The Lord of Flames, the Firelord, the Tyrant Among Fire, Tyrant Among Fire Elementals

The eternal Kossuth sends his pure fire to cleanse us all and temper our souls to a more pure state. Expect to be tested and strive to rise to the challenge, no matter what difficulty or pain it brings you. Follow the Promised above you, for they have proven their worth and achieved a higher state which you too can find in Kossuth's service. Find the true vision, the final goal of your life, and pursue it utterly. Give yourself totally to the cause, and it will return eternal rewards to you. Guide the teeming masses to the pure light that is Kossuth so that he may reforge all life into its essential form, and complete order and harmony will follow.

(You need to abide by these as clergy, not as a worshiper)
Druid, Ranger, Wizard, or Fire Genasi
Any race
Initiation: Firewalk—You must walk over hot coals with 10 steps without dying. Each step does 1d4 damage. Each time you gain a level, you must do this again, adding an additional step to the firewalk. If you fail you may attempt it again once your feet are healed.
Holy Symbol: A springing flame or a flaming orb

(If you wish to become clergy of this god, you must take only one vow from those below—if you violate it you lose any moves, spells, and any other benefits granted by this god until you atone.)
Spread (You must spread respect and devotion to Kossuth, proving the superiority of the Firelord to all other gods through great achievements and feats)
Grow (You must pursue personal power at all costs)

Kossuth (Koh-SOOTH), spoken like a whispering flame, is the patron of all fire elementals as well as any who view fire as a purifying and revitalizing force. He represents the burning away of the old to make way for the new with the cognizance that the way to change is harsh and measured. He is the fire in the hearth which appears comforting but which may turn on its owner at any time and burn the house down. He is the mystery of fire, the unknowable secret that speaks inspiration to smiths and death to crazed people who burn things and for pleasure.
Like all the elemental lords, Kossuth seems to hold little affection toward his followers. His reactions seem calculated in the end, if alien in logic; he moves toward a certain goal, but has not shared that goal with anyone. He seems driven, however, to collect more followers to do his bidding in the Realms than any of the other elemental lords—perhaps because he burns them out so quickly. The alien and uncaring stance of Kossuth and the other elemental lords has led to the mistaken impression in the Realms that they are only lesser powers and their followers merely bizarre cultists.
Home Plane/Realm
Elemental Plane of Fire/The Crimson Pillar
Fire, purification through fire
Favored Weapon
Tendril of Flame (Spiked chain)
Searing of the Bleakland
While it is generally believed that dragons were responsible for the destruction of the country Zeb which transformed it into the barren Bleakland, some say the Mage-Kings of Bethar Garmak summoned Kossuth himself after Mavia Ghazir, the Mage-King of Evocation, offered him an enormous sacrifice.
Technically, Kossuth is not a true god but a primordial, a member of an elemental race once in competition with the gods before they were driven away. As one of the few primordials who did not war with the gods, Kossuth remained in power on Orben.
Kossuth is considered one of the four elemental deities, a god who remains unchanged by history and the passage of time.
Whether or not the contemporary Kossuth is the same primordial being or one in a long line of similarly named successors is a matter of much conjecture. The Lord of Flames rarely intervenes in affairs in the mortal world, spending most of his time embroiled in the intrigues of the Inner Planes.
Relationship with other gods and churches
Kossuth's doctrine of elemental supremacy virtually assures conflict with the other elemental lords. Kossuth is vehemently opposed to Istishia and his clergy. Otherwise the Firelord interacts very little with the other deities of Orben. Moradin honors him for the heat of the forge, but he barely responds. The resurgence of Bane pleases Kossuth, however; the two deities seem to agree on the importance of a strong religious hierarchy and have a common intolerance for the ephemeral and unpredictable nature of chaos.
Associated Lesser Deities

Compared to the many other gods of Orben, Kossuth and the three other Elemental Primordials are well known for their relative silence when it comes to communication with their worshipers. However, of the four, Kossuth is the most active and vocal.
His worship has recently experienced a new surge in Sulgate, owing much to Mavia Ghazir, the Mage King of Bethar Garmak who favors fire in her many manifestations of sorcery.

