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Of the City-States of Beleri
Beleri claims both banks of the Eol river where it empties to the sea of Calingwai south of Linothor, and shallowly it extends around the tail of the Blackwood and over the shores of Calingwai nigh to where the land drops from Linothor to become Sulgate. Into Calingwai project the ten narrow lands of Beleri, and they vary in length, with each named for a fort or city, and they bristle with many boats and ships, all of them hailing from every land. These secure Beleri most of all from harm, for no one would set upon his own trade, except by piracy, though the navy of Beleri is unmatched also, and its sailors and marines guard the waters with great skill.
Beleri was once of the empire of Aer Arnad, but has since separated peacefully through ransom and has no king. Upon each peninsula, and upon its shore inland, is fashioned what is called a "city-state," and each of them are to come to the aid of the other in need, and to submit a proportion of ships and men to the Belerian navy which safeguards their waters, but otherwise hold no power over one another. In each city rules a family, but the laws of a family are to their own only, and enforced with little care, except those which fill coffers, and in times of strife, which are not seldom, for ambitions swell often among the merchant classes.
And while it is true that the States of Beleri are "free," in having no one to call King or Emperor, there is a pinnacle of authority in the land, and that is the Belerian Fleet. Thousands of the best ships which sail the waters of Orben comprise this fleet, and he who decides its direction may decide also the fate of whole coasts, especially if they be the coasts of peninsulae. The Ruling families will suffer no member of another family to wield such power, and thus begat the tradition of the Belarian Admiral. Every ten years, a captain from among the ships offered to the fleet by every city is elected to lead the navy, and to hold office as Admiral of the Belerian Fleet. Presently the admiral is Caterina Russ, who is greatly respected among the mariners, though she be a woman and a northerner.
Of seafarers, Beleri's navy is not its only strength. The greatest shipwrights and mariners in the world reside here, and it is for this that the cities remain free, as all families know that none can hold dominion over the seas, where guards and towers loom not above any mast. Every ship is as its own country, with every Man a citizen beholden to his captain over any king, and while laws of the sea are harsh, they are fair, and he who chooses to obey them does so for promise of coin, rather than at the point of a sword.
This radical freedom has led to queer happenings among the cities of Beleri, not least of which is the selection of a woman for admiral, as for unmarried any woman is like to being her own father or husband, and may work and own property, and assume titles. These are subsumed by any family into which she enters, via marriage, and so many unwed lead noble families, and merchant companies, and even number among the ruling families, and with great power. Laws here also permit the mixing of races, and promise property and wealth by merit above all, even despite sex, or blood. And so though all of the ruling families of Beleri are yet Elves and Men, they guard their power jealously from outsiders, as many foresee that ere long another race may become lords of some city.

On Admiral Caterina Russ
Much free talk is there of this admiral, more perhaps than any other person of high stature in Linothor, for it comes from among those who readily monger rumors with least provocation, they being sailors, and from a land where speech is freer than elsewhere.
Many colorful words have been used regarding the admiral's appearance, but it is most oft said that, while not tall, she appears always proud, with hair of brass worn now long, and wears well the jacket of the Admiral of the Belerian Navy. On her hip swings always a cutlass, though seldom has she need to use it, for it is said her wit and the pitch of her inflection cut through Dwarven steel more readily than any weapon. She has no symbol of house, and it is said she comes from a commoner family in Loamport, ere it became a barony of Nuumalon. Dressing and acting as a man, so says the tale, she was hired first as a cabin boy on the schooner Valkur's Luck as it transported wine to Beleri, before joining the navy there and within fifteen years becoming a captain of a small boat.
Prior to being elected Russ became renowned for outmaneuvering no less than three pirate vessels who set upon her boat all at once, and after having eluded them, returned to the place of the attempted crime, only to commandeer one of the pirate vessels and, having captured it, proceeded to hunt down and destroy the remaining ships. The number of ships involved is a matter of much contention, with some reports as high as eight.
Nonetheless this story was upon the lips of every sailor on every dock in Beleri when its naval elections took place, and its role in the results was doubtlessly one of much import. However, this is the inherent flaw in such processes, for the wills of men are more easily commandeered by mere rumor than Russ is likely to have commandeered eight pirate ships.
As yet, Russ is only begun her admiralship, and it remains still to see how the Belerian fleet will fare under her rule.
