Acrobat | Dynamic Duo | Lucky Duck | Monk

When two people are linked through more than mutual acquaintance, one of you can take Grief, and both of you will gain its benefits, using the same bond. If you have Grief you can take another move from this list, but you cannot exceed the number of moves from this list that your partner has by more than 1.
All moves in the Battle Bonded class are gained simultaneously so long as one of the partners devoted a move to it, however: Both partners must ALTERNATE taking moves in this class, and may not have more than one move more than their partner.
☑ Grief - Everyone gets this ability when they become Battle Bonded.
If your Battle Bonded dies, remove all abilities from this Compendium Class. You do not get to re-choose other abilities. You knew the risk of companionship in such dark times.
Choose one of the following bonds with your partner:
Blood Oath: When your Bond is at or below 1⁄2 health, and is in immediate danger, loudly declare your vengeance; take +1 to all rolls against that danger, and -1 to all unrelated rolls until the danger has been neutralized.
- Big Brother - You’ve got his back. You gain +1 armor when taking a blow in defense of your younger brother.
- Little Brother - Your older brother has taught you well, mostly by attacking you himself. When your older brother warns about a danger, take +1 to defy danger.
- NOTE: Can be siblings of either gender; not restricted to brothers. -
Lovers: You know each other better than anyone else. Lovers can communicate easily with one another. With a knowing nod, smile, or special signal, grant your Bond +1 forward when attempting a task with you.
Don’t Go Where I Can’t Follow
Requires: Grief
When your Bond rolls for Last Breath, you may also roll.
On 10+, add 2 to their Last Gasp roll (doesn’t stack).
7-9, add 1 to their roll.
On a 6- If they die, you are reduced to one hit point from the grief.
One Blood, One Bond, One Life
Requires: Grief
When you use the Defend move in defense of your bond, you may elect to take a hit for them regardless of the result of your roll. Divide the damage any way you desire between the two of you.
Requires: Grief
Interrupt: Once per scene, when you both can't decide on a course of action, both roll for separate moves. Whoever gets higher, wins and you go with their plan, ignoring the consequences of the lower roll. Loser takes +1 to their next Roshambo.