Firehair, Lady Firehair, the Lady of Love, the Princess of Passion

Holy Symbol: The face of a beautiful, ivory-skinned human maiden with long, red tresses

Beauty is more than skin deep. It issues from the core of one's being and reveals one's true face to the world, fair or foul. Believe in romance, as true love will win over all. Follow your heart to your true destination. Love none more than yourself except Sune, and lose yourself in love of the Lady Firehair. Perform a loving act each day, and seek to awaken love in others. Respond to love at least once in a day. Encourage beauty wherever you find it. Acquire beautiful items of all sorts, and encourage, sponsor, and protect those who create them. Keep your own body as comely as possible and as attractively displayed as situations warrant. Let hairstyle and clothing best suit your personal appearance, striving to stir and delight others who look upon you. Moreover, hide not away, but always seek to present yourself to those around you in a pleasing variety of garbs and activities so as to move them with love and desire. Love those who respond to your appearance, and let warm friendship and admiration flower where love cannot or dares not

(You need to abide by these as clergy, not as a worshiper)
Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Paladin, Thief, or Witch
Any non-Dwarf, non-Goblinoid race
You must be attractive
You must not harm the innocent
You must not use torture or cause any unnecessary injury
You must be young, or at least have few signs of aging
Non-Cleric/Paladin Initiation: You must kindle and maintain a romance with at least one person; this person can change as you desire

(You need to abide by these as clergy, not as a worshiper)
Level 5 spell: Animate dead
Ugh! Disgusting!
Level 3 spell: Darkness
My dear, how will anyone see your beauty if the lights are off? Unless... you have something you are ashamed of?
Level 9 spell: Plague
Blemishes, sores, rashes... and the smell! No, I think not.
(If you wish to become clergy of this god, take three of these as your vows—if you violate them you lose any moves, spells, and any other benefits granted by this god until you atone.)
Dream the Impossible (Forbidden: Abandoning your dreams, desires, wants, or aspirations; at least, not until after you have attained them)
Fight the Unbeatable (Forbidden: Falling to inner demons of nastiness or baser instincts when engaged with others; always present a friendly demeanor and affectionate or sympathetic bearing, unless someone has rightfully earned your ire—such as by being evil)
Right the Unrightable (Forbidden: Allowing anything beautiful to be destroyed; this includes furniture, gates, chests, and the like, as well as paintings and art)
Reach the Unreachable (Forbidden: Allowing anyone goodly to feel lonely or forlorn, allowing artists, poets, musicians or other creative types to fall to poverty or otherwise become unable to pursue their dreams; sponsor them and grow within them the flame of passion)

Sune (SUE-nee) Firehair is said to be the fairest of the powers. When she is represented, she is shown as the most beautiful woman in the Realms, with sweeping, radiant, red hair and incredible charms. The Sunite faith is a popular one in large metropolitan areas and among the nobility. Those of a literary or artistic bent, as well as people falling in love or looking for lifemates, often venerate the Lady Firehair.
Sune herself is said to be benevolent and sometimes whimsical, alternating between deep passions and shallow flirtations. She has been romantically linked with many of the powers in the myths of the Realms... Currently, she is rumored to have been rather smitten by the noble actions of Torm.
Home Plane/Realm
Brightwater/The Heartfire Quarter
Beauty, love, passion
Favored Weapon
A Silken Sash (whip)
Sune is said to share the waters of the Evergold, a sacred pool, with the lesser Elven god Hanali Celanil, and a friendly but intense rivalry exists between the two over the innate superiority of Elven versus Human beauty.
