Mistress of the Night, The Lady of Loss, Nightsinger

Holy Symbol: A black disk with a border of deep purple

Reveal secrets only to fellow members of the faithful. Never follow hope nor turn to promises of success. Quench the light of the moon (agents and items of Selûne) whenever you find it, and hide from it when you cannot prevail. The dark is a time to act, not wait. It is forbidden to strive to better your lot in life or to plan ahead except when directly overseen by the faithful of the Dark Deity. Consorting with the faithful of good deities is a sin except in business dealings or to corrupt them from their beliefs. Obey ranking clergy unless it would result in your own death.

(You need to abide by these as clergy, not as a worshiper)
Cleric, Bard, Thief, Shaman, Monk, Witch, Wizard
Any race
You may not reveal that you serve Shar to any sentient being, except other worshipers and servants of Shar (you may lie about whom you worship if necessary, but be wary of becoming False)
Non-Cleric Initiation: You must murder someone you love, or someone goodly, and get away with it

(You need to abide by these as clergy, not as a worshiper)
Level 0 spell: light
You must never bring light to dark places
Level 0 spell: guidance
You must assume that you are always being watched, and never make a mark which would reveal whom you serve
Level 5 spell: true seeing
You must learn to see with your eyes closed

(If you wish to become clergy of this god, take three of these as your vows—if you violate them you lose any moves, spells, and any other benefits granted by this god until you atone.)
Darkness (Forbidden: Permitting good works to go unpunished; all sources of "light" in the world must be extinguished)
Shadow (Forbidden: Delivering whole messages to non-Sharrans completely (as opposed to incompletely), permitting others to discover important truths; you must spread confusion and obfuscate everything)
Secrets (Forbidden: Revealing secrets and important information to non-Sharrans; allowing an opportunity to learn someone else's secret to pass)
Strife (Forbidden: Allowing peace and order to flourish; you must cause disorder and chaos, but subtly, so as not to cause all-out warfare; this includes recruiting others to the Sharran faith)

Loss is the nature of Shar (SHAHR). One of the Dark Gods, she is a deeply twisted and perverse being of ineffable evil and endless petty hatred and jealousy. She rules over pains hidden but not forgotten, bitterness carefully nurtured away from the light and from others, and quiet revenge for any slight, no matter how old. She is said to have the power to make her devout followers forget their pain, yet what occurs is that they become inured to the loss, treating it as a common and natural state of being. The basic inanity of life and foolishness of hope are the cornerstones of Shar's being. She revels in the concealed, in that which is hidden, never to be revealed. She can always clearly perceive every being, object, and act performed within darkness.
Home Plane/Realm
Plane of Shadow/Palace of Loss
Darkness, night, loss, forgetfulness, unrevealed secrets, caverns, dungeons, the Underdark
Favored Weapon
The Disk of Night (chakram)
Sisters of Light and Darkness
This was the birth of the world and the heavens. After Lord Ao created Realmspace, there was a period of timeless nothingness, a misty realm of shadows before light and dark were separate entities. Within this dim chaos stalked 13 lords of shadow, the shadevari - whether they came from elsewhere or are children of the shadow itself, none can say.
Eventually this primordial essence coalesced into twin beautiful gods who complimented one other perfectly: they were so close they thought of themselves as one being. The Two-Faced God created the heavenly bodies of the crystal sphere and together infused them with life to form the Earthmother, Chauntea. (Although Chauntea has since contracted her essence to encompass only Orben, in the beginning she embodied all matter in the Realms—the universe and all of its planes.) This new universe was lit by the face of the silver-haired goddess, who called herself Selûne, and darkened by the welcoming tresses of the raven-haired goddess, Shar, but neither heat or fire existed within it.
