Lady Luck, the Lady Who Smiles, Our Shining Lady, The Fair-Haired Daughter

Fortune favours the bold.

(You need to abide by these as clergy, not as a worshiper)
Any class
Any race
You must not harm an innocent
You must not curse anyone
You must not use torture or cause any unnecessary injury
Initiation: Embark on a dangerous quest

(You need to abide by these as clergy, not as a worshiper)
Level 3 spell: Animate dead
Level 5 spell: Darkness
Nope nope!
Level 7 spell: Plague
Nope nope nope!
Holy Symbol: A gold coin with Tymora's visage surrounded by clovers; or a featureless silver disk

(To become clergy of this god take three of these as your vows—if you violate them you lose any moves, spells, and any other benefits granted by this god until you atone.)
Daring (Forbidden: Allowing a social norm or tradition to keep you from doing what you wish; you may not wish to do harmful or evil things, of course)
Panache (You must develop a personal style unique to you and maintain it; it can be a manner of dress or a style of speech or a signature flourish, but it must be recognizable and wholly your own)
Audacity (Forbidden: Allowing anyone to tell you "no" or "impossible"—do it anyway; you may not do harmful or evil things, of course)
Heroism (You must attempt heroic deeds; this is not passive, you must actively seek out heroic deeds to perform, and devote yourself to their success)

Tymora (pronounced tie-MORE-ah [4]), or more commonly Lady Luck, was the goddess of good fortune. She shone upon those who took risks and blessed those who dealt harshly with the followers of Beshaba. Should someone flee from her sisters' mischievous followers or defile the dead, their fate would be decided with a roll of Tymora's dice
Home Plane
Good fortune, skill, victory, daring (but benevolent) adventurers and adventuring
Favored Weapon
A Spinning Coin (shuriken)
The Splitting of the Coin
Tymora is sometimes called Tyche's fair-haired or fair-tressed daughter or Beshaba's bright sister, but these are more poetic titles than designations of her maternal lineage or her hair color. In actuality, Tymora is half of the deity once known as Tyche, with Beshaba being the other half. Tymora inherited Tyche's grace and kindness when that goddess split into two beings in the Cataclysm, an ancient war among the gods that precedes time. Besheba garnered more of Tyche's wanton, willful nature, sensual side, and restless energy.
The Flip of the Coin
Old tales tell that Luck plays a crucial role in each person's life. When each new-born baby enters into the Realms, Tymora flips a coin formed from the remnants of the original goddess of luck, Tyche. Beshaba calls it in the air - the moon (heads) or the cloak (tails). If Beshaba is right, that person is cursed with misfortune for the rest of his or her days. If she's wrong, Lady Luck smiles on that child for the rest of his or her life. For some rare beings, the coin lands edge on - and these luckless few can forge their own fates, for they have more freedom over their destinies than the powers themselves.
Tymora is one of Orben's earliest gods, and has been popular for nearly as long as she has existed. She owes her impressive notoriety to two factors. Firstly, her dominance over narrow escapes and lucky discoveries makes her the patron of choice to Orben’s burgeoning adventurer population, who propitiate her in hopes of prolonged survival and spectacular tales.
The greatest boon to her church came during the fall of Aer Arnad, however, when Tymora appeared to followers outside the Salt Marshes and in the various surviving Elven lands and set up shop simultaneously in many temples of the Elves, which each became known as "The Lady’s House." As the entire continent quaked and then fell into chaos, with an age-old civilization splintering and fracturing, Tymora offered all-too-absent stability and the reassurances that some deity still cared about their subjects, both Elven and Human, as none were turned away from The Lady's House. The ability to actually meet a deity (in exchange for a reasonable donation to the church, of course) bolstered faith in desperate times. Gaining from that momentum, Tymora has become a highly prominent god in Orben, worshiped or prayed to by nearly everyone, and the ranks of her clergy and followers have swelled accordingly.
Relationship with other gods and churches
Tymora's fiercest adversary is her sister Beshaba, the God of Bad Luck, but though she tends to sympathize most with goodly gods, she lends her favor to the truly daring, regardless of their race or faith, and so she is generally tolerated by most others. She has revealed a special favor for Halflings however, and is believed to have a long though contentious romance with Yondala, the patron god of Halflings.
Associated lesser deities

Tymora's faith is one of the most common in the Faerûn, in particular since it caters most heavily to a highly mobile, relatively wealthy, and intrinsically powerful group who live by their wits and by their luck: adventurers.

