Mhirdrun | The Thradhel | Linothor | Sundering Isles | Sea of Calingwai |Gwathia | Sulgate | The Blasted Wastes

Of the Thradhel
Thradhel is Elven for "Shelf of Ice," an apt name for that which hangs as a frozen mantle over Linothor and Gwathia, and above which none but the most desperate of peoples dwell willingly. Though some arable lands defy the bitter cold, the peoples who must also defy it live as only the most rugged of Men, and they are called Thradhellions, or more briefly as Hellions. In the days of Elves it is said that these were once an innumerable host driven thither in woe by an onslaught of the Empire of Aer Arnad, and many were lost to cruel winds. Between them they number now few, and though still as kin in blood to each their race, regard in suspicion and hostility most southerly peoples, with few exceptions. The Hellions are divided roughly into three groups, these being the Men to the west, called Ættgardtfólk, the Men to the east, called Khunikoi, and the Dwarves, who take no other name except the Hellion Dwarves.