You can always start play with at least one weapon. Any of the weapons listed below can be made or acquired freely, however you can not add the following tags to any weapon by any means unless dictated by your class, without explicit Admin approval.
The two exceptions to this are Elven-Made and Dwarf-Made weapons, and only using the appropriate racial move.
Weapon Tags
Weapons may have tags that are primarily there to help you describe them (like Rusty or Glowing) but these particular tags have a specific, mechanical effect.
Awkward: It's heavy or sharp enough to hurt, but not enough to be lethal; when used in either or both hands add +1 to nonlethal damage when you use Brawl.
Bastard: you can use it in one hand or in two hands. If you use it in one hand, gain +1 damage on Hack&Slash. If you use it two-handed, gain +2 damage. Obviously, when using two hands for a weapon you can't use another item in your off-hand.
Biting: If wielded in one hand, gain +1 damage on Hack&Slash or Brawl (if a Monk). The bonus of two Biting weapons, one in each hand, stacks to +2.
Clumsy: It’s tough to move around with; take -1 ongoing to Brawl, Hack&Slash, or Volley while using it. This penalty is cumulative.
Forceful: ignore 1 armor on a target; if a target has no remaining armor, this has no effect. Additionally, gain +3 to Bend Bars, Lift Gates with this weapon.
Messy: If the target struck by this weapon is vulnerable, they gain a debility of your choice.
Precise: It rewards careful strikes. You use DEX to Hack&Slash with this weapon, not STR.
Strung: +1 damage on Volley.
Thrown: You can use this for Hack&Slash or Volley, but if you Volley with it, you lose it.
Two-Handed: It fills up both of your hands, duh. It doesn't give you any bonuses, aside from something to brag about.
Melee weapons have up to two additional tags based upon their capabilities
Bludgeoning: The weapon is heavy at the business end: ideal for clobbering people.
Piercing: The weapon has a narrow tip or spike, allowing it to be thrust deep. ;)
Slashing: The weapon has one or more sharp cutting edges, allowing for debilitating cuts.
Some weapons can only be specially made by certain races:
Dwarf-made: weapons imbued with the secrets of Masterful Dwarf-Smiths, Dwarf-made weapons do not suffer the ravages of time and cannot be damaged or destroyed by anything less then dragonfire. Consumable and non-metal items can never be Dwarf-made. Weapons must be Dwarf-made through an appropriate move.
Elf-made: weapons imbued with the secret arts of Masterful Elf-Smiths, Elf-made weapons do not suffer the ravages of time, cannot be corrupted by evil and are significantly lighter than normal (-1 weight). Clumsy items, and consumable items can never be Elf-made. Weapons must be elf-made through an appropriate move.
Weapon Range
Weapons have tags to indicate the range at which they are useful. There are no penalties for “optimal range” or the like, but if your weapon says Hand and an enemy is ten yards away, a player would have a hard time justifying using that weapon against him.
Hand: It’s useful for attacking something within your immediate reach, no further.
Close: It’s useful for attacking something at arm’s reach plus a foot or two.
Reach: It’s useful for attacking something that’s several feet away—maybe as far as ten.
Near: It’s useful for attacking if you can see the whites of their eyes.
Far: It’s useful for attacking something in shouting distance.
Improvised Weapon List
Below is a small list of ineffective weapons with their attributes that can be used with the Brawl move. Listing every possible improvised weapon and its tags is impossible—if you pick up or use a common-place, widely-used European medieval or Renaissance item that is not on this list (like a smith's tongs), use the closest comparable improvised weapon to determine its attributes (like candlestick).
Candlestick: hand, thrown, awkward, clumsy, near, 7 coins (depending on material), 1 weight
Glass Bottle: hand, thrown, awkward, clumsy, near, 1 coin, 1 weight
Branding Iron: close, awkward, clumsy, 5 coins, 1 weight
Magic Focus: hand, 10 coins, 0 weight
Magic Wand: close, awkward, clumsy, 20 coins, 1 weight
Magic Staff: reach, awkward, clumsy, 50 coins, 1 weight
Pen: hand, awkward, 10 coins, 0 weight
Rake: reach, clumsy, 0 coins, 1 weight
Rock: hand, thrown, awkward, clumsy, near, 0 coins, 1 weight
"Real" Weapon List
Below is a small list of effective weapons with their attributes. Listing every possible medieval weapon and its tags would fill a page—if you have a common-place, widely-used European medieval or Renaissance weapon in mind that is not on this list (like a Claymore), use the closest comparable weapon to determine its attributes (like greatsword).
Arrows and Thrown Weapons
Arrows and Bolts: See Combat Inventory under the Combat Basics page
Throwing Dagger: thrown, near, 1 coin, 0 weight
Battlefield Arms and Polearms
Flail: close, bastard, bludgeoning, 20 coins, 2 weight
Greataxe: close, bastard, bludgeoning, slashing, 15 coins, 2 weight
Greatsword: close, bastard, piercing, slashing, 35 coins, 2 weight
Halberd: reach, bastard, piercing, slashing, 25 coins, 2 weight
Half-Pike: close, bastard, piercing, 12 coins, 2 weight
Maul: close, bastard, bludgeoning, 15 coins, 2 weight
Partisan: reach, bastard, piercing, slashing, 15 coins, 1 weight
Poleaxe: reach, bastard, bludgeoning, slashing15 coins, 1 weight
Throwing spear: reach, biting, piercing, thrown (near), 5 coins, 1 weight
Bows and Crossbows
Wrist-Mounted Crossbow: near, strung, 35 coins, 3 weight
Crossbow: near, far, strung, two-handed, 65 coins, 3 weight
Fine Bow: near, far, strung, two-handed, 60 coins, 2 weight
Hunter’s Bow: near, far, strung, two-handed, 100 coins, 1 weight
Ragged Bow: near, strung, two-handed, 15 coins, 2 weight
Arming Sword (Short Sword): close, biting, slashing, 20 coins, 1 weight
Axe: close, biting, slashing, 8 coins, 1 weight
Claw: close, biting, precise, slashing, 5 coins, 1 weight
Club/Shillelagh: close, biting, bludgeoning, 2 coins, 2 weight
Dagger: hand, biting, precise, piercing, 5 coins, 1 weight
Scimitar: close, biting, precise, slashing, 50 coins, 2 weight
Hammer: close, biting, bludgeoning, 10 coins, 1 weight
Mace: close, biting, bludgeoning, 10 coins, 1 weight
Rapier: close, biting, precise, piercing, 25 coins, 1 weight
Shiv: hand, biting, piercing, 1 coin, 1 weight
Fighting Staff: reach, bastard, bludgeoning, 2 coins, 1 weight
Whip: reach, biting, precise, slashing, 5 coins, 1 weight