Queen of Air, the Lady of Air, Lady of the Winds, Queen of Air Elementals

The eternal Akadi is change personified. Each new day reveals to us a new side of her. Strive to be as flexible as she is. Pursue everything that interests you in turn. Look at problems from as many viewpoints as possible to achieve the most creative answer. View life as an art form to create anew around you each day to your benefit and that of Akadi. The freedom to move about and to soar on the breeze of life is one of the inherent rights of every living thing. Fly forth and spread the word of Akadi and show though your works the fresh new life she brings.

(You need to abide by these as clergy, not as a worshiper)
Druid, Ranger, Thief, Shaman, Wizard, or Wind Genasi
Any Non-Dwarf
Initiation: You must do something bold, different, and dangerous, with no safety net—and survive
Holy Symbol: A white cloud, often upon a blue background

(If you wish to become clergy of this god, you must take only one vow from those below—if you violate it you lose any moves, spells, and any other benefits granted by this god until you atone.)
Versatility (You must never commit yourself to any one thing, and you must abandon whatever you lose interest in, as soon as you lose interest in it)
Freedom (You must never allowed yourself to be imprisoned; by a relationship, by a person, by a place, by a government, etc.)

Akadi (Ah-KAH-dee) is the whispering wind and the blinding gale storm, her form changing from season to season. Her kiss might be moist and sweet or bitter and cold. Uncaring, she carries sounds and scents along on her journey, but she never pauses to impress upon a traveler the importance of her travels. In religious art she is often portrayed as a huge, translucent blue woman with gigantic feathery wings that trail away into clouds. Her wings are said to toss the winds about the surface of Orben.
Like all the elemental lords, Akadi is relatively uncaring of her followers. Her reactions are difficult to gauge, and she seems almost an alien being in her responses to most mortals not native to the Elemental Plane of Air. The relative inaction of Akadi and the other elemental Lords has led to their being viewed as only lesser powers in the Realms and their followers being classed as cultists.
Akadi does seem to have some small affection for her followers, but most often displays that affection when they make large offerings to her by burning precious incenses that waft to her on the winds-so it could be argued that she only cares when she is bribed to do so. While appeals to Akadi to change or still the winds, provide good flying currents, or bring gentle rains meet with her approval, she grants no prayers to raise or quell harsh storms, as storms lie within the purview of Talos and Umberlee (though she occasionally manages a whirlwind of brief duration but stunning force).
Home Plane
Elemental Plane of Air
Elemental air, flying creatures, movement, speed
Favored Weapon
Whirlwind (Heavy flail)
Technically, Akadi is not a true god but a primordial, a member of an elemental race once in competition with the gods before they were driven away. As one of the few primordials who did not war with the gods, Akadi remained in power on Orben.
Akadi is considered one of the four elemental deities, a god who remains unchanged by history and the passage of time.
Relationship with other gods and churches
Akadi has many allies, but she is enemies with Grumbar, the elemental god of earth and a fellow greater power
Associated Lesser Deities
Talos, god of Thunderstorms
Auril, god of Cold and Icy Winds

Akadi, like all the elemental gods, with the exception of Kossuth, has a very small following. Most of them are animal breeders (especially of falcons and other birds), rangers, thieves, sailors, and anyone else who wishes for a swift wind at their back.

