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Of the Kingdom of Nuumalon
Nuumalon to many eyes is the grandest of all lands and kingdoms in Orben, ruled well after a time of strife now that law has descended heavily over the towns and cities, and thus with it peace.

On King Precter I
Precter the king is most instrumental in these events, and is much respected and feared, for it is said that he hails from the lands of Grimgaud to the northeast, and in his exile to those lands was hardened much as the people there. He is not tall, but is imposing in stature, and bearded darkly, though thinly, and travels oft armored, for he is a conquering king who leads his men into battle, and shies not from violence, and thus prepares always for its onset. His tabard is of a deep purple, and emblazoned on his chest is the symbol of his house, which is of a lion casting down an overgrown tree. His plate armor, when worn, is wrought from the finest Dwarven ores, and by the finest hands of those people also, and thus sits light and gleaming over him, and his helm is alike to a lion's jaw agape, and which he closes ere he enters battle. His queen is called Ponticia, and hails also from Grimgaud, and she calls its underground halls her birthplace, for she is a Dwarf, and it is by this marriage Precter secured peace with Grimgaud, and its alliance in arms. Ponticia took to shaving as a concession to her new lands, and it is said she looks handsome in this fashion, but dresses much like Dwarves of Grimgaud, with her clothings dull and devoid of color, and her warlike nature is that of the king himself, and in her leisure is oft seen performing acts of great strength, to the wonder of her court. Prector was a widower prior to this union, and from that first marriage bears one son, who is named Precter II, though it is said he is much unlike his father, being disposed toward a quiet life in the country, as he now dwells. Precter II is yet adolescent, and wiry and fair, but is oft visited by mages from the great library of Gularth, who report that the keenness of his mind is unmatched among any youth before encountered.
On the Peoples of Nuumalon
Excepting many newcomers from foreign lands, and their children, who are well tolerated more than not, the people from Western Linothor are considered often fairest among their race, whether Man or Halfling or Elf, or Dwarf or Gnome. For to the generous bounty of its rivers and fields they ascribe great health and goodness, which tend even to the sustenance of the poorest folk, and they take great care to protect the purity of the land, which enjoys much sun in summer and mild winters. Thus their complexions are smooth and colored warmly, and their brows light upon proud noses with which to take in much clean air, and they are crowned thickly with hair of the most luxurious texture. The hair of men, being worn long in back as oft as not, but which they wear upon their face, is well groomed if worn, and trimmed to small shapes, beneath the lip or the chin, and as needles beneath the nose, dividing to point each way. The hair of a woman of Nuumalon is long, and becomes raised ever more elaborately as she ascends in society, with fence and jewel, and sometimes takes to odd little caps of various colors.
Having access to all of the world's riches through Loamport, the nobles of Nuumalon wear the finest of all clothings, and the most glorious of jewels, though they are sometimes called garish by more simple folk, but many commoners lust after success for the acquisition of these baubles, and prize them highly, and display them eagerly, and while away their whole lives merely to touch such tokens of wealth.
On the Country of Nuumalon
Concerning Rhisburg, the Capital of Nuumalon, and the Mighty Tower Nuumrise
Rhisburg sits on the banks of the Rhisurine, little south of Mhirdrun, and not far from the coast in the shelter of the Albaug Mountains. It is this that King Precter chose for his residence, and has since erected a lofty castle, harnessing the craft of what Dwarves and Elves remain in the land, and which touches the clouds with its highest banner, and it is called Nuumrise. The city grows daily in riches and prestige, and though it began rudely is now greatly expanded, and rung with much gilding and walled with might .
Concerning the Duchy of Loamport, the Source of Nuumalon's Greatest Wealth
Loamport was the largest and most splendid of kingdoms in West Linothor before the rise of Nuumalon, though much now its duke, named Barthos Krine, has surrendered to Precter the King. Not so lofty as Rhisburg's new towers, Loamport is broad and deep, surrounding a bay far south along the western coast which welcomes into its waters a hundreds ships a day. It is for this that Loamport still flourishes despite ignominious defeat before the armies of the king, and still stand many rich and noble houses on the orderly streets of its cities, and the king has shown great care in buttressing their might and glory, for in them beats still the heart of Nuumalon's wealth.
Concerning Allsband on Lake Denadon, City of the Hardy Men
Allsband is called that great and hardy city to the northeast, which straddles lake Denadon, and is led by a man called Torik the Wolf. Much do these peoples contend with Ættgardtfólk invaders from the Thradhel, and thus it was only by allegiance and not by bloodshed that it became Precter's first conquest when he laid claim to the land west of the Eol those years ago. Much alike to Dwarves are the people of Allsband, though they be most of them Men, for they tend to speech or extravagance far less than to great action, and prefer to honor their own ways. Through what measure Precture first secured their fealty none know, but it was surely by no small contribution of Allsband's might and genius that Precter conquered Nuumalon.
Concerning Fermelon, and its Fertile Valleys
Fermalon too numbered among the old kingdoms of the Nuum lands, in command of many farms through a great and fertile valley between the Albaug Mountains and the river Eol. By way of these valleys did Precter march south to Loamport, and in his wake were sacked many a town. The farmers of Fermalon cowed easily before Precter's horde, as did its king Harlis, now baron. Being little damaged in the war its return to strength was made apace, and its farms supply much both to Nuumalon and to Beleri, its produce traveling downriver on great barges.
