The Crying God, the Lord on the Rack, the One Who Endures, the Broken God

Holy Symbol: A pair of white human hands bound at the wrists with blood-red cord or (older) a blood-stained rack

Persevere in the face of pain. Heal the sick, the wounded, and the diseased. Comfort the dying, the grief-stricken, and the heartsick. Take on the burdens and the pain of others. Champion the causes of the oppressed and unjustly treated, and give shelter and kind counsel to the lonely, the lost, and the ruined. Pursue the service of Ilmater, and he will provide—leave gross riches and the acquisition of all but medicines to others. Take up the tasks no others dare.

(You need to abide by these as clergy, not as a worshiper)
Cleric, Commoner, Fighter, Paladin, or Monk
Any Race
You must not harm the innocent
You must not use torture or cause any unnecessary injury
You must forswear all titles and inheritance
Non-Cleric/Paladin Initiation: You must nurse a sick or injured person back to health, or comfort a dying person until they expire

(You need to abide by these as clergy, not as a worshiper)
Level 5 spell: Animate dead
Please don't.
Level 7 spell: Sever
You are to end suffering, not cause it.
Level 9 spell: Plague
Terrible, just terrible.

(If you wish to become clergy of this god, take four of these as your vows—if you violate them you lose any moves, spells, and any other benefits granted by this god until you atone.)
Poverty (Forbidden: Accepting payment or remuneration for your services; forward all such things to the church, if a reward is insisted upon)
Chastity (Forbidden: Indulging yourself, dedicating romantic affections to any specific person or persons; you must embrace your own suffering and endure it without sharing it with others, and you must serve the whole of all people in need, not devote yourself to or prioritize individuals)
Obedience (Forbidden: Breaking the law)
Service (Forbidden: Turning down a person in need, refusing healing or comfort to the suffering; you must give everything you have until you have nothing left, and then give of yourself)
Advocacy (You must end the activities and influence of those who cause suffering, no matter the odds, or the personal costs)

