The Lord of Battles, The Foehammer

Holy Symbol: A blazing silver sword on a blood-red field

1. Be fearless
unless to be fearless would be foolish
2. Never turn away from a fight
unless a fight is hopeless
3. Obey the rules of war
Do not attack civilians, the unarmed, or the lame

(You need to abide by these as clergy, not as a worshiper)
Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Fighter, or Ranger
Any race
You must obey your superiors
- Non-Cleric Initiation: You must defeat a worthy foe in combat and then pledge your victory to Tempus.

(You need to abide by these as clergy, not as a worshiper)
Level 3 spell: Animate dead
The fallen must be respected.
Level 3 spell: Resurrection
The fallen have earned their deaths, do not take glory from them.
Level 5 spell: Trap Soul
A cowardly way to deal with an enemy.
Level 7 spells: Harm, Sever, Mark of Death
You must vanquish your enemies through force of arms, not by trickery or magic

(If you wish to become clergy of this god, you must take only one vow from those below—if you violate it you lose any moves, spells, and any other benefits granted by this god until you atone.)
Honor (Forbidden: outnumbering or outmatching your foe; you also must never ambush, poison, or flank your opponents unless heavily outmatched or outnumbered [more than twice your level, or more than 2 to 1 odds])
Respect (Forbidden: disparaging, mocking, or taunting a foe; respect all, for valor blazes in all regardless of age, sex or race.)
Inspiration (You must see to it that everyone around you with any livelihood at stake is prepared to defend themselves; arm, train, and prepare the weak and lowborn for combat so that they are never defenseless)
Purpose (Forbidden: engaging in meaningless bloodshed; war and violence must always be balanced by purpose and need; to do otherwise is to serve Gods of mindless slaughter and not Tempus)