Rites and Duties
Each day is an important day in the eyes of an Akadian. The faithful typically rise before the sun emerges to whisper their prayers on the morning breeze and stay up to watch the moon rise over Faerun or glide the dying thermals of the waning day and joyfully speak their evening prayers.
Few priests of Akadi ever settle down in one place, so few communities feel threatened or benefited by the appearance of an Akadi priest. Akadian priests blow into a town or village upon the morning breeze and are typically gone by the time the sun sets. A philosophy of incessant movement and wanderlust has ingrained itself into the church of Akadi, and few temples exist to the Lady of the Winds. Those that do are most often open air circles of wooden poles adorned with feathers and streamers that flutter in the slightest breeze. Priests of the faith travel across Orben, spreading the word of Akadi at each opportunity. They often lecture on the joys that the freedom of Akadi brings, but seldom stop to argue semantics or principles with those who would appose them, choosing instead to sow the seeds of the Queen of Air and then continue along to "wherever the wind takes them." This tendency to sprout high-sounding verbiage has led to more than one Akadian priest being called a "windbag" in several senses of the word.
The priests of Akadi are divided up between the Whisper and the Roar. These are not rankings within the church or even a division between those clergy members with parish territories and those of an adventuring bent. Rather these are distinctions in philosophy of action. Those who follow the Whisper typically work behind the scenes, seldom showing themselves to be a member of the church of Akadi. Members of the Roar are much more direct about their involvement in the affairs of Orben. The disparate and unfocused nature of the activities of the church of Akadi as a while has left few in Orben viewing it as any sort of threat, although personally ambitious members of the church can sometimes wreak havoc in a particular region.
Akadi's priests are organized mostly into "churches" formed of small cliques who follow a particularly charismatic Akadian. These cliques shift and flow over time as the group politics lead to some members rising in status, others falling, and others leaving in disgust or empowered by the inspiring message of their leader to begin a new church in a far-off land. This sort of organization is very fluid and often very confusing to those outside the faith, as such folks are never sure who will be in charge in a tenday and therefore who to hold responsible for living up to agreements and contracts. Most Akadians have a reputation for being untrustworthy because of this very problem in their faiths organization. When time comes due for an Akadian to live up to a promise, frequently the answer received is: "I'm so sorry, that's not my job anymore." -if one can find the Akadian the deal was struck with in the first place!
Novice Akadians are referred to as fledglings. Upon undergoing a personally designed rite of empowerment supervised by at least two senior clergy (and usually involving flying), they become full priests. Specialty priests of Akadi are known as Airwalkers. A priest who has slain or soundly defeated an enemy of the church (usually a high ranking priest of Grumbar or an earth-based creature of power) may add the honorific "high" to the beginning of his or her title, and thus become a "High Airwalker."

For Cleric/Wizards
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose a single Domain. A full list of domain spells and moves is under Choosing a God in Advanced Play Guides.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose a second Domain.
If you choose the primary domain for your god, you also get the Primary Domain Move of that domain and take +1 to cast spells from the domain.
If you are a Cleric or Wizard (and your god permits your class), choose from the following domains. You add all spells of the chosen domain to your spell list, up to level 7 (once you meet the mana requirements) or up to level 9 (if it's the primary domain and once you meet the mana requirements).
Primary Domain
Air (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells, this Primary Domain Move, and this level 9 spell)
Primary Domain Move
Turn Earth, Control Air
You gain Turn Earth. It acts exactly as Turn Undead, except it can only be used against earth elementals.
You also gain Control Air. Control Air acts as Turn Undead, but against air elementals, and on a 10+ you can instead choose to control air elementals. A mindless air elementals will treat you as an ally, following your orders and joining your side.
Level 9 Spell
Control Weather | Level 9
By choosing a high, natural position, you can meditate there and select a 20 meter-wide area within sight. While you maintain a meditative trance you can control the weather in that area. You can dispel this at will.
Secondary Domains
Travel (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
War (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
For Non-Cleric/Wizards
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose a single Domain. A full list of domain spells and moves is under Choosing a God in Advanced Play Guides.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose a second Domain.
If you choose the primary domain for your god, you also get the Primary Domain Move of that domain and take +1 to cast spells from the domain.
If you are not a Cleric or Wizard, you gain access to all spells of your chosen domain up to level 3 and can cast them using the Cast a Spell Cleric move (you do not however gain any spells from the Cleric spell list). You can also gain a secondary domain move from that domain, in addition to the domain spells.
Primary Domain
Air (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells, this Primary Domain Move, and a Secondary Domain Move)
Primary Domain Move
Turn Earth, Control Air
You gain Turn Earth. It acts exactly as Turn Undead, except it can only be used against earth elementals.
You also gain Control Air. Control Air acts as Turn Undead, but against air elementals, and on a 10+ you can instead choose to control air elementals. A mindless air elementals will treat you as an ally, following your orders and joining your side.
Secondary Domain Moves (choose 1):
Take +1 whenever you Run Away!
When you break a promise, take +1 forward.
Secondary Domains
Travel (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
I Swore to Protect You
When you use the Defend move and roll a 12+, you can choose an option from the list below to spend your hold upon:
A control spell against your target is redirected to you (you may make your own saving throw)
Your target can Hack and Slash as an interrupt this round, however a 10+ will count as a 7-9 for them.
War (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
Chigorin Counterattack
You gain a cunning animal as your mount. While mounted on this animal and in combat, as a Standard Move you can communicate your thoughts to one other ally within sight of you, using a number of words equal to your level. An ally who acts upon your order or suggestion takes +1 forward; they can only gain this bonus once per encounter.