The Rider of the Winds, the Helping Hand

Holy Symbol: Either an image of Shaundakul himself, or an upright silver left hand with palm out and fingers together, its wrist trailing away into rippling winds on a black or deep purple background of circling winds

Ride the wind and let it take you wherever it blows. Aid those in need and trust in the Helping Hand. The world is large with many lands as yet undiscovered. Seek out the riches of the earth and the sea and journey to distant horizons. Be the first to see the rising sun, the mountain peaks, the lush valleys; let your footsteps fall where none have tread. This is the wonder of the world.

(You need to abide by these as clergy, not as a worshiper)
Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Paladin, Fighter, Ranger, Shaman, or Wizard
Any standard race
You must not harm an innocent
You must not use torture or cause any unnecessary injury
Non-Cleric/Paladin initiation: You must defeat or otherwise drive off marauders or monsters who attempt to waylay a traveler(s) or ambush a road

(You need to abide by these as clergy, not as a worshiper)
Level 1 spell: Cause Fear
Shaundakul wishes to regain his reputation, not ruin it with such dark spells.
Level 5 spell: Trap Soul
You are granted freedom unconditionally, do not act as a hypocrite.
Level 9 spell: Plague
This is no boon to free travel.

(If you wish to become clergy of this god, take three of these as your vows—if you violate them you lose any moves, spells, and any other benefits granted by this god until you atone.)
Freedom (Forbidden: capturing, detaining, or otherwise imprisoning anyone indefinitely; if they can't be allowed to roam, you must destroy them)
Assistance (Forbidden: Ignoring any traveler in need; you must provide what help you can, and lend your aid to any who explore and roam through safety and through danger)
Pursuit (Forbidden: Allowing a rumor, tip, or hint of anything adventurous or worthwhile go unheeded; if something is remotely interesting and achievable, you must seek it out)
Wonder (You must discover a lonely place outside of civilization and build a shrine to Shaundakul there; once the shrine is built you must maintain it and safeguard it)

Shaundakul (SHAWN-da-kul) the Rider of the Winds, is the god of travel and exploration. He is a god of few words and lets his deeds speak for him. He is kind and yet stern, but often displays a rugged sense of humor. He is sometimes lonely and enjoys a good chat—especially if he can trade jokes. He is eager to gain new worshipers, and if given the opportunity, he tries to persuade any ranger, fighter, wizard, or thief to join his faithful (provided they are not evil). His avatar often wanders the ruins of Sulgate striding to the aid of otherwise doomed adventurers, and he knows much about the land's history. In exchange for his aid in such situations, he demands one service that often involves destroying or driving out a fiend from the lower planes or another powerful monster.
Home Plane
Gates of the Moon/Shaunidaur
Travel, exploration, long-range traders, caravans, portals
Favored Weapon
Sword of Shadows (Greatsword)
Shaundakul rises, falls, and rises again
Shaundakul was once a mortal Human who was ascended to serve Waukeen as a lesser deity during the height of Aer Arnad's rule. He rose to prominence after Aer Arnad fell, as he descended to slay encroaching beasts who waylaid travelers in Sulgate while strife fractured the former empire, depriving the lands of their imperial patrols, and thus their usual safety. Wuakeen had disappeared during that time due to the circumstances surrounding her flight and period of hiding from Ao, and so only Shaundakul stood to protect the merchant roads. Finally he confronted a great demon who prayed on refugees escaping to the re-forming Ssianid empire, and after a long battle slayed it, unwittingly gaining its deific powers over portals. His church began to grow, and the Ssianid empire recognized him as a patron deity. For many centuries he served also as the god of merchant caravans until Waukeen's return, and when he offered the portfolio back she gratefully permitted him to keep it.
After the Ssianid empire was destroyed, Shaundakul roamed the ruins of its cities, where he battled and destroyed at least one dragon—that is why they haven't been seen since the fall of the Ssianid.
Shaundakul's church has always been fairly loosely affiliated and keeps poor records, so its history is not well known. It began sometime during the rule of Aer Arnad, and grew enormously after its fall when he was taken as the patron deity of the Ssianid Empire. The fall of the Ssianid toppled his church as well, but it has rebounded quickly. A reinvigorated Shaundakul has increased his efforts to reestablish his worship throughout both Sulgate and Linothor, in both direct intercession and the activities of his church, by securing the roads connecting them. Combined with the influx of traders and caravan merchants who have begun to venerate him after the searing of Bleakland, Shaundakul's faith has undergone a rapid revitalization.
Relationship with other gods and churches
Shaundakul's spheres of influence overlap slightly with several other gods including Helm, Waukeen, Selûne, and, in particular, Tymora. None of these powers is likely to tolerate any further encroachment on their portfolios, potentially severely curtailing the long-term growth of Shaundakul's faith.
Associated lesser deities

