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"She turned me into a newt! ... Wot? ... I got bettah."

Witches, Voodoo, Hexes, Curses, Subtle Magic

  • An Avatar fitting your race.

  • Read the lore for your character's race.

Grit is 1d6.

HP is 16.

Your carry weight is 6+STRx2

Add CONx2 to your HP

Your damage is 1d6 on Hack&Slash and Volley

Key Stats

STR may be used for Hack&Slash

DEX may be used for Hack&Slash if using a precise weapon

CON will be important for your HP and saving throws

INT isn't used except for Saving Throws

WIS isn't used except for Saving Throws

CHA is important for Spells, Curse, and Dread Aura

Starting Moves


When you have time to gather materials and a safe place to work, you can brew potions that only you can use. Some potions you can use in combat, others can only be used under particular circumstances. See the potions list at the bottom of this page for more. Turn in your RP of the potion's creation to a DM; the DM will determine the degree of your success.

Cast an Eldritch Spell

When you choose a spell to cast, roll+CHA. You cannot cast a spell unless you have mana equal to the spell's level.

  • On a 10+ the the spell is successfully cast and you may cast the spell again later.

  • On a 7–9, the spell is cast, but Choose One Penalty.

  • On a miss, your spell fails. Take two penalties.

    • The spell and mana equal to the spell's level are lost and cannot be cast until you rest!

    • You are locked in a spell-casting trance and become vulnerable.

    • Take -1 Ongoing to Cast a Spell until you rest.

Note: Every spell requires an audio & a somatic (gesture) component to be cast; you can't cast a spell if you are bound and/or gagged. Maintaining spells with ongoing effects will always cause a penalty to your roll to cast a spell. See Combat Basics under the Basic Play tab for more rules on using spells.

Crystal Ball


When you spend time gazing into your crystal ball, you can focus on a character that you have met previously, as long as you have an object that they used to possess (coin, trinket, lock of hair, etc) and observe their actions.  A DM will determine the extent of your success.




You utter a curse upon a nearby living creature. Curses cannot be used to alter a person's mental state (IE. Cause fear, lower their intelligence, etc.). You can use curse multiple times on the same target. Roll+CHA

  • On a 10+, if the subject fails a saving throw (+WIS) you afflict them with a curse. The target is deafened until the next dawn.

  • On a 7-9, the target is afflicted as above, yet you also choose one penalty

    •    You or an ally suffers the effects of the curse as well

    •    -1 Ongoing on Curse.

  • On  a miss, the curse fails and you cannot use Curse on that target again until the next sunset.

This is a supernatural effect.

Example Curses: An inability to speak ( or make only animal noises), cause their hair to fall out, their face to become monstrous or bestial in appearance, randomly vomit forth vermin, cover them in boils, make them grow an animal's tail, or cause animals in their presence to panic or flee.

Dread Aura


Your very presence fills your enemies with doubt and fear. Roll +CHA

  • On a 10+, hold 2.

  • On a 7–9, hold 1.

  • On a miss, take -2 to your next saving throw and take -2 to use Dread Aura until the next dawn.

Spend hold 1-for-1 freely to give anyone a -2 to their next saving throw. You can only use Dread Aura once per round.

This is a supernatural effect.

I'm Too Hexy for My Armor

Armor interferes with your ability to channel Eldritch power. Take -1 ongoing to cast a spell when wearing armor of any kind; this stacks in addition to the penalty from clumsy.

Class and Advanced Moves

When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose one of these moves


Blood Magic


When you have a creature’s blood, take +1 forward to work your magic on them. This only works once per creature per day.

Extra Dreadly

Requires: Witch

You can take 1 extra hold from Dread Aura, no matter the result. Additionally, those you afflict with Dread Aura take -2 to either a Saving Throw or Defy Danger at your choice.

Hexy and Hoary

Requires: School of Witchcraft and Etc. - Evocation School

If your opponent has a disease, your Hex does +2 damage.


Mind of Many Eyes

Requires: School of Witchcraft and Etc. - Divination School

Ongoing Divination spells incur no penalty to your spellcasting.

School of Witchcraft and Etc.

Requires: Witch

Gain the Majored in Magic move from the Wizard Starter Moves, for either Divination or Evocation. You cannot take this twice.

Too Familiar

Requires: Familiar or Animal Companion


You may see through the eyes, and hear through the ears of a familiar or companion to gather information on your surroundings so long as they remain in a 20 meter radius (Within chat range.) You must be focused to maintain the connection with your familiar. If your character becomes otherwise engaged (Example; Moving from their spot, or being talked to,) the move is interrupted. Roll+Wis

  • On a 10+ your familiar can remain for up to three post rounds, then successfully returns to you undetected.

  • On a 7-9 your connection is successful, but choose one:

    • Your familiar is disruptive to its surroundings and is noticed. Enemies may become suspicious or otherwise engage with your familiar, prey may be startled.