Sune is one of the oldest gods in Orben, predating the empire of Aer Arnad, and was a patron of the first Human Empire in Linothor, and all Humans west of Gwathia. This Human empire was renowned for its craft, and generated some of the earliest and most sophisticated structures and works of art Orben has ever seen, inventing contemporary art, poetry, plays, and music, while priding itself on the beauty of its people, especially youths. Sune fell in power with that empire's destruction, though Aer Arnad which subsumed it also claimed its artistic ancestry, defacing its many statues and paintings with depictions of Elf ears to abolish the empire's legacy. Only Sune now remembers the name of that empire, though she never speaks of it, and any who ask her of it send the god spiraling into a despairing fit of self-pity (though this only ever lasts briefly, and she is soon bright and wily again).
Lady Firehair was "replaced" by Hanali Celani among the Elves as the god of beauty for some time, and Sune's church struggled fitfully against the new god, sometimes even violently, though her followers were constantly dwindling in number and always outmatched. Her church had nearly disappeared before the fall of Aer Arnad. Although Sune is not generally considered vengeful, she returned to power very swiftly as the Elves withdrew, and seems to take no small amount of private glee in Hanali's eroding power. Tensions continued between her and Hanali as their fates reversed, until Sune, with the established dominance of Humanity, gracefully forged a generous truce with the Elven god of beauty (in which she also established her technical supremacy).
Since regaining her status, Sune was reluctant to patronize Humans (finding much of the art of northern Linothor's victorious barbarian tribes "primitive" and "distasteful"), and willingly allowed Siamorphe to assume the role. Her church flourishes nonetheless, often ironically (or deliberately) appropriating Elven art to serve as models for new generations of future works, and has thus gained many Elves as followers (which only intensifies her ongoing rivalry with Hanali Celani).
Relationship with other gods and churches
Sune is served by Lliira, the god of Joy, and also by Sharess, the god of Sensuality. She is also allied to Milil and Lathander, as well as Selûne. Sune has also known to enjoy long-term romantic relationships with other gods, and many casual flirtations.
The Lady Firehair dislikes the various gods of different aspects of wrath, as well as Tempus, for the destruction they caused to beautiful things. Despite this, she has no true enemies among the gods, as most consider her too flighty and therefore irrelevant to be worth the conflict.
Outside of the her own realm in Brightwater, Sune is considered a 'backwater power with delusions of grandeur' by her deific peers but otherwise they get on well together - Sune of course, believing that she is the most beautiful of all of them
Associated lesser deities
Sharess, the God of Sensuality
Primary Domain: Sensation
Any race, Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Thief, Witch
Must not harm the innocent
Initation: Introduce someone to a new and sensuous experience that they are reluctant (but not unwilling) to try
Dogma: Life is to be lived to its fullest. That which is good is pleasurable and that which is pleasurable is good. Spread the bounty of the goddess so that all may join in the Endless Revel of Life and bring joy to all those in pain. Infinite experiences await those who would explore, so try the new as well as savoring the old.
Alternate Vows (choose 3 of these rather than those of Sune to serve Sharess)
Coral (Forbidden: Feeling disgust or revulsion toward the natural features of your own body or those of anyone else; you must embrace the physical living—as opposed to undead—form with all of its imperfections as a gift, and relish every part of anyyone’s anatomy)
Garnet (Forbidden: Lacking enthusiasm with a partner(s): in conversation, in combat, or otherwise; you must seize every encounter with the utmost effort, for only by channeling all of your passion into something will you get the greatest experience out of it)
Ruby (Forbidden: selfishness; never take as much or more from someone than you have given or are willing to give to them, whether in material remuneration or in other ways; be generous always with your time and affection)
Carnelian (Forbidden: Revealing nervousness toward or avoiding a new experience, where it relates to taste, sensation, or pleasure; try it at least once, if the opportunity arises, and encourage others to do so as well—even if they are reluctant)
Lliira, the God of Unbridled Joy
Primary Domain: Joy
Any race, Bard, Cleric, Commoner, Monk, Shaman, Thief
Must not harm the innocent
You must not use torture or cause any unnecessary injury
Initation: Significantly uplift the spirits of a forlorn or downtrodden person through persistent action
Dogma: Exult in life, and find joy in all things. Out of grief and despair, wrest joy, and join in the dance. Celebrate and honor deaths and the dead—the best mourning is laughing remembrance. My true servants seek joy always through working to bestow it on others. Hide no true feelings, but dance them out if it is not prudent to speak them aloud. Gather into celebrations the lost, the lonely, the exiled and outlaw, the shunned, and even your foes: Festivals are for all. Let folk follow their own desires, and respect their choices. Learn what folk find funny, and what lightens their hearts, and in this doing come to know yourself and how best to serve Lliira and all intelligent beings.
