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"Crush your enemies, see them driven before you—and hear the lamentation of their women!"

Conan The Barbarian, Mongolian Conquerors, Vikings​​

  • A Human, Elf, Orc, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Tiefling, or Dwarf Avatar.

  • Read the lore for your race.

  • To not fit into civilized society


Suggested Titles:

The Glorious, the Hungry, the Irascible, the Undefeated, the Gluttonous, Foesmasher, Bonebreaker, the Mirthful, the Melancholic, All Mighty, the Giant, the Triumphant

Grit is 10.

Your carry weight is equal to STRx2+Grit.

Your hitpoints are CONx2+Grit+10.

Your damage is 1dGrit.

Key Stats

STR will likely be used for Hack&Slash

DEX likely won't be used except for Saving Throws

CON will be used for your HP and Saving Throws

WIS likely won't be used except for Saving Throws

INT likely won't be used except for Saving Throws

CHA will be used for What Are You Waiting For

Starting Moves

Herculean Appetites

Others may content themselves with just a taste of wine, or dominion over a servant or two, but you want more. Choose two appetites.


While pursuing one of your appetites if you would roll for a move, instead of rolling 2d6 you roll 1d6+1d8. If the d6 is the higher die of the pair, you still get the normal effects of your roll (6-, 7-9, 10+), but also roll 2d6+Wisdom:

On 9 or lower, you’re stunned and you take 2 Damage (Ignoring armor) in exhaustion.

On 10+ you can rein yourself in, but take 2 Damage (ignoring armor) in exhaustion

On 12+ you recover fully, your turn continues as per usual.


  • Pure destruction (clarified as: no emotional or objective benefits may be attached to the action; only the morbid fascination with destruction or harm—if you're pursuing a goal, motivated by your allies, or have an agenda, this appetite does not apply)

  • Power over others (clarified as: desire to dominate or control another's actions or freedom)

  • Mortal pleasures (clarified as: immediate access to or seizing of sexual partners, fine foods or other luxuries)

  • Conquest (clarified as: long-term dominion over places and immobile resources)

  • Riches and property (clarified as: Gaining material and treasures others wish to keep from you of any kind.)

  • Fame and glory (clarified as: Publicly show-boating and challenging important people so that others can see your superiority.)


The Upper Hand

You take +1 ongoing to last breath rolls. On a 7-9 you are not helpless or vulnerable and may be healed as normal.

My Love For You is Ticking Clock

If you are below 15 health points, ignore your debilities.



While you cause damage with a melee weapon of any type from the "Effective" Weapon List, it has the forceful and messy tags.  If you are below 15 health points, all targets are considered vulnerable to you.


What Are You Waiting For?


When you cry out a challenge to your enemies, roll+Con.

  • On a 10+ they treat you as the most obvious threat to be dealt with and ignore your companions. Attacks against you cannot be defended but enemies affected take +2 damage ongoing from your companions.

  • On a 7–9 only a few (those with less than 2 WIS) fall prey to your taunting.

  • On a 6 or lower your taunts have failed pathetically. Take -2 ongoing

Note: You can cease your relentless taunting at any point.


Unencumbered, Unharmed

As long as you neither wear armor or a shield, gain 2 armor as long as you are below your max load.

When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose one of these moves:

Appetite for Destruction

Take a move from the fighter, bard or thief class list. You may not take multiclass or starter moves from those classes.


When you prove yourself superior to a person in power, take +1 forward with or against their followers, underlings, and hangers-on.



When you take a debility (voluntarily or from an attack) you may use the pain to immediately break free of any personal physical or mental restraint (ropes, control spells, etc)! You cannot, however, use this to break the bars of a cell—Only constraints that hinder your natural body movement. You can not do this if you already have a debility.


Requires: Barbarian

When you hack and slash, on a 14+ either deal your damage and an additional 1d10 or choose something physical your target has (a weapon, a limb): it’ll be rendered unusable for combat. (In the case of limbs; if your opponent is determined to keep fighting, he takes -1 ongoing.)

Indestructible Hunger


Required: Herculean Appetite

When you take damage you can choose to take -1 ongoing until you sate one of your appetites instead of taking the damage (physical damage). If you already have this penalty you cannot choose this option.

On the Move

When you defy a danger using +DEX take +1.


Camel Punch

Requires: Barbarian

When you Hack & Slash you deal +1d4 damage.

When you gain a level from 6–10, choose one of these moves or the level 2–5 moves.


A Good Day to Die

As long as you have less than 15 health points, take +1 Ongoing.


Kill ‘em All

Requires: Appetite for Destruction

Take another move from the fighter, bard or thief class list. You may not take multiclass or starter moves from those classes.

War Cry

Free Move

When you enter battle with a show of force (a shout, a rallying cry, a battle dance) roll+Cha.

  • On a 10+ both,

  • On a 7–9 one or the other.

    • Your allies are rallied and take +1 forward

    • Your enemies feel fear and act accordingly (avoiding you, hiding, attacking with fear driven abandon)

Mark of Might


When you take this move and spend some uninterrupted time reflecting on your past glories you may mark yourself with a symbol of your power (a long braid tied with bells, ritual scars or tattoos, etc.) Any intelligent mortal creature who sees this symbol knows instinctively that you are a force to be reckoned with and treats you appropriately.

More! Always More!

You have satisfied an appetite to the extreme (destroying something unique and significant, gaining enormous fame, riches, power, or otherwise glutting one of your herculean lusts etc.) you may choose to resolve it. Cross it off the list and mark XP. While you may pursue that appetite again, you no longer feel the burning desire you once did. In its place, choose a new appetite from the list or write your own.

The One Who Knocks

When you defy danger, on a 12+ you turn the danger back on itself, describe how.

Healthy Distrust

Requires: Indestructible Hunger

You can use your Indestructible Hunger to fend off magical attacks as well.


Class and Advanced Moves

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