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Halflings, also known as Hin amongst themselves, are known by many other names coined by others, such as "good folk," "quick folk," and "sly folk." They are humanoid creatures similar in shape to humans, (who halflings call the "Big Folk," "Manyhanded," or "Hurbryn,") but around half their size.
Halflings, like Orcs, are closely related to Humans, being their offspring delivered by magic, and can interbreed freely with them, until their descendants are indistinguishable from other Humans.
Halflings are small in comparison with the members of most other races, standing somewhere from 2'8" – 3'4" (0.81–1.02 meters) tall and weighing on average between 30–35 lbs (14–16 kg). In many ways, Halflings resemble small Humans and usually have the same proportions as the typical Human adult. Most halflings have dark hair and eyes, regardless of their skin complexion which, although commonly ruddy in hue has a similar range to that of Humans.
Halflings have lifespans comparable with, but slightly longer, than humans. A Halfling was typically considered an adult in their early twenties and some lived into their 150s, though most never lived much beyond a hundred years past adulthood.

Halflings in Orben
It is commonly believed that the Elven Emperor Derelan and his Queen-Mother Urgath conducted grotesque experiments upon Human slaves in the region of modern Aer Arnad over two thousand years ago, and from these experiments produced the first Halflings. While the other product of these ill-advised pursuits, Orcs, fell quickly to Ignominy and are regarded poorly among civilized races, Halflings have enjoyed relative peace since their forefathers escaped from captivity, and are generally perceived well by others.
Halflings have taken advantage of this good will to spread far and wide, though never intrusively, except in their one kingdom of Caeor in Sulgate, the only land in all of Orben to be ruled by Halflings. Though Halflings were originally bred for stealth and subtlety, traits some still inherit and are well-known for, most have taken to agricultural pursuits in the absence of Elven influence, and some even compare Halflings with crops to Dwarves with stone, and their produce is well-respected by other races, even if it is only sought after during times of need.
Halfling Society and Culture
Halfling communities are small but tightly knit groups found around the world, usually near the settlements of other races. Most don't recognize the claims of kings or nobles as sovereign rulers but instead look primarily to their family elders, of either sex, to guide them. Afocus on maintaining close ties to family, as well as a characteristic hopeful pragmatism, has enabled Halfling traditions to continue for over a thousand years relatively intact.
Halfling culture has a fondness for stories and legends and is rich in oral tradition. So much care was put into the retelling of traditional stories and their preservation that Halflings often unwittingly have access to lore about ancient and long-gone cultures or empires that others have since forgotten the details of.
The patron god of the Halflings is Yondalla, and some believe she may have been the High-Elf maiden who took pity on the Halflings and engineered their first escape, only to be chosen by Ao and ascended to godhood in Halfling shape. Others believe she is an aspect of Chauntea, the god of farming and good harvests. In either case, she is widely worshiped among nearly all Halflings, who tend to take seriously her teachings on love, loyalty, and devotion to the land. However, Yondalla's temples are well-hidden, usually behind the facade of a welcoming underhill home, and tend to be stockpiled secretly with weapons, traveling gear, and food. It is this combination of a friendly face and aforementioned hopeful pragmatism to which Halflings attribute their long history of survival.
It also explains their preoccupation with staying well-fed. It is said that "Cheese, bread, ale and more cheese are what fill a happy Hin's stomach." and that could be evidenced by their own agricultural choices in places like Nuumalon and Aer Arnad. Sometimes the Hin make food goods for Humans specifically, and among these are sausages, cheeses, stews, and baked goods. Halflings themselves like those foods as well, but make them chewier and more rubbery for their own tastes, with no strong spices, but instead using melding herbs. When Hin are left to their own devices, they produce flavored cheeses, sour grape wines, "blue eyes" (blue grapes), sour table grapes, and goat and sheep meats and their milk. In winter, the Hin have two stews ready all day; one lighter broth, and the other filled with more sustenance
By nature joyful and friendly in their dealings with others, Halflings appear deceptively harmless, meaning they are often beyond the notice of enemies that might otherwise pose a threat to them. They tend to get along well with most of the other races who know them for their curiosity and tendency to collect things. Their only true enemies are the denizens of the Underdark, "Darklings," who hate all who live on the surface, but even these tend to hate Halflings less than other races, if only because they regard them as too small and insignificant to be threatening.
Halflings in Mhirdrun
As everywhere, Halflings are treated well enough by Human hosts in Mhirdrun, who often recognize and foster their proclivity for farming in order to sate Mhirdrun's growing population. They are alike enough to Humans in appearance and manner that they tend to be liked well more often than not, but despite their friendly outward appearance, Halflings tend toward an insular aloofness about their own ways. This can elicit suspicion from Humans and Dwarves, who usually see little reason to hide such matters, unless there is great shame to keep hidden.