Alternate Vows (choose 3 of these rather than those of Sune to serve Lliira)
Exultation! (Forbidden: Laziness, lethargy, apathy; you must take “fun” seriously, and show enthusiasm or passion for all you do!)
Celebration! (Forbidden: Allowing any good deed, beneficial outcome, or valorous life or accomplishment to go without being celebrated in some way, no matter how small and unimportant!)
Toleration! (Forbidden: Bearing prejudice against anyone based upon their social class, appearance, race, sex, sexual orientation, or any other superficial metric; everyone deserves a little joy in their life!)
Humoration! (Forbidden: Allowing a sad or dour moment to pass without attempting to lighten the mood with a joke or story; you must keep the spirits of those around you light!)

Sune is revered by aesthetes: artists, poets, playwrights, novelists, and others who pursue creative professions that tend towards the fuel of fleeting passions. She is also worshiped by hedonists (though they tend to gravitate towards Lliira or Sharess depending on their particular flavor of hedonism) and romantics. Most fervently of all she is prayed to by passionate lovers, especially young ones who fancy the experience of their first crush to be the defining moment of their lives and ask for Sune's aid in ensnaring the object of their affections.

Comely male and female Humans, Elves and Half-elves serve the Lady of Love. Female clergy outnumber male clergy eight to one, but the men are all the more highly valued for their relative rarity. All clergy must possess an alluring or pleasing manner in addition to natural beauty, for Sunite clergy are expected to be especially charismatic. Ugly, physically imperfect, or marred beings are disparaged or pitied by devout Sunites, and an acquired imperfection that cannot be masked or healed by spells or other means of shapeshifting spells the end of a Sunite priest's career. Other faiths tend to regard Sunites as flighty, vain, and rather superficial, but basically harmless. Sunites have an intense rivalry with the followers of the Elven goddess Hanali Celanil.
The Sunite church's organization is loose and informal, and its leadership changes with the whims of it's clergy. The most charismatic Sunite clergy are usually the head priests and priestesses. Little is thought of a priest dropping everything and going bounding off into the wild, particularly if the goal is some beautiful object or some beautiful individual, and such behavior creates little scandal in the church.
Sunites are not bashful about their bodies. The standard ceremonial garb of Sunite priests is monastic robes for men and habits for women, both cut to show off the figure of the wearer and dyed a deep crimson. Hair is normally worn long and allowed to fall free during rituals. At other times, female priests wear attractive wimples with v-shaped crown pieces, and male priests bind their tresses back with crimson scarves. While red hair is considered touched by the goddess, all shades of hair and skin are welcome, provided they are unmarred and lovely.
Aside from her face, other, less-common symbols of Sune are a winking eye (often seen as an animated illusion on the doors of Sunite temples) or a pair of golden, parted, female lips with the tip of a vivid ruby-red tongue just visible between them, slyly touching the upper lip.
At light-hearted social functions, members of the clergy often wear the lips of the goddess painted on a shoulder or their midriffs. At such times, they don garments cut away to display the badge of the goddess. When fighting or adventuring, clerics of Sune prefer as much protection (magical and otherwise) as they can afford. It is not that they are cowards, but they want desperately to avoid scars or even the need for magical healing. Sunite clergy often wear oversized, ornate, heavily padded full body armor (such as plate mail or plate armor, or even scale mail or chain mail with full coifs, helmets, and shields) designed to afford the body maximum protection against visible marring. Often such armor is fluted, polished mirror-bright, or otherwise adorned so as to be as pleasing to the eye as possible.