On the People of Beleri
The people of Beleri are Linothor Men most of all, but Sulgate Men as well, and Halflings and some Gnomes also, for those being small can be nimble and precise, and they are handy, which is much desired at sea, and they have also good eyes for quality in wares, which is sought after much by ruling families to ward against many fakes, lest a reputation for fraud emerge from their city. Elves more seldom appear, except those which remain from the days of empire, as they otherwise have greater sentiment for land and forest, though lower Elves who seek adventure, or those closer kin to the Mer, find Beleri's disposition most welcome of all lands.The Men vary widely in appearance and style, except among those who work ships, for they are all of them swarthy with wild faces, and can be seen from afar for their gold vests and great white trousers, which billow alike to skirts from their hip. It is among the merchant class, which forms also the pinnacle of Beleri's society, excepting the ruling families, that such diverse appearance is found, for they hail from all lands, and bring with them the looks of those people, and display them with pride. For this they mix little, and families search far and wide for daughters to marry with their sons, who hail from the same lands as themselves, even if they be not human. If pressed to find a citizen of Beleri, who is a Man with blood dwelling long there ere his birth, he is likely to be olive or bronze of skin, and with overmuch hair in black, or brown, or dull red all over his body, and he would be mustachioed, for the Men of Beleri have taken lately to wearing heavy mustaches, which droop low over either lip, as a wet cloth hangs from the line. Their women of like blood are more of them olive, and when common wear their dark hair unbound, or secured only at their forehead with cloth or jewelry, and it flows thickly from their scalp as waves like the mane of a lion, and as one mass moves when they dance, which is not seldom for they are most oft idle.
Halflings and Gnomes
Halflings and Gnomes of Beleri are much like to men, though fairer skinned, even when bound to ships or labor at Summer's end, and dress in like manner, though of course reduced to their stature. Halflings favor to grow hair thick and wild down their cheeks, so to be less oft confused for boys of Men among laborers, as those too are numerous in the yards and in rigging. Gnomes of Beleri perceive less use in such devices, for they are more fastidious about their face and hair, and shade their visage often with distinctive caps, at great expense, which though being overlarge never fall from their heads, and this above all marks them for adults.
Elves in these lands divide greatly among themselves, for one whole are as the others of Beleri, and eagerly take to its ways as they can, but another remain apart, and withdraw, and associate not with other races, or at least do so with reluctance, for they harbor sympathy for Aer Arnad or to their race above the free law of the city-states. These Elves shun the sunlight, so as not to grow bronze as the Men, and thus distinguish themselves as pure and proud, but instead became wan, and their fair hair thins, and they wear heavy dark robes, simply adorned, if at all, for they reject the garish fashions of Men, and so look not unlike monks who patrol silently in empty halls, though they be richest in all of Beleri.
On the Country of Beleri
Concerning Digitali and Almurus, the Fortress of the Little FingerThe westernmost peninsula emerges from the west bank of the Eol river, and is also least in size, upon the shortest length of land to jut from Linothor's base, and though it is called Digitali, the Little Finger, it is far from weak, for upon it is the fortress of Almurus, rather than a city-state, which overlooks the docks of Beleri's naval fleet. It is here that admiral Russ resides, and from the highest office in its tower commands the affairs of the Belerian navy.
Concerning Ferulo and the Moritari
Northernmost, along the land of Linothor, is called the city-state of Ferulo and ruled by the family Moritari who above all the others in Beleri honor and observe law. They oversee the trade between all cities, and function often between them as arbiters and emissaries. In this they are highly regarded, and the other cities vie often for their favor, though the Moritari wield the least material power, having the fewest ports of all cities, and little inland to reap but from the tail of the Blackwood and the merchant roads to Aer Arnad.
Concerning Fisus, Shipyards of Beleri, and the Scrupulo
East of Digitali is Fisus, ruled by the family Scrupulo. The land of Fisus is spindly and winds about from the east bank of the Eol as thin yarn, but berths many ships, and on its shores are the largest yards, sourced directly from the Blackwood and by the Eol, and vessels of Fisus are renowned for the quality of their make and speed in their manufacture. The Scrupulo are aloof most out of the ruling families, though least ostentatious, and they entertain seldom any visitors to their manse.
Concerning Fertile Amicus, and the Nivols
East of Fisus is Amicus, ruled by the family Nivols. The peninsula is flat, or rolls gently, and is fertile, and so is generous, but the ruling family is miserly and concedes only reluctantly its wealth. Among it are the fruits of vines which by exclusive pact it trades to Nuumalon in order to acquire for free barrels of that nation's wines, and thus secure great profit. More willingly to its fellow cities it sells ruder fair, though not cheaply, and they comply for want of options, as food spoils quickly over seas, and they have little recourse else except by merchant roads at greater cost.
Concerning Sors, the Long Finger, and the Birion
East of Amicus is Sors, ruled by the Birion family. Ere it separated from the empire of Aer Arnad, the peninsula of Sors was once called by the Elves Leberand, the Long Finger, and held the capital there, having been moved in the wake of the calamity in what are presently the Salt Marshes. Now Sors is considered more equal to its fellows, but retains still much glory, for the remnants of the Elves they made their own, and with great skill, and among all the towers of Beleri the city-center of Sors is considered most desirous to behold. The Birion take fast to governing, and do so with even hands, though less-so than the Moritari, but with greater mercy, and so the courts there are favored above all others.