Chauntea begged for warmth so that she could nurture life and living creatures upon the planes that were her body and limbs, and the two Sisters-Who-Were-One became divided, as for the first time they were of two minds. Silvery Selûne quarreled with her dark sister over whether or not to bring further life to the worlds. During this great contest, the gods of war, disease, murder and death, among others, were created from residues of the deific battle. At one point during the battle, Selûne seized the advantage and reached across time and space to a land of eternal fire. Fighting the pain of the blaze, which burned her sorely, she broke off a fragment of that ever-living flame and ignited one of the heavenly bodies so that it burned in the sky and warmed Chauntea.
Incensed, Shar redoubled her attack on her injured twin and began to snuff out all light and heat throughout the crystal sphere. Again Selûne gave of herself and tore the divine essence of magic from her body, flinging it desperately at her sister in defense of life in the sphere and nearly ending herself by the spiritual injury it caused her. A just-born being of raw magic tore through Shar, bonding to some of her divine magical energy and ripping it free of her, and reforming behind her as the god of magic, known now as Azuth, but then as Savras. Though Savras was composed of both light and dark magic, he favored his mother Selûne initially, allowing her to win an uneasy truce with the more powerful, dark twin. Consumed by bitterness at her defeat, Shar vowed eternal revenge.
The twin gods contested for eons as life struggled into existence on Orben and the other planes under Chauntea's watchful gaze. Shar remained powerful, but bitterly alone, while Selûne waxed and waned in power, often drawing strength from her allied daughters and sons and like-minded immigrant deities. Over time, Shar grew strong again, aided by the shadevari who preferred night to blinding light and who stalked the Realms seeking to meld light and dark into shadowy chaos once again. Shar's plot to reform the world after her own desires was undone when Savras, the High One, found a way to imprison the shadevari in a pocket-sized crystal sphere located beyond the edges of the world by creating the illusion of a realm of shadows. The Lords of Shadow were drawn to investigate, and before they discovered the trick, Savras imprisoned the shadevari with the Shadowstar, a key of shadows forged by Gond. The High Lord then hurled the key into the endless reaches of the cosmos allowing life to flourish on in Chauntea's loving hands.
The Dark Moon Heresy
Those who believed in the Dark Moon heresy believed that Shar and Selûne were two faces of the same goddess.
Shar's hatred of Selûne extends to her clergy and their relationships with the chruch of Selûne. The two faiths war continually, and jihads and assassination plots against Selûnites are common where Shar is strong. One of the reason the chruch of Shar remains so small is a byproduct of this endless war. Several holy wars and vendettas led by Sharrans against more powerful forces of Selûnites have resulted in many Sharran casualties.
Relationship with other gods and churches
The creation of the Shadow Weave made Shar the eternal enemy of the god of magic, Savras, and then his successor, Azuth. This resulted in the brewing of a terrible war between these two powerful deities. By her very nature, however, Shar is opposed to powers of light, the unsecretive Shaundakul, and her own sister, Selûne. She even counts among her foes the "evil" gods, especially Mask, whose portfolio of Shadow she wishes for herself. Her only frequent ally is Talona, and only in alliances against their mutual enemy, Loviatar.
Associated Lesser Deities
Hoar - God of Poetic Justice, Retribution