Rites and Duties
Greengrass is celebrated by Sunites with a great deal of outdoor frolicking, and Midsummer Night with night-long flirtatious chases through forests and parks, but local priesthoods can set the times of other celebrations to their own pleasure, as long as at least one Grand Revel befalls each month and at least one Feast of Love is celebrated in every tenday.
A Grand Revel is a dusk-to-dawn party to which outsiders are invited, dancing and minstrelsy dominate, and those of the faith seek to attract converts with fun and the exhibition of a few of a temple's or shrine's beautiful art objects or magical treasures. A Feast of Love is a more intimate, quiet affair, open only to the faithful, who lie on couches and indulge in the gentle sipping of liqueurs and nibbling at subtly flavored bitelets (as savory hors d'oeuvres are called in the Realms) and sweet pastries while lone dancers perform. These dances are interspersed with readings of romantic verse and prose and lays of love sung by skilled minstrels. Such rituals always break up into private gatherings, though bards are always on hand to relate tales of courtly love or mysteries of Orben for those who do not feel like socializing more privately.
Sunites also offer personal prayers to Sune, always while dressed in beautiful ritual garments, standing in a pool or bath, and looking into a mirror lit only by natural light or candles. Those seeking guidance in life, entry into the faith, or atonement indulge in a night-long Candle Vigil. Sune sends guidance to them by visions visible in the mirror, often by altering the reflection of the worshiper in some way.
Much like the worshipers of Sune, Sunite clergy tend to be aesthetes and hedonists, who actively seek out pleasure and beauty in all things. The pursuit of aesthetic enjoyment is their life.
Sunite clergy buy beautiful items of art, sculpture, and handiwork whenever they find it, sponsoring good artists where necessary and overpaying for such items so as to drive prices up, create more demand, and so increase the supply of things of beauty. This is to be done as often as funds afford and subtlety permits, and in disguise if need be.
Whenever Sunite clergy must perform dirty tasks, the use of disguise is encouraged to protect the body as well as to conceal identity. The devout priest always hires or supports adventurers and others to destroy beings who vandalize beautiful creations.
All clergy of Sune also strive to create beauty in a personal way, preferably as a creator of static fine art (blown glass ornaments, paintings or tapestries are all fashionable) but as a dancer if one fails at all else. When one gains expertise in crafting things of beauty, she or he is obliged to pass on such learning by training others and turning away no one who shows genuine promise. Any moneys made through such training should be given to the church to further the growth of beauty and love everywhere.
Although Sunite clergy can rebuff unwanted advances, they should strive to build friendships and romantic feelings between themselves and others and in general wherever they go so that love may prosper although the realms. As the lonely are in most need of such things (and the most likely to join in love of the Lady Firehair), they should be sought out by diligent clergy for friendship. Everyone, no matter how homely or disparate in faith from the path of the Lady, should be assisted by gifts of clothing, hair styling, cosmetics, and lessons in deportment, dancing, and manners so as to make themselves as beautiful as possible.
Affiliated Orders
The Order of the Ruby Rose is a knightly order made up of bards, fighters, and paladins. Their primary mission is to guard Sunite temples and holy sites, and occasionally accompany clerics doing good works or questing for something important to the Lady of Love. Initiation into the order is done by standing vigil in a temple of Sune for an entire night. If the goddess shows her favor by granting a vision or some other boon, the candidate is accepted into the order. They sometimes pursue quests to do good work in Sune's name to promote her faith. Members in this order are given to writing essays and songs of courtly love when not engaged in vital business, and often adopt a beautiful individual to adore from afar whether that individual would be flattered by such attentions or not.

