Barbarian | Bard | Cleric | Commoner | Druid | Fighter | Paladin | Ranger | Shaman | Thief | Witch | Wizard
"I got friends... on the other side."

Medicine-men, spirit-talkers, diviners, Tribal Elders

An Avatar fitting your race.
Read the lore for your character's race.

Grit is 8.
Your carry weight is equal to STRx2+Grit.
Your hitpoints are CONx2+Grit+10.
Your damage is 1dGrit.

Speaker for the Dead
You can see, understand, and be understood by the spirits of the dead, whether corporeal or not. This does not guarantee they'll have anything interesting to say; non-intelligent undead are not known for their loquaciousness, for example.
Honored Ancestors
There is one ancestral connection in your life, that still shapes you to this day. Choose 1 permanently:
Paternal Ancestor: Increase your Grit by one step (8 to 10).
Maternal Ancestor: You gain +1 Hold on every Help From Beyond
A deceased Sibling: You can simultaneously maintain 2 Tethers with 'Til Death Do Us Part
This is a supernatural effect.
Help from Beyond
When you take a few moments to draw upon the power of the spirit world for aid against your foes, take 2 damage (ignoring armor) and roll+Cha.
On a 10+, hold 2.
On a 7-9, hold 1.
On a miss, gain no hold and take -1 ongoing to Help from Beyond until the following dawn.
Spend hold 1-for-1 as an interrupt to:
Fill one creature with a supernatural sense of dread, making them cower or flinch - the damage they are about to deal is reduced by 3.
Blind, deafen or strike one creature mute for a few moments; make them unable to use their interrupt move.
Fill one creature with unearthly lassitude, causing them to stumble or drop something they’re carrying. (Out of Combat only)
When you spend hold, describe what aspect of the spirit world manifests itself in the real world (bloody mists seep from the ground, the wails of the damned assault their senses, etc.).
This is a supernatural effect.
Note: You can only ever have a maximum of 2 (3 on maternal ancestor) holds. If you pre-cast before a fight, you still take the damage.
Spirit Medium
When you try to appease a distressed spirit, roll+Cha.
On a 10+, you calm them down for a little while - long enough to find out what ails them and show them you are a friend.
On a 7-9, you learn what has distressed them, but had better do something about it or get out of there - fast.
When you Parley with ghosts and other undead, you may offer the comfort of oblivion as leverage. If they accept, they depart this world for the one beyond the Black Gates.
'Til Death Do Us Part
The tethers of fate are mysteriously entwined. Roll+CHA
On 10+, choose two living beings you can see. They are linked by fate. Any time one of the targets would take damage, instead both targets take half that damage, rounded up for one and down for the other, chosen when the link is applied. (Damage received will subtract the armor of the target, if not vulnerable, then get halved; the second target takes the other half ignoring armor).
On 7-9, one of your targets must be yourself.
On 6 or less, your dilettantish attempt to meddle with the fates of mortals falls short and doesn't go unnoticed, the spirits revoke your ability to do so until the next sunrise or sunset.
If the tether is asymmetrical (one ally or yourself tied to an enemy) the damage will not be halved or shared; instead the two parties must exclusively target and attack each other,
Despite the name, this doesn't only end when you die; it also ends when you're unconscious.
This is a supernatural effect.
Note: only one tether can be active on a person at a time (including yourself). And the targets have to be in your immediate proximity.
Shamans must now perform a ritual to access certain abilities they once invoked on a whim; if you wish to use a ritual, look under Quests and Dungeons under the Advanced Play tab.