Shar is worshiped by blinded, nocturnal, or subterranean-dwelling humans and allied beings and by those who hate the light, such as goblinkin and their allies. She is also worshiped by many who favor dark surroundings or who must undertake deeds or do business in darkness. She is venerated by those who are bitter or are grieving over a loss and wish to find peace (especially through vengeance) and by individuals who want to forget. She is also placated by those who know their wits have been harmed and want to find peace or those who have been mentally harmed and want to remember fully or be restored in their minds. Many in Faerûn fear nightfall, the casting of the cloak of Shar, because of the dangers that lurk in its folds.

The church of Shar is largely composed of underground cells, rather than an overt, uniformed body of priests working from temples. Clergy members revel in secrecy, and cells of the church are organized around small congregations of worshipers who know and are led by a single priest. Many priests may operate in the same area, and although they may know of and aid each other, they work independently. In this way, should one cell of the church fail, the others can still flourish in its absence.
Specialty priests of Shar are called Nightcloaks. Until five years ago, they were called Nightbringers, only existed outside the standard church hierarchy, and served as contacts, messengers, and enforcers of the Dark Lady's will. They still perform such detached liaison and enforcement functions, but some Nightcloaks have now become integrated into the cell structure/hierarchy of the church, especially among the clergy of the Dark Embrace, discussed below.
Shar's adherents have a covert, widespread, and complex hierarchy wherein every full priest serves a direct superior, and overpriest responsible for a large area, and beings (both human and otherwise) who know the priest's Own Secret (the personal name Share gave them and the dark deed they performed for her in order to demonstrate their loyalty and win that name). Most Sharran clergy use such titles of address as "Brother Night" or "Sister Night." To superiors, they say "Mother Night" or "Father Night," and lay worshipers address them so. Their formal titles include Adept of the Night (a novice), Watcher (the least senior ordained priest). Hand of Shar (a battle-tested priest who leads a force of priests-adventurers or oversees several cells), Darklord/Darklady (a senior priest able to proclaim local policy), Nightseer (the oversett of all faithful in a realm or other large geographical area) and Flame of Darkness (archpriest or personally trusted servant of the goddess).
The colors purple and black are used extensively in Shar's church and among her followers. Most Sharran clergy dress in black cloaks or soft, silent dark garb with purple trim, piping, or accessories during rituals. High ceremonial dress of those of rank or taking a special role in a ritual is a long-sleeved robe of deep purple over black tights or a black velvet chemise. A black skullcap covers the entire head, except for on woman with jet-black hair. Such hair is seen as a symbol of the Dark Lady's pleasure and is left to flow unfettered and long. Less commonly encountered versions of Shar's symbol than the one mentioned above are of a glistering purple eye outlined in black with a black pupil or a cowled hunting cloak of unadorned black stretched out flat.
Sharran clergy wear practical clothes in the fashion of the land they are in while pursuing day-to-day life. They are fond of jewelry fashioned from obsidian, black onyx, amethyst, and purple jade, but they are not required to wear it. When entering a situation where they might encounter hostilities they wear armor and take appropriate protective measures.
Rites and Duties
As so many devotees of Shar keep their faith secret (and this secrecy is encouraged by senior clergy), the Sharran faith has no set holy days aside from the Feast of the Moon. To Dark Followers (the faithful of Shar) this holiday is known as the Rising of the Dark. They gather on it under cover of the more widespread veneration of the dead to witness a blood sacrifice and learn of any plots or aims the clergy want them to work toward during the winter ahead.
The most important Sharran ritual of worship is Nightfall, the coming of darkness. Clergy hold this ritual every night. It consists of a brief invocation, a dance, a charge or series of inspiring instructions from the god spoken by one of the clergy or by a raven-haired female lay worshiper, and a revel celebrated by eating, drinking, and dancing together. Lay worshipers must attend at least one Nightfall (or dance to the goddess themselves) and must perform - and report to their fellows - at least one small act of wickedness in salute to the Lady every tenday. On moonless nights, Nightfall is known as the Coming of the Lady, and every congregation must carry out some significant act of vengeance or wickedness in the Dark Lady's name.
The most important ceremony of the priesthood of Shar is the Kiss of the Lady, a horrific night-long revel of slaying and doing dark deeds in the name of the lady that ends with a feast at dawn. Kissmoots are scheduled irregularly, whenever the priests of Old Night decree. Increasingly the rival clergy of the Embrace have been proclaiming that this ritual be celebrated at different times than those decreed by the temple of Old Night.
The clergy of Shar pursue practical, local goals designed to further the power of the priesthood and of those who worship Shar, rather than to openly oppose other faiths (save that of Selûne). Shar desires to bring all humans under her sway by promoting general lawlessness and strife. In this way, most folk will suffer loss and turn to her for peace (especially through vengeance), and the influence of all other faiths will be lessened.
Specifically, Sharran clergy are enjoined to work covertly to bring down all governments, particularly within cities, and to publicize Shar's patronage of avengers so that the desperate and despairing humans of other faiths turn to her to get revenge and not the weakened demipower of vengeance, Hoar. Sponsorship of thieving guilds and hedonistic clubs of all sorts is a key part of this assault on order, as is the encouragement of political intrigue everywhere. Widespread war and slavery are things to be avoided; Shar wants to gain followers, not see them lives thrown away for no gain.
Shar's love of secrecy is strong. Her clergy work toward fulfilling her desire for secrecy by always acting through manipulation and behind-closed-doors intrigue. They also work through and promote shadowy cabals and organizations that appeal to human desires to be a part of something elite and important, to keep secrets, and to be involved in the mysterious. Fifty or more false cults that have arisen in the past two decades have been born of secret clubs and cabals begun by Sharran priests to corrupt the peace and lawfulness of various cities.
Affiliated Orders
As may be expected, the church of Shar sponsors no knightly orders. Crusaders who serve the faith are attached to particular Sharran cells and temples, not the faith in general. Clergy of the faith who have killed one of the clergy of Selûne are rumored to gain access to an honorary order or secret society known as the Dark Justiciars. Many thieves' guilds have connections to Sharran cells, and such affiliated groups use each other for their particular plots mercilessly.
Shar's secretive monastic order was referred to as the Order of the Dark Moon. The Dark Moon acts openly only in lands friendly to the worship of Shar. It also has secret sects in places where the faith of Shar is outlawed. The secret sects usually work in rural settings or in hidden underground enclaves. The monks seek knowledge and wisdom from the shadows, in the belief that true understanding was within darkness and loss. They tap into the Shadow Weave through their powers of sorcery.

