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Gnomes, or the Forgotten Folk as they were sometimes called, are small humanoids known for their eccentric sense of humor, inquisitiveness, and engineering prowess. Having had few overt influences on the world's history but many small and unseen ones, gnomes are often overlooked by the powers that be, despite their craftiness and affinity for magic.
Gnomes are very small compared to most other races with an average height ranging between 3'0" – 3'6" (0.9 – 1.1 meters) and a weight range of 40 – 45 lbs (18 – 20 kg). Forest Gnomes, however, may be even more diminutive.
The skin of gnomes runs in hue from reddish tans to earthy browns or even shades of gray. Gnome males prefer short, carefully trimmed beards, though many any gnomes have a somewhat feral appearance, with hair that often sprouts from their heads in odd directions, and varies wildly in color from blond and brown to more exotic colors like white, orange, or even green. Gnomish eyes are often—particularly in individuals who are native to the Feywild—glittering black or blue, although more natural eye colors are also known.
Gnomes are very long-lived, often living as long as Sylvan Elves, which means living over three centuries is not uncommon, nor five centuries unheard of. Generally, Gnomes are considered to reach adulthood at forty years old. However, unlike Elves, Gnomes show a greater degree of aging as they mature, and once a Gnome has passed his or her first century, their hair begins to gray, if it is not already white, and their skin begins to wrinkle as in Humans or Dwarves. However, even the oldest Gnome retains extraordinary vitality.

Gnomes in Orben
Gnomes are descended from the same Feywilds that begot Elves, and took refuge from the violence of their taller cousins in underground passages, so that they came to abide much like Dwarves. In their secluded living they have developed a great affinity for magic and scholarship, or nearly any sort of discovery and though highly curious, they have tended not to show ambitions beyond the needs of their families, or the acquisition of items of great value, and so no great victories or rulerships are attributed to them. They tend to get along well with the Dwarves of Orben, and their meticulous fine metalwork and scholarship are highly prized by other races, though they are not often trusted, with many considering them little more than frivolous pranksters, or at worst, thieves.
Gnome Society and Culture
Like other races, Gnomish culture varies based on region and ethnicity, but a few characteristics are common to most Gnomes. Among virtually all Gnomes, great value is placed on one's ability to avoid trouble and stay out of the way of others. Children's games often involved elements of stealth and among adults drawing attention to one's self was considered a breach of etiquette. The few legends of Gnomish heroes are not of powerful warriors but of subtle tricksters, who sneaked past or tricked their opponents rather than vanquishing them in combat. This in part came from the long-standing issue gnomes have faced, namely their minuscule size compared to larger predators or enemies such as the Orcs and Hobgoblins who sometimes assail their underground towns, and whom few gnomes could hope to stand toe to toe with in a fair fight.
Gnomes have an intricate society based on their love of all kinds of arts, pranks, and their long lives. Gnomes love indulgence, and make most celebrations on a grander scale than most would consider prudent. Gnome weddings last for a week, even though Gnomes don't tend to view love the same romantic or passionate light of other races. If love began to go wrong between a couple they might break up, believing it was a prank by their god, Garl Glittergold. Aside from owing this "whatever happens, happens," attitude to Garl Glittergold, his worship is not as intense as that observed by most other races.
Despite their reputation, Gnomish society ascribes great value to art and creativity; all Gnomes are expected to take up some form of music, painting, cooking, building, tinkering, or anything else considered creative, by the time they come of age.
Gnomes in Mhirdrun
In Mhirdrun, most Gnomes arrive attached to Dwarvan merchant caravans ferrying trade from Grimgaud or by the Numaear. Some pursue scholarly ambitions or study, investigating the Thradhel or the history of ancient Elves in the forest of Esgal Eryn. They are outsiders permanently, even if they for some reason settle in the town, and though they bear some resemblance to Elves are generally ignored by Humans, except when their skills are sought-after.