Mhirdrun | The Thradhel | Linothor | Sundering Isles | Sea of Calingwai |Gwathia | Sulgate | The Blasted Wastes

Sulgate lies southeast of Linothor and south of the Sarazor mountains in Gwathia, and thus straddles both continents from below. Along its west side it forms a great curve inward, so that the Calingwai sea fills it like a cup. Its eastern edge bears its own sea within a great claw formed between the top corner of the continent to the north and the Thamun peninsula to the south, for which the sea is named. This peninsula abuts the Rhunaear as it curves away and southward to meet the end of the continent, and the gate to the Blasted wastes. From the Sarazor Mountains rolls down to the base of Sulgate the Iteru River.
It is a curious case among the great continents, for where it narrows, its lands become only the more diverse in style, and those who claim it more numerous. Thus it is called also The Funnel by some, in addition to its many other names, but for this account is required only the one here chosen, that being Sulgate.
Sulgate is of late a land of strife, as a religious revolution there occurs between followers of Amaunator, At'ar, and Lathander, all being gods of the sun, which holds much import over these desert lands. This warfare, in combination with the ambitious machinations of few, has sundered a great empire into much rubble, and each rock thus flung takes the form of a country. It is upon this opportunity that Aer Arnad has capitalized, though its gains have come at great cost. But many in Linothor and Gwathia desire peace in the region, for though it holds not many of the world's gems, they are precious indeed.
Formerly much of Sulgate was called the Ssianid Empire, which previously was alluded to, and it was proud and prosperous, but lays heavily now in ruin. Yet having been cast down, and drawn apart as if by many beasts attacking carrion freshly slain, it lays also heavily on the minds of its new stewards, oft in great longing, for there is now much disorder.
The northernmost land of Sulgate, once called Zab, but having now no emperor, and subsumed entirely in strife, is without any name. It is called today The Bleak Land, or Bleakland, for it is the whole of it open desert and the twisting debris of many cities, with little greenery besides, and no rulers to govern it. Its westernmost end touches the Calingwai sea, and around the expanse of the Aer Arnad Empire its northernmost extent touches the Ingbahl sea, and the Sarazor mountains, which traveling east into Gwathia cross next into the land of Bethar Garmak, which has also no single king but government of a kind, for it is ruled by mages of great power and renown. To the northeast of Bethar Garmak, and forming also the northeast corner of Sulgate, bracing it against Gwathia to the north and the Rhunaear sea to the east, is Daedina, so called for the Daes, a local word for the Dwarven peoples of that land. South of Bleakland, astride the land of Caeor below, and with one edge against Calingwai to the west and Bethar Garmak to the east, is Shalad Dinh, which remains as one host in religious warfare with its southerly neighbor, Caeor. Caeor is home to the only major port in all of Sulgate aimed westerly. To its east extends Thamun, from beneath Bethar Garmak which wraps below Shalad Dinh to touch Caeor's east wall. Thamun forms the heart of a shallow peninsula where it, but for a small coastline, is nearly encircled between Caeor to its west, Bethar Garmak to its northwest, and then along its east, and southern edges lie respectively Bathar Yamnat, and Myultaoh. Bethar Yamnat along the easternmost edge of the Thamun peninsula faces out to the Rhunaear, while Myultaoh touches only one tip of Yamnat before running west along the base of Thamun to touch also the bottommost tip of Caeor, expanding outward as it goes south before meeting the Blasted Wastes, and thus ends with Sulgate.