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They say every man's trash is another man's treasure. Accordingly, the amount of money it will take to impress one person might not be nearly enough to impress another.
A peasant dowry: 20-CHA coins
“Protection” for a small business: 100-CHA coins
A government bribe: 50-CHA coins
A compelling bribe: 80-CHA coins
An offer you can’t refuse: 500-CHA coins
Gifts and Finery
A peasant gift: 1 coin
A fine gift: 55 coins
A noble gift: 200 coins
A ring or cameo: 75 coins
Finery: 105 coins
A fine tapestry: 350+ coins
A crown fit for a king: 5,000 coins
A goblin’s stash: 2 coins
A lizardman’s trinkets: 5 coins
A “priceless” sword: 80 coins
An orc warchief’s tribute: 250 coins
A dragon’s mound of coins and gems: 130,000 coins
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