Temples to Shar vary in description but usually double as a place of business or residence. Most feature at least one room bathed in deeper darkness, which is used in religious ceremonies and religious killings.
Major Centers of Worship
The Temple of Old Night in Thamun is the oldest, haughtiest seat of worship to Shar. It is a subterranean complex underlying much of the eastern city ruled by the highest-ranked known mortal servant of Shar: the aged Irtemara, the Dancer Before Dawn, a debauched and jaded Thamunian woman famous for her revels and murderous whims. Irtemara is loyally served by three male priests who work covertly against each other. They will undoubtedly break into open battle for supremacy when Intemara dies.
The Temple of Old Night vies for supremacy over the Dark Followers with the Dark Embrace, a temple founded after the fall of the Ssianid Empire by clergy of Shar dissatisfied with the leadership of Old Night. The Embrace perches atop a crag in Shalad Dinh, overlooking the midpoint of the trade road linking Aer Arnad and Bethar Garmak. Its policies are more ruthless than those proclaimed in Thamun - the faithful of the Embrace are more openly active in local politics wherever they operate, employing assassinations where intimidation and the fulfillment of dark desires fail. The Embrace is led by a small circle of clergy whose leader seem to be the Eye in the Flame Aubert Heldynstar. Most clergy of the Dark Embrace are Nightcloaks.

For Cleric/Wizards
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose a single Domain. A full list of domain spells and moves is under Choosing a God in Advanced Play Guides.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose a second Domain.
If you choose the primary domain for your god, you also get the Primary Domain Move of that domain and take +1 to cast spells from the domain.
If you are a Cleric or Wizard (and your god permits your class), choose from the following domains. You add all spells of the chosen domain to your spell list, up to level 7 (once you meet the mana requirements) or up to level 9 (if it's the primary domain and once you meet the mana requirements).
Primary Domain
Darkness (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells, this Primary Domain Move, and this level 9 spell)
Primary Domain Move (Choose 1):
Black Eye Distributor
You gain the Monk move Fistmaster General. If you already have Fistmaster General you may take another Monk move instead. If you ever wield a weapon other than your fists in battle you lose this move permanently.
Note: You only get access to Fistmaster General, for every other monk move, you still need to fulfil the requirement of the compendium class.
You can see in total darkness. You are immune to Blindness, and to the effects of the Darkness spell.
Level 9 Spell
Summon Shadow | Level 9 | Ongoing
You summon a powerful creature from the plane of Shadow which is immune to control effects. The creature adds +1 magical damage to your Hack&Slash while you are not under a control effect. If you are afflicted by a control effect, the shadow creature can fight in your place. It has 1d4 grit (magical damage) and 2 STR/2DEX/0CON/1INT/0WIS/0CHA and 10 HP, and it can only be harmed by magical damage. The spell ends when you Last Gasp, or it is killed, or you choose to dismiss it.
Secondary Domains
Corruption (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Knowledge (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Murder (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Thievery (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
For Non-Cleric/Wizards
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose a single Domain. A full list of domain spells and moves is under Choosing a God in Advanced Play Guides.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose a second Domain.
If you choose the primary domain for your god, you also get the Primary Domain Move of that domain and take +1 to cast spells from the domain.
If you are not a Cleric or Wizard, you gain access to all spells of your chosen domain up to level 3 and can cast them using the Cast a Spell Cleric move (you do not however gain any spells from the Cleric spell list). You can also gain a secondary domain move from that domain, in addition to the domain spells.
Primary Domain
Darkness (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells, this Primary Domain Move, and a Secondary Domain Move)
Primary Domain Move (Choose 1):
Black Eye Distributor
You gain the Monk move Fistmaster General. If you already have Fistmaster General you may take another Monk move instead. If you ever wield a weapon other than your fists in battle you lose this move permanently.
Note: You only get access to Fistmaster General, for every other monk move, you still need to fulfil the requirement of the compendium class.
You can see in total darkness. You are immune to Blindness, and to the effects of the Darkness spell.
Secondary Domain Moves (choose 1):
To Blindly Go
You can see even in total darkness.
I Am the Night
When you use Defy Danger to avoid being seen, take +1.
Secondary Domains
Corruption (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
I Plead the Fifth
If someone would normally be able to compel you to tell the truth (by a spell or other effect), you can say nothing instead.
Knowledge (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
Knowtographic Memory
If you have read or heard something said before in play, you can recall it perfectly. You must have RPed reading or hearing it.
Murder (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
CSI: Evasion
When using Defy Danger to escape from the scene of a crime (or hide evidence) take +1.
Thievery (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
Gekko Vision
When you compare items, you can instantly tell which one is more valuable. Take +1 forward to take or steal the more valuable one. Take -1 on your next roll if you decline to take or steal it.