Ilmater (Ihl-MAY-ter) offers succor and calming words to those who are in pain, oppressed, or in great need. He is the willing sufferer, the one who takes the place of another to heft the other's burden, to take the other's pain. He is the god of the oppressed and unjustly treated.
Ilmater is quiet, kind, good-spirited, and slow to anger. He appreciates a humorous story and has a rather rustic humor himself. When his avatar appears, he takes assaults upon his person passively and rarely lifts a hand against another. He is not totally nonviolent, though, as many often assume by his doctrine of endurance. When facing cruelties and atrocities his rage can boil up, and then he is a figure of frighteningly righteous wrath. His appearance can frighten the young, but he takes great care to reassure them as he treasures children and all young creatures, taking exceptional offense at those who would abuse or harm them.
Home Plane/Realm
House of the Triad/Martyrdom
Endurance, suffering, martyrdom for a worthy cause, perseverence
Favored Weapon
An open hand (unarmed strike)
Ilmater's Avatar
Ilmater can sense any kind of suffering the moment it takes place, anywhere in the world; he also knows whenever a person has sacrificed themselves for another being. It is typically under cicrumstances like these that he manifests his avatar and appears in Orben.
Ilmater appears as a short man with a burly build and wearing only a breechcloth, with a plain but kind and comforting face, balding head, and a hairy body. But this body bears the marks of mutilation and torture on the rack, covered with open cuts, closed scars, burns, and a range of other wounds. Ilmater's joints are broken, his limbs ravaged, and his hands smashed yet still functional. Moving causes him a great deal of pain as he drags himself around. No matter how much his avatar is healed, it still shows these terrible wounds.
When manifested as an avatar, Ilmater can cast a wide variety of magic spells, and is strongest with healing magic and beneficial necromancy. Only rarely does he cast a spell that injures another, unless he does so in anger and retribution for a cruel or sadistic deed performed by the target, or to protect another from harm.
He fights unarmed, opened handed or with his fists, and is a supreme martial artist. However, he usually choses not to defend himself, instead simply taking and absorbing the damage, and his avatar is extremely hard to destroy. As with his spells, Ilmater only attacks in retribution or protection, or to deflect missiles or destroy items, and uses nonlethal methods to disable his powerful foes.\
Alternatively, he can possess any good and innocent creature that is being tortured, provided that the torture contravenes local laws. This creature glows white, all pain is relieved, and any wounds are regenerated immediately. Torture or restraining devices are immediately destroyed, releasing the sufferer, alert and healthy. In the case of extreme torture or associated murder, Ilmater grants the possessed being the ability to cast destructive spells, such as flame strike, lightning bolt or chain lightning, meteor swarm, sink, or imprisonment for a short time in retribution.
When not appearing via his avatar or through possession, Ilmater manifests as an unseen presence that made a howling or whimpering sound, yet feels serene and watchful. In this form, he can speak, move objects around by telekinesis, or cast spells.
The Realm of Martyrdom
Ilmater made his home in the divine realm of Martyrdom, a mountain of reward and peace for suffering in life, where none can feel pain or weariness. Martydom is found in the House of the Triad, on a lesser mountain of Celestia, alongside the mountain realms of Ilmater's fellow gods of the Triad, Tyr and Torm.
Ilmater's symbol in the days of Elven rule was the blood-stained rack, which many Elven subjects understood as a powerful symbol of martyrdom, as Aer Arnad would sentence political dissenters to the worst public displays of whipping at stocks and upon racks in drawn-out executions. Since the empire fell, the use of a pair of white hands bound with blood-red cord has come into almost exclusive use. This newer symbol has increased Ilmater's popularity in the world at large.
Shortly after the fall of Aer Arnad, when Ilmater intended to welcome many more Elves to his care, the reputation of the organized church was plagued by the actions of a neutral cult of Ilmater that believed in passing suffering around to others, especially non-believing Elves. They were noted for self-flagellation, kidnappings, and inciting riots. Ilmater was not granting these cultists their powers or spells, and the Ilmatari church suspects that Cyric, Loviatar, or Beshaba was behind these deluded people. Fortunately, the cult has largely been eliminated due to a hostile response to its actions on the part of nobles and those in authority.
Relationship with other gods and churches
The ranks of Ilmater's closest allies include Tyr the Maimed God, god of justice, and Torm the True, god of loyalty and duty. Collectively, these deities formed the Triad, an alliance of lawful good deities that are stronger as a united force than individually. In fact, Ilmater can often be found traveling with Tyr, assisting him and teaching him to live without his sight and to rely upon his feelings instead. Ilmater has shown Tyr that true justice requires a judge to know how much punishment is sufficient, whether it is too harsh, or whether mercy is better.
Another of Ilmater's allies is Lathander the Morninglord, god of renewal and vitality.
Ilmater stands against those gods who enjoy causing destruction and spreading pain and suffering for others. In particular, considering their contrasting portfolios, the Crying God and his followers are a bane to Loviatar, the Maiden of Pain, and her worshipers. Loviatar in turn hates Ilmater with a passion, as he protects her victims from her torments. Ilmater also opposes Talona, Mistress of Disease. Among his other foes are Bane, Garagos, Malar, Cyric, Shar, and Talos
Associated lesser deities

Those who are oppressed, sick, lame, or poor are likely to be worshipers of Ilmater, and people who had been injured or are otherwise suffering often call upon him for aid. His faith is popular among the poor in big cities, and with serfs and slaves, as well as merchants, thieves, and a few guards. Although people of any alignment can worship Ilmater, he is largely followed by law-abiding folk of a goodly bent, especially among his own clergy.