Sunite temples are either stunningly beautiful edifices of fantastic design or classically elegant structures strategically enhanced by sculptured landscaping. Many Sunite temples sport formal gardens with gorgeous flower beds, trellises and bowers of well-trained vines, and carefully pruned trees and topiaries. Fine sculptures and sumptuous fountains that play with soft, magical lighting provide focal points in most Sunite temple gardens.
Major Centers of Worship
One Sunite holy house has recently out-stripped the beautiful House of Firehair in Beleri to become preeminent in the worship of Sune: the Temple of Beauty in Loamport. This rich and important sacred site is a recently rebuilt house of graceful grandeur whose slender towers taper with exquisite smoothness as they reach up toward the sky. The temple is said to house chambers of great luxury where beautiful people gather from far across Orben. It serves as a safe neutral ground for nobles of Loamport to meet and pursue romance together. The Temple of Beauty is also a favorite destination for tourists of all faiths, but non-Sunites must make handsome and expensive offerings to the goddess to be allowed entry.

For Cleric/Wizards
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose a single Domain. A full list of domain spells and moves is under Choosing a God in Advanced Play Guides.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose a second Domain.
If you choose the primary domain for your god, you also get the Primary Domain Move of that domain and take +1 to cast spells from the domain.
If you are a Cleric or Wizard (and your god permits your class), choose from the following domains. You add all spells of the chosen domain to your spell list, up to level 7 (once you meet the mana requirements) or up to level 9 (if it's the primary domain and once you meet the mana requirements).
Primary Domain
Love (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells, this Primary Domain Move, and this level 9 spell)
Primary Domain Move
Cheek to Cheek
When you kiss someone and pray for their well-being , roll+CHA.
On a 10+ you heal 1d8 damage or remove one disease or debility.
On a 7 or lower, they are healed, but the damage, disease or debility is transferred to you.
Level 9 Spell
Bond of Sensation | Level 9 | Ongoing
Select one person. When one of you experiences a pleasurable sensation, the other feels it as though it were happening directly to them: when one of you receives a bonus to rolls, or healing, or has a condition cured (a disease, debility), the other does as well in equal amounts, so long as one of you is conscious. You can only maintain a Bond of Sensation with one person at a time. You can end this spell at will.
Secondary Domains
Compassion (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Creation (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Knowledge (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Peace (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
For Non-Cleric/Wizards
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose a single Domain. A full list of domain spells and moves is under Choosing a God in Advanced Play Guides.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose a second Domain.
If you choose the primary domain for your god, you also get the Primary Domain Move of that domain and take +1 to cast spells from the domain.
If you are not a Cleric or Wizard, you gain access to all spells of your chosen domain up to level 3 and can cast them using the Cast a Spell Cleric move (you do not however gain any spells from the Cleric spell list). You can also gain a secondary domain move from that domain, in addition to the domain spells.
Primary Domain
Love (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells, this Primary Domain Move, and a Secondary Domain Move)
Primary Domain Move
Cheek to Cheek
When you kiss someone and pray for their well-being , roll+CHA.
On a 10+ you heal 1d8 damage or remove one disease or debility.
On a 7 or lower, they are healed, but the damage, disease or debility is transferred to you.
Secondary Domain Moves (choose 1):
Select a person you wish to admire from afar as the single object of your affections; it does not need to be requited, and they do not need to be available. Once per encounter you can dedicate a deed aloud to that person before making a move; if you do, take +1 on the roll for that move. The person you’ve chosen must exist (as a player character)—they cannot be reselected, nor can you engage in an physical relationship with them or anyone else; if you do either, you have failed your vows.
The Flower and Glory of Horseflesh
Choose an animal of courage, sobriety, and chastity; this becomes your mount. While mounted on this animal, take +1 to CHA and -1 to CON on all Defy Danger rolls.