Unlike most nature-deities, the church of Kossuth adheres to a rigid hierarchy where advancement is pursued for its own sake. Novice Kossuthans are referred to as the Lightless. Upon taking the Oath of Firewalking, they become full priests and are known as the Promised. In ascending order of rank, the titles in general use by the Promised are: Torch of the Faith, Righteous Flame, Devoted Blaze, Zealous Pyre, Pillar of Flame, Fury of the Faith, Flamebrother/Flamesister, Inspired Forge, Numinous Blaze, Most Fervid Fire, and Eternal Flame of Kossuth. Specialty priests of Kossuth are known as firewalkers. Monks of Kossuth are known as Faithful Flames.
Also much unlike the clergies of other natural gods, Kossuth's priests are organized into temples. Each temple is led by an Eternal Flame who is a specialty priest. Under the Eternal Flame are three Most Fervid Fires, and under each of them are two Numinous Blazes. Under each Numinous Blaze is one of every other rank of clergy member down to Devoted Blazes. A temple has as many priests of Devoted Blaze rank and below, novices, and members of the laity as it can support, with the breakdown of numbers of each rank of priest being as equally divided among the Zealous Pyres as possible. Progress through the ranks is through experience until the rank of Devoted Blaze, and then only through the recommendation of two higher-ranking priests when an opening occurs. Promotions are always confirmed by the temple's Eternal Flame, who may negate any promotion or promote anyone to any position as she or he wishes without following normal procedure (within the limits of the numbers of each rank of priest allowed in a temple). In primitive or nomadic societies, Kossuth is served by shamans who are allied to no particular temple but held in great respect by their communities, which usually fear them.
Rites and Duties
The Oath of Firewalking is an introductory initiation that all priests of the faith must undergo in order to be granted first-level spells. As a priest rises in level, his faith continues to be tested by these fire-walks.
The faithful must pray to Kossuth each day at sunrise and at highsun before taking their meals, thanking him for the hidden fire of life energy that burns in all things. Other than this daily ceremony, the church observes two personal ceremonies and each temple holds a yearly festival.
The Oath of Firewalking is a solemn oath taken when a novice becomes a priest. The strength of this promise is tested when it is first taken and again when a Kossuthan priest rises in rank by a walk over burning coals. The coals become hotter and the walk longer with each Firewalk: How Kossuth or his senior clergy members know what is in the hearts and minds of those taking the test is unknown, but Kossuthans with doubts or who are secretly plotting against their temples (for instance) are often horribly burned by a Firewalk or die on the coals, while priests who are single-minded in their purity of purpose and loyalty walk unscathed.
On the birthdate of the Eternal Flame of each temple, that temple holds a festival. The Eternal Flame invites Kossuthan high and senior priests from other temples, local and foreign dignitaries, and others whom she or he believes the temple will benefit from by currying favor with. These people are pampered, given special gifts, and courted to become future allies of the Eternal Flame and the temple.
Tending to the fires of the church and making sure that they never go out is a job for the Lightless. Other members of the church of Kossuth plan ceremonies (weddings, funerals, fire-walking), instruct novices, tend to the day-to-day growth health and wealth of a temple and its clergy members, and pursue promotion, promotion, promotion. Being the leader of a temple means that a priest can finally do what she or he wants to, rather than what his or her superiors say. Most priests become addicted to the desire for power this atmosphere breeds and grow into small, power-hungry tyrants prone to unscrupulous behavior and to overreaching their limits. Thought this may not be the path Kossuth intended for his faithful, he speaks not a word against it. Most temples, led by power-hungry Eternal Flames, pursue goals of conquest, land acquisition, wealth, and rulership, making alliances with whoever is most expedient to their goals but conforming to a strict and peculiar code within their own ranks.
The Kossuthan church frequently builds its holy shrines near large sources of fire, such as volcanoes, or in hot, arid areas, such as deserts, but most often builds its large temples in cities and countries of substantial size (the better for them to be used and later controlled). Shrines and temples of Kossuth are always made of hard stone, ceramic, and metal so as to withstand the hottest natural blaze and most magical ones. Most are rather solid and blocky in general feel with soaring central elements or columns to give the impression of huge bonfires blazing up from the floor. All are well lighted at all times. Gems and precious metal usually encrust most surfaces of the sanctuary but are sparsely distributed elsewhere so as to enhance the sumptuous effect of the holy sanctum.

For Cleric/Wizards
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose a single Domain. A full list of domain spells and moves is under Choosing a God in Advanced Play Guides.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose a second Domain.
If you choose the primary domain for your god, you also get the Primary Domain Move of that domain and take +1 to cast spells from the domain.
If you are a Cleric or Wizard (and your god permits your class), choose from the following domains. You add all spells of the chosen domain to your spell list, up to level 7 (once you meet the mana requirements) or up to level 9 (if it's the primary domain and once you meet the mana requirements).
Primary Domain
Fire (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells, this Primary Domain Move, and this level 9 spell)
Primary Domain Move
Turn Water, Control Fire
You gain Turn Water. It acts exactly as Turn Undead, except it can only be used against water elementals.
You also gain Control Fire. Control Fire acts as Turn Undead, but against fire elementals, and on a 10+ you can instead choose to control fire elementals. A mindless fire elemental will treat you as an ally, following your orders and joining your side.
Level 9 Spell
Fire Shield | Level 9 | Ongoing
Creatures who do damage to you also must take 1 damage, ignoring armor. You also gain the benefits of the Resist Elements and Resist Energy spell (but their benefits do not stack with this spell). You can dispel this at will.
Secondary Domains
Corruption (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
War (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
For Non-Cleric/Wizards
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose a single Domain. A full list of domain spells and moves is under Choosing a God in Advanced Play Guides.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose a second Domain.
If you choose the primary domain for your god, you also get the Primary Domain Move of that domain and take +1 to cast spells from the domain.
If you are not a Cleric or Wizard, you gain access to all spells of your chosen domain up to level 3 and can cast them using the Cast a Spell Cleric move (you do not however gain any spells from the Cleric spell list). You can also gain a secondary domain move from that domain, in addition to the domain spells.
Primary Domain
Fire (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells, this Primary Domain Move, and a Secondary Domain Move)
Primary Domain Move
Turn Water, Control Fire
You gain Turn Water. It acts exactly as Turn Undead, except it can only be used against water elementals.
You also gain Control Fire. Control Fire acts as Turn Undead, but against fire elementals, and on a 10+ you can instead choose to control fire elementals. A mindless fire elemental will treat you as an ally, following your orders and joining your side.
Secondary Domain Moves (choose 1):
Embrace the Hellfire
Gain +1 armor against Devils and Demons (both physical and magical).
When using Run Away or Defy Danger to get out of a situation where you have no stake and no allies in either side of a conflict, take +1.
Secondary Domains
Corruption (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
I Plead the Fifth
If someone would normally be able to compel you to tell the truth (by a spell or other effect), you can say nothing instead.
War (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
Chigorin Counterattack
You gain a cunning animal as your mount. While mounted on this animal and in combat, as a Standard Move you can communicate your thoughts to one other ally within sight of you, using a number of words equal to your level. An ally who acts upon your order or suggestion takes +1 forward; they can only gain this bonus once per encounter.