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Of the Lands of the Khunikoi
Some of those Men fleeing the Elves migrated far east, and dwelt only among themselves, far removed from even the other Hellions to the west, and thus developed o'er many ages the tongue and appearance of a new people, and these call themselves Khunikoi. Secretive are they, and scattered widely, so one who comes upon them does so only by chance. As of late it is said there are driven many horses to their lands, for the Khunikoi's purposes, though for what none in the south can fathom.
On the Khunikoi Peoples
The Khuntikoi Men called Hellion far to the east are small and sallow, with broad faces and dark eyes. The men and women dress in leathers and furs, oft with great hoods to shield them from sight and sun, and increasingly do they ride horseback everywhere. Little do they wear in armor, but as late have taken to wearing scale using crude metals. Chiefs who emerge among the Khunikoi have taken to helmets as well, carrying great spears and shields, and it is suggested that the Dwarves of Gwathia have deigned to trade with them.
On the Khunikoi City
There is but one place of any note, and it is Uulzak Gazar, called also the City of the Khunikoi. Few outsiders have ever been permitted to this city, but those who return speak of a broad, flat valley in which the peoples gather for trade, as oft with goods and animals as with culture. To every man is a horse, and most all of them are armed. Should these peoples ever return to the South in war, it is little to be doubted that their strength may well try the armies of Dwarf and Man.