Concerning Nefast, the Broken Finger, and the Infeli
East of Sors is Nefast, ruled by the family Infeli. For its many misfortunes Nefast is oft called also Digicurtos, the Broken Finger. Of all peninsulae Nefast is lowest, and broadest, and least defensible, and being close to the former capital of the Elven empire ere Beleri withdrew, was most chosen as the host of marauders seeking to topple the Elven emperor, or to ransom him. The Infeli only recently rose to rule there, and at great cost, for Nefast's former masters clung with desperation to their seat, till at long last they were cast down. And the Infeli are now alike to a hound who, dragging hard to wrest a rope from his master's hand, at last pries it free, yet knows not what to do with it, for the Infeli are not so quick to master governing as the Birion of Sors, and have ceded much prestige. Thus Nefast is reputed to be lawless, with crime overflowing from its near waters, and rumors abound that the other cities look to it with anger, so the troubles which befall the Infeli may be resolved sooner than the family might guess, though not in the fashion they would wish.
Concerning Medita, City of Waukeen, and the Daemendi
East of Nefast is Medita, ruled by the Daemendi family. Little is there to say for this land, except that it bears a large church, dedicated to the goddess Waukeen. To her are Medita's greatest citadels devoted, and the Daemendi devote all of their wealth to it, and for this they have entered into the church, with high ranks, and are called also priests as well as rulers, and receive back their wealth tenfold.
Concerning Aditum, City of Spies, and the Silene
East of Medita is Aditum, ruled by the Silene family. Outwardly Aditum is least remarkable of all the city-states, but many know of its true nature, though few will admit to its details, and then only under duress. This hidden truth is that a great guild resides there, peopled only by spies and thieves, hailing from every continent. The Silene, it is said, lead these affairs themselves, and trade much in secrets, but through many intermediaries, and so remain blameless to all. Though darkened in many eyes for this reputation, Aditum is not so unsafe a city-state, and safer still than many others, and its streets are clean, though simple, for above all its denizens understand the value of appearances.
Concerning Trina, City of Study, and the Captio
East of Aditum is Trina, ruled by the family Captio, though with little authority, for Trina is home to Gulbar, a university of great renown, and the only like it in the known world. The Elves by whom it was established rule it still, and by all measures the city itself, for such is the scope of their influence. While truly Gulbar attracts many of the most learned of all races, it attracts also great and distant powers who seek by its exposure to enlighten their children and wards, and thus ensure their own legacies are not ended prematurely by ignorance.
Concerning Reggio Aedi, Wellspring of Art and Culture, and the Tura
East of Trina is Reggio Aedi, ruled by the Tura family. Reggio Aedi is second only to Sors in splendor, for similarly does it retain the Elven towers which stood ere the city took new name, and honors them, for the Tura family takes great interest in craftsmanship and pains to preserve its foremost examples. Artists, sculptors, poets, musicians, and others alike to them make pilgrimage to Trina for this reason, in vain hope of finding patronage with its rulers. But only few of them are successful, though the family is generous with its wealth and collects all it can with alacrity, what transcends other craft in a lesser city is as refuse in Trina, for the gathering is very dense with the best of offerings, and so most who come with hope leave in despair, or else stay with false hope and in squalor.
Concerning Banelli, Home of the Zetari, and the Vel Dorne
Furthest east of all Beleri's fingers is Banelli, ruled by the family Vel Dorne, which is most secretive of all the families, even moreso than the Silene, and the Vel Dorne are first held suspect whenever another family meets misfortune. Banelli is much alike to Digitali in function, for it guards the other cities, though in the fashion of weapons borne by hand rather than by ship. For this the armies of Beleri are trained and kept there, and none of the captains are elected for they are all of them beholden to the Vel Dorne family, though at the behest of Beleri which employs them as mercenaries. Collectively the armies are known as Zetari, and are drawn widely from low society, most oft as outlaws from other lands, or from Sulgate. They are distrusted on every wall or deck which holds them, but much desired, for in bloodlust there is no match to them, nor have they any mercy, and so few but the bravest privateers would set upon a ship bearing the flag of Zetari under its own colors.
Concerning the Academies of Montoya and Shretteri
Among the city-states of Beleri are many locations of note, and in such number as describing the whole of them would fill a library of books, and selecting from them only a small number is alike to one bidden take only a single gem from a dragon's horde. And so in brief are enumerated only two here, and as tokens offered without authority. The first named shall be the fencing academy of Montoya in Ferulo, for Beleri of late has begun the fashion of wearing sword with buckler among the upper classes, but these blades narrow, and with girded hilts. The mastery of their use is become sport among young noble men, as to those who in wider lands take to huntsmanship, but who in Beleri must find other recourse. Named here also shall be another academy, called Shretteri, though a guild aligned to lesser classes, and thus it offers apprenticeships, and these in painting of fine artistry. Its halls are found in Sors, thus shielding it from the flood of many lesser would-be apprentices which flock to the more common ports in Reggio Aedi. Though, from Shretteri have emerged no less than four artists of great renown, and it sees more applicants every year.