Concerning Midland and Vain's Cross, the Last Elven Bastion
Midland is much diminished from its former expanse, which when called a kingom was named Thaunaran, the Forest Kingdom, and stretched once from the western coast up to the claims of Loamport, and inward unimpeded to the Olfdol mountains. Last Bastion of the Elves it was called west of the Eol ere Prector's arrival, and was besieged by him for many days. When Precter was drawn nearly to Loamport by great urgency, fate shifted and all at once did he claim the land as a flood. When finally his army overtook Thaunaran, it was much transformed by fire and boulder, with the Elven king and his family slain utterly down to the last heir. Those Elves who survived retreated most of them to the forests west, named now Thaundim, the Forest of Mourning, and it is said they now they live as barbarians in the wilds. It was revealed soon after its conquest that Thaunaran's doom was delivered by an advisor to its king, a Man now called Vaile the Usurper, and for his service did Precter grant him title over the former kingdom, now a barony called Midland. Vaile was known well for his self-admiring nature, and in infamy is his castle in Midland known as Vain's Cross.
Vain's Cross has risen only upon the backs of those few Elves who remained, most under duress, to tend to the vinyards and fields of the barony, since restored, and by which they make Nuumnil, their fabled Elven wine, and also Nuumnes, their mead. These sweet drinks are much desired in the other lands of Orben, and demand for them never ceases, thus lifting Midland to secure prosperity.
Concerning Thaundim, the Forest of Mourning
Little yet is known, and less much explored, of Thaundim since surviving Elven residents of Midland took root there. As one may expect they are most suspicious and hostile to outsiders, and waylay any within sight of the forest, it is said, out of fear for their own preservation. Victims are robbed, turned out, and sent wandering back toward Loamport, but otherwise unharmed, if they act not in violence. Fey creatures cling thickly to the trunks of Thaundim's many trees, it is also said, and between them the Elves and fey forge wicked designs of revenge. Thinly spread are Precter's armies however, and much afraid are its men of the dark wilds yet to be civilized where fair folk lurk. If any truth there is in these stories, Thaundim may yet invoke a reckoning upon Nuumalon.
Concerning Mhirdrun, Gate to the Thradhel
Northernmost along the western coast of Nuumalon, ere the lands freeze into the Thradhel, lies the barony of Mhirdrun, small, remote, and subsumed with the others in the strife of Precter's conquest. Peaceful now it lays, having been much restored, for seabound trade has there resumed, and its small farms were little touched by war ere the baron was slain, and his replacement Levi Labilis, appointed regent. Little of note bears mentioning regarding this place, except that it is the path by which most who travel northernmost enter the Thradhel, for it is somewhat milder near the coast and Ættgardtfólk there arrayed impugn less upon travelers than do those tribes eastward.
Concerning Keyrock and Airenon, Gate to the Calingwai
At the corner of the coast opposite Mhirdrun, where the land veers away from the ocean and becomes southernmost to ring over the sea of Calingwai, is called Keyrock, as it extends in a narrow peninsula before jutting westaward, thus shaped in the manner of a its namesake. It is considered also the gate to Calingwai, for those traveling by sea to Sulgate must contend with its fortifications, or else with the pirates who roam more southerly waters with impunity. Keyrock's towers were built first by Elves, who called their fortification Airenon, and by which name it is still known, as it has lasted through many ages, and it has been called also The Unassailable Rock, for its cliffs are steep, and it is entered only from above by a narrow pass in the Olfdol mountains, which stab long below from the Albaug, and none who have tested its might have come away victorious. Airenon is commanded now by Lord Chansin, a friend and comrade of King Precter.
Concerning Gularth, Light of the West
Yet another fortress rises over the oceans facing west from Nuumalon, though to peaceful purpose, as the pinnacle of its single tower serves as guiding light from afar. Gularth it is called, its creation and name owed again to Elves, and remains home to them still in their decline, though it counts mostly Men among it, especially those inclined toward magic, and Gnomes, and few Dwarves. But the greatest population represented in Gularth is smaller even than Gnomes in stature, and four-sided, being books, for Gularth's primary purpose is as library. It houses annals of study, greater in volume than any collected elsewhere, save perhaps for Kitaburjj in Sulgate, and mages and luminaries of every description make pilgrimage there. For this reason it births queer notions of thought and magic, but these are stifled with haste, for the Council of the Arcane Scholars who rule Gularth are well wary of the temper of the king, and seek to inflame it not lest he come to claim in arms what he has subsumed by law, and damage should come to their wards, the lore which they prize above all else.
Concerning Assorted Other Features of Note in Nuumalon
Still more towers and fortresses rise over the west of Linothor, manned by the soldiers of the king Prector, and against any threat of incursion, though its lands are yet ill-disposed to come in arms over river and through the unfriendly passes of the Albaug. Still, from hidden pockets swarm sometimes a host of fell creatures, as werewolves or vampires, and it is these which occupy most the attention of Nuumalon's standing might. More mundane folk who remain aligned against King Precter are scattered still throughout the realm, and those which are not under threat of his armies take sanctuary only by being unworthy of campaign, for the meanness of their land, and the paucity of their arms.