    • Your connection is weak and only lasts one post round.

    • The connection is painful to you and you feel physically ill while you maintain it. You take 3 damage ignoring armor.

  • On a miss, your familiar has been distracted by something else and could not provide you with salvageable information.

Wow! Very Familiar!

Requires: Too Familiar

Your familiar is a medium sized beast. It has 1 armor and 5 health points. If you would take damage (physical or magical), as an interrupt you can sacrifice your familiar. Subtract its health from the damage received.

When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose one of these moves or the level 2–5 moves.


Blight Reflection

Requires: Wow! Very Familiar!

When you sacrifice your familiar to subtract from damage taken to you, you also reflect that damage; the enemy who attacked you has your familiar's remaining HP applied to them as damage, ignoring armor.


Requires: Blood Magic


When you kill a creature, take + 1 forward to use hex.

Evil Eye

Requires: Witch

You can use your evocations and curses on any creature you can see or touch—even through scrying. If you use a spell upon a subject you have accessed through scrying or divination, you must roll your damage and make a saving throw (+CON). If you fail, it rebounds upon you. You can only do this once per scry.

Finders Keepers

Requires: Mind of Many Eyes

When you use a divination to communicate with or view another person or location, you can reach through your connection to touch the subject of your spell or scry as if you were next to them, for the duration of the effect. Anything which requires touch, you can perform against them; this is a supernatural ability. You can remove one item from them if they wear anything which can be removed and fail a saving throw (+DEX). They can not see or identify you unless they are a Shaman, or have True Seeing or a similar ability active.


Requires & Replaces: Hexy and Hoary

When you use an Evocation spell against someone, on a 10+ your target must roll a Saving Throw (+CON); if they fail, you inflict a debility of your choice upon them.




These spells cost 0 Mana when you experience a mishap.

Detect Magic | [Divination]

One of your senses is briefly attuned to magic. The storyteller will tell you what nearby is magical.


Ember | [Evocation]

You create a small, rock-like sphere of green fire in that radiates a soft glow. While its glow is visible you take -1 to stealth-related Defy Danger rolls. You can throw the ember with Volley. It ceases to exist at the end of a turn in which you used it to volley, or if you dispel it at will.


Whispers | [Divination Ongoing] (Saving Throw +WIS)

Upon choosing a subject you can see at any distance, you can whisper a phrase with as many words as your level. Your target will hear that phrase repeated endlessly in their mind. This ends if they leave your sight, or if you dispel this at will.


First Level Spells:

These spells cost 1 Mana when you experience a mishap.

Familiar | [Evocation]

Out of nothing, you create a small creature to serve as your pet. This familiar is a small basic animal (a cat, a rat, a bird, a snake, a bat, a bug, etc) with 0 armor and 1 HP. While it is active, you take +1 to Discern Reality and Saving Throws. If your familiar dies, you can create a new one after the next dawn. You can sacrifice your familiar to take +1 to your next spell or Dread Aura. You can have only one familiar at a time. This does not count against your precast penalty, and only ends when/if the familiar dies or is sacrificed. You can only sacrifice a familiar once per encounter.

Pox | [Transmutation Ongoing] (Saving Throw +CON)

Choose a target; you evoke eldritch power to warp and twist the materials of their very blood. When first afflicted they take 2d4+1/2L damage ignoring armor (1/2L is commensurate with half your level rounding up; if you are level 2 it does +1, if you are level 5 it does +3, etc). If they fail their saving throw, they are also afflicted with a disease of your choice.

Soul Gem [Evocation]

By using any mundane gem, you can capture the soul of a dying non-player creature within it. Once filled, it can be used in potions or rituals. The trapped creature is aware of its imprisonment but can still be manipulated. All moves against the trapped creature are at +1. You can free the soul at any time but it can never be recaptured once freed.  You MUST use the gem to capture a target before it reaches 0 hit points.


Third Level Spells:

These spells cost 3 Mana when you experience a mishap.

Bond of the One | [Divination Ongoing] (Saving Throw +WIS)

You create a two-way telepathic bond between yourself and one person you touch. They may resist, or choose not to resist and accept it. You can then freely trade thoughts, feelings, sensation, and as many words as your level each turn between each other. You each take -1 on all saving throws against one another. This ends if you Last Gasp, or if you dispel it at will. If the other person Last Gasps while bonded, you take 1d8 damage and the bond ends.


Hex | [Evocation]

You ravage a single target with eldritch malevolence, evoking pure magical energy inside their body to crush their soul from within. You do 2d6+ 1/2L damage ignoring armor (1/2L is commensurate with half your level rounding up; if you are level 2 it does +1, if you are level 5 it does +3, etc).

Sending | [Divination] (Saving Throw +WIS)

You send one message with as many as 25 words to anyone you have met. They may resist if they wish, or accept it without resistance. If they accept without resisting, they may send one reply with as many as 25 words.