Ilmater's priests, called the Adorned, tend to be the most sensitive and caring of humans. When new to the faith, since they see much suffering, they often weep. Over time, this constant exposure wears at them, and they then tend toward a cynical view of life in Orben. They are distinguished from other cynics, however, by their inability to ignore or pass by others in need. Even when a cause is hopeless, they must help. Ilmatari are taught to be firm in their principles and fearless, with the result that they earn enormous respect with the general populace, but are often slain by brigands or those who hold different principles than they do. The church of Ilmater is different from many faiths in that it has many saints, among them St. Dionysius and St. Sollars the Twice-Martyred (whose symbol is a yellow rose).
Few priests of Ilmater are soldiers, and fewer still are merchants, but they do outstrip all other priesthoods in the size, number, and level of treatment in the many infirmaries and leper sanctuaries they maintain. From their inception into the priesthood, Ilmatari are trained in the recognition and treatment of all known disease, injuries, and conditions; senior priests have had prepared detailed programmed illusions to show beings in various stages of harm. (An Ilmatari priest who has been shown these can, for instance, recognize a human infested with rot grubs at a glance.)
Ilmater's priests are found where they are needed, which is usually in the worst possible conditions, ministering to the needs of the oppressed, the deceased, and the poor. Those outside the faith often view this as a strategic positioning of churches in areas which guarantee the persecution of Ilmatari (such as Bleakland and Bethar Garmak). Priests of Ilmater may also be found among adventuring companies, and—in addition to paladins—are often the ones to go off rescuing this clan of kidnapped Halflings or recovering that purloined family heirloom. It is not that they are foolish, but rather that they care for all things to the exclusion of their personal risk.
The process of joining the clergy of Ilmater is simple: A novice enjoys a slow walk with a senior priest, during which they talk and explore the novice's views of life. They then dine and the novice is (knowingly) given a wine that puts him or her into a gentle trance where various clergy and wizards friendly to the faith can easily employ mind-scrying spells to thoroughly explore the novice's true feelings, loyalties, and aims. If no dedication to evil or precluding religious or secular loyalties are found, the novice is accepted and adorned with the simple robes of Ilmater. (This cautious practice was instituted because so many folk in the past have posed as willing entrants into the Ilmatari just to learn the medicines and physiological lore and then stolen away with as many medical supplies as they can.)
All the Adorned are priests, but no titles are commonly used in the clergy except Brother and Sister. For senior clergy, Revered is added to this, and for the heads of temples, abbeys, and monasteries dedicated to the Crying God, Father and Mother are used.
The Adorned include clerics, specialty priests, and monks. Though the monastic orders usually dwell separate from the rest of the church in monasteries and abbeys, some monks also abide in Ilmatari temples to teach other Ilmatari about fields of knowledge they have specialized in or to provide their special form of hand-to-hand protection to the institution to which they are assigned.
The hierarchy of the Adorned usually centers around the leader of the large temple, abbey, or monastery to whom the Ilmatari in the region report. Ilmatari are loosely ranked under this Revered Mother or Father, and abbeys and monasteries are usually tied to specific temples, often adding a second informal tier to the hierarchy.
For ceremonial functions, Ilmatari wear a solid gray tunic, tabard, and trousers, or gray robes. They wear skullcaps in gray (most clergy members) or red (senior priests). Novices who have not yet been adorned wear no skullcaps. The symbol of Ilmater is worn as a pin over the heart or on a chain around the neck and serves as a holy symbol. Some of the older members of the faith have a gray teardrop tattooed to one side of their right or left eye.
In the field or on quests, Ilmatari priests dress appropriately for the mission and the weather, but usually wear gray tabards decorated with Ilmater's symbol stitched on the chest near the left shoulder over any other clothing or armor they wear. They are never without their holy symbols and a satchel of medicines, bandages, salves, splints, and slings.
Ilmatari are also the only priests to use the "heavy aspergillum;" it takes the form of a metal club or mace, with a reservoir inside that can contain up to three flask's worth of holy water. Pressing a button on the shaft opened up the perforations in the head, allowing holy water to leak out. In this way, the aspergillum could spray holy water over a short distance in ritual ceremonies, or in combat upon anything struck by it, using one flask's worth each time. Unlike an ordinary aspergillum, the heavy aspergillum was designed as a melee weapon, with the effectiveness of a heavy mace.
