Drow | Duergar | Dwarves | Elves | Gnomes |Goblins | Half-Elves | Halflings | Half-Orcs | Humans | Orcs |Tieflings

Humans are renowned for their diversity and ambition, and although they lack the specialization certain other races exemplify, they can excel in many areas. This includes the area of reproduction, where human biology has proven to be startlingly adaptable, which has resulted in a wide array of half-breeds who owe their status to a Human parent somewhere along the line.
Appearances among Humans also convey great diversity. Their skin can range from pale to dark, as can their eyes and hair. The shortest human adults may reach only the height of Dwarves, while the tallest may grow to be as many as 7 feet (2.1336 meters) in height.
Among the shortest lived races, Humans surpass only Orcs, Goblins, and Centaurs in longevity, with the very oldest living to see their 100th birthday, but most dying a few decades earlier. Longer-lived races tend to attribute the foolish rashness of Human behavior to these brief lives and their fleeting memories.

Humans in Orben
Humans are the second oldest civilized race in the world, second only to Elves, whose empire of Aer Arnad conquered Humans for thousands of years, using them for slaves and briefly for grotesque experimentation. When Aer Arnad collapsed, the Humans freed across the world from its unifying rule underwent a vengeful resurgence, rebounding within only a few hundred years to drive back the borders of Elven lands, and even deeply carve into the population of the Elves themselves. Since that resurgence, Humans have become the dominant race in the world of Orben (and especially in Mhirdrun and other areas of Western Linothor), outside of the realms otherwise ruled by either Dwarves or dragons.
Humans Society and Culture
Human beliefs, cultures, and styles of living are numerous, varying with Geography and local history, but it is increasingly common among them to worship the god Lathander, and in the upper-classes Siamorphe, considered the patron deity of all Humanity, but especially nobles and royalty.
Humans in Mhirdrun
First and foremost, Human society in western and northern Linothor since the fall of Aer Arnad has been governed by the passions of warlords and conquerors who valued blood lineage over all other ties, and thus is it exclusively patriarchal. Though women may be trained for battle or assume minor roles in business and government in temporary capacities, nobility, inheritance, and birthright, true power over land and wealth, are afforded only to male relatives, with few exceptions, by order of seniority.
Second, Humans in Mhirdrun are rooted either in hardy barbarian tribes which conquered the fracturing Elven lands, or in slaves and servants of the Elven empire who remained after the masters were driven off, only to be conquered by those same barbarians. These experiences have "proven" that only by might is anything is won, and because of this, they tend to value strength and prowess above other demonstrations of superiority, moreso than Elves, though less-so than Orcs and other Goblinoids. Even ingenious cunning can be perceived as craven and unseemly in comparison to honorable, head-to-head combat. For this reason warriors and menial laborers are almost always considered more virtuous than performers, artists, merchants, and bureaucrats, and a ruler is never tolerated to show weakness for long.
Third, Mhirdrun is one of the northernmost towns in all of Linothor, aside from its sister-city in the east, Allsband. Winters are harsh, and summers mild; cool sea breezes and icy winds from the Thradhel caress the lands year-round. Humans dress accordingly, and anyone dressed out of season is assumed to be a foreigner. As Mhirdrun is remote, seeing few outsiders except by limited trade, and a few adventurers embarking upon the Thradhel, "tourists" who appear differently are assumed to hold differing views, and thus tend to be frowned upon.
Fourth, because of their violent history with, or beneath them, the race of Elves is at best tolerated, and at worst reviled. High Elves were the primary instigators of most cruelty against Human slaves, but "lesser" Sylvan Elves and even Half-Elves are hated just as much, with little distinction. Dwarves tend to be more highly-regarded, sharing many of their values with Humans, especially a love of honorable warfare and distaste of Elves, and to a lesser-extent Halflings are warmly perceived, though they are rarely taken seriously. All other races are considered curiosities to be avoided, though seldom hated. The remaining exceptions, by reputation alone, are from the Underdark, "Darklings:" Drow, Duergar, and Goblinoids who are hated even more than Elves, and considered a threat to the very existence of Human civilization for their constant and bloodthirsty marauding.
Finally, due to a large farming community and frequent assaults by "Darklings" from the north—Drow, Duergar, and Orcs—Mhirdrun largely worships the gods of Agriculture (Chauntea) and Protection (Helm). An assortment of other gods may be worshiped due to personal occupation or need (whether fervently or with only lip service), but worshiping the gods of the Darklings—Lolth, Laduguer, and Gruumsh—as well as of Elves—Corellon—is forbidden, as are the gods of Necromancy (Velsharoon), Murder (Cyric), Hate (Bane), and especially Corruption (Gargauth).
Humans are dynamic, however, and their hearts can be changed more easily than those of most other races. It's possible that the attitudes and dispositions listed above could change, even within a single lifetime, given the right sequence of events.