Tempus (TEM-pus) is random in his favours, yet his chaotic nature favors all sides equally. Lord Tempus may be on an army's side on one day, and against them the next; such is the nature of war. Tempus is prayed to the most of all on the night before battles and regularly venerated by all warriors, regardless of their alignment. As a result, he is a strong, exuberant, and robust god - a warrior's God. Tempus sometimes appears at huge battles and important combats - and on rare occasions to individuals who are in a position to cause great strife by the decisions.
Although mighty and profoundly honorable in battle, Tempus answers to his own warriors' code. He is known to love food, drink, and the hunt, though he loves battle best. His is quiet and solitary in relationships to other deities, with a few notable exceptions.
Home Plane
Warrior's Rest
War, battle, warriors
Favored Weapon
Battle Prowess (Battleaxe)
Tempus's Favor
Tempus sometimes manifests before battles, appearing to one side or the other. If he rides Veiros upon one side, then that army will succeed in his battle. If he rides Deiros, then defeat is in the offing. Most often he appears riding with one foot on each horse as they gallop across the battlefield, indicating the chaotic nature of battle.
The Death and Resurrection of Garagus
Prior to Tempus's ascension, Garagos was known as Targus, the god of war and destruction in Orben. Targus was worshiped reluctantly (and secretly feared) by the Elves of Aer Arnad, who tended to see all-out warfare as wanton and unnecessary in comparison to more subtle or assured methods of securing power. Tempus challenged and then defeated the god of war and destruction before claiming his portfolio of war. Ao required that Garagos's portfolio of destruction also be consumed, but Tempus refused it. In irritation for Tempus's attempt to subvert his cherished Balance, Ao revived Targus as Garagos and chained him to Veiros and Deiros, so that wherever Tempus rides, Garagos is dragged behind him, sowing ruin even where Tempus rides with deliberate care.
Tempus was a lesser diety until assuming Garagos's portfolio of war, and has ever since his church has suffered no setbacks or loss in membership, but has grown for over a thousand years.
Relationship with other gods and churches
Tempus's diametric opposite, Eldath, he considers naive and weak. However, out of respect for her convictions, he punishes those of his faithful who abuse her priests, shrines, or temples. Perhaps he feels that war has little meaning without peace to define and highlight it. Sune, who considers him a foe, he regards as irrelevant and flighty and therefore unworthy of being his foe.
In recent years, he has sponsored the Red Knight. His relationship with her is one of a fond protective father to a brilliant daughter who works hard and successfully in the family business - war. Tempus opposes and is opposed by Garagos, but as they are chained together by Ao neither can do much about their predicament.
Associated lesser deities
Garagos - God of Destruction
Primary Domain: Carnage
Any race, Barbarian, Cleric, Druid, Shaman
Initiation: Defeat a worthy opponent by using the same move over and over again
Dogma: Bow down to me, and triumph in arms. Seek to awaken bloodlust and reaving everywhere, and take part in these sacred things whenever prudent or possible. Always go armed in readiness for shedding blood. Do battle at least once a tenday for the greater glory of Garagos and shed blood even if you cannot slay. Spread fear of Garagos, and the message of his power that guides and assists believers in every land you enter. At least once a year challenge and slay a greater foe than yourself for Garagos so that you test always the limits of your skill and press it to increase.
Alternate Vows (choose 3 of these rather than those of Tempus to serve Garagos)
Onslaught (Forbidden: Retreating or using Run Away!; Garagos provides us strength, why should we ever flee?)
Rage (Forbidden: Planning or using tactics during battle; especially using items (like potions) or defending ones' allies; Garagos doesn't think, he acts!)
Persistence (Forbidden: Maintaining yourself or your equipment; every weapon and implement you use must be run ragged to its breaking point, including yourself)
Faith (Forbidden: Wearing armor or using anything that provides an armor bonus; only the weak need fear any blow)
The Red Knight - God of Planning and Tactics
Primary Domain: Strategy
Non-Darkling, Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Paladin, Shaman, Witch, Wizard
Must not harm the innocent
Must obey the law
Initiation: Get a foe to surrender to you after drawing them into an unwinnable situation
Dogma: War is won by those with the best planning, strategy, and tactics, regardless of the apparent odds. Any fool can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with fortune's aid. Only a master strategists can ensure victory and that is will last. War is a series of battles. Losing a battle does not necessarily indicate the war is lost. Seek out your opponent's weaknesses and recognize your own; avoid an opponent's strengths and play to your own. Only by focusing one's own strengths on one's opponent's vulnerabilities can triumph be ensured. In times of war prepare for peace; in times of peace prepare for war. Seek out your enemy's enemies as allies, and be prepared to compromise. Life is an endless series of skirmishes with occasional outbreaks of war. Be ready—and have a contingency plan.
Alternate Vows (choose 3 of these rather than those of Tempus to serve the Red Knight)
Foresight (Forbidden: Killing, maiming, or otherwise ending the career of anyone that may in any way, shape, or form, be able to aid you tactically or strategically if they are left alive and functional)
Sobriety (Forbidden: Alcohol, intoxicants, carnal pleasure, excessive or unhealthy eating, or any other activity or substance that might dull the mind; the Red Lady demands that you remain focused and ready at all times, and never leave yourself vulnerable)
Loyalty ( Forbidden: Betrayal and dissent; no army can stand if it is riven from within; one force, one purpose)
Efficiency (Never expend more than necessary in the conduct of your actions; this applies both to your losses, and your enemy's; see that casualties for all sides are as low as they may be in any strategy: military, social, or political)
Valkur - God of Naval Warfare
Primary Domain: Adventure
Any race, Bard, Cleric, Commoner, Fighter, Thief
Must not harm the innocent
Initation: Lead a group of adventurers on a daring quest with great risk
Dogma: There is nothing more invigorating than challenging the elements. The feel of wind and spray on one's face and the deck pitching beneath one's feet is the greatest feeling in the world. Daring men and women must defy the odds and dare the impossible. The thrill of exploration is sweeter than wine or rum. There is always risk, but without risk life is empty. Life is to be lived and damn the consequences. One's loyalties are first to one's mates, then to one's ship, and then to Valkur, who protects all sailors. Rely not on Valkur's hand to always extract you from difficulties, for such is coddling and leads to a lack of challenge and the room to grow. Rather, Valkur helps those actively solving their own problems by helping their plans work.
Alternate Vows (choose 3 of these rather than those of Tempus to serve Valkur)
Risk (Forbidden: Refusing to take a risk!)
Bond (Forbidden: Being disloyal to ones crew or mates, ones ships or to Valkur who protects all sailors.)
Assert (Forbidden: Becoming over-reliant upon others; being unable to extract yourself from a situation you created)

Orben is a violent land, and thus from sheer number of worshipers Tempus is one of the mightiest deities in the Realms. Nearly everyone who drew a sword or nocked an arrow has fought alongside a cleric of the Foehammer, and just as many have fought against one

