Barbarian | Bard | Cleric | Commoner | Druid | Fighter | Paladin | Ranger | Shaman | Thief | Witch | Wizard
"Crush your enemies, see them driven before you—and hear the lamentation of their women!"

Conan The Barbarian, Mongolian Conquerors, Vikings

A Human, Elf, Orc, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Tiefling, or Dwarf Avatar.
Read the lore for your race.
To not fit into civilized society
Suggested Titles:
The Glorious, the Hungry, the Irascible, the Undefeated, the Gluttonous, Foesmasher, Bonebreaker, the Mirthful, the Melancholic, All Mighty, the Giant, the Triumphant

Grit is 2d5.
HP is 22.
Your carry weight is 10+ STRx2.
Add CONx2 to your HP.
Your damage on Hack&Slash and Volley is 2d5 (before bonuses).
Key Stats
STR will be important for using Hack&Slash
DEX isn't used except for saving throws
CON will be important for your HP and saving throws
WIS isn't used except for saving throws
INT isn't used except for saving throws
CHA will is used for What Are You Waiting For

Like a Truck
After you have taken 10 or more damage, you may lose all sense and reason, going on a rampage against the last person who hit you. Any existing debilities and control effects upon you end, you become immune to debilities, and you do +4 damage. You may also regain 1HP on your turn, every turn. However, you must only attack the first target of your rage (unless you become controlled). You become deafened and vulnerable to all enemies (even after they hit you) until your rage ends.
Your rage ends if you Last gasp, if your target Last Gasps, or if the encounter ends. When your rage ends, roll 1d6+1d8+CON.
On a 10+ take 1 debility.
On a 7-9 take 2 debilities.
On a miss take 3 debilities.
If the result of the 8 is higher than the 6, you mostly recover; the rage ends and you can continue to fight normally.
If the result of the 6 is equal to or higher than the 8, you are fatigued; you can't use Like a Truck again until you have rested.
You look like you mean business, and not the kind of business people talk about openly—the kind of business where you raid, pillage, and plunder a vulnerable location. Either you remain close to a network of like-minded folks who keep tabs on such opportunities, or else people seek you out for such jobs based on your reputation (or appearance) alone. Either way, once a week, you can try to seek out such an opportunity to sate your bloodlust. Be discerning about who you attack—or don't be.
Token Totem
A lingering power has passed to you, either by blood or by tradition. When wielding a favored weapon of your ancestors and carrying a totem representing your people, you gain the forceful tag.
Drûtaur totem (Human, Half-Orc, Tiefling, or Dwarf): Your ancestors hailed from the Dwarven lands to the east.
Favored weapons: Greataxe, Flail, Maul, Hammer, mace
Kalimhel totem (Human, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Tiefling, or Dwarf): Your ancestors hailed from the frozen north.
Favored weapon: Arming Sword, Axe, Half-Pike, Poleaxe, Throwing Spear
Málosalië totem (Elf or Half-Elf): Your ancestors hail from the few Elves who have rejected civilization.
Favored weapon: Arming Sword, Bow, Dagger, Greatsword, Rapier
Mori totem (Human or Tiefling): Your ancestors hail from the Khunikoi.
Favored weapon: Bow, Dagger, Half-Pike, Scimitar, Whip
Rhec tuuc totem (Half-Orc or Orc): Your ancestors hail from the savage tribes of Darklings.
Favored weapon: Axe, Club, Greataxe, Half-Pike, Throwing Spear
Daoine crann totem (Human): Your ancestors hail from Gorond
Favored weapon: Arming Sword, Dagger, Greatsword, Half-Pike, Throwing Spear
Unencumbered, Unharmed
As long as you neither wear armor nor a shield, gain 1 armor as long as you are below your max load. This armor can't be removed or stripped from you, but is still ignored by the forceful tag and other armor-ignoring damage. Additionally, you may add your DEX bonus to your armor; however, you lose this bonus if you become Vulnerable or Helpless.
The Upper Hand
You take +1 ongoing to Last Gasp rolls. On a 7-9 you are not helpless or vulnerable and may be healed as normal.
What Are You Waiting For? (Saving Throw +CHA)
When you beat upon your chest tauntingly, roll+CHA.
On a 7+, you choose one:
The target must make a Saving Throw (+CHA) or attack whom you dictate on their next turn (cannot be an ally of theirs)
The target must make a Saving Throw (+CHA) or attack you on their next turn.
On a 10+, the target also becomes helpless.
On a miss, they do as they please and you take -1 to your next roll.

