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Gear represents the things you can carry with you on a regular basis. These items are useful, but not intended for use in combat. All of the items below can only be used out of combat, and using one is a Standard Move.


Dungeon Gear

General Goods

Adventuring Gear: 5 uses, 20 coins, 1 weight

  • Adventuring gear is a collection of useful mundane items such as chalk, poles, spikes, ropes, etc. When you rummage through your adventuring gear for some useful mundane item, you find what you need and mark off a use

Bag of Books: 5 uses, 10 coins, 2 weight

  • When your bag of books contains just the right book for the subject you’re spouting lore on, consult the book, mark off a use, and take +1 to your roll.



Dungeon Rations: Ration, 5 uses, 3 coins, 1 weight

      Not tasty, but not bad either.

Personal Feast: Ration, 1 use, 10 coins, 1 weight

  • Ostentatious to say the least.

Dwarven Hardtack: Requires Dwarf, ration, 7 uses, 3 coins, 1 weight

  • Dwarves say it tastes like home. Everyone else says it tastes like home, if home is a hog farm, and on fire.

Elven Bread: Ration, 7 uses, 10 coins, 1 weight

  • Only the greatest of elf-friends are treated to this rare delicacy.


Medical Gear

Antitoxin: 10 coins, 0 weight

  • When you drink antitoxin, you’re cured of one poison affecting you.

Bandages: 3 uses, slow, 5 coins, 0 weight

  • When you have a few minutes to bandage someone else’s wounds, heal them of 4 damage and expend a use.

Healing Potion: 50 coins, 0 weight

  • When you drink an entire healing potion, heal yourself of 10 damage or remove one debility, your choice.

Poultices and Herbs: 2 uses, slow, 10 coins, 1 weight

  • When you carefully treat someone’s wounds with poultices and herbs, heal them of 7 damage and expend a use.

"Recreational" Gear

Halfling Pipeleaf: 6 uses, 5 coins, 0 weight

  • When you share Halfling pipeleaf with someone, expend two uses and take +1 to your CHA rolls and -1 to your WIS rolls with them until the encounter ends.

Keg of Dwarven Stout: 10 coins, 4 weight

  • When you open a keg of Dwarven stout and let everyone drink freely, take +1 to your CHA rolls and -1 to your WIS rolls with them until the encounter ends. If you drink a whole keg yourself, you are very, very drunk.

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