The Tempurian clergy may be found on both sides of a conflict, as no one can ever truly know whom the war-god will favour. Priests of Tempus tend to be Human, male, and have the temperament that enjoys battle, though the clergy is open to all beings who have prayed privately to Tempus and received the blessing of a spell, a manifestation, or direct aid of some sort. In some societies, such as that of the Woodsmen of Nosgrave and the Ættgardtfólk of the Thradhel, Tempus (Ættgardt as he is known by Hellions) is served by shamans.
Due to its tendency to have followers and priests on both sides of any engagement, the church of Tempus has no central authority that might support one side or the other exclusively. Within a given temple or order, however, there is a strict hierarchy and chain of command
Military ranks within the faith are common. Ranks typical of many temples of Tempus are War Priest, Slung Sword, Terrible Sword, Lance of the Lord, Shield of the God, Battlelady/Battlelord, Swordmaster/Swordmistress, and Lady/Lord of the Field - but these are often superseded by titles that go with a position, such as Battle Chaplain of a shrine or Trusted Sword of the Temple. Ranks are assigned by those in authority in the Church in light of service, needs, and situation, and temporary commands are common in desperate situations. Special leaders of a temple or crusade are entitled to wear their heavy battle gauntlet of rank.
When not in battered Armour, clergy of the war god wear helms or steel skullcaps, though there are careful never to cover their faces, for such close emulation of Tempus is thought to be affront to Lord of Battles. Some of the fanatical wandering priests never remove all of their Armour at any time, but in the temples of the big cities clergy are rarely seen in a Armour except at ceremonies held before whelmed armies leave or a siege begins.
The robes of a priest of Tempus always sport trim of the crimson hue of fresh blood, but vary in overall color from place to place and rank to rank. Darker coloured robes are worn by those of the lower ranks. Most war Priests West ceremonial garments of brown or purple. Read or amber is worn by senior clergy say, and yellow or white by those of the most exalted rank. Specialty priests of Tempus, particularly those of high rank, wear a spiked gauntlet as a symbol of office. The gauntlet is usually worn only by specialty priests with some form of authority - those in charge of temples or leading Crusades.
Adventuring garb is the same for both clerics and specialty priests of Tempus. Most wear the best they can obtain, though it is battle worn and battered as it is for use, not show. They prefer full plate Armour or plate mail. A full helm his usual, but it is worn with either an open face plate or no face plate.
Rites and Duties
The ritual performed by most of the faithful is a prayer for valiant performance and survival in the fray ahead, made to the war god over the weapon the praying being most often fights with. If a new weapon comes into the believers possession before a battle - particularly in the form of hard won booty - it is taken as a sign of Tempus's favour, and this weapon is the one that used in worship.
The eves and anniversaries a great battles of a holy days of the Church of Tempus, and as such vary from place to place. The Feast of the Moon, honoring the dead, is the most important fixed date in the religious calendar. It is also expected that at least once a ten-day worshipers of Tempus bills a few drops of blood (preferably their own or a worthy foe's) and sing the Song of the Sword in Tempus's honour. Regardless of battle anniversaries, clergy perform at least two ceremonies each day: the Feast of Heroes at high sun and the Song of the Fallen at sunset. In most temples, a senior priest also conducts a Song of the Sword ceremony after dark for all lay worshipers desiring to attend.
Priests of the war got are charged to keep warfare a thing of rules, respected reputation, and professional behavior, minimizing uncontrolled bloodshed and working to eradicate feuding that extends beyond a single dispute or set of foes. At the same time, training and readiness for battle must be promoted if civilized human holdings are to survive in Orben in the face of monster raids and orc hordes - and the power of Tempus to aid those he favors in battle must also be promoted. Warriors - especially mercenaries - who employ poison or taint wells, sow fields with salt, kill non-combatants, indulge in torture or wanton destruction of innocents when they are not at war, or commit similar sins against fair battle are to be denied the favor of the god, their crimes are publicized far and wide, and they are made to atone for their deeds or perish.
Where priests must preserve the name of the honored battle fallen, both on gravestones and other such memorials, in their prayers to Tempus, and in an annual chant at the March of the Dead, wherein priests of the war god go through the streets to call all folk, worshipers and non-believers alike, to the local feast of the Moon hosted by their temple. Priests are also charged to collect and venerate the weapons and Armour of famous and respected warriors, even of these are broken or have deteriorated, for they retain something of the battle-lust apart would happen and ate at have a higher up and energy associated but the deeds they participated in.
Affiliated Orders
The Order of the Broken Blade honors those warriors and clergy who are injured in Tempus's service and can no longer fight on the front lines. Broken Blades often serve in support functions at temples and shrines and take a personal oath upon joining the order to defend the holy site where they reside to the death as a final line of defense.
The Order of the Steel Fang is an elite fighting order within the Church whose members are often assigned to the most hazardous duties. Steel Fang units are led by battle hardened members of the clergy. Many mercenary companies and knightly fighting orders of crusaders also avail themselves of a connection to the Church. One badge of the god seen among his affiliated mercenaries is a rusty brown dagger, shown diagonally with its point to the upper right, dripping four it drops of blood. No knightly orders of paladins serve Tempus, however.