Tymora's priests are the first choice of a badly wounded adventuring party dragging itself into town, and as a result, the church is relatively wealthy. With that wealth comes a strong independent streak among the different churches of Tymora. Each Tymoran temple is its own independent operation with its own clergy, and each temple reflects the tastes of its high priestess or priest. A large network of shrines and temples to Lady Luck has spread throughout the cities and heartlands of Orben. While the gold coin that is Tymora's symbol most often marks these houses of worship as belonging to the Lady Who Smiles, in some temples, Tymora's symbol is represented as a floating, randomly and slowly turning sphere of everbright silver.
Both sexes and all races are equal in the eyes of Tymora and her clergy, though in practice human women occupy most of the more exalted ranks of the priesthood. Of the nonhuman races, a few Elves and half-Elves have decided to become Tymoran clergy even in the face of the chilly reception such a calling receives in Elven society due to the legend that Tymora sided with Halflings and against Elves during the reign of Derelan of Aer Arnad.. Mystics of Tymora serve both within temple ranks and as itinerant servants of the goddess who report to none but her.
Among the followers of Tymora titles are used and changed with ease and informality, but "Lord Priest" and "Lady Priestess" are respectful titles of address that apply to all, and "High" is added in front of this for clergy senior in years or in demonstrated power, who are referred to as "the High." A "favored of Tymora" is a being chosen by the goddess to enter her clergy. A "fallen of Tymora" is one who has left her service and spurned chances for atonement and forgiveness. An "Atalara" is a priestess of Tymora whose body has at some time or other been directly possessed by the goddess so as to act and speak for her, which usually changes all body hair to a deep blue, and the pupils of the eyes to bright silver.
The standard clerical dress varies from temple to temple, ranging from full habits and headpieces in Beleri to simple robes in Aer Arnad. Blue and silver are colors often seen. Personal taste of the matriarch or patriarch influences the dress code, as does climate (natural and political) and availability of fine clothing. The common item worn by all clergy is the coin or disk of Tymora, usually carried on a small chain.
All adventuring or traveling clergy members wear whatever garments they please, though the colours blue and silver are still predominant. High boots also seem favorite fashion elements. All priests continue to wear Tymora's coin or silver disk next to their skin, usually as a medallion around the neck, however, many clergy also wear smaller holy symbols as anklets, bracelets, or at their hips, under their clothing.
Rites and Duties
The church of Tymora has no set rituals, and ceremonies and duties vary widely from temple to temple - but the clergy headed by Daramos Lalithyr of Beleri seem to be steadily organizing and imposing order on the previously freewheeling priesthood of the god.
Whatever their differences throughout the years, the clergy of Tymora have always adhered to rituals of greeting, touching their holy symbols to each other (and often embracing to do so) after watchwords of recognition have been exchanged. To unknown persons and beings they know to be worshipers of Tymora, but possibly laity, they say: "Life is short. Live it as Tymora means it to be lived!" This is answered by: "Dare all, and trust in the Lady." The watchwords between friends, or when both parties know each other to be clergy of Tymora, are simpler: "Defy" answered by "Dare much.''
Midsummer is the most important festival of Tymora - a wild, nightlong revel of reckless, mischievous daring-do and romantic trysts. It is a time for the wandering clergy to gather and meet with Harpers, those of allied faiths, and relatives. Many missions and plans are laid at such times.
The most holy festival of Tymora is Starfall, which commemorates to the followers of Tymora - though not the rival clergy of Beshaba - the date of Tyche's destruction and Tymora's birth. On this date, clergy who have earned advancement are formally acclaimed and presented with tokens and vestments appropriate to their new station.
The clergy of the Lady go throughout Orben urging folk to take chances and pursue their dreams, and not spend all their days planning and daring nothing. (They do not, as some folk say, encourage folk to indulge in reckless whims and frivolity.) Having offered such counsel, Tymoran clergy are duty bound to aid those who have dared with healing spells and other magical aid (sometimes surreptitiously) so as to reinforce the message of the good fortune one can win by trusting in Tymora.
Affiliated Orders
The Fellows of the Free Fate are a special fellowship of clergy within the church of Tymora who dedicate themselves to countering the efforts of Beshaba, and especially of the Black Fingers, her assassins. Any clergy member who shows experience, dedication to the cause, and was vouched for by a senior Fellow could join.
The Testers are fanactical followers of Tymora who take extreme risks in order to further the worship of the goddess.

