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Of the Diruzbad Empire
The Dirzubad Empire spans from beneath the Thradhel, east of the Orodrain, the Ingbahl, and the Sarazor, and to the borders of the Elieú Empire. Its founders, the Aburu, are said to be the forefathers of all Dwarven peoples, as told in legend.
This legend tells that some time after the coming of Men, the god Diruzdâd, who is believed by many to be the overgod Ao, looked down upon Idgroth his creation, the Dwarven name for Orben, and took pity upon the land itself, for the Elves and Men were unkind to it, and hewed from the flesh of mountains great furrows without care for its life, the soul of which, Kurdu, was hidden in the center of the world. And so Diruzdâd came down from the heavens and mated with a stone ogress, and from her loins came the Dwarven god Moradin, tasked with caring for the deep land, and he by harnessing the fires of the world's soul, forged a people from the rock, and they became Dwarves, and consigned to their task of guardianship they separated into six tribes, and thus founded the Diruzbad Empire. The Aburu they were first called, and so are they called now who remain in Gwathia, the land of their home, and through all time as their kin have wandered apart have they lived as they ever did, greatly wary of Men and Elves, and thus do they dwell forever underground, accepting few visitors.
For a time, until the present day, the Diruzbad Empire was more generous in allowing other peoples into its cavernous halls, but of late a swarm from the Underdark has tormented much underground, and in defense has the Diruzbad Empire closed off all of its gates, and locked themselves in by dislodging great rocks to gird those gates, and this have they done also to the single northern pass into their land from Grimgaud. It is this act which is said to drive the darklings into the west with such urgency.
At present there is now only one gate to the halls of the Diruzbad Empire, that being the Zelegin, which is guarded at all times by a Dwarven tower of the same name, which by ancient magics preserves its safety from all invaders. Those who wish to enter Zelegin may do so only by bringing with them an item of great value, and which is still exotic to the Aburu, and by presenting it as a gift to their emperor, who is today named Gamilgund, prove their worth to the guards and thus gain entry. However, if the gift displeases them, or is divined to be a manner of deceit, he who offers it is banished forever, or slain, and so only those merchants possessing in them the greatest of courage approach Zelegin to make offerings. He who finds success is rewarded to an exclusive line of rich trade which spans from the Diruzbad Empire to the Elieú Empire.
On Emperor Gamilgund
The emperors of Diruzbad are most unlike to others in any land beyond their country, for it is said that Idgroth, the world itself, finds and marks them as emperor, so that the sages of the Aburu may find and preserve them for rule once the last emperor passes. In this manner was Gamilgund selected, and it is by his will that Diruzbad is now walled off from all the world. In spite of this he is well known by foreigners, for though gifts offered in the pact above described are withdrawn deep into the empire, to be appraised in value by Gamilgund, when he accepts a gift he ventures himself to Zelegin to accept its supplicant, and he kisses them upon the brow, and welcomes them to the empire as though they are kin.
Those of the west who have met Gamilgund in this way describe him as thickset and balding, his head marked in the fashion of the emperor, and his beard shorn at angles to his jaws. He dresses simply in robes or a tunic, and his only ornamentation is the Stones of Command, which ring his neck, and mark him for emperor. He appears always deep in thought, though not from the weight of his office but with the possibilities of it, and though serious, he laughs much, and maintains little of the overparticular nature displayed among those alike to him in power.
On the Peoples of the Diruzbad Empire
The Aburu, the Dwarven peoples of the Diruzbad Empire, are simplest of all their race, having great respect for the stone, and thus do they mine seldom, and craft from its ores even less, for to them its sacredness may never be violated by pick or shovel, but may only be requested of in prayer, and given by the will of Kurdu, the heart of the world. It was by rejecting these beliefs that the Dwarves of Grimgaud, and all the west, were expelled from Diruzbad as heathens, though they coexisted otherwise peacefully beside one another. From these beliefs, however, do the Aburu derive great magics, it is said, and by the supplication of their clerics shape the stone itself to their wills, so that they may inhabit it. This also however prevents them in the use of weaponry, beyond that which can be made from wood or other materials wrought not from the ground, and so much of the Aburu people has forsworn weapons, and in martial combat favor only their bodies.
Deprived of the jeweled and metal trappings of their western kin, the Aburu dress most of them in robes the color of the ground or the rock, though sometimes of exposed metals, and these they wear always. Their skin is pale, or may wax brown, and their beards range in like colors, though more often are they the color of clay. Both women and men of the race wear clothings and beards, and in the same fashions, so that outsiders can scarce tell between them.
On the Country of the Diruzbad Empire
Concerning Zelegin
Only Zelegin is known now of the Diruzbad empire, although once its northern gate, Uragin, was known well also, ere it was sealed forever. From Daedina in Sulgate, at the border of which Zelegin resides, it appears as a great rock between two cliffs, and its moving is in a manner none other can yet devise, for the rock seems itself to burst forth or to be reclaimed by the very land, when it is employed. Atop each cliff bestride the rock is a tower, itself wrought from stone in like manner, as though naturally, and there stand the clerics of Diruzbad sworn to defend the gate, and in front of its door stands the Gizundae, a single warrior chosen from among the Aburu, who is deemed the greatest and most powerful, and he suffers none to pass except by the will of the emperor, and though he appears always at peace, never moving and never in slumber though his eyes are always closed, he has slain many a man who has earned disfavor, and it is said he only ever needs a single strike of his limbs to do so.
Concerning Diruzbad beyond Zelegin
As little is known of Diruzbad, less still is known of what lies beyond Zelegin, or Uragin, for that matter. Those admitted to the empire are sworn themselves to secrecy, and besides venture through it not for its own sake, but to make trade with the ElieúEmpire beyond it. Still, it is said that o'ertime even these traders, driven first by greed, in becoming family with the Diruzbad become alike to them in thought, and tarry longer in each visit, until they decide to take residence there, and never are they seen again.