Barbarian | Bard | Cleric | Commoner | Druid | Fighter | Paladin | Ranger | Shaman | Thief | Witch | Wizard
"For all the places I have seen, and people I can never forget, I felt everything through the tip of my sword."

Warriors, Fighters, Mercenaries, Professional Killers, Career Soldiers

An Avatar fitting your race.
Read the lore for your character's race.

Grit is 2d5.
HP is 20.
Your carry weight is 10+STRx2
Add CONx2 to your HP
Your damage is 2d5 on Hack&Slash and Volley
Key Stats
STR may be used for Hack&Slash
DEX may be used for Hack&Slash if using a precise weapon
CON will be important for your HP, Second Wind, and saving throws
INT isn't used except for Saving Throws
WIS isn't used except for Saving Throws
CHA isn't used except for Saving Throws

You ignore the Clumsy tag on any armor you wear.
Martial Hurtist
You have mastered multiple forms of fighting. When you enter combat, you can choose a single stance to adopt from below. You can only use one stance at a time. You can only gain the benefits of a stance while wielding an equipped weapon with the appropriate tags (slashing, bludgeoning, piercing):
Blade Stance: Gain the messy tag when using a weapon with the [slashing] tag in your main hand.
You’ve mastered quick, debilitating strikes. While in Blade Stance you gain Quick Cut.
Quick Cut
You can send a quick slash at an opponent. The damage it applies is physical. You don't gain the benefits of weapon tags (messy, bastard, biting). Roll +DEX
On a 10+ you do 1 damage and apply a debility
On a 7-9 you do 1 damage
On a miss you become vulnerable
Hammer Stance: Gain +1 damage when using a weapon with the [bludgeoning] tag in your main hand.
You're the MC of heavy blows. While in Hammer Stance Your bludgeon gains the [forceful] tag, and can ignore an additional amount of armor equal to your current STR bonus (debilities included).
Pike Stance: All enemies you attack are considered vulnerable to you when using a weapon with the [piercing] tag in your main hand.
You’ve mastered the thrust, the simplest of all maneuvers, but you need to land a critical hit to do major damage. When you roll a 12+ on Hack&Slash, gain +1d4 damage.
Wall Stance: Gain bonus armor equal to your STR while wearing a shield when you use the defend move.
You assume a defensive stance to ward off the most insidious strikes; while in Wall Stance gain immunity to debilities from Hack&Slash and the messy tag.
Muscle Memory
You can change from one Martial Hurtist stance to another.
Nose for Trouble
You may have spent years as a squire vying for favor from a superior, or hustled through life as a hired thug before going “legit;” either way you’ve developed good instincts for opportunity. If you’re not employed, you can try to sniff out some work. Once a week, you can ask a DM for help finding a job, then roll +CHA. The DM will assign the difficulty of the work and quality of the pay depending upon your result.
Second Wind
You keep a reserve of energy for pivotal moments. Roll +CON
On a 10+ gain 2 hold
On a 7-9 gain 1 hold
On a miss gain no hold and become vulnerable.
You can spend 1 hold as an interrupt to:
Remove inhibition from yourself
Remove helplessness from yourself
Remove vulnerability from yourself
You can have no more than 2 hold from Second Wind at a time.

When you gain a level from 2–5, you may choose one of these moves:
Requires: Blade Stance
When you get a 10+ on Hack&Slash while you're in Blade stance and your opponent isn't vulnerable, apply a debility from your messy tag anyway.
Bat Got Your Thumb?
Requires: Hammer Stance
When you roll a 10+ on Hack&Slash while in Hammer Stance, you can perform the following move as an interrupt.
If you are not vulnerable, you can strain an opponent's ability to hold their weapon. Roll +STR
On a 10+ they must make a saving throw (+STR) or become inhibited for one round
On a 7-9 as above but you also become slowed for one round.
On a miss you become vulnerable and slowed.
Or On It
Requires: Wall Stance
Gain +1 to Last Gasp while using Wall Stance.
Critical Pick
Requires: Pike Stance
The threat range for a critical is reduced to 10+ (instead of 12+)
Fast Fingers, Mobile Mind
Requires: Second Wind
You gain additional options to spend hold on from Second Wind
Switch to a different weapon or reclaim a lost one
Switch to a different stance from Martial Hurtist
Pick a type of weapon. While you wield weapons of that type, they gain the precise tag allowing you to Hack & Slash using +DEX.
Iron Hide
Requires: Fighter
You have +2 armor, whether you are armored or not.
Multiclass Dabbler
Pick one move from another class, as long as it isn't a Starting Move or another Multiclass Move. Treat your level as one lower for choosing the move.
Requires: Honed
Pick another type weapon. While you wield weapons of that type, they gain the precise tag allowing you to Hack & Slash using +DEX.
Special Mount
You have trained a horse upon which you can ride into combat. It has 10HP and 3 armor. While mounted on your steed you can chase down enemies using Run Away!, enabling you to attack them with melee even if they rolled a 7-9 (unless they are also mounted). Additionally, while mounted, your enemies take -1 to Brawl and Hack&Slash against you (unless they are also mounted or using reach weapons). These benefits ends if your mount is killed; if it is killed, you must take 1d6 damage from the fall, and you can’t train a new mount for a week.

When you gain a level from 6–10, you may choose one of these moves or the level 2–5 moves.
Adding Injury to Injury
Requires: Blademaster
While in Blade Stance, gain +1 damage for each point of your DEX bonus when using Quick Cut if your target has a debility. You can't gain more than +2 damage this way.
Multiclass Initiate
Pick one move from another class, as long as it isn't a Starting Move or another Multiclass Move. Treat your level as one lower for choosing the move.
Requires: Or On It
While in Wall Stance, you can use Defend to defend yourself, so long as you otherwise meet the conditions of using Defend.
Get the Point?
Requires: Critical Pick
Gain +1 damage while in Pike stance.
Requires: Bat Got Your Thumb?
You know what time it is. When you disarm someone, you also slow them.