Fifth Level Spells:

These spells cost 5 Mana when you experience a mishap.

Eldritch Blast | [Evocation] (Saving Throw +CON)

A strong, invisible magical wind blows against an enemy of your choice. If they fail their Saving Throw, they find it difficult to move and become slowed for 2 turns.

True Sight | [Divination Ongoing]

You see all effects, of any level, as they truly are. Spirits, invisible creatures, and illusions reveal their true nature and existence to you.

Withering Gaze | [Transmutation] (Saving Throw +CON)

While this spell is active, your stare is debilitating. When you next use Curse, choose a disease; the next subject you successfully curse is afflicted with that disease. This ends if you use Withering Gaze again, or if you dispel it at will. This does not count against your pre-cast limit.


Seventh Level Spells:

These spells cost 7 Mana when you experience a mishap.


Detect Scrying | [Divination Ongoing] (Saving Throw +CHA)

While this is active, you are alerted immediately if you are being scryed (whether it succeeds or not). Once alerted, the person attempting to scry you must make a Saving Throw; if they fail you will instantly know their identity and gain your choice of: one item they are wearing; a lock of hair; or a measure of blood.

Imprisonment | [Evocation Control] (Saving Throw +INT)

You create a magical cage around one or more subjects; it appears as a mundane cage with steel bars. The cage can be destroyed only with effective weapons—it is impervious to magic. This spell ends if you sleep, leave the presence of the cage, or if you dispel it at will.

Mindguard | [Transmutation Ongoing]

You subtly reweave material of your skull, securing your mind from all magical forms of persuasion, control, and intrusion, and yourself and immediate area (10 meter radius from you) from scrying.


Nineth Level Spells:

These spells cost 9 Mana when you experience a mishap


Bond of the Many | [Divination Ongoing] (Saving Throw +DEX)

You create a telepathic link between yourself and up to 3 other people you touch within the span of one post. They may resist if they wish, or choose not to resist and accept it. You can then freely trade thoughts, feelings, sensation, and as many words as your level between each other. You each take -1 on all saving throws against one another. This ends if you Last Gasp, or if you dispel it at will. Those who are linked while they Last Gasp are severed from the link and do 1d8 damage to each other person who was linked to them.


Greatblight | [Transmutation] (Saving Throw +WIS)

You warp and twist the very vessels of a target, constricting them powerfully. If they fail their saving throw, they are inhibited for two turns.


Greatwatch | [Divination Ritual] (Saving Throw +INT)

You undertake a quest for the ingredients of a bubbling brew to create in a large cauldron. Upon completing the ritual, the surface of the mixture will reveal a vision of a person or place of your choosing; something must have been taken from the person or location and put into the brew for them to be viewed. You and anyone who views the cauldron’s contents will see the vision. It ends if the cauldron is moved, or if its contents are removed or added to in any way (even by settling dust or insects). The contents will start to congeal after 1 hour regardless, ending the effect.



Combat Potions:

You can carry one of each of these in your combat inventory.

Healing salve


Removes 1 debility of your choice.

A vial of antitoxin


Rids you of one poison effect.

Bracing dust (0 weight)


Gain +2 to a saving throw against a single move; if that move is used by another witch, you automatically succeed on your saving throw instead.

Non-Combat Potions:

Potion of Death Mark (Saving Throw +CON)

  • By using items or samples taken from a target subject or animal, you can make a potion which, when imbibed, allows you to select that person as your nemesis. By touching that person, you place a mark, much like a tattoo, on their skin, if they fail a saving throw. The mark can be visible or invisible as you choose. While the mark is present you take +1 ongoing to use spells against them; you also take -1 ongoing to use spells against anyone else. You can have only one mark active at a time.

    • Ingredients:

Potion of Knowledge (Saving Throw +INT)

  • By using blood or other items taken from a person, you can create a potion that will reveal their location. Filling a small bowl or dish with this potion, you or one person you select can peer into it and learn about the subject. The specificity of what you discover will be determined by a DM.

    • Ingredients:

Potion of Nightmare (Saving Throw +WIS)

  • By using items or samples taken from a target subject or animal, you can make a potion which, when imbibed, alters your appearance in the eyes of your target. You appear to them as a nightmarish specter, representing their darkest fear. They cower at the sight of it, and are unable to do anything until they pass a saving throw or you release them at will. Only sentient creatures are affected. They are snapped out of it by aggression, damage, debilities, sudden movements, loud noises.

    • Ingredients:

Potion of Skinweave

  • By using items or samples taken from a target subject or animal, you can make a potion which, when imbibed, alters your own skin into a suit. This suit makes you appear just like that subject, except for a single tell. The tell can be a specific feature, or simply the sense that something is “off” which you must make clear in RP.  You can remove and dress in the suit at will, but If the suit is torn it will reveal you underneath it.

    • Ingredients:


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