When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose one of these moves:
Ancestral Weapon
Requires: Token Totem
When you use Like a Truck while wielding a weapon favored by your ancestors from Token Totem, take +1 forward against the target of your rage. You cannot also take Urbanbarian.
Frenzy of Ferocity
Requires: Like a Truck
When you rage, instead of the usual benefits of rage, you get the following: any existing debilities and control effects upon you end, you become immune to debilities, and you may Hack&Slash as an interrupt for half your grit (1d5). You become deafened and vulnerable to all enemies (even after they hit you) until your rage ends. Your rage ends under the same conditions as Like a Truck, and in the same way.
Muscle Minds Rage Alike
Requires: Like a Truck
When your rage ends, add +1 to your CON roll for each other Barbarian fighting with you. This bonus is applied to the 8 on your roll for the purposes of determining fatigue.
Mark of Might
You may embark upon a quest to slay a great and powerful beast. If you survive, you can spend time with its remains to create a recognizable trophy; mark yourself with a symbol of your power (a long braid tied with bells, ritual scars or tattoos, etc.). Any intelligent mortal creature who sees this symbol knows instinctively that you are a force to be reckoned with and treats you appropriately; you gain +1 CHA on all Defy Danger rolls.
Maternal Mastery
Requires: Ancestral Weapon
When you use Like a Truck while wielding a weapon favored by your ancestors from Token Totem, the wisdom of your foremothers rules you; when you roll to end your rage, you may re-roll and take the result you prefer. You cannot gain Paternal Proficiency.
Paternal Proficiency
Requires: Ancestral Weapon
When you use Like a Truck while wielding a weapon favored by your ancestors from Token Totem, the strength of your forefathers rules you; you can't miss on the first attack of your rage; a 6 or lower counts as a 7-9 for you. You cannot gain Maternal Mastery.
Ticking Clock
Requires: Like a Truck
When you use Like a Truck, the target of your rage knows that "shit just got real." They take -2 to Last Gasp, unless you Last Gasp first.
Requires: Token Totem
You have eschewed the influence of your ancestors. Gain the [forceful] tag while using any weapon you wish. You can not gain Ancestral Weapon.
Thespian Thug
Requires: Urbanbarian
You gain the Bard starter move, Bardic Lore. You can only use Tales of Training or Tales of Tribulation.
War Cry
Free Move
When you make a show of force (a shout, a rallying cry, a battle dance) you can point menacingly at a target and roll roll+Cha.
On a 10+ both,
On a 7–9 one or the other.
Your target becomes vulnerable
Your target becomes helpless
When you gain a level from 6–10, choose one of these moves or the level 2–5 moves.
Mark of Power
Requires: Mark of Might
Having proven yourself, you may embark upon a quest to discover the ancient techniques of your ancestors, who fought against or alongside the ancient High Elf generals. Upon discovering their techniques, you can apply ancient oils to your body; upon completing the ritual your armor from Unencumbered, Unarmed applies to magical as well as physical damage.
Mindful Mastery
Requires: Maternal Mastery
When you use Like a Truck while wielding a weapon favored by your ancestors from Token Totem, increase your CON by 1 (regain 2 HP).
The One Who Knocks
When you defy danger using STR, on a 12+ you turn the danger back on itself, describe how (within reason).
Powerful Proficiency
Requires: Maternal Mastery
When you use Like a Truck while wielding a weapon favored by your ancestors from Token Totem, increase your STR by 1.
Second Semi
Requires: Like a Truck
You can use Like a Truck a second time in the same encounter, as long as you are not fatigued.
Sneaky Savage
Requires: Urbanbarian
You gain the Thief Starter move, Tricks of the Trade. Additionally, take +1 to all Defy Danger and Saving Throw rolls using INT.
Tattoo of Warding
Requires: Unencumbered, Unharmed
Through a ritual scarification or tattoo, you render your flesh even more resilient. Gain +1 armor to Unencumbered, Unarmed.