Rites and Duties
There are no calendar-related special holy days or any other festivals observed by the Ilmatari. Instead, the daily rituals of prayer to Ilmater at least six times per day govern each and every day of service.
A special Plea must be made to Ilmater to receive divine dispensation for a Rest, which is a tenday vacation from serving Ilmater's dictates. Usually Ilmatari request this when they are emotionally exhausted, but some adventurer-priests use Rests to perform things Ilmater would otherwise frown upon. This custom is an established tradition that some leaders of the faith rely upon, sending their best fighting clergy out to do things that the church cannot otherwise accomplish (covertly removing a tyrant rather than confronting him openly, for example).
The most important ritual of the Church of Ilmater is the Turning: It is the duty of every priest of Ilmater to try to get dying persons to turn to Ilmater for comfort, receiving the blessing of the Broken God before they expire. As the veneration of Ilmater grows, even in death, his healing power becomes greater.
Ilmatari share what they have with those in need and always take time to counsel those who are upset and give healing and tender care to the injured. They speak for the oppressed, guide the lost, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and gather herbs and make medicines at all times for disasters to come. When war is expected and time permits, priests of Ilmater gather in strength with litters, shovels, tents, splints, bandages by the cartload, and wagons of medicines and healing potions to tend those who will soon suffer.
Priests of Ilmater see life as sacred and suffering as holy, but they do not stand in the way of others' desires or condemn them for their chosen path. For instance, Ilmatari would not stop a sorely injured warrior from rising up half-healed to plunge into battle again, openly seeking death while fighting the foe. Instead, they would freely assist the warrior by healing him enough to be mobile so that he can follow his own doom wish in the most honorable manner available to him.
Ilmatari bury the dead, treat the diseased, and give food, drink, and firewood to the poor. They also tour the wealthier cities and settlements of Faerûn soliciting moneys to support the church. Increasingly, since so many folk personally received the benefit of their kindnesses during the Time of Troubles, people of all faiths give generously to the church of the Crying God.
Affiliated Orders
The Companions of the Noble Heart have the duty of seeking out destroying the cruel, those people who tortured and enjoyed the suffering of others. The Companions are very aggressive in seeking out their chosen adversaries. They especially dislike the church of Loviatar, their greatest foes, and once they have slain all evil-doers within a temple of Loviatar, the Companions will happily destroy the building, right down to the ground.
The Order of the Golden Cup devotes itself to the healing and defense of the innocent, the weak, the sick, and others who could not protect themselves. Its members are generally peaceful and always try to help, and rarely do they seek out evil to slay. They are not pacifists, however, nor opposed to such actions, and do not hesitate to fight when confronted by evil. Still, members feel their role is focused more toward healing and protection than battle. They let their allies, such as the Companions of the Noble Heart, hunt down evil doers while they protect the victims.
The Holy Warriors of Suffering are a knightly order of paladins devoted to Ilmater. Based out of a fortress located in what is presently called Midland, east of the Olfdol Mountains in Nuumalon. They undertake various dangerous missions and expeditions to cull monsters.
The Order of the Broken Ones are a monastic order responsible for the defense of Ilmater's temples and shrines, as well as his followers. They also seek to track down and punish those who inflict cruelty, especially followers of Loviatar. They perform good deeds and right bad ones.
The Disciples of St. Sollars the Twice-Martyred, also known as the Order of the Yellow Rose or the Monks of the Yellow Rose, is a monastic order devoted to St. Sollars and Ilmater, The One Who Endures. They are noted for the Monastery of the Yellow Rose, located high in the Thradhel. As followers of Ilmater, the Disciples of St. Sollars are ascetics and favor the "simpler things," but are devoted to creating beauty in hardship. The Disciples of St. Sollars are known as loyal allies and as dangerous enemies. They are highly respected on issues of truth and diplomacy and for their inner strength. Dwelling on the Glacier of the White Worm, the monks share their home with a terrible beast: the remorhaz, or "white worm." This is a massive, insectoid creature, some 20 feet (6.1 meters) long, aggressive and predatory, that can tunnel through ice and earth and generate extreme heat from its body. However, the monks live in harmony with the white worms, and believe it symbolizes the courage and determination of their order.

