Mhirdrun | The Thradhel | Linothor | Sundering Isles | Sea of Calingwai |Gwathia | Sulgate | The Blasted Wastes
All lands of Linothor west of the river Eol, which runs down from the floes above the Thradhel to divide Linothor twain ere it reaches the southern sea of Calingwai, are claimed now through war by King Precter I, though yet with some resistance. For this divide it is sometimes called West Linothor, but Precter's kingdom is called Nuumalon, or its lands Nuum, and counts among it many cities and fiefs, baronies and burgs. The greatest among these were small kingdoms in their own right, formed upon the old ruins of Elves, ere Precter conquered them.
As the Eol splits half-wise the continent towards the west, in the east it is split thrice, though not by rivers but by laws, which tend more to be impermanent. Three lands are found here, the first called kingdom, the second called empire, and the third called free. Furthest north is Grimgaud, Dwarven country under King Fabnar son of Klinn, and it stretched at once down from the Thradhel nigh to the base of the continent ere it shrank in decline, and in the wake of its resurgent neighbor to the south, called Aer Arnad, the "Great Empire" to the tongue of Elves, and which is claimed by them still through their emperor Saeldor the Wise, though their twilight is at hand. Aer Arnad yawns greatly from the middle of the east and down even into territories of Sulgate, and the rest of Linothor, but for one small land called Beleri, which hugs the southern coast along the sea of Calingwai as a long and gentle dome claiming little inland, though among it number numerous cities along peninsulae which stab out, like teeth from a comb.
Then like a great dark animal which sprawls along the Eol river is the largest forest in Linothor, or indeed the world, and its ears are drawn up into the kingdom of Grimgaud, and its haunches rise greatly into Aer Arnad, and its tail lowers down until it touches Beleri. It is known as Mordron by Elves, or by all others as the Blackwood. The forest is ruled by none for it is wild, and dark, and many mysteries yet remain there, though the three lands claim its wood for their own use, and even some across the river in Nuumalon venture to the opposite bank for want of logging it, for the wood of its trees is strong.
Comprised here in Linothor are the remains of Elves and Dwarves, and also the best of all Men, in rulership and in moral character, for in building upon the ruins of Elves and Dwarves has the Human race risen proudly. Halflings and Gnomes also dwell here, though in lesser numbers, and few attend to the matters of history with such renown as they larger forebears.