Mhirdrun | The Thradhel | Linothor | Sundering Isles | Sea of Calingwai |Gwathia | Sulgate | The Blasted Wastes

Of the Lands of the Ættgardtfólk
Those Men in flight from Elves who strayed little east upon the cusp of the Thradhel grew widely from their stock, moreso in their tongue than in their look, though it could be also said that in their savagery they grew also apart from Men. These barbarians call themselves the Ættgardtfólk, or the "People of Ættgardt," the god to whom they ascribe their safe passage north, and who most scholars presume to be alike to Tyr or Tempus, if not an aspect by another name. They are however far removed now from these origins in what passes for belief and culture among them, and have given to worshiping animal spirits, and by which presume they hearken to Ættgardt himself, though some in their savagery have abandoned even the ways of religion, leaving it behind along with all of the other southerly trappings of their ancestors.
Divided are the Ættgardtfólk into many tribes, according to their ways. While some are drawn to peaceful living, others are grown violent indeed, and have mastered travel by the rivers which drip from the northernmost ice-melts of the Thradhel so that they may ride south in haste, and as a storm blown over the land, pillage and plunder along the banks and beyond, to their liking. Arrayed here in brief are the locations and temperament of each tribe, so that well-read northbound travelers, thus armed, may proceed with due caution.
On the Peoples of the Ættgardtfólk Tribes
The Ættgardtfólk Hellions in the west of Thradhel are nearly all of them pallid and bright-eyed, with blond or black hair, and they are large, and considered beautiful though fearsome, with crude means. Their fashion varies widely from tribe to tribe, if such crude dress may be called such, but the most of them dress warmly, as one may expect, in thick leathers and furs, brown or gray in color, and with many belts for their weapons which they fashion crudely, and which all of them use for they shun magic as demonic Elvencraft.
On the Tribes of the Ættgardtfólk
Concerning the Hvíturkötturfólk Fishermen
The first of the tribes one may encounter, beginning from the southwest of the Thradhel, are the Hvíturkötturfólk, who occupy themselves with fishing along the frozen western banks, and by this provide for themselves. As to be expected of a people which hunts only animals and for their own sustenance, they are friendly, in that they are not hostile, as still they are always surly, being oft subject to cold and hunger. Little to be feared are they, however, as to rest with a full belly ere the sun sets is their only want.
TheHvíturkötturfólk count among those who worship the animals of the land, and have taken to other strange tribal rituals. One of these is that all approaching manhood must undergo a trial whereby they slay an animal, alone, using only what are called "tree claws," rough daggerheads, carved from wood, which are fastened to a shaft, such that, when gripped, the knives project through the fingers.
Concerning the Svartjjónfólk Farmers
Moving east along the Thradhel, one will encounter the Svartjjónfólk, out in the wastes, some two or three dozen leagues north from the source of the Mhird River. These too are a peaceful people, though they make their way by farming rather than by fishing, and in the harsh cold have eked out success with much labor. These still worship the true gods, favoring most the Four, they being Tyr, Torm, Helm, and Ilmater, and favor also most trade with southern towns.
Concerning the Svartkrummfólk, Crow-Riders of Krummirokk
East of the huts and fields of the Svartjjónfólk, and nestled in The Crags, arrayed around a peak called Krummirokk, are the Svartkrummfólk. These are known well as a terror to the southern towns, for unlike their western neighbors, these tribes take great delight in hostility, and for its own sake. They foray often with the intent of marauding, and prey upon poor peoples and travelers whom they catch unawares, depriving them of their lives as well as their possessions. Fervently do they worship what are called the Krumm, ravens of unfathomable size, who oft do they ride aloft, as mounts which exceed even the heaviest warhorses, such is the span of their wings. From these there is little defense among the mean fortifications of the northern towns and even the Ættgardtfólk tribes to the west, which the Svartkrummfólk mean to suffer for worshiping any spirits other than the Krumm.