Secondary Domains
Compassion (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
A World of Gold from a World of Iron
When you undertake to substantially improve someone’s outlook or lot in life (e.g, free a slave, rebuild someone’s razed farm), take +1 ongoing while you assist them; you must succeed in the span of a single encounter. If you fail in this undertaking, or they end up worse off than they started, take -1 ongoing until you find someone else to assist.
Creation (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
It’s a Miiiiiracle!
Select one item you’ve made; it can’t be a weapon or armor. It becomes unbreakable by anyone but yourself. This can be applied to only one item at a time.
Knowledge (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
Knowtographic Memory
If you have read or heard something said before in play, you can recall it perfectly. You must have RPed reading or hearing it.
Peace (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
A Good, Clean Fight
You gain the Monk move Fistmaster General. If you already have Fistmaster General you may take another Monk move instead. When you are the storyteller for the Last Gasp taken by a Standard race, you must always render them unconscious (not dead), unless they are undead. If you ever kill someone not listed above or wield a weapon other than your fists in battle you lose this move permanently.
Joy Domain
Primary God: Lliira
Primary Domain Move (All Clergy of Lliira gain this)
Scrappy Feet
You gain the Monk move Fistmaster General. If you already have Fistmaster General you may take another Monk move instead. When you are the storyteller for the Last Gasp taken by a Standard race, you must always render them unconscious (not dead), unless they are undead or clergy of Loviatar. If you ever kill someone not listed above or wield a weapon other than your fists in battle you lose this move permanently.
Secondary Domain Moves (Non-Cleric/Wizard clergy of Lliira select one)
Dance the Fright Away
So long as you are free to move, when a fear effect would affect you (Cause Fear, Barbarian’s warcry, etc.) you may instead dance; so long as you continue to dance, you are unaffected by this fear.
Safety Dance
When you fail a saving throw, you can dance if you want to, even despite the failure, and even if you leave your friends behind; as long as you continue to dance, you are unaffected by the effect you would have suffered from failing. The effect otherwise ends normally.
Domain Spells (Cleric/Wizards gain all Spells in levels up to their mana- Non-Cleric/Wizards gain only Level 1 and 3 spells.)
Bliss | Level 1 | Ongoing (Control) (+WIS)
One person of your choosing falls into a blissful stupor. They can do nothing but stare off into the distance, thinking happy thoughts. If they take damage or anyone acts aggressively against them this spell ends. You can dismiss this at will.
Calm Emotions | Level 3 | Ongoing (Control) (+WIS)
You radiate a calming aura to everyone within close range of you (5 meter radius). Anyone who wishes to enter combat must make a saving throw, and may only roll once. Calm emotions ends if anyone succeeds in resisting it, and cannot be used upon people already in combat. Otherwise, you can dispel this at will.
Deadly Dance | Level 5 | Ongoing
You move with exquisite and fluid grace; gain +1 to DEX rolls, so long as you are wearing light or no armor, and use a weapon with a range of hand. This ends if you gain the Shakey Debility, or if you dismiss it at will.
Good Hope | Level 7 | Ongoing
A subject of your choosing gains +1 to Saving Throws. You can dismiss this at will.
Candle of Calm | Level 9 | Ongoing (Control) (+CHA)
You summon a floating candle that moves where you direct it to. It has a warm, flickering light that soothes all it falls upon within a 10 meter radius (provided no obstacles block its light). All control effects on everyone in the encounter (enemies and allies alike) are dispelled by this single summoning, and anyone in combat who wishes to resist it must make a saving throw or stop fighting. If all in an encounter stop fighting as a result of Candle of Calm, they must speak respectfully to one another for ten minutes; any who wish to leave may do so freely. Candle of Calm ends if anyone succeeds in resisting it; otherwise, you can dispel this at will.
Sensation Domain
Primary God: Sharess
Primary Domain Move (All Clergy of Sharess gain this)
Hot Spell
You can use your CHA in the place of WIS for casting divine/domain magic and resisting saving throws.