Temples to the Lord of Battle look more like military fortresses than the archetypal temple. They feature barracks, mess halls, armories, and training grounds

For Cleric/Wizards
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose a single Domain. A full list of domain spells and moves is under Choosing a God in Advanced Play Guides.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose a second Domain.
If you choose the primary domain for your god, you also get the Primary Domain Move of that domain and take +1 to cast spells from the domain.
If you are a Cleric or Wizard (and your god permits your class), choose from the following domains. You add all spells of the chosen domain to your spell list, up to level 7 (once you meet the mana requirements) or up to level 9 (if it's the primary domain and once you meet the mana requirements).
Primary Domain
War (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells, this Primary Domain Move, and this level 9 spell)
Primary Domain Move
Battle Hardened
Ignore the Clumsy Tag on armor you wear. If you ever outnumber or outmatch your opponent, or cover your face in battle, you lose this move permanently.
Level 9 Spell
Flame Strike | Level 9
All nearby living creatures of your choice take 1d6 damage; all nearby undead creatures of your choice take 2d6 damage.
Secondary Domains
Air (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Duty (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Fire(Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Knowledge (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
For Non-Cleric/Wizards
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose a single Domain. A full list of domain spells and moves is under Choosing a God in Advanced Play Guides.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose a second Domain.
If you choose the primary domain for your god, you also get the Primary Domain Move of that domain and take +1 to cast spells from the domain.
If you are not a Cleric or Wizard, you gain access to all spells of your chosen domain up to level 3 and can cast them using the Cast a Spell Cleric move (you do not however gain any spells from the Cleric spell list). You can also gain a secondary domain move from that domain, in addition to the domain spells.
Primary Domain
War (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells, this Primary Domain Move, and a Secondary Domain Move)
Primary Domain Move
Battle Hardened
Ignore the Clumsy Tag on armor you wear. If you ever outnumber or outmatch your opponent, or cover your face in battle, you lose this move permanently.
Secondary Domain Moves (choose 1):
Battlefield Bravery
When any fear effect is used on you (Cause Fear, Barbarian's War Cry, etc.), take -1 ongoing instead of being controlled.
Chigorin Counterattack
You gain a cunning animal as your mount. While mounted on this animal and in combat, as a Standard Move you can communicate your thoughts to one other ally within sight of you, using a number of words equal to your level. An ally who acts upon your order or suggestion takes +1 forward; they can only gain this bonus once per encounter.
Secondary Domains
Air (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
When you break a promise, take +1 forward.
Duty (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
Last Ounce of Courage
When any fear effect is used on you (Cause Fear, Barbarian's War Cry, etc.), take -1 ongoing instead of being controlled. If the source of the fear is a monster, ignore this penalty.
Fire (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
When using Run Away or Defy Danger to get out of a situation where you have no stake and no allies in either side of a conflict, take +1.
Knowledge (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
Knowtographic Memory
If you have read or heard something said before in play, you can recall it perfectly. You must have RPed reading or hearing it.
Carnage Domain
Primary God: Garagos
Primary Domain Move (All Clergy of Garagos gain this)
Muscle to Vessel
Once per encounter, you can use your STR score in place of your WIS score when you cast a spell.
Secondary Domain Moves (Non-Cleric/Wizard clergy of Garagos select one)
When outnumbered by your enemies while in combat, you can enter a Blood Rage. While in a Blood Rage, you are immune to control effects, ignore debilities (though you still gain them normally), and do +1 damage, but you also take 1 damage every round, can’t use interrupts or free actions, and can’t be healed by any means. Every turn you must use Hack&Slash against an enemy. After rolling your damage roll 1d2. On a 2 you can apply your damage as you wish; on a 1 your enemy chooses the recipient of your damage. If you run out of enemies to attack and have any allies in combat with you, you must treat your allies as enemies every round while the Blood Rage persists. You may select which ally you hit. As long as anyone but yourself has not used Last Gasp in an encounter, you cannot end a Blood Rage voluntarily; you must succeed on a saving throw, or Last Gasp, to end it.