Temples to Ilmater are often located on well-traveled routes through the wilderness, where they serve as waystations for tired travelers. They are usually named after Ilmatari saints. Many are built like manor houses, surrounded by protective walls and containing a chapel, a chapter house, a stable, and garden. It is common for these temples to contain an area for treating the sick and injured. They can also include a library and quarters for monks or barracks for a knight order. A temple to Ilmater is typically a simple and undecorated structure.
By tradition, though not by rule, many Ilmatari monasteries are named for a flower that symbolizes something important to the order.

For Cleric/Wizards
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose a single Domain. A full list of domain spells and moves is under Choosing a God in Advanced Play Guides.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose a second Domain.
If you choose the primary domain for your god, you also get the Primary Domain Move of that domain and take +1 to cast spells from the domain.
If you are a Cleric or Wizard (and your god permits your class), choose from the following domains. You add all spells of the chosen domain to your spell list, up to level 7 (once you meet the mana requirements) or up to level 9 (if it's the primary domain and once you meet the mana requirements).
Primary Domain
Compassion (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells, this Primary Domain Move, and this level 9 spell)
Primary Domain Move (Choose 1):
Palm of the Penitent
You gain the Monk move Fistmaster General. If you already have Fistmaster General you may take another Monk move instead. When you are the storyteller for the Last Gasp taken by a Standard race, you must always render them unconscious (not dead), unless they are undead or Clergy of Loviatar. If you ever kill someone not listed above or wield a weapon other than your fists in battle you lose this move permanently.
Note: You only get access to Fistmaster General, for every other monk move, you still need to fulfil the requirement of the compendium class.
Compassionate Conservation
When an ally near to you fails a Saving Throw, you may negate the consequence of that failure.
Level 9 Spell
Prayer of the Martyr | Level 9
When nearby allies take a debility, disease, or poison, you absorb it from them. You can only absorb one debility, disease, and poison per round. You can be attacked but you cannot be controlled while this spell is active. You cannot use this spell if you have already used Last Gasp. If you take damage in excess of your HP you do not Last Gasp so long as you maintain this spell, however when the spell ends you must immediately Last Gasp if you were reduced to 0HP while using it. This spell ends when you have no allies remaining, if you make another move, or if you dismiss it at will.
Secondary Domains
Duty (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Justice (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Life (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Peace (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Travel (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
For Non-Cleric/Wizards
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose a single Domain. A full list of domain spells and moves is under Choosing a God in Advanced Play Guides.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose a second Domain.
If you choose the primary domain for your god, you also get the Primary Domain Move of that domain and take +1 to cast spells from the domain.
If you are not a Cleric or Wizard, you gain access to all spells of your chosen domain up to level 3 and can cast them using the Cast a Spell Cleric move (you do not however gain any spells from the Cleric spell list). You can also gain a secondary domain move from that domain, in addition to the domain spells.
Primary Domain
Compassion (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells, this Primary Domain Move, and a Secondary Domain Move)
Primary Domain Move (Choose 1)
Palm of the Penitent
You gain the Monk move Fistmaster General. If you already have Fistmaster General you may take another Monk move instead. When you are the storyteller for the Last Gasp taken by a Standard race, you must always render them unconscious (not dead), unless they are undead or Clergy of Loviatar. If you ever kill someone not listed above or wield a weapon other than your fists in battle you lose this move permanently.
Note: You only get access to Fistmaster General, for every other monk move, you still need to fulfil the requirement of the compendium class.
Compassionate Conservation
When an ally near to you fails a Saving Throw, you may negate the consequence of that failure.
Secondary Domain Moves (choose 1):
What Matter Wounds?!
Choose one debility. You carry it with you everywhere and can never remove it. When you take an additional debility, you can ignore the penalty of that second debility. Neither of these can apply to My God Will Protect Me
A World of Gold from a World of Iron
When you undertake to substantially improve someone’s outlook or lot in life (e.g, free a slave, rebuild someone’s razed farm), take +1 ongoing while you assist them; you must succeed in the span of a single encounter. If you fail in this undertaking, or they end up worse off than they started, take -1 ongoing until you find someone else to assist.
Secondary Domains
Duty (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
Last Ounce of Courage
When any fear effect is used on you (Cause Fear, Barbarian's War Cry, etc.), take -1 ongoing instead of being controlled. If the source of the fear is a monster, ignore this penalty.
Justice (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
It’s All a Deep End
When you're outnumbered 2 to 1 or more in a fight against criminals, do +2 damage.
Life (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
New Hope
When you embark on a new endeavor with great risk or uncertainty, take +1 forward.
Peace (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
A Good, Clean Fight
You gain the Monk move Fistmaster General. If you already have Fistmaster General you may take another Monk move instead. When you are the storyteller for the Last Gasp taken by a Standard race, you must always render them unconscious (not dead), unless they are undead. If you ever kill someone not listed above or wield a weapon other than your fists in battle you lose this move permanently.
Travel (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
I Swore to Protect You
When you use the Defend move and roll a 12+, you can choose an option from the list below to spend your hold upon:
A control spell against your target is redirected to you (you may make your own saving throw)
Your target can Hack and Slash as an interrupt this round, however a 10+ will count as a 7-9 for them.