Caravaneers, explorers, half-elves, rangers, and portal-walkers number among Shaundakul's growing body of worshipers.

About 10% of Shaundakul's clergy members are crusaders (known as windfists), 20% are rangers (known as zephyrs or mistrals), and the rest are known as "Windwalkers." Shaundakul's clergy has expanded dramatically since the fall of the Ssianid empire, his clergy members now number several hundred and his church continues to grow.
There is no clear hierarchy in Shaundakul's faith, although those priests who served the Rider of the Winds prior to the fall of the Ssianid empire hold positions of great respect in the church. Shaundakul's name is not well known in the cities of Linothor, but more and more travelers are visiting his shrines and invoking his name when traveling to the northern continent.
Priests of Shaundakul use a variety of self-chosen appellations, but a loose hierarchy of standard titles does exist. In ascending order of rank, these include: Seeker of the Wind, Scout, Trailblazer, Explorer, Guide of the Hidden Ways, Rider of the West Wind, Rider of the South Wind, Rider of the East Wind, Rider of the North Wind, and Lord High Windhand.
Shaundakul's priesthood has straightforward ceremonial raiment. All priests sport a dark swirling cloak over garb appropriate for the trail. They wear a leather or chain gauntlet stained deep purple or tinted black (respectively) on their primary hand (and sometimes on their off hand as well). The symbol of Shaundakul—a silver upright left hand with its wrist trailing away into rippling winds—is depicted on the palm and back of the gauntlet.
The adventuring garb of Shaundakul's priests is not noticeably different than their ceremonial vestments. His priesthood typically favors leather armor, but sometimes wears studded leather armor or chain mail. Its members favor great swords, such as the two-handed sword or claymore, and often wield long or short bows. They always wear dark, swirling cloaks and the gauntlet of their faith.
Rites and Duties
Shaundakul's clergy celebrates only one holy day per year: the Windride. No matter where they are, priests must seek out a strong breeze and cast a wind-walking or flight spell. Priests who do not have access to either spell are simply flung into the air soaring with the wind, swooping and swirling wherever chance may take them. They always land safely, usually in a region they have never been to before.
Shaundakul's clergy members have a few simple ceremonies they practice when appropriate. They are to utter a simple prayer every time the wind changes significantly. Whenever they discover previously uncharted territory (such as an undiscovered valley, lake, or island), they are to create a small throne of rocks marked with Shaundakul's symbol near the location where they first made the discovery.
Priests of Shaundakul are expected to provide for themselves by living off the land, hiring themselves out as scouts and caravan guards. Many serve as guides for adventuring companies or as explorers. A very few are Harpers. All seek to visit the scattered shrines of Shaundakul as frequently as possible and to construct new ones when they acquire sufficient resources.
On occasion a priest of Shaundakul is accompanied by a windghost, a servant creature sent by Shaundakul. Such priests are typically engaged in a specific mission for the god and are usually powerful adventurers.
Affiliated Orders
The Fellowship of the Next Mountain is an order of rangers and windwalkers who typically work alone, blazing trails in the uncharted wilderness areas of the Blackwood and the many mountains of Gwathia.
The Fellowship of the Next Mountain are an elite order of crusaders, windwalkers, and rangers. Founded by the half-Elf Jax Nightsong and based in northern Caeor, they are dedicated to cleansing Bleakland of the evil that haunts its streets and ruins, encroaching largely from Alair-Dina to the east. Initially, they are fortifying their ancient temple as a base of operations and sending out scouts to reconnoiter the ruined cities north.
The Riders of the West Wind are an order of windwalkers and a few rangers who hire themselves out as a mercenary company to guard caravans heading through uncharted wilderness to distant lands. Having just returned from Eastern Gwathia, they are rumored to be planning an expedition to the Thradhel in the near future.