When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose one of these moves:
A Problem Shared is a Problem Halved
Requires: 'Til Death Do Us Part
While you maintain your tether on:
Two allies (or yourself and an ally) gain +1 armor and do 1 damage more
Two enemies suffer -1 armor and deal 1 damage less
All Things Past
When you spend a few minutes meditating over a dead creature's remains, you can get a vague sense of what caused its demise. Ask the player/story teller leading the scene!
Elder Power
Requires: Help from Beyond
When you are the target of a spell and have hold from Help from Beyond, you may spend 1 hold to make that spell fizzle out and have no effect.
Friend of the Land
Requires: Shaman
Choose one move from the Druid or Ranger (Starters included). Alternatively, choose one move from any other Class Moves list as if you were one level lower.
Funeral Mask
Requires: Shaman
When you paint your face in blood and ashes, gain +1 armor as long as you are wearing this funeral mask.
Rain Dance
When you wish to influence the weather, perform a ritual in which you spill blood to appease the spirits and choose a type of weather: cold, warm, dry, or wet. The weather within a few miles will be influenced over the next few days.
Spiritual Healing
When you spend an entire night healing someone’s soul, you can remove
one of their debilities.
The Song of My People (Saving Throw +WIS)
When you perform for others a sacred song, poem or dance, roll+Wis.
On a hit, they find themselves moved by your performance and will be inclined to help you.
On a 10+, they also feel the need to offer you some form of compensation.
On a miss, you can expect a visit from one of your ancestors sometime soon, asking why you’re sharing sacred rites with outsiders.
Thief of Eyes
While a creature you have blinded, deafened or struck mute is recovering, you may use see through their eyes, listen through their ears, or use their voice as if it were your own.
Soul Forged
Requires: Shaman
Your weapon nips at the very fragment of a man’s soul. When you Hack & Slash you deal +1d4 damage.
Never Tell Me the Odds
Requires: 'Til Death Do Us Part
While you maintain your tether, every time the damage received is uneven, return the odd off to the attacker.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose one of these moves or the level 2–5 moves.
Child of the Earth
Requires: Shaman
Choose one move from the Druid or Ranger (Starters included). Alternatively, choose one move from any other class list as if you were one level lower.
Death Mask
Replaces and Replaces: Funeral Mask
When you paint your face in blood and ashes, gain +2 armor as long as
you are wearing this death mask.
Fight Pyre with Fire
When you take damage, and that damage is odd (after armor) the flames within you come to your aid. Either take +1 forward to your next Help From Beyond or take that result and reduce the damage by 1, your choice.
Sin Eater
Contact a GM. When you touch a dying or recently dead creature (less than a day), skin to skin, and have the time to negotiate with the other side -- you may intercede with Death on their behalf. Death will forfeit their soul for now, but demand an appropriate favor or sacrifice in return (this does not have to be something you can accomplish immediately). You may refuse, but if you do so, the next time you take your Last Gasp, you automatically miss. Either way, the creature comes back to life, wounds and all. The target is helpless until they rest. You may only have one such debt to death at a time.
Spirit Walk
When you enter a deep trance that leaves you unresponsive to the world and will yourself to leave your body behind, roll+Wis.
On a 10+, you successfully project yourself out of your body in spirit form.
On a 7-9, you manage to project yourself, but the connection is tenuous and you cannot stay more than a few minutes. While in spirit form, you can't interact with the land of the living and are invisible to those who can't see the spirit world.
On a miss, you lose the ability to see spirits until you have rested.
While spirit walking, you are helpless and your spirit is subject to any abilities and magic that would influence deceased spirits and souls.
Possessive Ghost (Saving Throw +CHA)
Impose a stranger’s soul upon another person. If you succeed on an opponent, they may only be in combat and get a saving throw; if you succeed on an ally this may only be used out of combat, and the effect lasts until the next dawn.
On 10+ You can choose two of their stats to swap with each other.
On 7-9 You succeed as a 10+, yet wrestle with the malevolent spirit that gnaws on your essence. You are vulnerable and have to choose one consequence:
-1 ongoing
-1 Mana and you lose access to this move.
On 6 Nothing happens, you are vulnerable and suffer both consequences.
Note: Ends when the fight it was casted in ends or the caster is unconscious.
Vengeful Ghosts
Requires: Help from Beyond
When you have hold from Help from Beyond and take damage from an
enemy, you may spend 1 Hold to deal half your grit as damage to that enemy.