Mhirdrun | The Thradhel | Linothor | Sundering Isles | Sea of Calingwai |Gwathia | Sulgate | The Blasted Wastes

Of the Hellion Dwarves
Dwarves in the Thradhel are even more rare a sight than the Khunokoi, for they retreat deeply underground. Some, since the fall of Aer Arnad, created their own cities, even to rival the Elves, but a surge of forces from the Underdark soon halted their advancement ere a new decline. Some in desperation have begun overtures toward their Dwarven brethren to the south in Grimgaud, but culture now separates them as much as their land, and little trade, or love, passes between them. In due time this may change, and the Dwarven Hellions may yet call themselves simply Dwarves of Grimgaud.
On the Hellion Dwarf Peoples
Hellion Dwarves are said to be rudest of all their kind, and most heavily bearded, so that they scarce reveal any feature but their eyes, even naked. Little too is known of them, for they range not from their frozen caves except in great need, and they are pale with hair white as snow, and dress in the furs of great northern bears, so even standing apart in these bright lands they are seldom seen except by keen and shaded eyes.