Tymora is an extremely popular goddess among adventurers, and her temples may he found wherever there is a strong adventuring population. Lady Luck is beloved by those who live and work in danger, for she rewards the faithful and others who live in the manner she deems proper—daring all and trusting to chance—with her favor: good luck. The Lady's ways may seem fickle to the uninitiated or nonbelievers, for by her very nature the support she gives is uncertain in all particulars. "The joy of the doubt and the danger," also known as the Lady's Joy and the Lady's Way, is that which is most dear to her true followers. To the many who pay lip service in times of need her answers seem truly random, for the Lady helps those who help themselves.

For Cleric/Wizards
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose a single Domain. A full list of domain spells and moves is under Choosing a God in Advanced Play Guides.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose a second Domain.
If you choose the primary domain for your god, you also get the Primary Domain Move of that domain and take +1 to cast spells from the domain.
If you are a Cleric or Wizard (and your god permits your class), choose from the following domains. You add all spells of the chosen domain to your spell list, up to level 7 (once you meet the mana requirements) or up to level 9 (if it's the primary domain and once you meet the mana requirements).
Primary Domain
Luck (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells, this Primary Domain Move, and this level 9 spell)
Primary Domain Move
Just My Luck
Once per encounter you can re-roll a single roll. You must accept the second roll regardless of its result. You can't use this in an encounter in which you've used Born Lucky or any Lucky Duck moves.
Level 9 Spell
Break Enchantment | Level 9
You can remove any control effect from a single other person. When they are freed they can take +1 forward to Hack&Slash or Run Away! (their choice). This stacks with the bonus from Freedom of Movement.
Secondary Domains
Compassion (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Life (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Love (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Travel (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
For Non-Cleric/Wizards
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose a single Domain. A full list of domain spells and moves is under Choosing a God in Advanced Play Guides.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose a second Domain.
If you choose the primary domain for your god, you also get the Primary Domain Move of that domain and take +1 to cast spells from the domain.
If you are not a Cleric or Wizard, you gain access to all spells of your chosen domain up to level 3 and can cast them using the Cast a Spell Cleric move (you do not however gain any spells from the Cleric spell list). You can also gain a secondary domain move from that domain, in addition to the domain spells.
Primary Domain
Luck (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells, this Primary Domain Move, and a Secondary Domain Move)
Primary Domain Move
Just My Luck
Once per encounter you can re-roll a single roll. You must accept the second roll regardless of its result. You can't use this in an encounter in which you've used Born Lucky or any Lucky Duck moves.
Secondary Domain Moves (choose 1):
1 is the Luckiest Number
When you go first in an encounter, take +1 forward.
Double Your Luck
Once per encounter, you can re-use the result of one of your rolls on your following roll
Secondary Domains
Compassion (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
A World of Gold from a World of Iron
When you undertake to substantially improve someone’s outlook or lot in life (e.g, free a slave, rebuild someone’s razed farm), take +1 ongoing while you assist them; you must succeed in the span of a single encounter. If you fail in this undertaking, or they end up worse off than they started, take -1 ongoing until you find someone else to assist.
Life (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
New Hope
When you embark on a new endeavor with great risk or uncertainty, take +1 forward.
Love (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
The Flower and Glory of Horseflesh
Choose an animal of courage, sobriety, and chastity; this becomes your mount. While mounted on this animal, take +1 to CHA and -1 to CON on all Defy Danger rolls.
Travel (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
I Swore to Protect You
When you use the Defend move and roll a 12+, you can choose an option from the list below to spend your hold upon:
A control spell against your target is redirected to you (you may make your own saving throw)
Your target can Hack and Slash as an interrupt this round, however a 10+ will count as a 7-9 for them.