Shaundakul has few temples in the Realms, as the members of his clergy are generally struck with wanderlust and rarely remain in one place. However, they have constructed numerous shrines to the Rider of the Winds throughout the western coastline of Bleakland. Typically, a shrine to Shaundakul is a stone dais built atop a high place, crowned with a stone seat or throne, and accompanied by one or more stone pillars pierced with holes that the wind whistles through. Many such shrines exist throughout Sulgate, some of them over a thousand years old.

For Cleric/Wizards
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose a single Domain. A full list of domain spells and moves is under Choosing a God in Advanced Play Guides.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose a second Domain.
If you choose the primary domain for your god, you also get the Primary Domain Move of that domain and take +1 to cast spells from the domain.
If you are a Cleric or Wizard (and your god permits your class), choose from the following domains. You add all spells of the chosen domain to your spell list, up to level 7 (once you meet the mana requirements) or up to level 9 (if it's the primary domain and once you meet the mana requirements).
Primary Domain
Travel (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells, this Primary Domain Move, and this level 9 spell)
Primary Domain Move
Can't Catch Me
You gain a +1 on all saving throws against control effects of level 3 and lower.
Level 9 Spell
Break Enchantment | Level 9
You can remove any control effect from a single other person. When they are freed they can take +1 forward to Hack&Slash or Run Away! (their choice). This stacks with the bonus from Freedom of Movement.
Secondary Domains
Air (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Duty (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Luck (Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
Protection(Gain this domain's level 1-7 spells)
For Non-Cleric/Wizards
When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose a single Domain. A full list of domain spells and moves is under Choosing a God in Advanced Play Guides.
When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose a second Domain.
If you choose the primary domain for your god, you also get the Primary Domain Move of that domain and take +1 to cast spells from the domain.
If you are not a Cleric or Wizard, you gain access to all spells of your chosen domain up to level 3 and can cast them using the Cast a Spell Cleric move (you do not however gain any spells from the Cleric spell list). You can also gain a secondary domain move from that domain, in addition to the domain spells.
Primary Domain
Travel (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells, this Primary Domain Move, and a Secondary Domain Move)
Primary Domain Move
Can't Catch Me
You gain a +1 on all saving throws against control effects of level 3 and lower.
Secondary Domain Moves (choose 1):
I Can Protect You
When you use Defend, roll DEX instead of CON; a 10 counts as a 7-9, however.
I Swore to Protect You
When you use the Defend move and roll a 12+, you can choose an option from the list below to spend your hold upon:
A control spell against your target is redirected to you (you may make your own saving throw)
Your target can Hack and Slash as an interrupt this round, however a 10+ will count as a 7-9 for them.
Secondary Domains
Air (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
When you break a promise, take +1 forward.
Duty (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
Last Ounce of Courage
When any fear effect is used on you (Cause Fear, Barbarian's War Cry, etc.), take -1 ongoing instead of being controlled. If the source of the fear is a monster, ignore this penalty.
Luck (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
Double Your Luck
Once per encounter, you can re-use the result of one of your rolls on your following roll
Protection (Gain this domain's level 1 and 3 spells and this Secondary Domain Move)
Secondary Domain Move:
Man the Boundaries!
You can deputize someone to protect something or someone else in your place. Designate someone you trust; they cannot fail a roll to Defend—a 6 or lower counts as 7-9 for them. You can only deputize one person at a time; you can't deputize someone who is already clergy of any god. If the person you chose diverts from or is distracted from their duty until it is completed (or failed), they lose this bonus, and you take -1 ongoing until the duty is completed (or failed).