Secondary Domain Moves (Non-Cleric/Wizard clergy of Sharess select one)
Deadly Sex Look
When someone looks you in the eyes they find you hard to resist; they take -1 to their saving Throws against moves you make. They cannot be affected by this if they are blinded, if there is an obstacle between you, or focusing on someone else.
When I Get That Feelin...
When you touch someone where they are sensitive and pray for their well-being , roll+CHA.
On a 10+ you heal 1d8 damage or remove one disease or debility.
On a 7 or lower, they are healed, but the damage, disease or debility is transferred to you.
Domain Spells (Cleric/Wizards gain all Spells in levels up to their mana- Non-Cleric/Wizards gain only Level 1 and 3 spells.)
Intensify Sensation | Level 1 | Ongoing (Control) (+WIS)
One target of your choosing takes +1 damage, +1d4 healing, and -1 to saving throws, on moves used upon them.
Hideous Pleasure | Level 3 | Ongoing (Control) (+WIS)
Choose a person you can see; they are overcome by an overwhelming sense of pleasure all over their body. They cannot do anything but speak in moans for a full turn. This effect ends immediately if the target takes damage from any source, but they are otherwise held in place. The target is considered helpless.
Helpless: "The target becomes vulnerable. If broken by damage, the target takes +1d4 damage and its attacker treats any result of 6 or lower as 7-9"
Symbol of Persuasion | Level 5 | Ongoing (Control) (+DEX)
You place a single ward no wider than 5 meters in a location of your choosing. Anyone who crosses the ward must make a saving throw or become charmed into regarding you as a friend (as the Wizard Charm Person spell). This ward lasts one hour; anyone who walks over it and is affected loses the effect when they walk back over it. You can have only one ward at a time. You can dismiss this at will.
Sympathy | Level 7 | Ongoing (Control) (+WIS)
An object, creature, or person of your choice becomes irresistible to intelligent creatures of a specified kind or affiliation which you dictate upon casting. Any such members of that kind or affiliation who are capable of seeing or hearing it within 20 meters and fail their saving throw feel an overwhelming desire to tenderly touch or to possess that object, creature, or person. If their save is successful, the creature is released, but so long as they remain in sight of it, they must make a saving throw again 10 minutes later to not be affected by it. If this save fails, the affected creature must attempt to return to the area or object and.
Dominate Monster | Level 9 | Ongoing (Control) (+CHA)
Your touch pushes your desire into another, and your wiles transcend the boundaries of language and species. A single summoned or nonstandard-race creature comes under your control; a mindless or only semi-sentient creature (like summoned monsters, familiars, and animal companions) abandons its master and works for you until the end of an encounter or until they are destroyed. If you disrupt the thoughts of an intelligent creature, you control the target for a turn and can make them execute one of these actions:
Perform a single action you desire and which they are capable of
Give you something that they hold
Make a concerted attack on a target of your choice other than themselves.
Truthfully answer one question
Only one creature can be dominated at a time. This effect ends immediately if the target takes damage from any source. The target is considered helpless.
Helpless: The target becomes vulnerable. If broken by damage, the target takes +1d4 damage and its attacker treats any result of 6 or lower as 7-9

Being a Dryad
The effects of Dryadshape
Subjects under the effect of Dryadshape gain +1 to all CHA rolls to Defy Danger and Saving Throws so long as they are within sight of their home tree.
Dryad Appearance
Dryads are beautiful and gentle fey, among the most beloved of all fair folk. Those who use Dryadshape retain most of their physical characteristics from before the transformation. However, their ears, if not already Elven in appearance, may become leaf-like and long or curled. Hints of grass, bark, or leaves may appear at the base of their scalp or in thin patches along their skin. Skin color and eye color are usually retained, although eyes may become completely black or silver with no irises. Dryads feel no extremes of heat or cold even when fully naked, which they often are, although they gain no natural armor.