After you have successfully struck an enemy with a weapon and done damage (not absorbed by armor), you can BATHE IN THE SPRAY OF THEIR BLOOD. While doing so you gain +1 armor until your next turn.
Domain Spells (Cleric/Wizards gain all Spells in levels up to their mana- Non-Cleric/Wizards gain only Level 1 and 3 spells.)
Rhino’s Rush | Level 1 | Ongoing
You are immune to the effects of the Powerful tag. You can dismiss this at will.
Bulls Strength | Level 3 | Ongoing
A person you select takes +1 to all STR defy danger and saving throws. This ends if they Last Gasp, or if you dismiss it at will.
Rage | Level 5 | Ongoing
You become vulnerable while this spell is ongoing, even after taking damage; take +1 to the damage you deal with hack and slash. You can dismiss this at will.
Shout | Level 7 (+CON)
You bellow a deafening shout. Everyone around you (allies included) take 1d6 damage. If they fail their saving throw, they can’t cast spells for one turn.
Righteous Might | Level 9 | Ongoing
Become twice your size. Double your STR and CON bonuses but roll all other stats as 0. While this spell is ongoing anyone may treat a 6 rolled against you for Hack&Slash or Volley as a 7-9.
Strategy Domain
Primary God: The Red Knight
Primary Domain Move (All Clergy of the Red Knight gain this)
Reason Before Faith
When you make a Saving Throw which uses WIS, you can use your INT instead, and vice-versa.
Secondary Domain Moves (Non-Cleric/Wizard clergy of the Red Knight select one)
Stay on Target
When an ally attacks a foe you have directed, they take +1 forward. This can not be used against the same foe more than once per encounter.
Hit and Fade
You gain a cunning animal as your mount, and it is born and bred for battle. Choose one:
Light: Your mount is adept at breaking off from combat; take +1 to Run Away while riding it
Heavy: Your mount is adept at running enemies down; unmounted enemies who use Run Away! against you take -1 while you ride it.
Domain Spells (Cleric/Wizards gain all Spells in levels up to their mana- Non-Cleric/Wizards gain only Level 1 and 3 spells.)
Status | Level 1 | Ongoing
You gain telepathic awareness of the status of up to three allies no matter their distance, including their debilities, HP, penalties, and bonuses. You can communicate, but only in one-word messages. If one of these people Last Gasps you may select a new subject. You can dismiss this at will.
Feint | Level 3 | Ongoing
When someone has interrupted a move you've made, you can cancel their interruption. This spell must have been active while you made the move which was interrupted in order for it to be applied. When you do, this spell ends.
Knight's Move | Level 5
You can teleport instantly to any location you can see, up to 20 meters away. This spell cannot be used to flee combat.
Telepathic Broadcast | Level 7 | Ongoing
You can open a telepathic line of communication between yourself and up to three others regardless of distance. You can dismiss this at will.
Detect Scrying | Level 9 | Ongoing
You become immediately aware if someone is scrying you, by what means you are being scryed, and the identity and location of the person scrying you. You can dismiss this at will.
Adventure Domain
Primary God: Valkur
Primary Domain Move (All Clergy of Valkur gain this)
Thrill of Adventure
When any fear effect is used on you (Cause Fear, Barbarian's War Cry, etc.), take -1 ongoing instead of being controlled.
Secondary Domain Moves (Non-Cleric/Wizard clergy of Valkur select one)
Contagious Enthusiasm
You can extend your Thrill of Adventure to up to three other people in combat with you.
Anchors Away
Take +1 to Long Stop, Sudden Drop.
Domain Spells (Cleric/Wizards gain all Spells in levels up to their mana- Non-Cleric/Wizards gain only Level 1 and 3 spells.)
Remove Paralysis | Level 1
Remove the effects of any control spell from a single other person.
Aid | Level 3 | Ongoing
You and up to 3 people you select take +1 to Defy Danger, Spout Lore, and Discern Realities. You can dispel this at will.
Cloak of Bravery | Level 5 | Ongoing
You and your allies gain +1 to WIS Saving Throws. You can dispel this at will.
Heroism | Level 7 | Ongoing
You and your allies gain +2 to all rolls to hit. This ends once you or an ally succeeds on a roll.
Control Weather | Level 9 | Ongoing
By choosing a high, natural position, you can meditate there and select a 20 meter-wide area you can see. While you maintain your meditative trance you can control the weather in that area. You can dispel this at will.