Concerning the Mikillormurfólk of the Far North
Far north of Krummirokk and its bandits are the Mikillormurfólk, who withdrew over time from the predations of their neighbors. Aside from this little is known, for none venture so far into the wastes of the Thradhel if they possess still any love of life and intent of returning.
Concerning the Blárbjörnfólk of Baradhel the Ice Fortress
East still of the Svartkrummfólk while skirting along the edge of the Thradhel, one comes in sight of Baradhel, the Fortress of Ice, which once marked the northernmost of Aer Arnad's claims ere the empire fell. Now reside there the Blárbjörnfólk, the most vicious of all tribes. None other among the Ættgardtfólk is so reviled, and even by the other Hellions of the north are the Blárbjörnfólk called enemy, such is the animal madness of their wanton brutality. It is said they were once a peaceful people, following a bear spirit who was wise and counseled them well. Against the desires of this bear did they move to dwell in Baradhel, once abandoned, for it was richly carved and to them seemed in want of residents. For a time the Blárbjörnfólk lived well, but the degradation of the fortress led to a great collapse, and with this was it linked to the caverns of the Underdark. Out of this tainted bridge did fiendish beings emerge, and possess the totem bear, and by these machinations turn the whole tribe to unquenchable rage. None now venture near Baradhel nor the Blárbjörnfólk, for their victims are slain without thought to the mercy of haste, and the remains displayed proudly, and thus do the Blárbjörnfólk welcome visitors to the dread halls of their fortress, along a bloody road where frost ever preserves the hoary dead.
Concerning the Jónfuglfólk of Hreiður the Tent City
Eastward from Baradhel lies a tent-city called by the people there Hreiður, or Nest, which has arisen by the designs of the Jónfuglfólk. Openly has Beismel the Krag (a pale and white-haired mountain of a man who has assumed the title of chieftain for this tribe), declared war upon the Kingdom of Nuumalon to the south, and oft does he sortie in pursuit of, what is by his claim, birthright as rightful king of Linothor. Always beaten back his he, and with little thought, but the soldiers of Precter's armies in Nuumalon care little for the cold, and so seldom honor Beismel's many challenges to meet him in battle northward from their own towns. Despite these warlike behaviors the Jónfuglfólk who surround their chief are a strangely friendly sort, and have abandoned their animal spirits, ever caring more for the comforts of civilization, which they strive to replicate in their camp. and seek to learn. Thus travelers of any education find sincere welcome in Hreiður, even if they be from Nuumalon, in a paradoxical fashion which few outside the Jónfuglfólk can comprehend.
Concerning the Grárúlfurfólk, the Werewolf Tribe
The Grárúlfurfólk make their dwellings east of Hreiður, near to the source of the Eol River, and are a much feared tribe, for among them they harbor werewolves, such that a bloodline of the creatures is ardently preserved, as though precious. Little else needs to be said of this tribe, for all which is to be be concluded from this one fact is self-evident.
Concerning the Draugurtréfólk who Worship Forests
The only tribe residing south of the Thradhel, and eastward from the territories of the Grárúlfurfólk, are the Draugurtréfólk, who hearken willingly to the Kingdom of Grimgaud which claims their land, and they are peaceful, if little seen, even in pursuit, for much do they value privacy. Unlike the others of the Ættgardtfólk, the Draugurtréfólk worship tree spirits, and thus do they migrate, for assuming this mode of worship requires their moving to where trees reside. Always do they seek the Mother Tree, which to them holds some great significance, but is not an affair which they share details of with outsiders to their tribe.
Concerning the Dádýrfólk, Bandits of the Thradhel
Finally do we arrive at the Dádýrfólk, who though most numerous are most harmless of the "hostile" tribes, for they engage in banditry only, and with no love for murder. To be stripped and left to wander the Thradhel is yet a death, but proof still that the Dádýrfólk have not the stomach for violence which some neighbor tribes display. Nonetheless their vast territories, which stretch from above the Eol, down to the edge of the Thradhel, and all the way east to the Khuntikoi lands, are to be treaded lightly and with ready arms.