 15 coins per person
Rent for a Week's Lodging at...
a peasant inn: 14 (-CHA) coins
a civilized inn: 30 (-CHA) coins
the fanciest inn in town: 43 (-CHA) coins
A custom item from a blacksmith: Base Item + 50 coins
Repairs to a mundane item: 25% of the item’s cost
- Materials to repair a mundane item yourself: 15% of the item’s cost
A week’s unskilled mundane labor: 10 coins
A month’s pay for enlistment in an army: 30 coins
A night’s “companionship”: 20 (-CHA) coins
An evening of song and dance: 18 (-CHA) coins
Escort for a day along a bandit-infested road: 20 coins
Escort for a day along a monster-infested road: 54 coins
A run-of- the-mill killing: 5 coins
An assassination: 120 coins
Healing from a chirurgeon: 5 coins
A month’s prayers for the departed: 1 coin