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"Help! Help! I'm being repressed!"

Peasants, Poor People, Common Folk, Villagers

  • A Human, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Dwarf, Halfling, or Gnome avatar

  • Read the lore for your race, the Human lore, and the final two pages of Notes on Mhirdrun (Lore>World Lore>Mhirdrun)

Grit is 6.

Your carry weight is equal to STRx2+Grit.

Your hitpoints are CONx2+Grit+10.

Your damage is 1dGrit.

Starting Moves

You start with all of these moves


No One Of Importance

No one is surprised to see a local. When you are in your home area in a crowded place and not doing anything suspicious or disruptive, you are generally ignored by guards, by other villagers, even sometimes by monsters: particularly when there are more dangerous individuals in the area. You're also able to easily disguise yourself when entering new areas to gain the same benefit.


It's a Living

You've spent a lot of time outside, helped around a farm on more than one occassion and done your fair share of hunting and fishing. While you cannot earn coin with most of these skills, it will earn you food. If you have the time, you can gather enough food for a ration from farmlands or villages - from labor in times of peace or scavenge in times of war.



When you go out among people in search of information about a place, person or thing, tell a Mediator what you want to know and roll+WIS.

*On a 10+, you get a solid lead which will take you to what you're looking for if followed.

*On a 7-9, something goes wrong--Choose one:

  • The lead is weak or the trail is cold. You'll need to put in extra leg-work.

  • Your inquiries attract unwanted attention or the notice of those you track.

Yes M'lord!

You must maintain at least token respect and obedience to local authority figures, or lose access to the benefits of 'No One Of Importance', 'It's a living', and 'Streetwise' in areas under their control: No one wants to  feed a trouble-maker.


Not a Murder Hobo

Any weapon you handle gains the Clumsy tag. Any armor you wear gains the Clumsy tag. If the armor already had that tag you're an inefficient mess while wearing it - treat every roll as a miss.

When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose one of these moves:


Liquid Courage

You have spent many years drinking. When all seems lost, you always have your drink. The drink has become your protector, your shield. When inebriated: until you rest, take +1 armor but roll + CON.
*On a 10+ you are fully functional.
*On a 7-9, choose one debility,
*On a miss choose two:

  • You become shaky.

  • You become sick.

  • You become confused.


You ain't gonna believe this..

When you state something aloud, and a player backs up your claim, take a +1 forward to a CHA roll no matter how uninformed, ridiculous, or untrue your assertion; even if they don't believe your statement, they're incredibly likely to believe that *you* believe it. 


Multiclass Dabbler

Pick one move from another class, as long as it isn't a Starting Move or another Multiclass Move. Treat your level as one lower for choosing the move.


Quick Learner

Requires: 'Not a Murder Hobo'

Ignore the penalties imposed by 'Not a Murder Hobo'.




Requires: Commoner

When you try to defuse a tense situation by looking simple, Roll +WIS:

On a 10+, everyone involved in the tension must make a saving throw (+WIS); if they all fail, the situation calms again. If noe or more succeed, take the result of a 7-9.

On a 7-9, you failed, but are ready to escape the situation. Take +1 to your next Run Away!


A Friend In Need...


Requires: Commoner

List one person your character believes is your friend when you take this skill. You gain +1 Forward any time you are trying to assist them - with anything.

Class and Advanced Moves

When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose one of these moves or the level 2–5 moves.


Common Sense!

Requires: You ain't gonna believe this..

When you state something aloud even if no one agrees with you - an NPC commoner will pipe in and agree with you, providing you the bonus anyways!



Multiclass Initiate

Requires: Multiclass Dabbler

Pick one move from another class, as long as it isn't a Starting Move or another Multiclass Move. Treat your level as one lower for choosing the move. a friend indeed!

Requires: A Friend In Need...

Any time your friend, listed under 'A Friend In Need' attempts to help you in return, they may take +1 Forward.



Requires: A Friend In Need...

Choose a move from your friend's starter move list.

(Note: Wizard and Cleric's Cast a Spell moves only give you access to their spell list up to level 3 spells)



Requires: Apprenticeship

Choose another move from your friend's class or starter move list.

(Note: Wizard and Cleric's Cast a Spell moves only give you access to their spell list up to level 3 spells)



Requires: Journeyman

When you follow someone into a battle, dedicating yourself to aiding that single person, they gain:


  • Your damage as a bonus to any they apply in close combat.

  • +1 Ongoing.

  • All damage they would take is intercepted by and applied to you instead.


This lasts until you allow yourself to become distracted, preform another action, abandon the effort, or step more than a few paces away from them.


Be Somebody

Requires: Journeyman

You like your pal so much that you decide to take their class on fully.  Reroll to their class and keep your experience!  You're now a level 8 of your friend's class.  Pick 7 new moves accordingly but you lose access to your Commoner moves.

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